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Fantasy The World that Never Was. (Still Recruiting!)

Magpie watched as the dark and looney, no Grimm, cast another spell, at those who asked about their friends. The bird darted his dark eyes towards the man as he seemed to be casting spells now. The people before him looked worried, and then aggressive. Magic levels were rising, things were becoming unreasonably tense. Birds never liked tense spots.

Magpie hopped from his perch and stood between the two. He looked to Grimm and his strange dark illusions, and pulled Juris from his sleeve, the long blade causing the winds to stir around him. He gave the armament a gentle wave in Grimm's direction and the illusions dissipated into the shining white gust. He now had understood why his head had gone fuzzy. "Grimm, dark magic is for the demons, not the comrades, hm? Birds like fun and games as much as any other, but not when they drive comrades to mutiny. End your hold of the people, or Magpie will see just how well you can fly hm?" he said, the threat cool off his tongue. The circle of wind around his head had continued to take the dark power and recycle it back into the Arcanus, leaving him the only one of sound mind in the nearby vicinity.

The bird looked to the fox and the young human. He approached slowly, his eyes calm and unfazed by the kindled's suddenly malicious form. He let go of Juris, and the blade instinctively shot to point its edge at Grimm, for safety purposes. The bird moved a sleeve-covered hand over the smaller one's head and white winds gently pulled the dark magic from his mind. His other hand went to the fox's face, and did the same. "Friends are fine, just a bad dream is all. No harm done."

Magpie turned back to Grimm, his gaze cold and beady like the unbiased eye of justice itself. "Does dark and looney wish to continue his games, or does a bird need to repeat himself?"

@Tronethiel7 @Universalbore
Glaring at her fellow Page with contempt, Lanni did her best to refrain from reaching out and wrapping her hands around his neck. She could understand how the church would take a while to trust her, but if this was how this person acted regularly, then it was no surprise he'd 'been around' so long and only just now gotten started.

"General respect, Rook. It is also known as common courtesy, but seeing as you don't necessarily seem the type to understand that phrase either, let me spell it out for you." Lanni sneered as a almost black hole like void opened above her with chains falling out and around the girl, "It means, how not to be a condescending prick to people you don't know, while acknowledging that if they've been around shorter than you, but have been entrusted to more responsibilities than you, it is for a reason."

There was an eerie rattling as a set of chains fell from the void, bearing a simple, yet effective spear that Lanni took hold of firmly.

"This weapon has made a point to settle things between I and those I hold derision for... don't make yourself a member of that list on day one."

Even as Lanni's temper flared, she noted a flash of red hair further down the way, and her mind fell back to Anelle. After so long, they were finally letting her in, and Lanni wasn't ready to lose that quite yet. Twisting her wrist and thrice, the slight girl easily twirled her spear in her hand before letting go and delivering a lighting quick kick to the still spinning weapons central point, causing it to launch harmlessly off the docks. She'd get it back easily enough later.

Turning away from Rook, she held up a hand signalling she was done discussing the basics of how not to intentionally aggravate people with the irritating man before walking out of earshot from him.
Rain perched on some crates near the stern of the air ship in the deeper shadows. The light breeze ruffled her cloak but she had it wrapped firmly around her. Piper hid in the skirt of her cloak, keeping himself sheltered from he wind and chill in the air. The divide was dark and she was eager to off the contraption and on firm ground but for now she settled against the cold and waited. She could sense the other kindled on the ship but they were faint glimmers of the edge of her senses. None of them had approached her and she was fine with that. No reason to stir up Pipers eagerness to make friends and she wouldn't know what to say anyway.

A fluffy white creature flew close disturbing her from her thoughts. She watched it bob next to the ships hull seemingly watching her. After a few minutes it disappeared below the side and was gone. She began to wonder where it had gone when a commotion made her grab her axe. Shouts and voices stirred the air and she glanced around. People, no Kindled, were moving to the sides of the ship to get a look at what she guessed was the luminous Cathedral. Rain stood and Piper slid from her lap where he must have fallen asleep.
"W-What? Ray?" Piper roused, floating about to and fro trying to wake up. Rain reached for him and curled him in her hand supporting him. "We might have arrived." She made for the main deck passing by groups of Kindled who had been interacting during the trip. She continued past them and glanced at a man who appeared to be struggling with walking. He bent far over the railing and she was almost worried before she decided to ignore him since he seemed to be doing fine.

She took a spot not far and peered over, careful since this was a moving ship. The Divide spread far into the horizon and the glowing orb in the sky shone a sort of false light down on the ship. She squinted not quite adjusted to such a strange light and searched for the sight of the cathedral. The ship rocked slightly and a grey mass caught her eye. It certainly had an elegance about it but she suspected the elegance was only a pretense. After all, this was a place for training Kindled. Rain continued to watch the descent to the cathedral and when the ship finally touched down, she was startled by the soft thump. Piper had remained uncharacteristically quiet this entire time but she suspected he was as amazed as she was albeit probably not as wary. She holstered her axe and prepared to leave.

However, just as her spirit set on leaving, a black mist suddenly roamed over the sides of the ship. It was smoky and thick and all-around threatening. Rain gritted her teeth and tried to moved back and away but people blocked her way out. Her mind panicked but then she felt the metaphorical light bulb blink. She pulled out her axe and channeled her invoking magic allowing Piper to grow just big enough to act as a mask. With step on completed she moved on to step two. She let some of her blessing magic cover her almost like a shield but it would simply deter the smoke since it was only a buff to increase her resistance to what she suspected was dark magic and the illusional kind. It was no proper shield as she had no proper aegis magic but hopefully it would do since it seemed to work so far. Piper laughed and blew at the tendrils of smoke reaching for him while he covered her mouth and nose, shielding her.
"The games begin!" He sung.
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Rook simply sighed. "Ah, how the masses rage when someone stands outside of the chalk circle drawn by false gods." he mused to himself. He had expected hostility, but having his life threatened twice in the course of an hour left him all but speechless. Even the demons themselves hadn't been this cross with him, and they at least had a better reason to want him dead than the men and women who were supposed to be his comrades. At the moment the only person he legitimately trusted with his life was the Exarch, and that was unsettling, but he'd come to terms with death long ago. The only thing he worried about when he thought about his death was that he hadn't reached 1,000 yet.

Psykronis leered back at the girl as she left. "The girl is a demon in her own right, it would seem." the true demon spoke, his spiraling eye closing briefly before turning back to Rook. The warrior nodded gently. "She's more than likely on worse terms than we are. Otherwise I think you might have caught a spear in the eye." he replied. His partner chuckled quietly, like an old man drunk at a bar. Rook wondered when the Anelle would return. He didn't like how things were blossoming, and the way that Psykronis looked at the airship suggested that the events occurring in the sky were less than polite and peaceful also.

These people we stand amongst. They rely on the nature and laws of their society to maintain order. Let's just hope they have the strength to maintain this order. From who I've seen just today, there is plenty of evidence that people are willing to sacrifice honor for the sake of personal carnage at any moment."

