The World Divided, and Powers Rampant


I am the Deathkitten! Fear me!
Get Accepted Here:


The world wasn't always like this. So divided. People used to get along fairly well, wars here and there, but it wasn't common. Now a worldwide battle has broken out, the good versus the bad, Heroes versus Villains. Who shall rise? Who shall fall? Who will rule the world? No one knows, but the world is suffering. They have always been around, people with powers, so it is no surprise to see them, but suddenly there has been a huge increase in the number of them, and no one knows why. Ones who were once a rarity are becoming almost the norm. Abilities like flight and strength are almost bland now. For some reason the doors have opened, are you a major player? Will you end the warring, or just make it more destructive? Both sides are always trying to get new recruits for their sides. You are either new to all this, and just got your powers, or you are a veteran superhuman... or you could just be normal, and caught in the middle of everything. You can try to make peace with the other side, or try to take control. Be wary when you cross one another's path.

Area and the World Around You:

The world has become partly in ruins from all the battles. The government has all but collapsed. There is one main city that the Super-heroes protect, and another city that the Super-villains control. There is a group from both sides making the decisions, the best of the villains, and the best of the heroes. The heroes and villains tend to not go into each other's main city, but anywhere else is more than fair game, and they are always fighting over land and power.

Accepted Characters:

Charlotte Renee Isabella James (Nikki Rodgers)

Jacob Dean Edwards (thekagekaton)

Kayla P. Jennings (kinadra)

Jessica Lynn Edwards (thekagekaton)

Byron Merton (Mitaku)

Jetison Eugene Black (Panther_Queen)

Bruce Banner (Bruce Banner (Hulk))

Jordan Reeves (Seveer)

Aidan Jones (Aidan)

Alexander Sebastian Tyrannus (Tyrannus)

Clark reeves Kent (Clark)

Drake Manslik (kinadra)

Loki Laufeyson (Loki)

Haru Aketchi (HaruAketchi)

It was morning in the city full of villains and Jake woke with a jolt. Sitting bolt upright in bed he takes a deep breath and rubs his forehead with one hand. Feeling pain he pulls his hand back to see tiny spines sticking out of his hand. With a sigh he pulls his bones back into his body and stands up. His dreams still plagued him most nights, though he was beginning to get used to them. With a yawn and a stretch he gets up and gets ready for his day. It didn't take him long to don his plain white t-shirt and blue jeans covered in holes. Most of his clothes tended to end up with holes at some point, with his temper it was likely he would get in at least one fight a day. Leaving his bedroom he makes his way to the kitchen for a quick breakfast. The house was small, with only three bedrooms, one for him, one for his parents and the final one for his sister. Just the thought of his sister made him scoff. It wasn't long ago she left for the city of "Heros" saying everyone in this city was evil. Grabbing the handle to the fridge he pulls it open and begins to search. With a grunt he closes the door and makes his way for the front door. His parents were already long gone to work and he didn't want to be home when they returned. Always hounding him to find work, like that ever worked out anyway. He always ended up getting angry and pinning his bosses to the walls. The only life he ever thought would begin to work out would be the militia, and oh what he wouldn't give to attack that city of stuck ups. With a smirk he closes his front door behind him and begins making his way through the streets to find something to eat.
Kayla looked around her house, a nice top floor penthouse near the center of town. She lived apart from her Father... the one who raised her, but not the one who helped to make her. She seemed bitter towards him, but in all reality was quite thankful towards him. Still though... when she looked above him, and saw his counter, almost out... she couldn't help but smile. "Almost dead," she said quietly to herself as she moved to the window. She looked out and saw the sprawling but messy metropolis that is the villain's city. Most just called it that, but it's real name was Tenebrae, or Darkness in Latin. Most were either too lazy, or too stupid to call it that, and it frustrated her.

She peeked out the window once more, then dashed to the other side of the room, wanting to get out, and walk around. Most knew of her, and knew not to mess with her, but also didn't know what she looked like, and only knew her name. Not that she was hidden, but that she just didn't like cameras much. Taking pictures seemed so silly to her, sure, life was short... she would know... but pictures didn't last much longer, and most wouldn't care about you after you were gone anyways. Kayla shook the thoughts from her head and grabbed her keys and her jacket, then darted out the door, locking it behind her.

