The World of Tomorrow

Republic of Cascadia


Seattle, Cascadia

The rather jolly Governor smiled as the Prince spoke of understanding, until he was interrupted by a sudden message. Which grabbed the Governor's attention. "A war north of the border? Oh my." The Governor did indeed listen to the Prince's request for help on behalf of his nation. Sighing as he said. "Unfortunately due to Cascadian policy, our military is a Defense Force and can only be activated when Cascadian citizens or interests are threatened or attacked. I really wish that we could help, I will talk to the Senate and my President about your request. You're more than welcomed to stay here if you so wish. It's the least we can do." The Governor continued on though upon recieving a text. "We can discuss what you may give us if we support your war."

@Fishman Lord

Chesapeake Bay, Cascadian Outlands

"You're quite a rude woman." Simmons spoke, she had interrupted him. The already riled Cascadians not taking kindly to a lack of manners. "Two years? Perhaps for your nation. The Republic of Cascadia has a great population and the only reason these poor people are in the state that they are is because we have just taken this land from Texan hands, the Empire of Texas oppressed and ignored their people's basic needs. We have arrived to integrate them into our society, feed them, cloth them and give them anything that they may need. These are not your people and if they want to remain apart of whatever land you represent, then they will leave. Canada is owned by two other nations and unlike you intruders we respect our nation's soverignty."

"Of course we're not going to massacre them, that's sick, but you will be expected to return to where you came from immediately if you refuse to cooperate." The CDF had gotten faint traces of movement nearby and in their state of readiness deployed an additional 950 men and 4 Abrams to the area. The Civil Affairs Department believing that this group now had sinister intentions for a foreign power. Meanwhile the CNDF had been put onto high alert in the Gulf of Mexico, the former Texan fleet now being refitted with advanced Cascadian radar, sonar and weapons targetting technology. The rather poorly trained Texan crews now being retrained to Cascadian standards, which were quite high and their aircraft carrier being fitted with 80 F-18's. Back in Virginia, Simmons continued. "Now leave, otherwise the situation will only escalate, we are willing to let you go and we can peacefully talk with whomever you represent later on. But for now, you must leave."


Raffles Hotel, Singapore

The Cascadian crew nodded and paid close attention to the map, some were writing down notes on possible trade routes and factors contributing to shipping time. Whilst others were taking photos of the map to save for later purposes of adding to their own maps, to give the Cascadian government and commerical shipping companies in Cascadia a better picture of soverign territory in South East Asia. "We'll get this information back to our Commerce Department immediately and we will send your government plans on proposed trade routes based on time, weather conditions and speed once we've made our calculations. Thank you for your hospitality." They all gave their polite thanks to the Singaporeans, following Admiral Hummel to their respective rooms.


Portland, Cascadia

The CDF's expansion continues to go well, with Project Newway proceeding as expected. Meanwhile the CDF has ordered a recruitment drive in the Texan territories and newly gained Heartland territories. Adding an additional 50,000 troops to their Active-Duty forces. Meanwhile Project: Interior is almost complete and is expected to be finished soon. Los Angeles is beginning to look more and more like a fully fledged city each and every day whilst Denver is showing a bright future. Austin, TX is now being connected to Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle, Denver and Salt Lake City via highways and trainlines. Whilst the Gulf of Mexico is being used for both fishing and oil drilling.



Los Angeles Reconstruction: 20%

Denver Reconstruction: 10%

Austin Highways & Railways: 5%

Project Newway: 25%

Project Interior: 45%


50,000 New Active Duty Troops (In Training) (Fully Equipped)

Empire of Manchuria

Shanghai, Chinese Province, Imperial Manchuria

The incoming fleets would see a prosperous and a booming city of Shanghai (think of it as the modern Shanghai); a once independent city-state founded thousands of years ago that finally fell under the Manchurian control. They would see a large imperial Manchurian banner in the skyscraper and they would saw several warships that has Manchurian insignia embarked in the port.

A Manchurian scout jet was flying in the skies of Shanghai waters..only to find an unknown fleets coming towards Shanghai. They don't look like Singaporeans but looked like one of Yamatai ships. Did the nation of Yamatai was restored? Who knows but the pilot doesn't trust this ship. The scout jet immeadietly turned back to the city and reported to the Shanghai HQ that an unknown fleets were coming.

14 armed coast guard ships bearing the Manchurian flag were approaching towards the unknown fleets. The Admiral contacted the unknown fleets, it said in the English language with a Manchurian accent, "Stop! You are entering the Manchurian waters, I repeat, you are entering the Manchurian waters, trespassing the territory of the golden Empire of Manchuria is considered as an act of war! Turn back where you from and we will bring you no harm, fail to do this task, we will destroy you."

@general ostruppen


Harbin, Imperial Heartland Region, Imperial Manchuria

[Emperor POV]

The Emperor was a bit angry about this news. The Northern army led by General Qwen from Mongolia and General Tang from the Kamchatka Peninsula hadn't expand to the north because the northern territories is controlled by a nation which is too late. One of the reconnaissance squad from General Qwen and General Tang stated that this lands are controlled by the "Siberian Principality" which most of their southern lands belong to the Empire of Manchuria. Emperor Cixi ordered that the General Qwen's army and General Jong's army will quietly annexed this lands, one by one, day by day, hour by hour, month by month, year by year.