Rook couldn't do much more then hope for the same.
Varrin's lips twitched as his lazy contemplation began to bleed out into anger again. This arrogant little prick would get himself killed. Only a short while among people who would be his allies and he'd done nothing but assert he had no respect or apparent desire to be apart of their ranks. The system did not adjust to the individual. It would collapse if that were the case. The haughtiness in that train of thought, that their ranks and systems had no meaning was insulting. The exorcists had not only survived but thrived as whole for years upon years but dear Rook thought himself more enlightened than their entire system and worse yet too important to accept the judgement of those who had promoted people like himself. No, Rook needed individual proving. He was special, apparently.

The Cardinal wanted to turn and scold him or worse, especially when he continued to insult and berate him when his back was turned, but he was pleasantly surprised to watch young Lanni do that for him. He chuckled as he turned back around. A girl who had been a pariah for her strangeness and had literally been escorted by armed guards and hissed at by a Bishop had more sense than this "wise old soul." Varrin held his smirk for a few long seconds. He liked her. He liked her a lot.

The ships were ambling closer now. The mixing of essences created a mass of chaotic energy that seemed to fill the very air with as much ease as his own miasma. Most of these pages would need to learn to suppress their presences lest demons seek them out for a snack. They'd be advised to hide their radiance or they'd give away a hint of their capabilities to the ever intelligent demons. They had so much to learn. Varrin looked forward to and dreaded it all in the same breath. "Lanni, keep your abilities close to your chest in the future. Your mystery is an advantage to you, even among your allies. You should reveal them only at the behest of your teacher or in private training. Not as a rule but as a wise choice." He left the statement at that and continued to watch the horizon.
It was not only the individuals at the head who were beginning to get heated after the 'show'. Grimm's spell seemed to prove too effective. The years of practice and discipline instilled into them looked as though it burn away like a paper wrapping exposed to flames. All around the ship, the new Pages went from, once conversing and conducting themselves orderly, to quickly bursting out in arguments and drawing their weapons. The more experienced of them were able to prevent the black mist, but the lesser ones were consumed by the torrent of emotional stress. Across the deck seemed like an free-for-all stand off as spouts of essence sparked over the groups of unaffected and those who were. All manner of elemental manifestations were brought out as they tried reasoning away from combat, all of which seemed to not sway their crazed comrades, but spur them further.

In just a moment chaos would have consumed the airship. Until a clap was made, a young man coming out from the top of the bridge.

Despite wearing the highly decorated robes of a Cardinal, he carried himself a rather casual, almost careless manner. Carrying a light grin as he strolled down the stairs onto the deck slowly. His glowing purple eyes paced back and forth as he walked through the crowd, waving at a few particularly stone-faced members.

"Well, this certainly has been an entertaining final hour. Glad to see a few of you find ways to enjoy yourselves this rare opportunity. We won't be having much more after this, I'm afraid." he shook his head, "Though moments of peace are appreciated, I find myself quite bored of them quickly. I was about to fall asleep up there until this happened. Thanks." he smiled, winking at Grimm and his group, "Though missing the entrance ceremony wouldn't be too bad. Our fair Head Exorcist seems to like conducting her speeches the same way she likes to deal with demons. Overdone."

He clicked his tongue, "But I'm afraid I've got to stop the show. Can't allow another airship to be destroyed because I have too much fun watching as supposed silly antics rapidly unfold into hilarious debacle, or partaking in said shenanigans, thereof." scratching his chin in thought, "Tempting, but nope, wouldn't want that again..."

As he passed through the Exorcists who were affected by the spell seemed to be cured from their state, blinking in confusion. Noticing who was among them, they immediately stood upright and sheathed their hostilities, bowing in apology.

"No, no. Just be glad you're not dead... yet." he waved to them as he continued up to the front of the ship.

"Hope you're all warmed up after all that." he said, the airship suddenly coming to a jarring halt beside a large pier poking off the side of a huge hallowed tower, the arcane engine on the back whirring softly as the power waned to standby.

Opening his arms wide, he turned to the inhabitants on the ship, "We've arrived."

Just when the ship docked at the pier, a group of small spirits, round black and furry creatures donning white and blue hats excitedly shuffled across the bridge that was then extended to the ship from the platform. They piled upon the wooden frame and started to commit to maintenance work, some tinkering with the engines themselves and others checking the sails, climbing up the giant poles with their lanky arms and exterior for any damage. A young woman seemed to be leading them, shouting orders from the back lines, an Exorcist that seemed more like an engineer than an arcane user.

In her hands was a glistening plate of sorts, in which she marked things with, and appeared to project an image of what seemed to be a blueprint of the airship.

She waved at the black-haired Cardinal, "Glad you made it in one piece this time, Marx!"

"Well, I almost couldn't help myself. See, we've got a rather lively batch this time." he smiled sheepishly, "Besides, it's not like I let the last group of newbies fall to their deaths..."

"Hmm." she hummed, "Still, these things aren't cheap. If I remember correctly too, you've got five wrecked. How are the payments going for you?"

"Don't remind me." Marx muttered, his expression immediately growing sour.

The woman laughed and nodded, "Well, I wouldn't want to keep you. Anelle seems to be rather high-strung lately." returning to her work as the two bid their separate ways.

"Isn't she always?"

He turned to everyone as he stepped across the metal bridge, "Now, everyone, please follow me to the courtyard!" he shrugged, "Or not, but don't hold me responsible for your death!"

Around them was the huge gilded structure that made up the 'Chapel of Lumina', the design and layout much like an ancient grand castle. Layers of walls surrounding them, the parapets manned by patrols of warrior spirits, the creatures donned in glistening armor and weapons. Within each section seemed to be their own workshops and facilities. Out of all these magical sights, the most notable was the center spire that looked like a lofty church, across the surface an array of glistening runes and symbols. In the distance were three other similar towers where other airships were docked, each seeming to be constructed upon each one of the major points of direction.

This appeared to be the Northern end of the Chapel.

@Tronethiel7 @Veirrianna Valentine @Aqua @Nenma Takashi @Universalbore @TheLoneRook
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There was a slight warping of the air and Grimm's emotional link with the ship's inhabitants was adeptly severed. Wow, someone on this hunk of junk has some serious chops, Grimm thought. It was too bad really, he hadn't been able to offer an appropriately clever response to the meddlesome bird. Ah well, there was little to be done at this point.

"Well, this certainly has been an entertaining final hour." Said the Superior as he strode amongst the confused rabble. "Glad to see a few of you able to enjoy yourselves this rare opportunity. Though moments of peace are appreciated, I find myself quite bored of them quickly. I was about to fall asleep up there until this happened. Thanks." The young man smiled at Grimm, winking flippantly.