In a moment she was out on the street, looking around, her jacket on over her long Victorian-esque dress. In most places it would seem odd to wear such clothing, but here what was eccentric is the norm. One could see trench-coats, lab coats, steam-punk clothes, and much much more, just from walking down one block of the city center. She walked around a lot, rolling her eyes at the whistles she got, thinking about the numbers that floated above them. Kayla knew she couldn't tell anyone she could see the numbers, and hadn't even told her Father. He was the lead man in the council. Everyone knew him, but only she knew he had less than a month to live. She didn't know how he would die, but she knew he would. It almost amused her. At first the ability bothered her, screwed with her head, and depressed her, but now she embraced it.

Kayla closed her eyes for just a moment, sighing deeply, feeling good to be out of th- BAM! She rammed hard into someone. Her eyes flew open as she landed on the ground, a blonde boy. "Oww! Damn! What the hell! I..." she said then faltered and sighed, remembering her manners, "I am sorry... are you alright? I should have watched where I was going. My fau..." She paused, looking above his head and her eyes widened. She pulled him hard towards her suddenly as a window nearby exploded, sending glass everywhere, and a huge piece of twisted, sharp metal, fell right where he had landed after she bumped into him.

"My fault..." she finished her sentence slowly, then blushed brightly as she realized she had pulled him onto herself. Kayla froze for a moment then pushed him up and shuffled out from under him, "Sorry." The word was curt, but sincere. She was about to leave until she glanced to look again at his numbers, and her eyes went even wider than before. They were gone. Kayla's mind went through a billion possibilities in a moment. 'It can't be that I saved him. I just saw the numbers before... where did they go?? That's... its not possible... I have saved people from their fates before. Their numbers only reset, and they got a brand new death count. This boy suddenly has none. The only other person that I don't know when they are going to die is myself...' Her eyes went hard, and her voice was strong and demanding, "What is your name?"


Jake was walking towards one of the typical places he went to eat, a little cart on a corner near the center of town. Hearing rapid footsteps closing quickly he spun just in time to see a girl, around his age, run directly into him. He had enough time to brace himself for the impact but what happened next took him completely by surprise. She just grabbed him and pulled him on top of her. Before he could even utter a word there was an explosion and something heavy hit behind him. He could feel his face begin to contort with shock and stopped himself just as she began to get out from under him. Standing up quickly he watches her eyes flick above his head before she asks her question. With a small smirk he introduces himself, "Jacob, call me Jake, and you oh graceful one would be?"


Jess was already awake when her alarm went off to signal the start of a new day. It was not strange for her to be up before the sun preparing for her day. With a little pep in her step she made her way from her bedroom back into the kitchen to finish her breakfast. Swallowing her food quickly she throws on her shoes and makes her way to the front door, she stops and turns to say goodbye when she stops dead in her tracks. There was no body there to say goodbye to. With a light sniffle she shoves the thought of her family out of her mind and steps through the thresh hold to the city. Her new home. Among the people she was raised her entire life to hate. Though she knows now that these people are the real people she should be with, she still can't help but feel a loss for her family. With a knot in her gut she quickly begins to make her way to orientation. She smiles to herself, school, again. With a deep breath she glances at a nearby clock on a building and stops, no time to get there at this pace. With a smile she leaves only an image of herself standing on the side walk.

"Kayla. Call me whatever you want, but not oh graceful one. If you couldn't tell, I saved your life. I think bumping into you can be easily excused thus," she said and stood gracefully, patting any dirt off of her dress, "Jake. You are lucky I pulled you out of the way or you would have died." She looked above his head again and furrowed her brow, her mind still running through possibilities wildly. "Follow me would you?" Kayla said and quickly moved, assuming that he would follow her. She didn't think about the possibility that Jake might recognize her name, but then she could just play it off. Either that... or she could just tell him".

"Tell him..." she muttered to herself, chuckling lightly, then her words turned into thoughts, 'Tell some random guy that I am in such high power? That's asking for it Kayla. Don't get soft.' Once in a nearby alley with no one else in it, Kayla decided to tell him about the numbers, "You, sir, are an odd case," Kayla began, deep in thought, "I can't see your numbers... or... well... I could, but not anymore. I saved you before the numbers got to zero, then they disappeared. It makes no sense. I want to know what you are, what you do, and why the hell you have no death countdown hovering over you anymore." Kayla folded her arms in front of her, biting her lower lip. She was an absolutely beautiful being, but with the biting of her lip, she looked a mixture of adorable and sexy.