@RedLine (??)

[singaporean Diplomats POV]

The diplomats had arrived in the city of Harbin, the capital of the Empire. After that long journey, they had arrive, the city looks like Beijing but with traditional style. It has Manchurian flags all over the place. They are heading towards the Imperial Residence, as they head towards there. There are Manchurian soldiers in the northern direction who came back from the invasion of Mongolia and their loved ones were happy and hugging, some of the Manchus had bandage on their face, etc.




~ Project Linhuo (Wildfire) is finished

~ Project Shuyi (Biochemical warfare) is almost complete

~ Large Manchurian armies could be seen entering the Siberian border of Kamchatka Peninsula and Mongolia

~ The southern Korean Peninsula is rebuild after the devastating conflict between the Koreans


~ The Manchus still occupied Northern Kyushu

~ About 6 million people are added to the census.

~ About 700,000 Korean POWs were now part of the Manchurian army.
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Chesapeake Bay - New Cairo

The woman was not angered by the man - he had acted impolite when she did, not the very best diplomat indeed. She could feel the situation escalating, but conceding the argument would mean death for the colony.

"We can see your men, you know. We can see the moving shadows in the back, we can hear the rumble of the tanks. And we can see your starving people. You have come, not with food, not with water, but with guns, and tanks, and men. You do not mean to feed 'your' people - you mean to invade them.

As if you can. I've heard the words of the Texan people. They've told me about your puny little republic and their previous large, spawling empire. How can you feed a nation larger than yours?

You are not friends of the people in the empire of Texas. You are not friends of us. You are an invader, a conqueror, and one that deserves to be given no fear, nor respect.

You may claim your lands, but you will never claim its people."

She would let the silence drift in.

Max and Natasha returned to glazov, and went deep underground back to GHS. They entered the council room through a large door, where the new wooden table, around ten - 8 seats, and throne were. Natasha was walking up to the table and noticed Alexander with her officer-esk cap covering her face. "Hello." Alex said while staring in front of her eyes wide as if disturbed. Natasha walked up to her. "So what happened? And why are you like that?" She started tugging at her arm which she just kept motionless. "Where's your sister?" Alexander responded: "She is troubled. She's in the corner."

Natasha turned around and saw Janet on her side in the corner of the room. Janet was in fetal position, eyes widened, mostly a dried up stream of tears covering her face and the floor. "She cried for so long that she just stopped making sound altogether." her left eye looking to the side staring at Natasha and max. "We went to Moscow, we left a hole. It ceases to exist." Natasha turned around, Angered by that. "WHAT?" Max knelt down beside Janet, and put his left hand on her shoulder. "Everything will be fine." Janet sprung upwards and hugged him crying again. He pat her on the back as Natasha was arguing with Alexander and then semi-nroke down on the table. Natasha stood up again and attempted to regain her composure.

Janet would of been squeezing max to death if he wasn't wearing his uniform. "Everything is alright now... But I do need something to help you." Janet stopped crying and sat down in the corner. "What?" She was cleaning the tears off of her face. "I need to run some tests." Natasha had her arms crossed. "No, my daughter is not becoming a lab experiment, that's final." Janet was thinking to herself and remained silent. Natasha walked up to them. "You're not considering this Heather, We will help you in some other w-" Janet looked up "I don't want to remember. Please." Natasha shook her head. "No Heather, you're going to-" Alexander stood up and interrupted Natasha. "Do you want her broken?" Natasha lowered her voice. "No b-" Alexander interrupted her again. "Then some harmless testing won't be a problem." Natasha was annoyed by how she kept being intterupted. But before anything could be said max turned his head to her. "Natasha, remain calm." Natasha tried but didn't like the way he said that. Alexander however put a needle in her neck and instead of injecting a compound into her in small dosage, she just pressed down on the needle and injected a compound she calls: "Smile" into her. Causing her to pass out.

Janet stood up. Max got the guards into the room. "Heather, I am helping you, but these tests won't be easy for you whatsoever. Doctor Förster will help you, despite being a little..... violent." Heather started screaming as the guards literally dragged her away. Max sighed and then walked up to a phone mounted on the wall. After a few seconds someone picked it up. "Hello? This is floor eight here, with who am I speaking to?" He got Alex to walk up to him, and she did a impression of Natasha. "Oh hello, I am just here with the emperor to tell you we have a project we are now starting up... we've already sent someone down." The person on the phone sounded annoyed. "nice try, but people do impres-" max took the phone away. "As a wise man said, JUST DO IT. don't let your dreams be dreams!" Alex abruptly put the phone up and left taking Natasha back to her room to rest.

Max Went back to his room which was lit by a fire place, had stone and wooden-esk surrounding, red walls, and the empires flag above the fire place. He read a book entitled: 'History of the valkyrur: Blue flame.' Written by Sean Connery and Morgan Freeman.
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Chesapeake Bay, Cascadian Outlands

The Republic of Cascadia was still new to foreign relations, it had only just chosen to relieve pressure on it's isolationist policy and begin contacting the outside world. But it had never experienced such hostility and disrespect with a new encounter. Technically an invasion no less.