Grimm approved of this one. He could only hope that his other superiors would have such a refined sense of humor. He drew out billowing shadows with each hand and offered the man a sweeping bow. Turning to Magpie, he stared in silence, sending out a ripple of amusement. There was a soft murmur of voices moving across the deck, probably both in awe of the cardinal and confusion as to what had just happened. Grimm let out a wispy chuckle and raised his hand, squeezing it into a claw like shape and dragging it upwards. In sync with the motion, a great dark mass rose from the deck of the ship. It hovered, reshaping itself again and again until it finally settled into the form of a majestic black stallion. It's eyes glowed an ethereal blue, it's mane a mass of black flames. Grimm mounted it, flicking the reins with a satisfying pop and reared the steed, cantering off the vessel and into the landing area.

Grimm watched his superior exchange a few words with a woman on deck and then saunter down the metal bridge, saying, "Now, everyone, please follow me to the courtyard!"

This had been an interesting day and Grimm could only hope it would get better.

@TheLoneRook @RyuShura
Lanni knew a thing or two about threats, pain bringing promises and bad intentions, but listening to Varrin as he chose not to admonish her for letting her temper flare, but instead advise her, she detected that his words carried none of the general tones she'd learned to watch for. Instead it seemed, well, not friendly, per se, but it was closer to it than most anything else she heard from members of the church. Turning to face the Cardinal, Lanni nodded.

"I understand, it makes sense..." she sighed, her mask breaking slightly as her features and stance softened, her right hand coming up to grip her opposite arm ruefully, "I don't mean to lose my temper. It's... hard? Difficult? I just don't do all of this... not well anyway. I don't trust them, can't, but..."

Trailing off, Lanni almost let herself crack, but not before noticing the ship finally beginning to dock. Almost immediately her entire demeanour changed as her stance returned to it's wary, on edge self, and her face hardened into a scrutinising and studying narrow eyed gaze as the others departed from the ship and were met by another Cardinal, who welcomed them all and asked them to follow him.

That said Lanni didn't know him, but had to admit she found Cardinal Varrin more agreeable than most she had met. Instead of immediately setting out with the rest of the group, she instead eyed Varrin curiously and nodded towards her fellows.

"I take it following that Cardinal is a requirement, not a suggestion?"

Magpie sighed. At least everyone had made it out alive and well. The bird thought to thank the cardinal....Marx he believed it was, but then he forgot about that as the allure of his arrival dawned on him. So much to explore, so much to see, and so so little time before they'd be dragged into whatever strange proceedings the place had planned for them. He barely even noticed the shadow-gilded stallion. A hole in the earth tore as winds shot from the gash, Mikael pulling himself out of the land and coming to stand at his full 10 foot posture. Magpie took a light hop and landed gently on the golem's head, perching like any bird would.

"Birds didn't mean to keep you waiting, friend. Come come, much to explore and sights to be seen." he ushered the stone man along with a firm pat on the head and Mikael slowly began his long striding pace towards the chapel, looking around with eyes he didn't have. The bird saw a man dressed nicely with a stern look, a man with a great big sword that was looking right at him, spooky. He saw a woman in blazing red and a girl in a dark dark hue with pale blue skin. So many vibrant colors, and even more friends to be made. Magpie waved to everyone he saw, overwhelmed with excitement. It was an adventure he'd never even dreamed of before, and it was all happening so very fast!


Rook watched as the crowd flooded in from the ship. So many fresh young faces, well that was a biased thought but it was true nonetheless. He could tell there were both those who knew this place and knew what they signed up for, and he also saw people who probably weren't even sure what THEY were, let alone what the Exorcists were, and the fight they were going to die for. It was a bittersweet sight, because he had to remind himself that in the next few months the crowd would be thinned by bloodshed, and that was a morbidly honest thought.

"I see a bird, a fox, a shadow, a toy, so many different energies that take the form of human objects. The Kindled have evolved over the years it would seem. Back when I wasn't crippled, they took after biblical references and the most pure forms of the elements, similar to our Exarch herself. I remember one of the most terrifying sights during my post as The Observer was seeing one of the Exorcists Exarchs invoking a familiar of the Archangel Gabriel. That was a terrifying sight for all involved, I assure you."

Rook rolled his eyes. Psykronis had enough war stories to last a lifetime, and they almost all had something to do with something he saw from a safe distance. Apparently the only thing that matched Psykronis' power was his lack of desire to join the battlefield.

The kindled stepped forward and kept on a friendly face. These were his comrades, and he had to do his best to make his first impressions count, especially considering these were the first people he would meet who didn't already know about his past so they could form their suspicions. He'd have a chance to make some quality relationships, hopefully.

Rook raised a hand in welcome. "Glad to see you all arrived safely!" he called, as corny as it sounded it was at least a positive message.

Henry's arms ceased their wild movements and dropped off of Maren like a puppet dropped by it's puppeteer. Henry stood, feet spread wide, swaying slightly and staring intently at nothing. "You know... that really sucked." It really did. His arms slowly reanimated, one swiftly smoothing Maren's tunic, which had skewed slightly, the other scratching idly scratching his head. "Terribly sorry, by the way. I don't know what that was, and honestly I think I'll just forget it for the moment." He fiddled with the hilt of his dagger, which remained forgotten in his pocket and threw a cautious glance over his shoulder at the dark palace they had landed at every couple of seconds, stopping for a moment to scrutinize it before looking back to Maren again. "Silver linings though, eh; that was a hell of an introduction to this godforsaken place." Henry had already begun retreating towards the Cathedral and the waiting Cardinal. "Name's Henry. I've been dead a couple weeks. I love macaroni and cheese. I dislike cramped spaces. I can't figure out whether I'm being eternally rewarded or punished for my life. Whatever the case, I can't wait to take a look. Need any help with those bags?" At this he extended a hand and a smile, waiting for the larger man to join him.

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"The fun is over so soon? I am not obligated to apologize, but i will break the barrier." The ring commented before the black flames began to bubble. Lava had intently watched the bird man and refused to give his thanks. When the link was severed Lava could feel freedom. Slightly embarrassed by his appearance, he quickly calmed himself as he dropped to the deck of the air craft. Lowering his ears, his tail reduced in size along with his essence disappearing like balloons popping. The barrier went from bubbles to a mist of steam as it evaporated into the air. Lava bowed his head in an apologetic manner as the supervisor walked past.

"Let me go you filthy mutt."

Lava gave a slight smile as he looked down toward Mundo who had an angry expression. With several hits to chin, Lava's face went back, to the right, then to the left. His head lung many ways at least five times before his fingers gave in to defeat. Dropping her onto the floor, Lava fell back as he held his chin. Rolling around he whined as his tail slammed against the deck. With a thunk, Mundo's rear planted on the floor. Groaning Mundo stood up as she rubbed her rear. "How dare you drop me! What am I a rag doll." Mundo growled as she stomped her foot near Lava's crotch. Yelping, Lava moved away just in time as he crossed his legs. "How cruel, here I was protecting you while you were asleep and this is th-" Mundo raised her brow as she stared at Lava. "What I meant to say was good morning and we have arrived." Mundo gave a slight smile as she placed a hand on her hip. "You reek of essence." Lava quickly morphed into a black and red feather. Floating , the feather landed against Mundo's hair. "What essence." He muttered as he tucked himself behind her ear. Mundo lifted her hand to see the ring that was still emitting a black flame. "You reek too." The ring cackled as the flame disappeared from view.