Listening to Kayla tell him she saved his life he was about to scoff, though, she did. Jake never would have seen that coming, and he has no idea how this girl did. The only person he had ever seen react like that was long gone. Then a thought came to mind, Kayla? He had heard that name around before, though it could just be a coincidence. He blinks as she turns and begins to walk away, he really should have been paying slightly more attention. He could just turn and walk away, but, if this girl is THE Kayla he had heard about, beating her in a fight would boost his credit around the city. He stops as he actually realizes that Kayla is a girl's name. He flushes lightly as he realizes he hadn't really paid any attention to anything but his stomach. He decides to follow her and see what exactly is going on. She ducks into an alley and he follows closely, almost a little too closely as he almost bumps into her when she stops to face him.

All Jake really caught was odd case, then there was talk of numbers and him not having any and his mind began to spin slightly. With a blink he stopped the spinning just to see her fold her arms and bite her lip. Any fight that had been in him was gone. Mentally slapping himself he takes a breath and looks at her. "Let me get this straight, you're saying you see numbers over people's heads that tell you when they are going to die? And mine is gone? So what..." he pauses for a second and smirks, "I can't die?" He bounces the thought around for a second in his head before looking back to her.

The sun was beginning to rise higher into the sky throwing the entire city into late morning. Most of the people that were on the streets have moved on about their day, either getting to work or heading back home. The alley in which the two of them are standing is semi-lit, just enough to cast a light hue on Kayla's face. Jake blinks lightly then shakes his head with a sigh. "That makes no sense, everybody dies." Though in his mind he still held onto the fact that he had no number. Suddenly a thought peeks it's way through the hue that is his mind, "Wait a second, how do I even know you can actually do that, you could just be some scam artist trying to lure me into a sense of immortality so I let my guard down." He doesn't say it with any kind of attitude though he does have a stern tinge to his voice. "Prove you can really see their numbers."

"No you nut! Of course you can still die! I just don't know when... and have no feeling of how..." Her voice started off pissed, then grew quiet, "I usually get a gut feeling before someone is going to die. It is only moments before someone dies, and it is never exact. However, I have learned to read the signs in those few seconds. I can usually tell if it is accident," Kayla motions to Jake, "Or natural death, or murder, etc." Kayla paused for a moment, trying to think of how she could possibly prove something that only she could see, "Alright... I cannot prove that, but I can prove I am strong." As she said this she moved a little deeper into the alley, getting a bit nervous that someone would overhear.

Kayla stopped, then suddenly turned to face him, and curtsied, "Kayla P. Jennings at your service. Acting heir to the top seat of the council." Her voice almost shook, because she was unsure what someone would do, but Kayla also felt immensely relieved that she wasn't hiding it anymore, from someone outside of the Council. "Sorcery is my main event, as I am a sorceress. Most powerful kind of magic user," Kayla continued, now looking at him and smiling wide, "I can prove that to you. I prefer incantations myself."

She backed up from him slightly, intending to show him a little bit of her magic ability, and began to speak, "Craft the spell in the fire. Weave it well, weave it higher. Weave it now of shining flame, none shall come to hurt or maim. None shall pass the fiery wall, none shall pass, none at all. Protected by the power of three, as Above--So Below, Blessed Be!" As she finished reciting, her eyes closed and a large wall of flame came up out of the ground between the two of them. Kayla let it sit for a moment before waving her arm, and with that movement the wall receded.

"Satisfied that I am who I am?" Kayla said with a smile, but at the same time looked around to make sure no one saw, and it didn't seem like anyone did, "Just call me Kayla, or Kay, or whatever you want. I have spells I don't have to recite, ones that require just an incantation, or ones that have numerous preparations. For some reason I just kind of know them. I was one of the people born with the power, and have always known." She smiled again sweetly at him, now much closer, "When did you 'Bloom' so to speak? Also! Would you want to come back to my house?! I live all alone and I get really bored, but I am a really good cook," Kayla turned and walked around close to Jake but not facing him, pondering what she could do, "I could cook something up for you. Want Filet Mignon? I can cook it rare, and anything in between, though I wouldn't kill it by cooking it all the way through," Kayla paused, and turned around to face him once more, "Oh geez... I am talking your ear off aren't I?"

