The World of Tomorrow

The incoming train

Reports were coming from the local population of a incoming train heading north. It had appeared to have troops within the train. General Itomi gave out the order to let them pass and allow them to enter the city of Tokyo, the president would be informed and of course he was going to talk to them. The general was currently out on the field within his command tank and surveying the battlefield.

Meanwhile I was taking a good nap and the call came in about the strangers, so I said just let em in and give them some food and water and a welcome. Obviously have snipers in the ruined towers in case they become hostile and if confirmed to be peaceful the snipers would be called off.. Also to wake me up when they got here.
Roman listened to the fantastic tale. He felt sorry for what has happened to these people.

"What a tale. Although something does not match up.... Why suddenly did your government decide to send you and your team to explore the unknown east knowing full well that it was suicide?" Roman asked while picking up a snack to eat.

RedLine said:
Roman listened to the fantastic tale. He felt sorry for what has happened to these people.
"What a tale. Although something does not match up.... Why suddenly did your government decide to send you and your team to explore the unknown east knowing full well that it was suicide?" Roman asked while picking up a snack to eat.

"Because two of the generals which usually do suicide missions always came back, and we have maps of the entirety of Russia. It is easier for some to traverse safely than others could attempt to do. However being sent here I have no idea."
Roman's eyes widened.

"Would you mind showing me these maps? If you do, we can find and eliminate the breeding grounds and remove the mutants from the surface once and for all."

RedLine said:
Roman's eyes widened.

"Would you mind showing me these maps? If you do, we can find and eliminate the breeding grounds and remove the mutants from the surface once and for all."

"First, I'd like to ask if you know what other nations exist, their affiliations, and if theyre hostile, and what direction. It'd only be fair."
Singaporean Federation

Raffles Hotel, Singapore

"Very well." The map on the screen highlighted areas of Singaporean control. "The is the Singaporean Federation." A red dot popped up where Singapore is at. "This is Singapore. Trade ports are at every major city, but you will want to reach Singapore." Zeph turned to face the men. "This should help your government gain a better understanding of how trade routes can be established. I understand it'll take some time for your Government to respond. We'll offer our radio equipment and a stay at the famous Raffles Hotel. If you'll excuse me, I must take leave. Admiral Hummel will show you to your rooms." Zeph got up and left the room. "This way if you will." The men got up and Admiral showed them to the two presidential suites.


Garden by the Bay, Singapore

Zeph ran down the hotel, to a speed boat, sailed to the gardens, ran to the Supertrees, got a new change of clothes, and entered the restaurant. While that was happening, MWE Chen spoke to Captain Goren. "I am the Minister of War and Expansion, Jimmy Chen. Oh and there is Prime Minister Jeanes." Zeph walked towards the table. He took a bow and said, "Welcome to Singapore, Captain Goren. I am Prime Minister Zeph Jeanes." They shook hands and Zeph sat down.


Capital of the Kingdom of the Rockies

Caitlyn Roscoe looked around at the scenery. It was vastly different than Singapore. A maid came in.

@Fishman Lord (I just want to get an Idea of what your nation is.)

Tokyo Station, Tokyo, Japan

The bullet train came to a stop. The men came out of the station and began checking the area. They set up a small camp on the station lobby. "This is Japan Exploration Force to Kagoshima Base. We have reached Tokyo. Majulah Singa-" Men from the outside came running in. "Sir! There are people waiting outside." "Kagoshima, please hold." The captain put the radio on hold and walked out. Outside the doors of the lobby, a few men could be seen standing in the square. "Kagoshima, we have encountered people. Will contact when understanding has been reached. Majulah Singapura." The radio dropped. The captain said to the men across the square. "We are the Singaporean Federation Japan Exploration Force. We mean no harm."

@general ostruppen

more Nymph Mines produced, also being deployed in Java sea.
Tokyo Station

The citizens watched afar as several of the JSDF soldiers approached the group, keeping their hands off their weapons and keeping a welcoming presence. "We knew you were coming, we just weren't sure who we would meet. Far as I know you guys seem friendly so your welcomed to the new nation of Japan." He reaches out a hand of greeting.

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"I suppose so, however do note that I know very little about these other nations and where they stand. Any information regarding our two nations will be classified. As I spent the last couple of weeks securing this city and fearing attacks from those monsters. The only sources of information I get is through waves of radio chatter."