"Get moving or you'll get left behind." Mundo lowered her hand as she began to stride off the air craft. "I'll want an explanation later Solomon, Lava." The feather shifted a bit as if it was trying to hide within her hair. The ring nearly laughed as the gleam in the gem faded. "I leave it up to you dog breath." "You initiated it first Solomon! Don't leave m-" "Stop yelling in my ear!."
Rain let her magic fade off, the residual seeping into her cloak since her cloak had a knack for absorbing stray energy or attacks of the magical kind. She brushed herself down simply for the measure of calming down and peered about as she did so. Piper had slipped down and now floated at shoulder height, bobbing up and down as he hummed a cheery tune to himself. He didn't seem to worry too much about the potential danger of the situation. A man who appeared to be named Marx from the way a woman called him as he walked down the boardwalk was a superior, albeit a rather lax one. He appeared to be leading the group she was in. Rain eyed the man's back as he led some of the Kindled toward the structures nearby. On a further look, they appeared to be at the northern end of these buildings. She eyed the towers that stood at the four cardinal directions and what she guessed was the cathedral at the center. When she could take a moment to admire the sight she would but for now her mood was cautious and wary.

Rain tapped Piper with her axe to lighten his load and make him smaller and holstered it once more. However her right hand stayed close to it, ready for anything. As she moved, she finally took notice of another unusual figure. A man rode a black horse. Its mane was afire and its eyes glowed blue. Rain pursed her lips but didn't say anything as she avoided it entirely, sticking to the other side of the crowd. Piper had followed her gaze and made awed noises but didn't say anything more about it.

She scanned the crowd as they made it onto solid ground, moving off the harbor and deeper into the area. It felt good to be on solid ground. The superiors headed the crowd and Rain made her way towards them like everyone else. As she got close another man, a superior of some sort, waved and greeted them. She moved to avoid him but Piper grinned and floated his way. Rain made to snatch him back but he was too agile and darted away from her fingers with a giggle. "Friends! Allies!" He whispered, entirely too eager. She followed him but soon found herself eye-to-eye with the friendly superior. Piper was the first to speak up as she blundered, barely keeping her expression from being flustered. He was much taller up close than from her original assessment back in the crowd. Most men met her at eye level or shorter. Very few had as much height on her as he did and he tilted her head up to peer at him. "Hey there, big man! You seem friendly. You see, those kindled over there weren't very nice. All that trouble on the boat gave us quite the-" Rain slapped her hand over the invokee's mouth and clutched him close. If she hadn't, she suspected he would have run his mouth a mile a minute, sufficiently embarrassing her.

"Sorry." She mumbled, and gently patted Piper. "Piper slow down." She warned him before releasing him. "Oh oh. Sorry big man. My name's Piper. This here is Rain. What's your name?" Pip chirped, now seeming to remember how to give proper introductions. As Piper talked, Rain continued to analyze the man. He was definitely Kindled and his features were befitting of a warrior, but his demeanor was unusually friendly compared to the Kindled she had met so far. She needed to know more and maybe Piper was right. An ally of some sort was in order. She sighed, whenever Piper was right it usually spelled troublesome things.

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Rook smiled down at the little bear....thing. It was fun, reminded him a bit of Creativity, but if Creativity had a really squeaky, rather devilish voice to him.

"No worries, first time I was here I was just as riled up as he was, well, maybe not that much. I'm Rook, the eye looking at you is Psykronis. He looks scary but he's a big wuss."

"Hm, how do I say this politely? Ah, yes, uh, go fuck yourself." Psykronis shot back to his partner, not ignoring the new forms but not addressing them either. He much preferred to quietly observe when it came to making first impressions. "Don't mind him, he's about as lethal as I am, and I don't have any particular interest in killing my comrades, though I can't exactly make that statement on behalf of anyone else. People are here to kill things, yes, but it's important to remember that life is sacred, and should only be taken when utterly necessary, you know?"

Rook set down his massive partner of a sword and leaned on it gently. Creativity had disappeared somewhere, leaving Rook some time to actually talk to someone without fear of being slimed on or some other strange thing happening. The girl was polite, but maybe a bit shy. Her companion seemed to be exactly the opposite, and that was a quality he admired. A good companion compensates for their ally's faults, and this little bear did just that quite well. She was armed efficiently, she knew what she could handle and she hadn't just picked up anything that looked shiny and strapped it on. All good signs, especially for a page. Rook remembered at one point he'd seen a cardinal who was killed because he lugged around so many spare weapons he was caught by a swarm of imps. At first he felt sad for the man, but after a couple hundred years he realized it was kind of pathetic, to die running away because instead of pulling out one of your many many weapons and fighting you chose to flee with everything still on your person. He shook the thought away, not all Kindled were destined for greatness.

"I'm sorry I wasn't on the airship with all the other pages but I've been around for a bit longer then the average dead person. Special circumstances, all that jazz. I saw some commotion up there, bumpy ride?" Rook had a bad tendency to trust a little easily, but even Psykronis wasn't giving him any warnings or stern stares, so he hoped his trust was well placed for now.

Marx watched with a cheerful grin as the group moved behind him, spearheaded by the cloaked figure and their shadowy horse, the view of the airship being swarmed by the shadowy mechanics fading away. The more he thought of what happened and what could happen, the more his smile widened. There was a ton of potential here. So young, yet they can pull off this level of shenanigans already.

It was definitely going to be one of the more interesting years.

Marx made a point of directing the sizable group down the platform with vocal ques, but made time to make talk with people in between calls. The young man started first with whom he thought was most interesting, walking up and strolling beside the mounted Grimm.

"Hey, I hope that creature doesn't leave behind droppings. Take my word. You don't want to get on the Head Exorcist's bad side from the get-go." he muttered to the cloaked figure, raising a hand and laying it upon the muzzle of the shadowy horse. His purple eyes gleamed in familiarity when he looked up at the rider, "Who knew trying to shower in the central fountain was forbidden for Exorcists? Something about tainting the waters, I don't know. The spirits can bathe there, but we can't? Doesn't make any sense to me." he shrugged, "Don't worry though. I'm sure you've got a better sense of these things than me." his eyes narrowed, "To be honest, you..."

Marx opened his mouth, but paused for a second, his lips tightening as he reconsidered this action.

Eventually the man stepped back and let out a light chuckle, "Sorry about that." giving Grimm another quick wink as he started attending to the other Pages, "Grimm, right? I look forward to our time together."

Marx moved backwards and quickly waded the crowds, all the while making comments about the spirits that lived worked at the Chapel, greeting the young Kindled, and answering any questions. He seemed to jump around from spot to spot, never grounded in one particular place as he provided information. Noticing a familiar face within the pack, he waved at the armored Rook and approached with a smile.

