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Fantasy The Wolves (Main)

Location: Wild Tundra

"Why did he spaze like that?" Jessica whined. "Because he's part of Blood Pack, not me." Russell scoffed, scanning Jessica's leg. "Not good," Russell lifted Jessica onto his back and carried her. "I know a medic close by, come on," he led onward.​
Location: Wild Tundra

Kite froze. She felt numb with shock. She followed Russell, silent the whole way and her head drooping low.​
Location: Wild Tundra

Russell then entered a small cave, where a white wolf was seated with some herbs. Russell set Jessica down and told her what had happened.​
Location: Wild Tundra

"Yeah, her leg looks broken," the medic wolf spoke. It was a male medic, which was uncommon. He turned away and brought some things to help Jessica out. "He hurt Jessica. If that's not obvious," Russell muttered.​
Location: Wild Tundra

"Do you know Jessica?" Her voice was slow and quiet, almost heartbroken.​
Location: Wild Tundra

"We met on Green Hills," he responded, sitting outside the entrance of the cave.​
Location: Wild Tundra

"...Ah. I see." Kite stood and left the cave. "Thank you for having me, but I must go."​
Location: Wild Tundra

"Where are you going?" he stood up as well, with her.

(I have to go. I'll be back soon.)​
Location: Wild Tundra

Kite shrugged. "Just gonna get some food and rest." She looked at Russell curiously.

Location: Wild Tundra

"I want you to be safe," he said, sounding serious and worrisome.​
Location: Wild Tundra

"Ok, Russell." She padded off, heading back the way they'd come. She spent her whole walk in sad silence.​
Location: Wild Tundra

Jessie's body was still lying on the cold earth, lifeless. His flank slowly rising and falling, his breathing shallow. He was indeed dying.​
Location: Wild Tundra

Kite returned to the clearing and sat next to his body, loyal to a fault. She chatted idly about everything, telling him stories and continuing until her voice was hoarse and quiet.
Location: Wild Tundra

He listened to her, with all the weakness of his hearing. He wasn't able to move fully, all he could show was a small smirk at her. He coughed roughly, as some blood dripped from his jaws. "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have been so..." he whimpered as his body became weaker and weaker in pain. The whimper echoed throughout Wild Tundra as he couldn't stop. It was louder than any howl there, it scared some birds nearby. "I never wanted to... hurt... you..." he stammered after a few minutes of nothing but whimpering. He tried to lift his head until his flank stopped and his eyes stared into nothing...​
Location: Wild Tundra

Kite pressed her nose into his still flank, wailing in grief. Even though her voice was hoarse and tired from use, she screamed in agony. "Jessie!" She wailed again.​
The sounds gathered the attention of more wolves. They all were confused and sat around. Then Jessie’s body began to glow as a gold like figure erupted from his body. His spirit sailed to her and flew upwards with wings and a halo.​
Location: Wild Tundra

Kite took a deep, shuddering breath. She sniffled and let out a muffled sob as she watched the golden figure. Kite shuddered and whimpered softly.​
The wolves that had gathered went over to comfort her. Russell was sitting near by and saw the figure fly upwards.​
Location: Wild Tundra

Kite accepted their condolences politely, but as soon as they'd gone she lay next to his body. Her voice was fully gone, but she kept going, whispering stories to him even as the day turned to night and her throat ached.​
Location: Wild Tundra

the moon was shining down on Kite as Russell walked over to her. “Hey, it’s late...” he spoke in a hushed tone.​
Location: Wild Tundra

Kite looked up at him with baleful eyes. "Ok Russell." Her voice was almost nothing.​
Location: Wild Tundra

He gently nudged her and licked her face calmly.​
Location: Wild Tundra

Kite pulled away from him. "I'm fine, Russell." She shifted further away.​
Location: Wild Tundra

He sighed, “no you’re not...” Then Jessie’s body faded away from the island.​

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