Without warning she grabbed his hand and pulled him off towards the center of town, down the streets, and towards the big, gigantic spire that was her home. It screamed darkness and she was happy about that. It was a new building and she had helped design it. Kayla stopped on a dime, and faced Jake again, now at the door to the spire. "One elevator ride to the top, and we can hang out. I have a hugeeee TV in there, I think it is about 80 inches or something? Flat screen, and with some shows, movies, or games, it does holograms and 4-D experience. You wanna go?" In the back of her mind she was screaming at herself, 'He could KILL you. He could take you hostage as leverage!!! You idiot! Don't invite him!' It was too late to take it back though, and she didn't want to regardless. Kayla had gotten herself so lonely, she was desperate for company.

Being in front of the building, light could finally hit her, and her pale skin looked like it almost glowed, and was in stark contrast to her bright, wavy red hair. If someone asked if it was natural, she would say yes, because it was, but no one believed her. They thought the color was too impossible. Her eyes shone a bright blue color, and her dress flowed effortlessly, but form-fitting to her body, the white and black two tone dress with delicate looking black lace at the ends of the sleeves and all around the black bottom of the dress, it all looked perfect on her. From her sharp and delicate facial figures, to her tiny figure and stature of 5' 4" and 120lbs, she was little compared to Jake, but the way she stood, waiting for the boy's answer, it displayed a strong feeling of confidence with herself.

Kayla brushed a long strand of the red hair from her face, and behind her ear. The strand moved across her shoulder to behind her, a simple movement, but she made even that seem high in power somehow. Her tiny figure was accentuated by not only the dress itself, but by the dress's corseted bodice, which made her already large by themselves breasts look as though they were going to pop out.
Rain wandered the city of villains, not quite sure where she was going. She never knew where she was going anymore. It wasn't a terribly pleasant day out, either, which made it all that more miserable to be out and about. But she was the one who never wanted to get a permanent home. No- she COULDN'T get a permanent home. It would only remind her of the heartbreak she had seen in the last place she'd called home.

No one seemed to be around, which was a good sign. She wasn't very fond of people, especially the way they - they meaning everyone, Heroes, Villains, and regular people alike - treated her. They acted as if she was the bringer of misfortune. And sometimes, she was. Everywhere she was, disaster was. And now people were blaming her for it, even though she truly just wanted to help.

She turned down an alley. The breeze disappeared, and the midnight black hair that had been billowing in the wind just moments ago fell back to her sides, reaching her waist. She had electric blue eyes that rarely missed a detail, unless that detail was more acutely tuned than she was. And even if something happened, she always had her escape mechanism to rely on.

Rain let out an exaggerated sigh. Sometimes, she missed being able to talk to people. To open up. To let others in. But now, that was not an option. She had a gut feeling that the men who took her parents lives were still out there. Ten years had passed, but it was like she could still feel their existence. She wanted to find them, and she wanted to kill them. She could only daydream until then about all the ways to go about it. With her special gift, she would be practically unstoppable against them. They were mere humans, after all. She, on the other hand, had been doing this for over a decade and had nearly perfected her ability. When she finally found them, she would be ready.


It was just another late night for the eighteen year old, and he found himself once again nervously tiptoeing about his attic as the sun breached over top of the city. He wanted out, needed to get out. But the mumbling of the electrical surges in the walls were keeping him inside. Brushing his bruised hands through his curly dark hair, the boy started biting the nail of his thumb and staring at the door. It had been three days since he told himself he was going to leave. he was tired of letting these voices stop him from doing what he wanted to do, and not to mention, he wanted a burger more than anything in the world right now.

