TheNew World Asylum

ive finished issler can you check him. i think he is on the second to last page

my character isn't on overview
All right, since some people seem to be a bit lost as to where we are, and I think a few probably got scared off because of it, as well. If you have questions, ask here. I know of life and death, love and peace . . . Plus I'm bored.
Is the asylum now dust?Cause that's kinda what I'm getting but I'm not sure.Who all has escaped?Which escapees are together?And where outside are they? What is it like there?
The asylum is not dust, no. The explosion wasn't THAT big. The Asylum is pretty sizable, since it houses all the Uncharted, or most of them at least. The hole in the wall created by Alvia is now sealed by Viktor's final action.

Now, whether your character is inside or outside of the Asylum is your call! Viktor gave the chance for anyone wishing to leave enough time to do so. You can base the outside from Blood's last post. Mostly just a dense forest right now. I was thinking on the side of a mountain, but I'll leave that to Blood.

As for who's together, like I said, that simply depends on who went what way. If everyone active/wishing to continue with it could post something stating whether they made it out or not, that'd be great. Things will kinda diverge from here, one path for those still at the asylum, the other for those who left.
Is he? Who knows? I haven't fully decided yet, but he will be absent for some time at the very least and I'll be using another character to boot things into gear if there's enough interest.
Ah, well if I can keep up I'll still be here but I'm struggling to. And every time I leave there are like three new pages to read. It's kinda hectic. But I posted for my guys, and I'm here for now at least.
I hear you. There was three and a half after I got off at work. We have a good number of people and when we get going we really go. Haha. But that's not necessarily a bad thing. It's good to see things active. Oh, hey, is there a suggestion box or something for changes to the sight? I think having multiple 'roleplay' tabs would be a good, and useful idea.
All right, Creator's word here. The Asylum is being rebuilt, no one died, everyone get some chocolate and chill.

pb, as far as what to do next, you're free to do your own thing, but I will likely try and reinvigorate things through a post happening near Blood and Bex's character. This is what I tried to get across in my other OOC posts. While you don't have to stick around after words, it would help if everyone (outside of the asylum) was together so they all knew what was actually going on. After that, you can take what actions you feel you should.
Im going to make this clear right now. I did NOT lose my powers.

The chemical broke through my reaction to pain, which I persuaded myself not to feel in the first place. The acidity levels in the chemical were to much for my brain to just simply ignore.

Don't post random garbage about my character. Sorry I haven't been active, but that's no excuse to just make my character into anything you want. If I lost my power why would I be an uncharted? That makes me lose my purpose.
Urghh it isn't alerting me at all and the laptop is burning my leg.

Okay, yes, doesn't matter if you're inside or outside, just do your thing but as said try to stay together. This rp is so messed up I lost track of what was happening halfway through. So yeah.

Also what time is it wherever you guys live its like 4:05am here in dandy fine Australia.
Ten after eleven. Tennessee here.

But yeah, everything got pretty crazy once Bex got tortured. That's why we need to clear up the air and start with a fresher second 'chapter' than we ended the first one with.
It's actually pleasant over here today. I was like, oh, maybe I should go . . . *Sits down at my computer and hasn't moved*
Hahaha, I do that when its hot. If its cold or raining I go outside sometimes woo~~ and when its sort of neutral weather I go outside with my bow because ~BEIN' BRAVE~
It's the freezer here then.

Also, I don't know why I even had a strong role in what happened ;o; Guess i'm just popular *flips hair dramatically*

Anyway, I'm going to be heading out soon for lunch and then to buy some sport stuff for soccer. Neon cleats, I'll be coming for you soon *heart eyes*

o, but today its 61 for some weird reason YAY
Well then, I have been out-populared :P

So shall we continue this really extensive roleplay with many participants, or shall we continue after you get neon cleats?
I'll learn archery one day. Maybe. I like shooting things . . .

How could you not, Bex? You flung us all into a crazy revolution!

I hope they're at least orange or green or something . . . Neon pink just burns the eyes.
they are turquoisey green. <3

And if we could maybe continue afterwards perhaps? I can't make promises if I were to reply on my phone. Maybe get some sleep hosty?
One day . . . Bows aren't overly cheap, and living in a subdivision, shooting things at passing cars is generally frowned upon.

Ahh, Those are passable. Turquoise is a pretty solid color for neon.

I think you're in denial. What kinda bird? A pheonix? Roc? Albatross? Don't know what sort of crazy types ya'll got over there. Haha.

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