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The Wretched Hand


The Ferryman
A sun will rise and fall,

And it will never pay mind to anyone around it

The hand on the clock will tick

And never give a thought about the person who looks at it

The Earth give another one of its daily cycles

And everything will simply go on as if nothing ever happened

But you don't move on.

Something tugs you.

Everyone around you keeps walking

But a wretched hand still holds you by the hand

and it never lets go.

And people turn and ask

"Come with us, why do you stay?"

And you don't answer them

You don't tell them that you've been living

Everyday with your heart lost in a sunken abyss

With your mind tethered in chains

And locked away in a rotting prison of darkness

People tell you

"Get over it"

Cause they think you can kiss your wounds away

Like you can go to the doctor and he'll help you get better

Because they don't know the battle you've been fighting

You're an old lion

That's fought for so long

For too long

When you reach out for a hand

And no one is there to grab yours

Cause the only hand there for you

Is the wretched hand, that pulls you down again

People think what you're facing is a wall

But it isn't

It's a valley of pain that you've been trying to climb out of for years

So you hide it

You put on a smile and tell everyone

"I'm alright, I'm fine"

You laugh and play

But you try hard not to drag yourself around

Everyone has limits right?

At one point, we won't be able to get up

After we've fallen down

So as you lay there

With a face in the dirt

You finally say,

"Wake up

Where are you?

Why are you here?

Wake up

Why am I on the floor again?

Why did I fall?

Because they pushed me

They kicked me into the dirt

And left me to die.


I won't die

I won't let them win

I won't let my pride give way to everyone else's cruelty

Build walls

Encase my heart in an iron shell

Get up

Lift myself

Up one more time

Put bandages on my cuts

Ice my bruises

Clench my fists

For another round

Take another one to the cheek

Please, hit the other while you're at it

Cause I'll never fall again

I'm tired of falling

I'm tired of shedding tears

I'm tired yelling into a pillow

And staying at the same place while everyone else moves on

I don't want to hear you tell me to move on

Because I've fought ten times as hard to do that

While you've sat in a lounge chair

I was climbing

Climbing out of that valley of pain that I've been stuck in all these years

So the sun will rise and fall

And the clock will keep on ticking

And the Earth will keep on spinning

But I will have cut off that wretched hand

That held me back for so long

So that while everyone walks on with their life

I can finally walk with them."

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