Hearing the static of the electricity in his ears, he groaned loudly and covered his ears with his two burned up hands. shaking his head, he looked around for some kind of headphones. Forget this stupid electricity. it wasn't his mom, and it wasn't going to stop him from going out if he wantd to. The second he found a pair of headphones, he pushed them onto his ears to drown out the noise and started for the door in a mad dash. opening the knob of his apartment, he cackled and slammed it shut, raising his arms straight into the air. "I'M NOT GOING TO DIE TODAY!" not that he'd die in that apartment anyway, it was his own personal sanctuary, as well as his own personal hell. But that wasn't important right now. what was important was that burgers were just down the block, and he was ready for social interaction.

Since he lived on the second story, the young boy hurried down the stairs, not caring that his boots got stuck in mud the second he hit the bottom step. he sloshed around in the mud feeling as free as a kite. Around him people were on their cellphones, chatting and sending texts. They had their ipod microwhatchumicallits and sound systems for music and comedy things. they had their electrical devices, and were totally unaware that he was hearing every bing-every voice that each phone had. But he was used to voices that belonged to no one he knew. it didn't bother him. Just taking this step was enough of a victory for him.

"Burgers, here I come!" Hurrying off down the streets of hero city, he tried to avoid contact with anyone he could. After all, everyone had electrical devices these days. And he didn't need to lose himself so early into the day.

(Zachary is a simple boy with simple needs...sorry guys if he's not interacting with anyone yet. he's the type to need people to approach him. i hope that's not a problem. if it is, i can make it different)
Jet awoke happy & contented for once. Until he opened his eye & looked around. Then he was faced with the crumbling walls of the mansion he grew up in, the one he once called home. The top floor was completely in shambles, leaving the once three story glamorous building a two story wreck. It was the same sight he had woken up to six years ago when he was finally unfrozen. The same sight he had woken up to every day since.

He made his way out of bed, showered, shaved, brushed his teeth, dressed, all the basic necessities. He had cleaned himself up, rolled his wings up. He sat at a large vanity to apply the makeup to hide his scars before opening up an ornate box filled with fake eyes of different styles & colors. He chose a brown one to place in his empty socket. He had yet to find an artist to match his natural hazel color. He stared at the mirror. Other than the place in the middle he used, the rest of the mirror was dirty & dusty. He ran his fingers through the dust, listening to the voices of the past run through his mind.

He could hear the bustling of the servants as they strolled about. He could hear his friends' laughter & his mother's condescending voice. He could here his father's grunts & grumbles. A smile came to his face for a brief second. "Rosalina..." he stood up & turned around to address the maid, a short, pudgy, Hispanic older woman. But she wasn't there. No one was. The voices weren't there. "It... It's not real..." He dropped his head as the realization hit. This wasn't his time. Wasn't his world. "IT'S NOT REAL!" He snarled as he spun back around, knocking off the box of eyes, the makeup, & anything else on the vanity with one swift motion of his hand.

Nothing was real to him anymore. He placed his hands on the vanity, leaning forward, trying to calm himself. What was real? This world was in shambles, that was real. Everything he loved was gone, that was real. His trust fund & bank account was wearing thin & he would soon need a job, that was real. His car, all the cars, had sat for over a hundred years & no longer worked, that was real. & he needed to run out for food & other basic necessities, that was real.

He sighed & slowly made his way downstairs & out the front door, knowing the driveway alone was a good mile before he even reached the twisted, bent security gate, or what has been security gates. I'm going to fix this place up, he told himself. I'm going to make the Black family name respected again. I'm going to make something of this place. & I'm going to find out who started this war to begin with & see how they like being frozen for a hundred years...


Jake stands respectfully as Kayla seems to get angry, 'Strong you say?' He thinks to himself as the girl moves away from him. He blinks lightly at the announcement of who she is, and that she is a sorceress. 'So it is you.' He thinks with an inner smirk. Just as he is getting ready to make his move she begins to speak, the words are beautiful, and the wall that appears in front of him startles him lightly. He nods letting her know that he is indeed satisfied, and actually slightly intimidated. He is just getting ready to tell her when his powers reared their head when she begins to speak rather quickly. Before he could even react he was being whisked away by this little thing in front of him. 'Good grip' he thinks with a slight chuckle to himself. Before he knew what was going on they stop, if it hadn't been for his quick thinking, and the bones in his feet shooting into the pavement, he would have ran right into her. She begins to talk quickly about him coming inside, that's odd, no one had ever done that before. Looking her over, her petite frame, her dress, her skin. Flawless, how about her nerves?

