TheNew World Asylum

They smell your fear!

I dislike dogs, well wolves really, and in an RP/fantasy perspective, simply because EVERYONE else likes them. If there's some mythical forest guardian or something? Wolf? Antagonist? Wolf. Protagonist? Wolf. Love interest? Wolf. Mines of Moria? Wolf. Azlan? Wolf. Just all over the place!
Well, admitedly dogs aren't exactly paragons of cleanliness, but they're so fluffy!
Awww. If us squishy bone bags are good enough for Bex, we're good enough for anything!
Well, we clearly see where you stand on the whole werewolf/vampire debate. haha.
Well, it's been fun guys, but I think I'll be stepping out. No, no. It's not you. It's me.

Bex, Blood, feel free to poke me if you're ever looking for an rp member/partner. It's been a pleasure.
I was iffy on. your continued involvement, Bex. We had drug you around for a while and hasn't heard anything. Though knowing rpn, it just decided against informing you . . . Again.
I know, I know... I'm the very loved BEX of all roleplays... I'll play the part of the awestruck actress. *Fans face dramatically*

But yeah, I'm also bored of this. I get bored rather quickly with anything I do and I find this fact very annoying in a sense.
The very humble BEX, I might add . . .

But yeah, I about figured as much. Comes from being young I think. Haha. I'm not too worried. We were our own group so it shouldn't be too hard for the others to continue if they want. Other than Blood, of course. Though I will remain for ad long as Blood wishes. It was my idea to draw things out and so long as she has interest, I'll continue to provide the most entertainment I can. So don't feel you have to abandon things.
I know, I know. But you can't have your cake and eat it too. *pats Blood* I just kinda felt our fun could br Beyer used elsewhere since we had even lost Bex.
Jeez . . . Auto correct makes me sound stupid . . .

What if you don't have a knife though?

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