Roman stood up and walked towards a map pinned on a board. He then pointed North Africa on the map.

"Shortly after I was sent out on the expedition to the west I was hearing some things about a nation called the 'Enlightened Kingdom of the Hamuis'. I believe they are located here in North Africa. I don't know much about the nation. The contacts were based off transmissions so we have never meet each other face to face per say. They seem friendly enough so worries there."

He pointed to Greenland.

"Another nation in Iceland and Greenland, calling themselves 'The Rising Empire'. I heard they sent a diplomat to discuss terms of agreements to our country. Otherwise I don't know much about them."

Roman took another sip of his tea. He pointed at east Europe.

"The last one is very recent and I barely know of it. Its in the west around Poland per say. That's all about I know about them."

"I know its not much to help but that's all I have to offer. Would you now allow me to see the maps?"

The captain grasped his hand. "Thank you. There were hostiles holding Northern Kyushu, so we weren't sure is Manchuria has reached the rest of Japan." He turned back to his own men and gave the thumbs up. They started moving out of the lobby and taking pictures of the area. "Haha, ignore them. For the past millennia, the only thing we had in our minds about Japan was anime. Anyway, the Singaporean Federation would like to open talks with the Nation of um.... is it still Yamatai?"
Alteras said:
The captain grasped his hand. "Thank you. There were hostiles holding Northern Kyushu, so we weren't sure is Manchuria has reached the rest of Japan." He turned back to his own men and gave the thumbs up. They started moving out of the lobby and taking pictures of the area. "Haha, ignore them. For the past millennia, the only thing we had in our minds about Japan was anime. Anyway, the Singaporean Federation would like to open talks with the Nation of um.... is it still Yamatai?"
The soldier laughs at his response, "Well lucky for you we actually have some surviving mangas at a shop set up not far from here. But yeah Yamatai isn't around anymore and it fell pretty quickly. Even almost having most of the land get ravaged by some lunatics." The soldier takes out a cig and offers one to the man in front and lights his own. "Were the Unite Japan and currently at war with the manchurians. Lucky for you my friend we were actually wanting to get in touch with you guys and your more then welcomed in all of japan. Anyways your troops can go and explore freely, the president is awaiting for yah guys if you want to talk now."
RedLine said:
"I suppose so, however do note that I know very little about these other nations and where they stand. Any information regarding our two nations will be classified. As I spent the last couple of weeks securing this city and fearing attacks from those monsters. The only sources of information I get is through waves of radio chatter."
Roman stood up and walked towards a map pinned on a board. He then pointed North Africa on the map.

"Shortly after I was sent out on the expedition to the west I was hearing some things about a nation called the 'Enlightened Kingdom of the Hamuis'. I believe they are located here in North Africa. I don't know much about the nation. The contacts were based off transmissions so we have never meet each other face to face per say. They seem friendly enough so worries there."

He pointed to Greenland.

"Another nation in Iceland and Greenland, calling themselves 'The Rising Empire'. I heard they sent a diplomat to discuss terms of agreements to our country. Otherwise I don't know much about them."

Roman took another sip of his tea. He pointed at east Europe.

"The last one is very recent and I barely know of it. Its in the west around Poland per say. That's all about I know about them."

"I know its not much to help but that's all I have to offer. Would you now allow me to see the maps?"

Pavle pulled out a single unmodified map. "It shows off glazov, and the eclipse. That's basically it." Pavle put the map down on the table.
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As Pavle set the map down on the table, Roman turned around and walked over to look at crumpled old thing. Bit's on the sides were ripped off but in good enough condition to see all the outlines. As stated before, the map only showed glazov and the presumed eclipse with the entire map of Russia. The rest of the world laid blank. Roman went back to his desk to quickly grab a pen and paper. He returned to copy down the map so he may show it to his commanders. The exchange of information was completely successful for both sides. Roman looked to the group as a whole.

"I should thank you for showing this to me. I would also want to thank you for your cooperation in this transac-"

The sound of helicopters soon abruptly filled the air. Roman cut his sentence short and rushed out of the tent to see what all the commotion was all about. He looked up in the air to witness several Ka-60 transport helicopters fly by over him.