Reaching out slowly he rests his fingers on her cheek, "You only just met me, yet you invite me to come inside your house, with you, alone." He smiles, "While the cooking and entertainment sound pleasant I have only one thing to ask you." He leans in close to her ear, "Do you think you can trust me?"

With the last word his forearm releases a thin bone blade, the point resting on one side of her neck. Then, very slowly his fingertips begin to grow little points, like that of a cat's claws, slowly scratching at her cheek. "This is who I am." Retracting the bones back within his arm he backs up a little and bows, "Jacob Dean Edwards, local jerk, and heir to a jail cell somewhere" he straightens his back and smiles at her lightly.

Kayla nearly blushed when his fingers were on her cheek, but at the same time resisted the urge to kick him hard when he touched her. When the blade touched her neck, she froze and her eyes became emotionless, "Do not touch me threateningly, or I will slay you. Simple really Jacob. I offered you food, do not threaten me. What kind of manners are that?" When he straightened again, her eyes became soft and she sighed heavily, "Sorry.. defense mechanism of sorts... you are really lucky I didn't make you go flying or something worse..."

She shook her head, "Jacob. Jail cell. Etc. I think just about everyone here has a jail cell waiting for them..." Kayla rubbed at her cheek where he scratched her, "That is an odd power... it seems like it would be painful... I am really sorry about reacting like that... It was so rude of me. "I trust you enough, and I trust myself to be able to take you should you try to actually harm m-" Her sentence cut off and she was suddenly swatting at something she wasn't sure Jacob could see.

A ghost. They liked Kayla, and clung to her obsessively. She was rarely alone if she was out and about for long enough, and this time was no different. Kayla hoped to the gods that Jacob could see it, or he'd think she was a nut job. This one was horrible looking... some woman who obviously died in a horrendous accident. Her flesh was barely connected in most places, and Kayla was pretty sure she was missing an eye.

The ghost tried to cling to her, and she grabbed onto Jacob fast, and pulled him inside hard. The building had a strong protection on it, that she placed there, so no ghosts could enter. It was one of her few safe havens and she breathed out hard in relief once inside. "Come on," she said and released him, only to walk to the elevator and press the button. A moment passed at it came down to their level, and they stepped inside.
Jake takes a step back and looks at her as she begins freaking out on...the air? Suddenly she grabs him and drags him through the door before walking calmly to an elevator. "Hold the phone!" he says walking towards her and spinning her around by her arm. He steps close to her, pinning her against the wall next to the elevator. His face is stern "I don't mean to be rude, but, what the hell was that all about?!" He takes a deep breath and realizes how close to her he is actually standing and flushes lightly taking a step back. "Erm...sorry" he mutters before taking a deep breath again. "This is just crazy, what am I doing here?" he mutters to himself before turning back to her, "As much as I would like to come up with you, I really was just about to go get some breakfast, why don't you come with me?" he holds his hand out to her and nods toward the door.

Jake looks down at his hand, even the muscle there was defined. Thinking back to when he had changed that morning he realizes that he had really begun to tone out recently. In the past he had been rather small, relying on speed and his powers to get him by. Though now he had begun training, in the hopes of joining the next attack on the heroes. No one had ever heard him speak of it, though it was always in his head. The big selling point had been when his own blood turned against the family. At that very moment he swore to himself that the first and only life he took would be that of the traitor, his own flesh and blood, his sister.

Jake feels the start of a scowl come to his face and shoves it away quickly, opting instead to smile at the girl before him. He never really took the time before to appreciate her beauty. He feels himself start to flush again and turns his head down lightly.
Kayla flushed a bright red color at his question, "It was a spirit... I see them a lot... they are drawn to me... I would really like to not go out there until she leaves, or she will follow me." Kayla looked Jake over, calming herself down. He was attractive, well defined, and an interesting character thus far. She decided to screw with him for no reason but her own amusement. She leaned in towards him, as though she was going to whisper something in his ear. Her breasts, still propped up by the tight corset, were almost in his face as she stood on her tiptoes and nipped his neck, then jumped back and leaned against the wall with a smile.