"We're not trying to sneak around. In-fact that's sort of the point. The Cascadian people have the utmost highest standards of living, unless you're meaning these people you have with you, in that case I thought you said they were your people. Now I don't know if you are some kind of idiot or you simply enjoy making up beliefs with no evidence to back them up but the Republic of Cascadia is not an invader or a conquerer. We are simply taking an opportunity as the Empire of texas had collapsed, leaving it's people with no government, and in a state of near civil war."

"We have never claimed to be friends with the Empire of Texas or it's people, we are trying to help them to the best of our abilities. The Empire of Texas was not even aware of our existance until weeks before it's collapse so that's a blatant and downright lie, something that you seem to be very fond of doing. We do not ask for anyone's fear and we certainly don't want the respect of such a grubby little person like yourself."

"We arrived with guns, soldiers and tanks to respond to and investigate our reports of an unknown landing party. Which to us could've damn well been some sort of recon force for an invading army. It wasn't and you seem to be settlers but any nation in the right mind would respond the same for it's own security. Now get off your high horse, you're not on the moral high ground. You're a liar and borderline deluded in your beliefs. You know nothing of our Republic, it's living conditions, it's current status or it's people. So I suggest you shut your unreliable, filthy mouth and get on your way out of our territory. You and your people are no longer welcome here."

"If the rest of your group share similar traits to yourself then the Republic of Cascadia shall never want to be friends with you or gain your respect. We only function with civil societies. Our aid operations are only now beginning due to the size of the Empire of Texas as you can imagine it is quite difficult to get so much aid to this amount of people. So I will repeat, do not speak of another country that you know absolutely nothing about."

The Black Hawk helicopters of the CADF begun hovering in circles around the community as a small Navy fleet was deployed to Virginia for security purposes. Around 50 CGDF soldiers moved towards the community and begun gesturing to the citizens peacefully. "If you wish to remain part of the Republic of Cascadia please come with us." A rather good amount of the community did follow the soldiers out of anxiousness to what the rather decieving woman actually had in plan. Upon the citizens arriving at the CDF convoy, they would be given basic supplies, as the soldiers hadn't comed prepared for an aid operation. They were given some snacks from the soldiers, bottles of water and blankets. The CDF Lieutenant ordered for some aid trucks to drive up to the Bay.

"As for those that wish to remain with these foreigners. You shall be loaded onto ships and deported from this land immediately."

Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"I see. This project does appeal to our doctrine, and it would be beneficial. I would not mind an alliance and trade deal, this would be very beneficial to both of us." Byron said looking at the documents. "Now we could do this by ourselves, but this would be easier for both of us if we did it together."

Chesapeake Bay - New Cairo

The rest of the Texans stayed back. Most were infused with patriotism of their former Texas state, in the face of such outright opposition. They believed that Texas could once again become a sovereign state, without other nations "taking the opportunity" to occupy another nation somehow without invading it.

She would address this first.

"Ah, yes, Mr. Diplomat, I take opportunities to conquer entire nations of other people all the time. And, whilst failing to provide them with food and clothing, I speak of our nation's people living in luxury. Also, isn't it a bit strange that you are threatening to deport some of your supposed "citizens" off your own lands? Perhaps you understand that they are not your peo-"

She was cut off. There were shouts in the coastline of the town. A messenger came, a third person within the two-person standoff between the diplomat and the warrior. The messenger whispered some words into the woman's ear. She was surprised, but she would not act so in front of so many Cascadians. Unbeknownst to her, the civilians inside the city had ventured onto the streets to find out what was going on.

"It appears that there has an incident of far greater importance than you. I shall speak with you later."

The woman whirled around, and walked back into her town.


Singaporean Capital

The captain was excited. He had never performed diplomatic actions before, but he had always wanted to. He would speak in such a formal manner, with a low and slow tone, waving hand gestures, and with the use of beautiful and sophisticated language.

"Hello! Uh. I am a captain aboard the 4th fleet, representing, uh, the King of the Hamuis. I have come, uh, to seek a trade treaty, as well as, uh, watcha-ma-call-it, a Non-Aggression Pact. Yes, yes, that would be great. And, uh, an alliance?"

The Battle of Shanghai Sea

The admiral listened to the english speaker, tho it was obvious that it was a manchurian speaking from the mic. He looks to his crew within the USS George Washington, apparently the americas named it that way and lucky for the United Japanese, this ship was stationed at distant military island 40 miles away from the coast to the east and stored underground. Admiral Hitogi gave out the order to send out the Nagasaki, Jito, and Yamamoto battleships along with five destroyers. They quickly started to speed up and when the three battleships got in range they opened fire their massive cannons. More then 27 large shells rained down on the enemy ships, about five ships were directly hit and the rest unscathed. Seamen quickly got to reloading the cannons, while the frigates looked out for enemy submarines and aircrafts. The ships behind them about 10 miles away were holding as the reserves and 15 F-22's and 5 F-35's were set and ready to intercept any planes. 5 japanese ww2 zero planes were however taking off with two of them having a torpedo attached to the bottom of it.

The march to Fukuoku

The troops started to proceed and overwelm the borderline troops and marched on, they were greeted by other fellow Japanese civilians, while other places their were Manchurian troops that were resisting . General Otomi received reports that the main force were already closing in on one city port and it should fall within the next couple of days or a week depending on how much strength, even so they had air supiority with their f-22 and support choppers, plus the overwhelming tanks they had to aid the infantry assaults.