"Hello there Oldie." though this was spoken with more endearment than it would actually translate, "I see you're eager to make acquaintances with the recruits." glancing at the refined woman and her familiar beside the tall man with a grin, patting his shoulder plates with a congratulatory nod, "Finding success already, I see." he blew out an impressed breath, "Not only that, but to have company of such a pretty young woman as well." his expression then changed as he shot Rook a snide look, "However, isn't she a little too young for someone of your age?" Marx made an appalled expression as he put his hands to his mouth, "Don't tell me this was what condemned you."

Marx let out a laugh after committing one last dramatic gasp. He knew it didn't matter to the Kindled, with their ageless bodies and all, but he enjoyed these kinds of jokes.

He nodded to the young woman as he patted the man once more, "I'm Cardinal Marx Phillips Lancer. Feel free to come to me with any questions, but any of the instructors around here would do. Rook here is good for advice too. He doesn't have a proper rank to show for it, but he's got a good instinct."

The young man smiled and waved to the pair as he went along. By the time Marx finished dishing out introductions, the gathering of Pages had reached the entrance to the tower.

There was a chorus of vocal awes as the crowd entered underneath the tall carved arches that welcomed them. Within was a massive circular chamber with an array of highly decorated tapestries and an assortment of devices. Marx approached the mechanism at the center, a sort of dial that erected out of the faint diagram that stretched across the stone flooring of the giant chamber. Within was a different tone than the usual gray atmosphere of the Divide. The room was relatively lit by the pale torches placed on the walls, the tall slit windows providing some additional light, but seemed to serve more as additional decoration for the solemn mood than anything practical.

"Everyone who wants to take the elevator, step onto the platform." he said, motioning a hand to the space within the lines of the large symbol, "Again, you can take the stairs if you want." giving a glance to the corridor left, "But once again, I hold no responsibilities for the consequences of your actions."
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Henry glanced behind him, to hoping to see the friendly knight had followed him, but it seemed he'd been lost in the crowd, while Henry gawked at his surroundings. Tall as the knight was, he seemed almost average here, so Henry simply strained to hear the voice of the instructor he couldn't see. The instructor- Cardinal, Henry corrected himself- the Cardinal was giving them a choice between a supposedly safe elevator, though it probably isn't wise to trust the easy route, and a potentially 'take you to hell and back' staircase. What nice choices.

Screw it. Henry had almost been killed on the airship over here by his magic wielding peers, and that had been 'safe', so hell if he was going to take that staircase. If he went first, walking to the elevator might seem mildly, eh, less... well cowardly. Though it's not cowardice he thought as he pushed past the shoulders of those in front, grunting and apologising as he went; it's the sound reason of a man who liked his head not only under his own control, but on his own shoulders. A stumble sent him ahead of the crowd, and he walked briskly towards the center of the great still platform, trotting a little as it became clear that this was a fairly large platform. He nodded to the Cardinal, accompanied by a respectful 'Good morning sir', assuming the time instead of knowing it, and feeling entirely too much like a school boy. Henry hooked a thumb in his intact pocket and craned his neck upwards, focusing on random details in the room while he waited.
Rook saw Marx from a mile away. The haughty way he carried himself was enough to stand out of any crowd, something both irritating and admirable about the man. Rook chuckled at the little quips the Cardinal made, he saw their humor and appreciated it more then most thought he did. Marx was probably the only person who'd actually given him the time of day and treated him as at least a person, and that was something he'd come to appreciate very greatly.

"Hey, hey now. I'm nothing if not a gentleman. I make friends first, anything other then that is merely a bonus." he shot back, smacking the Cardinal on the shoulder as he kept moving. He looked back to Rain with a newfound smile. "He's quite the jokester, but he's a good man with a good soul, and those are hard to come by these days. We better keep up."

Rook followed behind Marx and did a little jump into the circle. Several of the pages assumed this was how it was supposed to be mounted and jumped on themselves. Rook snickered and looked to Marx. "Gullible as ever. They're like stray kittens, except we're arming them for war."

Rook took Psykronis and as the blade began to protest the inevitable steam shot from its form and it shrunk back down to the tiny sleeping chameleon that was the demon's true form, slipping him into his pocket and crossing his arms comfortably in front of him. "How long do you think Boss Lady wants to take with the speech, these kids need to get into the thick stuff as soon as they can. They're all pretty strong, but they're also pretty damn cocky, and we both know that confidence in this game is something that needs to be used sparingly."

@Namie @RyuShura
Grimm watched silently as the man from the ship approached his horse and laid his hand on it's side. He followed this with mention of fountain bathing and then stopped speaking abruptly. It seemed to Grimm that this superior had wanted to say something but had thought better of it. Marx, had that been his name? Marx, then, seemed to be a man of both good humor and secrets. Grimm liked that, and he suspected this was not the last he'd seen of the man. More antics shall ensue, eh? Bring it on, I say, Grimm thought as he bowed his head to the departing Marx.

Having ridden no more than a hundred feet on his dark steed, Grimm decided it had served its purpose. He leaped deftly from its saddle and alighted upon the ground, a burst of shadowy mist shooting out from his feet upon contact. Then he gave a quick wave to dismiss the steed, which burst into its own cloud of darkness. Grimm lingered in the swirling black cloud so as to appear appropriately dramatic and then dispersed it with a another wave of his hand.

I'm legitimately impressed , Wraith said, breaking the silence. That was the most idiotic thing you've done in a solid six months. Didn't think you could top that incident with Cardinal Borscht and the so-called Tower of Infinite Darkness you erected during one of his lectures. Well, maybe it wasn't that bad, but if that Marx fellow hadn't interceded you'd probably be dead. You should thank him.

I don't think a thanks is necessary, Grimm said. We already seem to have an understanding. Now switch to the formal mode we discussed, we need to look nice for our meeting with all the big wigs. Also, keep your mouth shut during the introductions, I'm going to need to listen.

Grimm could tell that Wraith was pouting, or whatever sentient apparel did when it was upset, due to the lack of response. After a minute though, the cloak began to shift and tighten around his body.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/500full.jpg.8aa6a7d953e9e8b2b1fb1b239a959ec0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88490" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/500full.jpg.8aa6a7d953e9e8b2b1fb1b239a959ec0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"That will do," Grimm spoke aloud. He ignored the people strewn about the courtyard chatting and Marx's striding form at a distance. As he walked, Grimm noticed wisps of dark mist pouring from the holes of his mask's hollow eyes and at the corner of its lipless jaw in a trail behind him. "Oh Wraith, you shouldn't have," he said. Despite the prattling armament's complaints about Grimm's taste for showmanship, he knew that Wraith fancied a bit of fun to. In truth, that's why they worked together so well and why the armament hadn't yet gone elsewhere. Stepping onto the elevator platform, Grimm settled, hands behind his back, into the spot beside Marx. He dipped his head at the Cardinal and stared out at the straggling Kindled, waiting to ascend towards the greatness that was his future.