She had no clue why she felt like doing that to him, but she just did. "So," Kayla said, acting as though she did nothing, "You sure you don't want me to cook for you? I can make eggs and bacon, and hash browns too. I swear you'll love it." She smiled big at him, waiting for his response happily as she folded her arms in front of her, still wondering what he would do. Kayla pushed a bit of red hair out of her face again nonchalantly, she was used to it getting in her face often.
Aidan's eyes open up as he mutters some words in his sleep in the alleyway he had grown to call home. A cold sweat trickled down his face for just a slight moment. His emotions constantly swirling around inside him. He could feel his body heating up, but had grown used to the constant change when it helped him with the cold nights. A frown began to ease on his face as old memories swirled around within and with every second tempted him with thoughts that he had pushed away. The pain to come would be unbareable if he hadn't felt it before.His eyes swirl with red as his facial emotion turns into a frown. The moderate amount of anguish shown on his face as his body temperature began to raise. Slowly climbing into the two hundreds with a few moments. He starts screaming in his sleep. "It was only an accident. I swear it was just an accident. I didn't meant to hurt anybody." These words continued to echo within triggering the past memories. In just a few moments, Heat was radiating around him affecting everything around him. The trash burning in mere seconds from the heat. His orange eyes finally brightened as he was returning to normal. He screamed out once more before flames emitted around him. He looked around as he was now awake. He muttered to himself."Spark strikes again. Atleast this time i didn't hurt anyone."


Jake listens to her and nods, 'This is girl is just full of surprises' he thinks to himself. Just as he is getting ready to open his mouth to speak again she moves in to whisper to him, 'What n-' is all he could get through his head before his face began to warm up. 'Did she way...yup, she did' he thinks as she nipped him. Pausing to hear her speak as though nothing had happened he decided to play along and push every thought of what had happened from his mind and sighs, "I suppose coming up for a few minutes wouldn't hurt" he says seeming almost bored. He motions her to lead the way.


Jessica was just nearing her destination when she saw what had to be the strangest sight she had ever seen. There was a boy running down the street with headphones in. Normally that wouldn't bother her, but the look on his face, and was he muttering something about hamburgers? She stops dead in the street to watch him. Against her better judgement she decides that instead of going to class she would follow him, just to make sure he was okay. With her incredible speed it was easy to dart from one place to another without being seen. 'He must be really hungry' she thinks as she watches him.

"I want cheese on mine" Mumbling as soft as he could, Zachary stepped into the doors and looked around. the line was kind of long, and he wasn't really in the mood to wait. "ugh," turning around and stepping out, he frowned and stopped in his tracks. a sudden bolt of electricity jolted up his arm causing him to jump slightly and start walking along down the street. he was too involved in his own world to realize he was being watched. and he wasn't about to wait around and cause a catastrophe. he'd been in trouble before, and it wasn't worth all the accusations of going down a wrong path. "You just have to find something else." he muttered through gritted teeth, his eyes narrowing down the street as he slowed in his pace. something was off.....felt like he wasn't alone....ah it was probably nothing to worry about!

who'd want to follow you anyway?

those voices were right. what was so interesting about him? he had nothing to worry about!
(Pretty much Jake and Kayla are around each other, Rain is wandering around. Zach is being watched by Jess and Aidan is having issues. I haven't even posted.)
Kayla smiled big and pressed the button again to the elevator, "You're good." She was referring to his ability to keep a straight face, though his blush on his cheeks was still dying down. Kayla stepped into the elevator and waited for him until she pressed the top button, placed her finger on an identification pad, then turned to him.

"Now that I think about it," Kayla began, her head tilted to the side in thought as the elevator hummed, going up, "That ability you have... Was that your bone? It seems so painful. I mean, there are downsides to my ability too. If I am not careful, certain... Things... Could overtake me." Kayla shook her head, thinking back to when she had lost control before, and how badly that had gone.

She glanced up at the numbers displaying what floor it was, and smiled, "Here we are!" The doors of the elevator opened smoothly, and revealed her home. As big as most separate houses, if not bigger, it had all the necessities and luxuries. Kayla pulled him out of the elevator with a smile still plastered on her face, assuming he hadn't seen anything this expensive. Most items in the house were more expensive than an apartment elsewhere.