'Reinforcements!' he thought. 'They have
finally come!'

As he watched the
spectacular air show, one of the helicopters begun to descend and land in front of him. The Ka-60 opened its sides doors exposing three men stepping out of the aircraft. It was Commander Ivan Pavlovich and two armed soldiers. Roman saluted to the commander.

"Commander! I was not aware they would send you here." commented Roman.

The commander walked a few feet ahead before answering the captain's comment.

"At ease soldier. They only wanted me to secure the FOB as soon as I got here. So it was no surprise that they wanted to send someone in with experience." responded the commander while looking around the area.

Roman dropped his hands by his side. But off to the corner of Ivan's eye he spotted the group that was held inside the tent.

"And who are they?"

Roman looked back.

"That's Pavle, Bob, and Tasha. They come from a city called glazov. It's in the far west of Russia, we were just exchanging information with each other. Here."

Roman gave the piece of paper that recorded the map that was shown to him earlier. Ivan took several seconds to examine the paper. He looked back at Roman.

"Great work captain, I'll send this up the chain to notify them of these locations. In the meantime ask them if they wish to hop on the helicopter so they can be dropped off back home."

"Yes, sir."

Roman waved to the group to come over to his position.


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RedLine said:
As Pavle set the map down on the table, Roman turned around and walked over to look at crumpled old thing. Bit's on the sides were ripped off but in good enough condition to see all the outlines. As stated before, the map only showed glazov and the presumed eclipse with the entire map of Russia. The rest of the world laid blank. Roman went back to his desk to quickly grab a pen and paper. He returned to copy down the map so he may show it to his commanders. The exchange of information was completely successful for both sides. Roman looked to the group as a whole.
"I should thank you for showing this to me. I would also want to thank you for your cooperation in this transac-"

The sound of helicopters soon abruptly filled the air. Roman cut his sentence short and rushed out of the tent to see what all the commotion was all about. He looked up in the air to witness several Ka-60 transport helicopters fly by over him.

'Reinforcements!' he thought. 'They have
finally come!'

As he watched the
spectacular air show, one of the helicopters begun to descend and land in front of him. The Ka-60 opened its sides doors exposing three men stepping out of the aircraft. It was Commander Ivan Pavlovich and two armed soldiers. Roman saluted to the commander.

"Commander! I was not aware they would send you here." commented Roman.

The commander walked a few feet ahead before answering the captain's comment.

"At ease soldier. They only wanted me to secure the FOB as soon as I got here. So it was no surprise that they wanted to send someone in with experience." responded the commander while looking around the area.

Roman dropped his hands by his side. But off to the corner of Ivan's eye he spotted the group that was held inside the tent.

"And who are they?"

Roman looked back.

"That's Pavle, Bob, and Tasha. They come from a city called glazov. It's in the far west of Russia, we were just exchanging information with each other. Here."

Roman gave the piece of paper that recorded the map that was shown to him earlier. Ivan took several seconds to examine the paper. He looked back at Roman.

"Great work captain, I'll send this up the chain to notify them of these locations. In the meantime ask them if they wish to hop on the helicopter so they can be dropped off back home."

"Yes, sir."

Roman waved to the group to come over to his position.



They walked back to Roman, and Vanessa got angsty. "Can I have my rifle back now?"
"I Shall Go Myself, As I Have Something Very Important And Classified To Talk With Your Leaders" Oddyseus Said. He Boarded A Helicopter Towards The Royal Airbase Then Boarded A Sabre From There And Headed To E.E. Capitol.

@Loyal Guardian

"We Only Ask To Be Provided With Resources Every Month And We Will Provide You With Next Gen Equipments" Said The Diplomat. "If There Is Nothing Else, I Will Head back Home" He Added.


"Yes, An Embassy Would Be Great, I Must Head Back Home Now" The Diplomat Said. He Rode A Car Towards His Plane Then Headed Back To The Rising Empire.


"Schneizel Left An Order To Claim The Northern Islands On The West" Clovis Said To Cornelia. "If That Is So, I Will Send Commander Vargus To Reclaim The Area". Said Cornelia.

A Fleet Was Sent To The Northern Islands And Deployed Aircrafts To Reclaim The Area.