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Rain eyed the man as he spoke, "No worries, first time I was here I was just as riled up as he was, well, maybe not that much. I'm Rook, the eye looking at you is Psykronis. He looks scary but he's a big wuss." She mused over his comment as she examined the sword. It was quiet and its eye was a bit unnerving if not downright weird. But who was she to talk. She almost flinched when it spoke, still slightly taken aback by the talking sword. "Hm, how do I say this politely? Ah, yes, uh, go fuck yourself." The sword, Psykronis, snipped. A small grin was all she made to comment. Maybe the sword was as much a partner as Pip was to her. Piper voiced this, "He's your friend like I am to Ray-Bear here. He's a bit mean though. Only the baddies deserve mean words." The little invoked twittered about. Now that she thought about it, she'd never seen Piper meet any other invoked or Kindled tools of the trade.. talking or not. She expected he must be curious although she hoped he didn't try any new habits from interacting with any others.

"Don't mind him, he's about as lethal as I am, and I don't have any particular interest in killing my comrades, though I can't exactly make that statement on behalf of anyone else. People are here to kill things, yes, but it's important to remember that life is sacred, and should only be taken when utterly necessary, you know?" Rook spoke with a kind of wisdom that caught her attention. The feeling was welcome as intelligence was a prized trait in her book. "Indeed." She responded kindly, nodding to affirm his notion. Piper chimed, "I only hurt the bad ones when they decide to mess with Ray!" He seemed to bristle but was quickly back to fluttering back normally. Rain hushed him with a soft tug on the skirt.

"I'm sorry I wasn't on the airship with all the other pages but I've been around for a bit longer then the average dead person. Special circumstances, all that jazz. I saw some commotion up there, bumpy ride?" Rook asked, seeming genuinely curious. Rain shrugged, pursing her lips in thought ever so slightly. "There was some smoky stuff and it seemed to make everyone a little coo-coo if you know what I mean." Piper informed him. "It seemed to come from that guy riding that black horse-" Rain peered about as if to point him out but she gave up after a moment. "I suppose the Kindled wanted some fun. He might be a bit unwell inside his head." She said thoughtfully.

Rain was getting somewhat comfortable around Rook and his easy demeanor. As she was about to remark on the peculiarity of the encounter she had seen towards the front and some of the other distasteful parts, a man approached. She recognized him to be the same one who had exited off the ship leading the group. Her jaw clenched and she stiffened, wary of the newcomer even if he was supposed to be some sort of superior. She quickly glanced to Piper who had already taken the initiative to shift closer to her and hide behind her slightly.

"Hello there Oldie." The man greeted earning more negative points in Rain's small book of people she knew. He eyes moved to her and she found herself blanking her expression and bringing her cloak further around her to hide the weapon discreetly. "Finding success already, I see." Rain wondered what he meant as he blew out a huffy breath, "Not only that, but to have company of such a pretty young woman as well." Piper began to float out at this but she grabbed him tightly and kept still, not only acknowledging the compliment with a slight narrowing of the eyes. The man's expression changed then, "However, isn't she a little too young for someone of your age?" Marx made an appalled expression as he put his hands to his mouth, "Don't tell me this was what condemned you." he spoke.

Rook only brushed this off but she didn't like hidden meanings and snide words. Rain didn't know what the man meant but she had only just met Rook and he had been nothing but kind and polite unlike the fellow in front of her. She didn't remark but her jaw worked. Piper was uncharacteristically quiet sensing her anger. The man nodded to her and she nodded back but didn't offer a hand and damn well didn't allow Piper too. Her gaze was stony but her expression polite and curt as she returned Cardinal Marx's introduction with a small, yet woefully strained, smile. "Rain."

Rain watched the man go, finally allowing some of the tension to release. She let go of Piper who floated up and nestled against her shoulder. Marx led the front part of the Kindled towards the entrance and it opened up into quite the sight but her mind was still occupied with other thoughts. "He's quite the jokester, but he's a good man with a good soul, and those are hard to come by these days. We better keep up." Rook spoke to her, causing her to glance at him with a disbelieving frown for a fraction of a second before returning to her usual calm visage. "If I may, he's interesting but I don't know if I like him as much as I do you based on the first impression" She spoke frankly albeit quietly so only he could hear. Piper filled in for what she didn't say. "Ray doesn't like people who make drama. He seems dramatic and not nice. Maybe with time we'll be like you and agree." Pip hinted optimistically at the same tone.

Rain followed behind Rook at a decent distance not wanting to play out the chick and mother hen scenario and to keep away from Marx who Rook had caught up to. She watched the two. Perhaps Rook was right and she was just entirely too wary. However from both the times she had noticed him, both hadn't been the best situations. She noted to try and give it another chance. Piper and Rook might be right... or horribly wrong. Only time would tell. With new resolve she viewed her surrounding and began to mentally prepare herself for what was to come.

@TheLoneRook @RyuShura
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Marx let out a hearty laugh when Rook played a little joke on the newbies, remembering how he too used to mess with the fresh Pages when he was younger. He always thought the somber tone of the Exorcists was boring, so he naturally thought of ways to entertain himself. Others if possible. With his unique essence, almost any kind of trick was possible. He could literally make things out of thin air, anything he wanted, so all that limited him was his own imagination. Luckily for him, his cheekiness was one of the few things left behind when he was reborn. Best part, no one could trace his pranks back to him. Well, that was if they didn't follow the trail of laughter.

He holds back now, but providing a laugh here and there is has always been his pleasure. Marx watched with his usual smile as the Pages gathered upon the platform.

He nodded to Grimm, whom joined by his side.

"Nice get-up. Spooky."

Just as he was about to add to this comment, Rook issued him a question regarding their plans for the recruits. He wanted to avoid talking about the speech here, lest he fill the room with unneeded dread. He knew fully well, having sat through plenty of the Head Exorcist's lectures enough, that these poor Kindled were in for a whole new kind of suffering. Anelle was absolutely ruthless in that sense.

But this reminded him of another point.

"Ah, speaking of which." Marx said, lowering his voice suddenly, "Anelle had told us higher ranks that there was going to be a surprise this particular ceremony. But she didn't give any more information beyond that." tilting his head curiously, "I wonder what it could be?"

His lips curved in thought for a moment then he just shrugged.

"Well, I'm sure it can't be that bad." he muttered.

Thinking about it. He just flat-out told a lie.

Then again...

His purple eyes fell upon the notable pale figure within the crowd. This "Mikhael" was noted to be one of the more special entries in this batch, one in which a God had personally requested that they watch over. The other Pages had always kept their distance from him, and looking at him now, he too started to understand why. Not only was his raw talent something that would warrant suspicion and hatred, but the Kindled was unmistakably odd. It felt like he wasn't even there. Just the way his radiance felt completely blank was really unsettling.

He was joined with a young female. This surprised him. She seemed like a normal Kindled, so it was odd how she didn't avoid him like the others. Still, he couldn't draw any clear conclusions just off these facts alone.

Was this what she was referring to?

Marx just let out a sigh, leaning his head down. He didn't like being kept in the dark, but this was something he just needed to wait and find out.