She brought him to a couch in the living room, large enough to seat 12, "Wait here." Kayla left for a moment, and came back with two glasses of water, one for him, and one for herself. She sat next to him on the couch, crisscross style as she looked him up and down, "Have any questions for me Jake?"
Within the city of heroes stood an old run down building with a tattered sign that ran across the front of it. In red letters, It read "Mercenaries For Hire." The place had an eerie feeling to as if it had been there for decades.The windows were broken as if this building had been rundown for ages, but the open sign that hung on the door was still glowing as if someone still remained inside.The boards in the building creaked from the wind blowing around the facility. The faint energy almost mystic as if from another time all together. Footsteps could be heard from inside if you was close enough to the building. Suddenly the door swung open gently with no force at all but nothing could be seen inside the building if you was looking from the outside of this rundown building.

As if coming from the shadows, A man walked out of the door and it swayed closed behind him. He stood 5'8 with a slender muscular build of 178 Ibs. His face was covered by a yellow mask that the string flowed in the back while in the front only his green eyes could be seen besides his mouth where the masked cut off. His outfit was similiar to that of his mask and eyes. His shirt which was v-cut fashioned was green and showed the dragon tattoo on his chest which ended at the yellow sash that tied around his waist over his green pants that billowed down to his yellow shoes. His hands were wrapped in bandages. His stance was laidback because usually he wasn't worried about what was around him or would be around him. He let out a small sigh as he looked around at his surroundings while leaning against his shop." Hero city hasn't changed much." He muttered out to himself.
Byron's flicked open after falling asleep in the middle of the park.He was so used to nature that he would fall asleep,right there on the spot,surrounded by random,but beautiful,plants.He looked around his surrounding,as well sniffed the air for any familiar scents.He stood to the breeze brushing pasted his face,"Ahhh...Fresh air...,"He moaned with a smile,just as his stomach's dialect came in to context,"Uh...Food..."She spat as he drug his feet onward to the nearest food place.

After walking into the city Byron came across a run down building with a man standing in the doorway,"Sexy if I do say myself."Xavier blurted out from the back of Byron's head.Byron eyed the young man,with a smile.Byron was tempted to speak Xavier's words,but chose against it,because of Charles,"I wouldn't do that!You could end up making an enemy."Charles squeaked with his small voice.Byron's preferred to listen to Charles rather than Xavier,since he was the more rational side,"Hehe..."Byron chuckled aloud,a little to himself.
Iron fist sensed another presence near him. Actually a few more, He looked up from his gaze as he noticed the young man near him. His green eyes observed within the first few moments. A puzzled thought ran through his mind as he looked at him .How could there be more than one presence? He adverted his gaze back to the street infront of him without making anything noticeable. His mouth slowly inched open as he knew he would be polite to anyone who came his way because customers was his profit at the moment. His voice calm but edgy with quite a wisecrack tone to it. "What are you looking for?" He was pretty straight forward when it came to people. He wouldn't change his attitude just to make a quick buck nor would he let anything intimidate him. He turned his gaze towards the man while awaiting an answer from him.
Byron gave the guy a blank stare,"Rape him I say!"Xavier blurted once more.Xavier was the dominate personality and mind,but he constantly suppressed by Byron,himself,and Charles,his opposite.Byron's eyes finally shot open after telling Xavier to shut up,"Huh?Oh,nothing from here.I was just going to get something to eat..."He slurred from his half awake state,as he brushed his white hair out his face.His white seemed so out of place and unnatural,but it was completely natural.Byron looked down at his feet as a rose bloomed,"Ahhhh,a new friend has been born!"He uttered with a slight smile,as he bent down to tie his shoe,and admire the flower.
Iron fist continued to sense more than one presence from this individual infront of him. He couldn't place the feeling so he reached in with his inner chi as his eyes flashed a brighter green. He noticed a few energy signatures. Now it made sense to him as he heard the words come out of the individual's mouth. He felt bad for people wandering down the streets but caught notice of the rose. It reminded him of his home. He spoke once more."There is a chinese diner just down the street from here. They serve a very nice Chow Mein Dish." He had felt something good inside himself for trying to help this stranger. He didn't get any closer not knowing how this individual would act or respond and unwanted action was not his forte.

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