Territoial Gain: The North Islands West Of Greenland And North Of Canada.
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[QUOTE="general ostruppen]The soldier laughs at his response, "Well lucky for you we actually have some surviving mangas at a shop set up not far from here. But yeah Yamatai isn't around anymore and it fell pretty quickly. Even almost having most of the land get ravaged by some lunatics." The soldier takes out a cig and offers one to the man in front and lights his own. "Were the Unite Japan and currently at war with the manchurians. Lucky for you my friend we were actually wanting to get in touch with you guys and your more then welcomed in all of japan. Anyways your troops can go and explore freely, the president is awaiting for yah guys if you want to talk now."

"Well, we can get a representative in from Kagoshima real quick." The captain replied. The radioed back requesting a representative. After half an hour, another train pulled into station. A woman walked forward to the group out in the square. "I am the Governor of the 5th District of the Singaporean Federation, Chun Shun Liao. I will be the acting representative of the Singaporean Federation to the United Japan. Please call me Ambassador Chun."
Pendragon, Research Center

Professor Lloyd Oversaw The Research Of The Futuristic Weapons. "Sir, All 3 Researches Has Been Finished" Reported Another Scientist. "Good, Begin The Mass Production Of Those Weapons" Replied Lloyd "How Long Will It Take For 10,000 Of Each?" He Asked. "2 Months, Sir!" Said The Soldier.

Project Reaper Phase 1 Completed. Phase 2 Has Begun

Project Knighmare Phase 1 Completed. Phase 2 Has Begun.

Project Blaze Completed.
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

Emperor Byron waited at the airport for the foreign representative. While waiting one of his ministers reported that PROJECT: Gemini Phase 3 had been completed. He then told the minister that after the reallocation of resources had been completed, to launch Expansion Two and PROJECT: Zeta. The minister bowed his head and went to report this order to their respective branches. He then told his other advisers to send messages to the leaders of the Singaporean Federation and the S.R.B that he requests they hold a summit in Solaris (a new grand city built just south of Lake Balkhash) Right afterwards the representative from the Rising Empire landed on the runway. The man stepped out of the plane to see the Eclipsim skyline (if you want to know, look at previous posts) and Emperor Byron approached him. "Welcome to Eclipsim, I am Emperor Byron. It is a pleasure to meet you."

@Wickedkent @Alteras @Agent141

Current Goals, Projects, and Accomplishments

  • PROJECT: Gemini Phase 3 is completed. The Gemini Heavy Unit is sent to the production lines.
  • Expansion Two is authorized, not much is known about this except that it mainly involves the Army
  • PROJECT: Zeta is authorized. Nothing is known about this project what so ever.
  • A message is sent to the leaders of the Singaporean Federation and the S.R.B, requesting that an alliance summit.
@Wickedkent[/URL] @Alteras @Agent141

Current Goals, Projects, and Accomplishments

  • PROJECT: Gemini Phase 3 is completed. The Gemini Heavy Unit is sent to the production lines.
  • Expansion Two is authorized, not much is known about this except that it mainly involves the Army
  • PROJECT: Zeta is authorized. Nothing is known about this project what so ever.
  • A message is sent to the leaders of the Singaporean Federation and the S.R.B, requesting that an alliance summit.
"Greeting Emperor Bryon, I Am Oddyseus, The Imperial Speaker Of The Rising Empire, It Is A Pleasure To Meet You. Let Us Now Proceed To The Meeting Area" Said Oddyseus.
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"Then let us proceed to the palace." Byron and Oddyseus went through the terminal and went into an advanced looking car towards the palace. Within a few minutes they arrive and step out into the palace. "So Mister Oddyseus, what would you like to talk about?"

@Wickedkent[/URL] @Alteras @Agent141

Current Goals, Projects, and Accomplishments

  • PROJECT: Gemini Phase 3 is completed. The Gemini Heavy Unit is sent to the production lines.
  • Expansion Two is authorized, not much is known about this except that it mainly involves the Army
  • PROJECT: Zeta is authorized. Nothing is known about this project what so ever.
  • A message is sent to the leaders of the Singaporean Federation and the S.R.B, requesting that an alliance summit.
Headquarters Signals and Command, Singapore

"Sir, we received a request from the Eclipse Empire requesting that the New World Alliance convene for the first summit." "Hmm, we would certainly like to do that and I'm sure Prime Minister Zeph would like to go himself. Tell them that we'll convene in a few months"

@Loyal Guardian

(At the current rate we're going, it'll be more than a few months. Also we should do it when both of our nations don't have to deal with guests."
Radium Hot Springs, Capitol of the Kingdom

All around the windows, giant mountains rose up out of the ground. The city of about 500,000 was nestled in a small valley, and the people went about their daily business. The maid walked into Caitlyn's room and asked, "Is there anything you need, my lady? The Duke has told me that he will be here to see you in one hour."