The meeting

"It is an honor to meet you mrs.Chun Shun Liao, the president I will guide you and you can bring someone along." With that he led the representative to the tall skyscraper building and walked up until they got to the fourth floor. The soldier knocked at the door and a loud thud could be heard with a grumble. The president opened the door while rubbing his head and suddenly his attitude changed when he saw the woman. "Oh you must be the representative!! Come on in I have sake that you can try!"

20,000 JSDF troops guarding the borderline

100,000 active duty soldiers

200 type 90 tanks

200 armored carriers

100 armored cars

400 motorcycles

10 LAV armored carriers

1,000 logistical trucks

50 Rangers

one squad of JSDF Special Response team

3 Mitsubishi X-2

39 F-22

7 Lockheed F-35 Lightning II Advanced Multi-Role Strike Fighter / Fighter-Bomber

281 Grumman F-14 Tomcat Carrier-Borne Air Defence

20 Mitsubishi F-2 Multirole Fighter / Maritime Strike

2 Airbus Helicopters (Eurocopter) UH-72 Lakota Light Utility Helicopter

42 Bell UH-1 Iroquois

3 Boeing / Sikorsky RAH-66 Comanche Reconnaissance

3 Sikorsky HH-60 (Pave Hawk)

15 Kawasaki OH-1 Ninja Light Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter

5 carriers

15 destroyers

17 battleships

20 light cruisers

10 heavy cruisers

3 battlecruisers

32 patrol boats

29 submarines
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Roman looked to the squad which were holding their weapons safe. They quickly rushed over and delivered it to them.

"Quite sorry about that, you should be fine at the moment. Since you pretty much finished your mission here, would you care to be lifted back home by helicopter? It would prove much safer than going by land." gestured Roman.


Myrkuta, Capital palace, Foreign Affairs office

Tosya nodded in agreement. He knew that extra high end equipment would come in handy.

"Fair enough, resources will be provided for every month in exchange for next-gen weapons. But before the first set of resources are sent, we require a quick look of these next gen weapons and as to be trained with them. Other than that, your free to go. A car will await outside for you to be dropped off at the airport. Thank you again for coming to visit us, we do hope your leaders are happy with the results."

Tosya extended his hand and gave a quick handshake.


Situation room

The day was like any other, preparations for expansion into the west were going smoothly. Lots of chatting and commotion filled the air. Koychev and his team are working 24/7 to organize all the plans. A number of coffee mugs and biscuits took quite a bit of space on the table while they were working on it. Papers were dis-shoveled and all over the place. Koychev slammed his finger on the map.

"We just received word that Commander Ivan has reached here in Kemeski. At this point in time he is setting up a FOB to serve as a staring platform for our other phases. It should take him at least 2-3 days to be settled down before we begin our operations. I also received word that we finished our military production for this term. I was thinking of-"

Red alarms flashed in the room. Men and women alike were running around. Yelling and chaos soon erupted. Koychev turned his head all around the room looking for a sign of what was going on.

"What the hell is going on?!" shouted Koychev.

One of the communication's operators stopped to face him.

"Sir! One of our drones picked up movement in the south of region of Mongolia and Kamchatka Peninsula. Large presences of foreign troops are heading across the border. We fear it may be an invasion!"

Koychev was in shock, whoever was below them seemed almost barbaric. Never in the years has Koychev heard a country do such a wild thing. While disgusted he still had to do something. He knew that every second counted, so there was no room or time for hesitation.

"Evacuate all civilians and strategic resources in those regions and send General Matvey and his troops to establish a front line to the south of Mongolia. Send the troops that we just produced to the front lines as well. Notify the air force and have them send aircraft to destroy any enemy planes that cross the border. I want full air superiority. Mention to the General to have his artillery in position to be ready to wipe these men off the face of this planet anyone who crosses into our territory is a shoot on site. Have General Victor to oversee the troops in the Kamchatka Peninsula." yelled Koychev angrily.

"Sir! What about the navy?"
shouted a operator in the back.

"Have Admiral Vladimir ready to send some ships into the Sea of Okhotsk. Cut off all enemy supply sea routes into the Kamchatka Peninsula make sure they are not reinforced. They are to shoot at any enemy ships in the area."

The operator sat back down to pick up the phone.

"Notify the Prince as soon as possible. He needs to know this before anyone else does."

After giving out orders Koychev picked up his hat and quickly went around the room to help with the organizations.

@Emperor Ploppa


Mongolia Front:

-300,000 Troops (100,000 plus the 200,000 that just been trained

-25,000 Vehicles (20,000 plus the 5,000 produced)

-650 Aircraft (500 plus 150 made)

Kamchatka Peninsula

-100,000 Troops

-10,000 Vehicles

-500 Aircraft

Sea of Okhotsk

-150 Naval Ships

-150 Aircraft

Military production complete
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POV Logan Frost.

“They're realigning the satellite! They're preparing to launch!” Some one screamed from the signals hall. “Two minutes to launch!”

A runner sprinted out of the hall, down the tunnel and into my office just after I heard the scream. “SIR!”

“I heard, go give the order to the 7th and tell the Lieutenant-General to mobilize! We're at war!”

When I told him to inform the 7th, I meant to have him give the checkmate directive. Thirty soldiers had already implanted themselves within the Kingdom of the Rockies. Four of them within the control station of the orbital super-weapon. Check-mate would blow their cover but maybe, just maybe, save the country.