Seeing that everyone was finally situated on the platform, Marx turned to the dial and pressed a hand upon it. Exerting a bit of essence into it, the device activated. It glimmered with a pale ray, started from the tip, the light then washing down into the lines on the ground, the whole array carved below their feet quickly lighting up. With this, the platform began making movement downwards. Rows of rooms and torch-lit corridors pulled up from beneath as the magical elevator entered deeper into the tower. A few spirits could be seen hanging around, but not much else could be seen as they zoomed past. Though large, the slab of stone moved deftly and rapidly through the air, coming to a halt down the dozens of stories in just a few moments since it was activated.

There at the ground floor, it was another large circular chamber identical to the top one, and much like from above, opened up to a whole new scene.

Outside was the courtyard, a vast piece of land that seemed to stretch on for miles, overlooked by the grand spire that appeared many times more massive now that they stood below it. Among the residents of small furry spirits, many foreign plants populated the area, native only to the Divide. Groves of strangely crooked golden trees bearing stripped fruit grew around along the edges of the lush gardens. White vines clung to the ornate structures as though loving hands, and the air glimmered with fresh dew as the flowers began to rise up in bloom to the sunlight. A rainbow colored arrangement of herbs and petaled sprouts lined the stone embellished pathways leading towards the large open area at the center. Everywhere the eye could see was the sight of an estranged yet beautiful nature.

"Well, we've finally made it." Marx said with a grin.

"Feel free to look around and take in the stunning scenery. I know it'll make our Keeper so very happy. Just don't trip over yourself on the way there. Wouldn't want to embarrass yourselves in front of everyone." he called over his shoulder, stepping off the platform and down the chamber to the archway, "Follow me."

When he emerged from the ornate passage and onto the floral pathway, soft music quickly filled the air, the sound coming from a large orchestra of spirits that played upon one of the raised balconies. It was a solemn and melodic tune, but one he found very fitting in a place like this. Across the way, a small gathering of Exorcists stood in wait. They had been conversing as they bide their time, but were now quickly shuffling about into formation upon being given their queue, standing in salute to the newly arriving Exorcists.

Though despite this serious air, Marx continued with a light grin and casual stride.

"Ah." he sniffed, "It's good to be home."

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Rook stuffed his hands in his pockets as the elevator slipped up into the courtyard. It was a pretty sight indeed, full of life and totally not a very good representation of what their lives would be like here. To quiet, too peaceful, and all too harmonious. Nonetheless, it was a pretty delusion, he supposed.

The old warrior kept pace with Marx, not really interested in "observing the scenery". He was much more interested in skipping all the formalities and getting to the nitty-gritty, but the Exarch would have none of that as it were. She was the epitome of grandeur herself, in a way, which seemed impressive until you noticed how annoying it was on a regular basis. Rook noticed the pitter patter of familiar paws and looked over to see Creativity hurriedly scuttling to his side, his slime subdued for the time being as he made quiet little grunt noises that resembled an old man grumbling about whippersnappers on his lawn. Rook didn't feel like asking what his problem was so he left the little guy be.

"Aw, were you homesick young Cardinal? What did you miss more, the finely cooked meals or the soft silken sheets where you laid your soft opalescent skin??" he cooed, putting his clasped hands against his cheek and flicking up one leg for added pizzazz. To be fair, the Cardinal had laid that one out for him like the royal greeting party laid out a rug. He wasn't the kind of guy to watch a good quip pass him by so easily. Rook heard a few pages snickering from his own joke, which made him smile, but he then quickly shot back to face them with a cold stare and they went silent and tried to pretend they hadn't been listening. That was enough to get Rook to chuckle, turning himself back and crossing his arms with a deep sigh. "Yeah, I guess it's alright." he admitted lightly.

Rook saw across the way a bunch of finely dressed Exorcists lying in wait, all ceremonial and flamboyant. He remembered the first time the cathedral had offered him dress clothes he'd used them to practice Quelling magic. They made for excellent targets, believe it or not. Very lifelike.

"I don't want to do it, Marx. Please don't make me do it..." he whispered to Marx. Granted he was technically joking....but even God knew he was serious about that statement...
It was an easy thing to sit down and ignore the surroundings, at one point. But when they won't shut up on the inside, it's almost impossible to not turn your attention to the outside..

Get out.. Worthless fool... How could you hope to contain all of us?


Just give it up already... Die...

He raised his head a bit, opening his eyes to the bright, bleached vines starting to grab at his ankles.. almost desperately.. N instantly shook his head, clearing his vision. How could anyone be so stressed in a place like this? The voice echoed in his head, but was immediately kicked out by another thought, and before long, his vision was clouded again...

Several hours later, the deep sound of rumbling meant his sensor had detected the elevator moving. N sat up blearily, looking over at Anelle. He threw a small pebble in the air, then connected it to her ear using simple aegis. As the pebble fell, it tugged on her ear, and she looked over at N with murder in her eyes. She swept her hand, the counter signal, and N relaxed as a dark vortex enveloped him, bringing him to a different place..

Simple banishment.


The ocean waves lapped at the beach, licking up the sand and retreating as if they didn't like the taste, only to come back for more every time. They came up farther every time, and soon, the water was coming up to her- and quickly getting deeper. The waves went into a tumult, twisting and churning, and soon the roar of the waves was real to her; real in her ears- she felt it shaking her body.. And yet, like a moth to a flame, she was strangely attracted. She couldn't- no, she wouldn't move. It was such a pleasant, refreshing experience. The ocean coming up, enveloping you, then retreating away.. only to come back and embrace you again. A cold rush.

What self destructive beings we are.

Immediately, she was drowning, clawing her way to the surface for air, her consciousness fading as her strength slipped away..

Vex woke up coughing, spitting, and vomiting out a mouthful of slime. Her skin was pale and clammy, her heart was racing, and her throat throbbed from her recent.. expulsions. She sat up groggily, a fierce intensity in her eyes. Every moment was like an infinity, passing by at a snail's pace. Her breathing eventually slowed, and she stood up shakily on the roof of the Cathedral, letting the cool breeze ease her nerves.

Creativity crawled around at her feet, nuzzling her ankle. "brrrrrhmmmrr" He rumbled, getting slime all over Vex's exposed feet. "C'mere, you.." She said, scooping him up and kissing his forehead. "brrrrrrrhrr!" He protested, wriggling out of her grasp. Vex set off after the beast, following him down the steep peaked roofs and terraced balcony gardens. It was a long climb down, sure, but she wasn't much of a fan of falling to her death or mortal injury. Such things were probably frowned upon.

A few minutes later, Creativity had scurried off into the courtyard, no where to be seen. Vex briefly fell down a couple of stories, landing deftly on the bottom floor's balcony overlooking the courtyard. Breathing in the fresh air, she leaned onto the railing and sighed with satisfaction.

"Aw, were you homesick young Cardinal? What did you miss more, the finely cooked meals or the soft silken sheets where you laid your soft opalescent skin??"

The familiar voice drifted up and resonated with her ears, making her smile. She vaulted the railing, dropping down lightly next to the two talking. She waited until an obvious break in the conversation to make her move. "Hello, gentlemen." Vex said, smiling at Rook and simply nodding to Marx. "What do you feel about the idea that we ourselves are the demons slaughtering those enlightened to our true ways, hm? We've grown used to the sight of them dying, and we call them impure- but are they really? Or do they know what we don't, a true way of life? That in this existence, it's futile, and we'll be lost to time anyway?"

