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Realistic or Modern The Worst School RP Ever | OOC

Well both are unrealistically beautiful and both are meant to save everyone (one being a literal goddess and one being sent by God) so I see no reason why not. And both are going to be countering each other anyway.

HAHAHAHA yessss xD looking forward to it lmao

It would be funny if the twist is is that the academy is actually a trap meant to slowly turn Mary Sues into normal well thought out OCS.

........tbh that's actually really cool wtf. kinda meta :p
Too much I’m not in charge because that’s totally what I would have done. A bunch of Mary Sues go to an academy which is secretly a trap to leech them of their perfection.

Normally perfectly characters slowly start developing genuine character flaws.

Beautiful characters who get everyone slowly get their beauty taken away from them and their allure slowly diminishes.

Their powers and abilities that they didn’t gain through genuine training eventually vanish entirely.

Honestly this is such a good idea, we should honestly implement it!

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