POV Lt. Andrew Moss.

Standing guard at the building was exhilarating. After all, I AM a sleeper agent. At least the field rations were alright. Free cigarettes and candy in every accessory packet. I checked my weapon again, loaded, safety on, all good. Then the satellite dish outside the building slowly spun and tilted upward. Then my phone rang.

I clicked the answer button. “Hello?”

“Checkmate, two minutes.” Then they hung up.

I stuffed my phone in my pocket just as the guard on the other side of the door spoke. “Who was that?”

Thinking quickly. “I don't know. They cut off after I said hello. Maybe its the dish fucking with the signal. I'm going inside to see when they're going to be done.”

He shook his head. “Naw, man. Just wait for a couple of minutes. I'm sure that it'll be done soon.”

“I'll only be a sec. Alright?”

He sighed. “Alright but hurry up. I don't want some shit to go down and it be me on my own. Remember those raiders?”

“I remember. I'll be fast, I promise.”

I closed the door after slipping into the building. Then I locked the door. It was a simple two story concrete building with four rooms on the bottom floor and two on the top. I looked around, four people here. That means that there are seven more around the building plus two guards.

Someone inside noticed me and said. “What are you doing? You're supposed to be outside.”

“I know but I had to use the bathroom.”

He looked at me with a scathing incredulity. “There's no bathroom here.”

“Oh, well, that's a pity.” I drew a suppressed pistol from a covered holster on the back of my belt.

I put a round in the first person's head then, going from left to right, shot the rest of the three in the head, spilling their blood on their work. Checking my watch, my heart beat faster. I only had a minute-thirty left.

The door on the far side of the room opened and another guard came thought, holding a pistol like mine. Mine was already aimed at his head.

Be both said “Checkmate” simultaneously, just as a door on the wall to his left opened, revealing another guard.

He looked at the bodies , then at the two of us. His hands flew to his gun, hanging from a sling. I shot him twice in the chest while my counterpart shot him in the head, toppling him backward into the room he came from. I checked my watch again. One minute-twenty.

I nodded to my friendly and moved toward the door that the soldier came from, he falling in behind me. Stepping over the body of the fallen soldier, I turned right and shot another person in the back on the head, the round shoving him forward, onto another officer. He stood up, shocked, then dropped as I put two rounds thought his chest. The stairway was in front of me. All I had to do was go up, clear the two rooms then redirect the strike. I felt a tap on my shoulder as my buddy reformed on me. I checked my watch. Fifty seconds.

I charged the stares and bounded up them two-at-a-time, slamming into an officer at the top of them, pinning him to the wall as I put the barrel to his head and blew him across the wall. I heard the suppressed gunshots of my counterpart as he killed the rest of the people in the first room. We moved to the door of the last room, I on the left, he on the right. We nodded and I kicked in the wooden block. He moved in, clearing the right corner, systematically putting a single bullet though each of the terminal-worker's heads. I moved in and cleared the left, doing the same.

I checked my watch. Thirty seconds.

“Alright.” I said quietly. “Let's redirect this and get out.” I began typing rapidly on the main terminal, setting in new coordinates. Luckily, they hadn't yet locked the system to prevent tampering. Redirecting the rod to hit the water, thirty kilometers off the east cost would not be a problem but maybe I could redirect it to be much more helpful. Maybe slide the target more south? But that wasn't in the order. I selected the water target and hit the fire delay to forty seconds. I straightened up and said. “Alright, let's get those charges set.”

My other nodded and began unpacking bricks of explosives from his pack. “I'll set the timer for one minute.”

I nodded. “Yeah, that should be enough time. I've got a jeep stashed around here.”

“Good.” He handed me six charges with det-caps poking out the top of the squishy bombs. We placed them in and on consoles and power cables.

After thirty seconds, I saw an alert on the screen that the satellite had aligned and was preparing to launch.

“Charges set?” He asked.

“Yup. Let's get out of here.” I replied.

I dropped the magazine out of my handgun and slammed a new one home. Then I raised it and moved back though the building. When I opened the front door, the guard I had left, outside, turned and received a round between his eyes. I broke into a sprint toward the satellite dish, tossing my last bundle of explosive under the structure, before angling myself toward a pile of rubble with a tarp on it. The other friendly was already at the pile, tearing the tarp off an old-world jeep, jumping in and starting the engine. As I jumped into the back of the truck, the charges went off, blowing the far wall of the satellite center away and sending the dish crumbling to the ground, before the building behind it sunk into itself, becoming no more then a pile of rubble and broken equipment. Then alarms began screaming.

We had already pealed away, down a nondescript dirt road to the south. Only a minute went by before we reached a highway. We went east, bound for home.


War between KOR and the NROC.

KOR satellite temporary disabled. (We can come up with how long for. Probably not very long. I'd imagine that you would have more then one uplink station.)

Tungsten rod hit the water, creating a steam cloud two kilometers high. Because of the easterly winds, the east will see the after-effects of this in the form of a massive cloud rolling over the east.

7th are now known infiltrators to the KOR. The next time won't be so easy.

@Fishman Lord
Pavle nodded. @RedLine


[Warning, some serious shit is about to go down. If you don't like harsh experimentation, ignore the following.]