(Sorry for taking the original post down. Rook was like: "Nem, no. that's bad. You could do so better"

So I said: "You're right! I Could! thnx fam." So I did.)
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Rook heard scuttling and vaulting and rushed footsteps and BAM, a babe appeared. Oh wait, that's MY babe, he thought. Even better! Suddenly said babe was hypothesizing the morality of demons. Classic babe.

"Well, as someone who's spent next to 900 years with the race to which you so elegantly refer, I can confirm that they're about as impure as impure can be. Heck, why don't we ask a real one?" Rook then quickly pulled Psykronis from his pocket and with a quick rush of steam a little demon was a grumbling sword.

"Who the hell's hypothesizing what now? Oh, it's you. Hello. Good to see you, oh and with clothes on this time, excellent. That's one step in the right direction I suppose. Anywho, what was the query again?"

"Vex theorizes that demons may be the pure ones and we are simply bent into believing that our acts are just, when in reality it is their way that is the path to a long and fulfilling life."

"Oh? Really? Yes, that's why my brother ate my sister out of boredom. Purity and Peace is the Demon way, of course."

Rook then nodded promptly and withdrew his demon sword back to its small chameleon form and dropped it into his pocket. "Case closed, but thanks for playing gorgeous." He gave Vex a little wink and grinned, as much fun as she had toying with people it was all the more entertaining to break her own arguments before her very eyes. A long time ago she hated him for it, if anything now it was an endearing gesture. "The hell are you doing here anyway? You were free from all the silly little rituals and now you're stuck here. Bad call, baaad call."
Henry had never been a discrete man, nor a quiet one, so, at first sight of such an array of beauty as this garden, he whispered "Blimey!" and instead of remaining under his breath, that word echoed. His eyes had lit up like a child's, and each of his large hands fell on to a neighboring shoulder at random: one landed on the skeletal man's icy cold cloak; the other on the far warmer cloak of a young woman, whose height forced him to straighten his posture, so as to not actually put any weight into the excited grip. Glancing to his left, his heart skipped a beat, and both his hand and his smile flew off of the skeletal man. It wasn't enough to put him down for long though, and he recovered almost instantly, turning to his right instead.

"This looks absolutely fantastic! Look at this! Are you one of those wise ol' ones, with the soul magic and such? If the airship didn't endear me to magic, this certainly does! Screw demons, let's become gardeners!"

He glanced in vain to the left in search of anyone else to haul into the conversation for a second opinion. Seeing none, he dropped his hand from the young woman's shoulder, to meet the other halfway in a clap, and he began marching forwards with the other Kindled. A woman dropped from the rooftops to land with the two tough fellows up front, which quietened Henry as he watched each deft movement of her feet as she ran and leapt.

His now level gaze returned to the young woman now, who was behind him, his voice calm and thoughtful, though it was, as always, slightly above the volume one would expect. "I love gardening. Look at that fruit. I'd bet money it's poisonous, but doesn't it look delicious?"

Rain looked around the beautiful garden finally awed enough to let some of her expression slip. The flowers and perfect organization of the scenery was beyond what she had expected to find in the Divide. The spire was like a large tower coming out of the growth from where she stood even though it was farther out. The vines and greenery clung to the nearer buildings seeming to have been placed there but she knew they had only grown that way most likely. Suddenly a hand clapped down on her shoulder starling her.

Her hand was on her axe faster than she could turn to see the man. The twinkle of awe had faded out of her eyes and now suspicion filled the brown pools. She eyed the man unhappily and glanced at his hand. Piper peeked out at him reacting to the man's excitement. "Who is this? Gardeners? What is a gard-ner?" Piper asked inquisitively. Rain almost chuckled. She often forgot he was new to this world and yet imperfect. "Its like..a person who tends the flowers." She responded to him then turned to the man. "Thank you. And I don't think Kindled would be good gardeners." She replied to him flippantly.

The man seemed off-put as he looked around for something or someone then bounced ahead. She shook her head. She didn't quite understand his excitement. It was definitely something of a whole other level for sure. Rain followed his gaze to catch a woman dropping from above to land near Rook and Marx and curiously watched the exchange although she couldn't make out what they were saying. She peered back at the man right as he turned back to look at her.Her eyes widened, caught off guard by the sudden eye contact. "I love gardening. Look at that fruit. I'd bet money it's poisonous, but doesn't it look delicious?" He spoke thoughtfully and gently, albeit being louder than the average voice level. She gazed at his pale green eyes and overall strange characteristics and decided he didn't mean any harm. "Hey! Tasty is tasty poisonous or not! By the way I'm Piper! This place is colorful, I like it!" Piper squeaked, grinning at the man. "Piper, you would get sick. Plus you don't eat anyway." She chuckled softly amused but not yet smiling before straightening up and responding to the man as well. "I would suppose the fruit are poisonous." She said simply.

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Mundo stroked her feather as the doors to the elevator closed. Shooting up into the courtyard, Solomon groaned as he ring brightened in color. "The music is annoying." Solomon commented as the feather shifted further into her hair. "No one asked you if it was annoying or peaceful. Shut up and watch." Mundo snapped as she walked off the elevator and into the courtyard. True it was pretty, the vibrant colors, the soft winds, the melodic tunes. It was exactly for that reason Mundo glared at everything. What a lie it was, this place. It was a pretty little lie to cover up what was really about to happen. This wasn't some game of house where mom would make some cake and father would be reading some old newspaper. The chimes weren't happy church bells of welcoming, more like the sounds of a crying siren that's singing you a farewell song.

"Can I come out." Lava asked as you could see a peace of a finger push past the strands of her black hair. Mundo flicked the small baby like finger away, as it retreated back into the brown lining of the feather. "No. Both of you shut up, your annoying me." Mundo growled as she walked past the others. She was in no mood to go garden gazing, or chat with the others who seemed too into the scenery. "Who was it that started the fight. Do no't point." Lava growled as the top of the feather bent forward as it searched. "So slow mutt." "Shut up! Stupid ring." "Oh, getting ballsy now wet dog! Bite me." "Don't tempt me your rusted peace of metal. "RUSTED!" Mundo grabbed the bridge of her nosed as she tapped her foot in wait. "I'll have you now , I am not rusted. We call this vintage. At least I have the smell of roses, you smell like wet hair on a Friday afternoon." "Wet hair! I'm not even wet, I smell like pine cones mixed with berry, its a NICE tree smell." "Ho , so you do smell. " "That's not what I meant, waste of space." "Slacker." "Rusted ring." "Slave!." "Bastard." "Bit-" "Enough you miserable fucks, I asked a question and it has yet to be answered."

Lava hid himself away within the thick strands of her hair while Solomon's light died out into a dull grey. Looking up, she noticed a bunch of men waiting. "What a waste of time. Honestly."

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