Off the coast of Quebec

The fleet had recieved orders to begin bombarding the coast, as it was now hostile. Missiles were launched and began to fly into coastal settlements.

Satellite Ground Base

The king was anxious. "We still have no response from the false Canadians. Send another message. If they don't respond soon, we'll be forced to destroy their Capitol."




Off the coast of Quebec

The fleet had recieved orders to begin bombarding the coast, as it was now hostile. Missiles were launched and began to fly into coastal settlements.

Satellite Ground Base

The king was anxious. "We still have no response from the false Canadians. Send another message. If they don't respond soon, we'll be forced to destroy their Capitol."



Radium Hot Springs

Caitlyn turned around, "Just a jacket please. I wasn't expecting the temperature to be so different than Singapore."
I played the recording for the third time. I couldn't believe this. How dare they. How FUCKING DARE THEY?!?! They want to take MY land! Calm down, calm down.

I called out to a runner and when he arrived, I immediately began giving him a message. “Go to the research director and tell him that Project Baskerville is now his top priority and to assemble a think-tank to shoot down that fucking satellite.”

“Yes sir!” He ran away very, very quickly.

In the signals hall:

“-Willing to meet at a neutral point to negotiate.” I finished giving my message to the radio operator and quickly turned, now speaking to aids from parliament and the Lieutenant-General. “Alright, if there is war, we can expect them to use that kinetic WMD. If that does happen, the scientists predict a seven kilometer hole, two clicks deep. I want everyone in the lowest point of their bunkers, secure the nexus and begin reinforcing the tunnels. Oh and contact Britten. I want to see if they'd be interested in hosting, probably, the first peace conference. Last but certainty not least, I want to know any thoughts of how to counter that super-weapon. There is literally nothing that I can think of that can defend that.”

A representative from the research bunkers spoke up. “What about a gauss gun sir?”

“A what?” I asked stopping in the tunnel.

“A coilgun. It uses magnetic induction to propel a projectile to hyper-sonic speeds, sir. It could, theoretically at least, shoot down a tungsten rod before it landed. There would still be some impact damage but nothing compared to the intact rod hitting.”

“Good, I like it, get it done. You have my authorization to use any and all personal and equipment necessary.”

“Isn't that jumping the gun, sir?” Another aide asked.

I turned toward him. “Do you have any ideas?”

“No sir, I was just thinking that in light of-”

“And I was just thinking of my people. There is nothing to stop this weapon.” I turned to another aide. “Go inform Parliament that I will be meeting with the KOR head of state as soon as I receive work on where the conference is to be held. Until then, I will be in my office.”

We resumed walking, folders and file being shoved at me by over-anxious runners and aides.

@Fishman Lord

Satellite Ground Base

"Sir, they are open to peace talks." A general spoke up. "My liege, if we have talks... We have detected a bunker network that could severely dampen the effects of the bombardment if we give them time. If we want to use our trump card, we have to use it NOW." The king was torn. "Can't we avoid all this?" A diplomat was the one who spoke out this time. "Your grace, they consider themselves heirs to Canada. Our homeland is under that territory. If we don't disable the threat now, it will be there and will most definitely strike again. I believe we have to do this." The king sighed and yelled out a command. "BEGIN KINETIC BOMBARDMENT OF CANADA'S CAPITOL!" The countdown occurred until they reached zero. Far off in orbit, a tungsten rod was dropped.



The prince got another message. "Please, we need your help. We can get you something out of it too, just please help."


Military office, Melbourne

"There is to be a mandatory draft of all Rockian citizens who are fit for duty and above the age of 18. Please report to your nearest military office."



Gain 300,000 troops (not well trained, but still usable)


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