After the elevator reached floor 8, it was a large lab room nobody knew about. It went up to even floor ten, with floor 9 dedicated purely to experimentation. The guards were holding her enough so she couldn't escape, but also as to not harm her. Knowing that any harm to her body if Natasha found out, would lead to their deaths. Heather was terrified and even counting and screaming. She was put into a soft chair and her arm inserted into a blood pressure looking device. A scientist walked up behind her. "There is no reason to be afraid young one." The scientist injected a needle into Heather's neck and slowly injected her with enough of 'smile' as to not make her appear drunk, but not too little which would make her temporarily lose her emotions. Just enough to have her entirely calm.

Heather just became silent. Another scientist started up the machine. It got tighter around her arm, as a air generating noise could be heard coming from it. It stopped when it couldn't expand anymore... "alright now, you'll feel some tingling here and there." A heart monitor slowly had the sound of its beating increase, A sound similar to multiple electric drills started in the pressure device. Heather became terrified again and started screaming and trying to pull her arm out of the device. She even raised her leg up onto the table trying to push herself away. "NO! NO! STOP IT, STOP IT! " She screamed to the point of screeching when the top of her wrist, palm, and arm opened up and she could feel small instruments such as a scalpel go inside of her arm. The process continued on for five minutes until she felt part of her arm burning. After two minutes of that, the device let her arm free, and her still trying to push herself made her somewhat fly backwards. She was holding her arm and crying in pain, despite the skin having been healed.

The scientist read the numbers and the paper that went through. "Blood is O positive, bone structure stronger than average... We have a healthy none irradiated subject today." The guards went back to Heather with a chair. She saw someone else in a similar predicament. They were running to the elevator while fighting off some guards. "I'M NOT GOING BACK. NO!" She got shot with a heavy Taser. Despite hundreds of volts and slowly increasing going through the person's body, they held their arm out and slowly went up to the elevator before passing out. "Take her back to the test chamber." Some guards then went over to Heather and grabbed her arms, and proceeded to drag her to one of the lead scientists. "Throw her into chamber 12." They dragged her to the elevator, and went to floor 9.
Eclipse Empire

"Thank You, If There Is No More I Shall Return Now" Oddyseus Said While Standing.

@Loyal Guardian

"An Instructor Will Also Be Sent Here Together With The Equipments, If There Are No Other Else I Shall Go Now." The Diplomat Said. He Exited The Building And Rode The Car Towards The Airport, Then From There Rode The Sabre Back To The Rising Empire.


Project Avalon Has Commenced(ETA:3 Months)
Singaporean Federation


5th Gov Chun paused, then let out a small laugh. "The wine tasting usually comes at the end of the discussion. *sigh* I am Governor of the 5th District of the Singaporean Federation, Chun Shun Liao. I am the acting representative of the Singaporean Federation to United Japan."

@general ostruppen

Gardens by the Bay, Singapore

Zeph smiled. "While we can definitely agree to a trade treaty and non-agression pact, we'll have to hold off on an alliance."


Java sea Nymph Deployment complete.

Beginning Celebes Sea Nymph Deployment
RedLine said:
The party at Kemeski is ridden back by helicopter to their own territory
They left the heli and waved farewell. They went to GHS and returned to the barracks. "Here's your soldiers back Jennifer, they did just fine." Kevin returned to his poker tournament and won, while Vanessa went to the firing range.

------ [time skipping to current rp timeline.].

Testing has gone on for a half month now. [because during the rping I did, I was going by weeks due to having so much story with loyal and the redline. So that would be a month now.] Janet was allowed to occasionally visit the station, pavle saw her. "Oh, hi supreme general! How are you today?" Janet was a bit displaced. "Ohh, uh hi pavle... was just." Pavle smiled. "It's alright Janet, Ohh. Follow me, I have something I want to show you." Janet looked behind her and then nodded. They left to exhibition which pavle made ready for the date.

Pavle covered her eyes. "Where are we going?" He stopped her. "Don't worry, we're here." He let go of her eyes. It was a dark room illuminating the center only by the candle on the table. There was the most expensive vodka on the table, and the food was prepared already. He seated her and then went to his own chair, they started eating for a few minutes. "So janet, how have you been?" She she looked to the side. "Just girl things." He left that alone. "Pavle, tell me about yourself!f?" He was confused because he was sure that it was meant to be him asking that, but he went with it. "Well I draw, mainly portraits. I'm still a captain, I use to have a girlfriend before you, but she kind of went away." She was interested by the word used, girlfriend... "So you did have another? Who as she?" Pavle thought she'd kill him for saying that, like she usually would of. This surprised him. "Oh, she was nothing really... we just dated for a month, then she started being crazy and hunted me down and stalked me. Then she got shot and went to the hospital."

Janet raised her eyebrow. "And what was her name?" Pavle went on. "Her name was marina, she was a beautiful sniper. I don't know what caused her to go insane, but the day before she got shot. We had a argument. She hunted me down, we argued, she was yelling, and while on the surface when this happened, a stray bullet hit her armour causing her to fall over while charging at me. She was attempting to hit me with her rifle. I went to see if she was fine, but she quickly got up and stabbed me. I ran off into a forest and she followed until she got shot and a medic got to her. She has been in a coma for about a year now."

