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Futuristic The Wires (LORE)


: Pic highly preferred
Nickname: What do our characters call it?
Role Description: What is the Bot's specialty?
Operational Use: Before it turned on humans, what was its use in the world?
Armor: None, Light, Mid, Heavy, Buffalo
Vision: None, Low, Average, High
Vision Enhancements: Things like thermal, infrared, heartbeat, motion sensing, radar, etc. If none, N/A
Movement: Stationary, Slow, Moderate, Fast, Lightning
Mobility: Land, Hover, Air, Sea
Hearing: None, Low, Moderate, High
Hearing Enhancements: Vibration, Sonar, Wind Sensitivity, etc
Weaknesses: Any weak points, Special ways to shut it down or kill it.
Armaments: Weaponry
Countermeasures: What measures does it counter? Silencers? Camouflage? EMP? Jamming? Etc.

Nickname: Dogger (Combination of 'Dog' and 'Dodger')
Role Description: Track, Hunt, and Overwhelm with weight.
Operational Use: Protect and assist soldiers and police. They often acted as barriers (bottom left) but could release special trackers (top right) that couldn't be taken off, only disabled.
Armor: Light
Vision: Average
Vision Enhancements: N/A
Movement: Fast
Mobility: Land
Hearing: High
Hearing Enhancements: Vibration
Weaknesses: Joints are unarmored, hitting several immobilizes it. Hitting an eye gives it a blind spot in vision. When using its shield or releasing trackers movement slows to a crawl.
Armaments: Launches a dozen small trackers that allow it to know the target's location. They can be easily disabled, but they can't be ripped off (need to be hacked or whatever)
Countermeasures: Puts up a barrier that blocks light damage weapons.

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