Janet nodded. Pavle gave her a rose. "Oh, that's so sweet pavle. Thank you..." he smiled. "I've had it for awhile, and was keeping it for a occasion such as this." Janet took it and attached it to her clothes. They continued on until a hour had passed. "This was kind pavle, but have to go now. I promise we will meet again." She stood up and left.

[Yet another advisory.]

She got back to floor 8, where she was sent to a medical room. A scientist laid her down on a medical table, and began her 6th experiment. "Now since you refused to use your power at the range like we instructed, we will just need to make sure you can." She was annoyed. "I already told you, I don't have any fucking powers you idiot... just leave me alone." The scientist raised the table up. The scientist started exposing her to a material they kept while the digging started decades+ ago. It was a simple ore which they experimented upon, which made it have more radioactive properties, and the experimentation made it glow blue. "Hey.. what is that?" Of course she didn't get a answer. The scientist in a hazmat suit picked it up with scientific tongs and rubbed it against her body, after cutting parts of her face and stomach with a knife.

She felt tingly. "What the fuck is this???? " She started trying to get away from it subconsciously. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!?!?" Without a clear explanation, she started feeling intense pain and started screaming again. She tried yanking herself away from it, even dislocating her arm. She started crying from the pain she felt. Every time the ore got closer to her head, the more violent she became trying to get away. "GET IT OFF, GET IT OFF, GET IT OFF!!!! GET THIS GODDMN THING OFF OF MEEEEE!!!" She tried kicking her legs, and pulling her arms to no avail. Her eyes widened still, and she went to breathe. Her hair covered her face...

The scientist moved the ore up to her chest. She screamed again. "I DON'T WANT TO DIE! GET IT AWAY!! NOOOOOOO!!!!" The scientist continued cutting her while placing the ore close to the wounds she would inflict onto Janet's body. This lasted for a entire day, but the scientist didn't place the ore onto Janet's face or neck. However due to being close to its radioactive-esk properties, it made her heal even faster.

The scientist reentered the room a hour later, and still dawned a hazmat suit. "Just kill me you fucking bitch." The scientist then placed 1 of the two parts of ore to her chest again, which didn't cause as much pain to her this time even if a wound was inflicted. She still felt the pain, but it wasn't unbearable for her. She had grown a semi-immunity to its affects. The scientist stopped, and then returned with the other half. And then terrorized Janet with it again. She dislocated her left arm fully, and got it free from the restraint. She however couldn't undo the other restraints and tried slaping it away from her.

"NO! NO! NO!!!" The scientist cut Janet's face five times, and raised the ore upwards to her neck very slowly. Her heart was slowing down, and she felt her face tingling. She continued screaming, but she couldn't cry. "I-I DON'T WANT TO DIE, I DON'T WANT TO DIE, I DON'T WANT TO DIE!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!" She broke the restraints and grabbed the tongs, she then beat the shit out of the scientist and ran away. She sprinted down the corridor and then elbowed a oblivious guard busting his teeth out. She continued running away until a guard walked into the center of the elevator from a corner, and held a Taser out. The guard shot Janet in the face. However she got close enough to the guard, and stole the Taser. Then she punched the guard in the guts twice, slapped the guard three times, and then head-butted him before stomping him to death from literally busting his balls, and busting his head against the floor.

Before she could enter the elevator, the door opened, where five more guards appeared. "Don't tase me bro!" And then all of them tased her when she tried escaping. Upon the scientists reviewing the results, they concluded they achieved what they so far needed. However her eyes remained in a state of red, and bloodshot. They put her into a heavily reinforced cell, and gave her a comfy bed and meal due to royalty requirements. She later fell into a coma.
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The meeting

"My apologize Miss Chun. Here have seat if you will." He goes ahead and grabs a seat across from her and got himself comfortable. He yawns for a bit and smiles. "So miss Chun what has brought your people into japan if I may ask? I hope its not some aggressive expansion.....Its not that is it?"

general ostruppen] [I][FONT='Times New Roman'][B][SIZE=24px]The meeting[/FONT][/B][/SIZE][/I] [FONT='Times New Roman']"My apologize Miss Chun. Here have seat if you will." He goes ahead and grabs a seat across from her and got himself comfortable. He yawns for a bit and smiles. "So miss Chun what has brought your people into japan if I may ask? I hope its not some aggressive expansion.....Its not that is it?"[/FONT] [FONT='Times New Roman'] [/FONT] [URL=" said:
She sat down. "During our expansion into Taiwan, we encountered Yamatai troops before the collapse. We promised those soldiers protection and residence in Singaporean Federation. We setup this expedition to secure their families. We also came here to gain knowledge from the Japanese.

@general ostruppen
Alteras said:
She sat down. "During our expansion into Taiwan, we encountered Yamatai troops before the collapse. We promised those soldiers protection and residence in Singaporean Federation. We setup this expedition to secure their families. We also came here to gain knowledge from the Japanese.
@general ostruppen
I took a breath and was relieved with her answer. "Well Im certainly glad that you would treat our men with your hospitality. As for Yamatai he has unfortunately passed away and japan itself split into different small nations or "Clans". Luckily for us a problem emerged and we united, and certain things happened and I somehow became a national hero to the people eheheh." He takes a pause and clears his throat. "Anyways japan is currently now rebuilding itself and we decided to take action against Manchuria and drive them out. Currently as we speak we are at war with them and we don't plan on actually invading them, we have no intentions......However I don't like the fact that from the information I have obtained that Yamatai has allied ourselves to a absolute monarchy that's expanding to places he shouldn't. I don't mind them taking back lands that used to be under his people's control in the past, that's his rightful claim. But taking lands that are not their ancestral lands is a different story. I don't like that and I will not allow them to have a foothold into japan.......If you don't mind me asking myself but what has your country been doing in the past years?"
[QUOTE="general ostruppen]I took a breath and was relieved with her answer. "Well Im certainly glad that you would treat our men with your hospitality. As for Yamatai he has unfortunately passed away and japan itself split into different small nations or "Clans". Luckily for us a problem emerged and we united, and certain things happened and I somehow became a national hero to the people eheheh." He takes a pause and clears his throat. "Anyways japan is currently now rebuilding itself and we decided to take action against Manchuria and drive them out. Currently as we speak we are at war with them and we don't plan on actually invading them, we have no intentions......However I don't like the fact that from the information I have obtained that Yamatai has allied ourselves to a absolute monarchy that's expanding to places he shouldn't. I don't mind them taking back lands that used to be under his people's control in the past, that's his rightful claim. But taking lands that are not their ancestral lands is a different story. I don't like that and I will not allow them to have a foothold into japan.......If you don't mind me asking myself but what has your country been doing in the past years?"

Gov Chun snapped her fingers. One of her aides brought forth a tablet. On it is the map of Singaporean Federation over the years. "Up until recently, we've been maintaining nation. We began expansion to gain farmland. With it brought massive economic success. We encountered other nations, and then we began rapid expansion to control that economic success and trading. We went to war against another nation for reasons that I cannot fathom. That's basically it."
Alteras said:
Gov Chun snapped her fingers. One of her aides brought forth a tablet. On it is the map of Singaporean Federation over the years. "Up until recently, we've been maintaining nation. We began expansion to gain farmland. With it brought massive economic success. We encountered other nations, and then we began rapid expansion to control that economic success and trading. We went to war against another nation for reasons that I cannot fathom. That's basically it."
My eye's widen as stared upon the map and made a face of unbelief, "Well......hmmmm I guess in our new world we have nothing else but to claim lands that aren't historically ours.....Well I'm very impressed and glad that I've made contact with you, now you are here. Would be willing to establish trade and an alliance, if not I can understand that you would have no reason to help a foreign nation."
[QUOTE="general ostruppen]My eye's widen as stared upon the map and made a face of unbelief, "Well......hmmmm I guess in our new world we have nothing else but to claim lands that aren't historically ours.....Well I'm very impressed and glad that I've made contact with you, now you are here. Would be willing to establish trade and an alliance, if not I can understand that you would have no reason to help a foreign nation."

"We would definitely like to establish trading, however at the moment we cannot agree to an alliance. We can definitely help on humanitarian grounds, but we would like to hold off a militaristic alliance. Do not worry, many nations have fallen and only so many can rise out of that war. At the moment, you would be trading with the most economically powerful nation in the world."
Alteras said:
"We would definitely like to establish trading, however at the moment we cannot agree to an alliance. We can definitely help on humanitarian grounds, but we would like to hold off a militaristic alliance. Do not worry, many nations have fallen and only so many can rise out of that war. At the moment, you would be trading with the most economically powerful nation in the world."
I nod my head and knew that it was somewhat a longshot, but I tried asking something else. "Well if you can't fully commit to a war with us would you by chance establish a lend lease or send volunteers to aid us? With that you won't be dragged into the war entirely and it will hold the manchurians of establishing a strategic foothold in the pacific. If we fall they will be able to expand to the south or east and that wouldn't be good for anyone."
[QUOTE="general ostruppen]I nod my head and knew that it was somewhat a longshot, but I tried asking something else. "Well if you can't fully commit to a war with us would you by chance establish a lend lease or send volunteers to aid us? With that you won't be dragged into the war entirely and it will hold the manchurians of establishing a strategic foothold in the pacific. If we fall they will be able to expand to the south or east and that wouldn't be good for anyone."

She thought for a moment. "While that is a decision that for the Federation Parliament, funding a war like that is definitely an option for us. If you want, we can setup a radio channel back to Singapore."
"Oh that would be great! With that both our countries can contact each other with ease, also an embassy would be great if that's fine with you." With that being said a officer entered the room and quietly walked to my side and whispered something urgent for my attention. "Sorry Miss Chun I will have to for now pause our meeting, but it was terrific to meet you. If you would like you are welcomed to stay for a few days and explore tokyo, we will talk later if that's fine with you."
[QUOTE="general ostruppen]"Oh that would be great! With that both our countries can contact each other with ease, also an embassy would be great if that's fine with you." With that being said a officer entered the room and quietly walked to my side and whispered something urgent for my attention. "Sorry Miss Chun I will have to for now pause our meeting, but it was terrific to meet you. If you would like you are welcomed to stay for a few days and explore tokyo, we will talk later if that's fine with you."

"Thank you." She got up and was escorted back to Tokyo Station. "Go ahead and find a place to stay, we'll be here for a while." 5th Gov Chun called back to Singapore to relay the information. Soldiers start setting up the radio equipment for the Japanese.

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