• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern ๐™ฉ๐™๐™š ๐™’๐™ƒ๐™„๐™๐™€ ๐™Ž๐™’๐˜ผ๐™‰ - the staff

mother of sorrows

๐‘Ÿ๐‘’๐‘๐‘ข๐‘™๐‘ ๐‘–๐‘ฃ๐‘’ ๐‘๐‘œ๐‘ค๐‘’๐‘Ÿ ๐‘œ๐‘“ ๐‘กโ„Ž๐‘’ ๐‘ค๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ๐‘š.

the white swan

best place in town โ™ก

the staff


Welcome to the character sheets! Before we jump into it, here are some things to note:

1. All character have to be at least 18, unless they're a part-timer.
2. The roles are not set and you can absolutely make up your own ideas! Maybe a pastry chef, a high schooler just trying to get some extra money, the restaurant singer, etc...
3. Please use realistic faceclaims or descriptions!
4. Character sheets don't have to be overly complex or go into depth. Quality over quantity is preferred!
5. While characters with flaws and a wide range of personalities are very welcome, lone wolves who will refuse to interact or characters that will not change through the course of the story aren't really what what we want. Altrough, this is kind of a given. c':
6. The character limit is 2.


Full Name:
(if an original idea, describe it here!)


the members



role name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In et augue urna. Mauris bibendum quam sem, et porttitor eros consectetur in. Quisque luctus diam quis erat sodales, nec posuere turpis suscipit. Curabitur scelerisque ex eu massa bibendum feugiat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur est elit, semper quis urna non, molestie suscipit lectus. Cras eget magna sed sem rutrum faucibus nec sed dui. Morbi tincidunt erat eu laoreet ullamcorper.


role name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In et augue urna. Mauris bibendum quam sem, et porttitor eros consectetur in. Quisque luctus diam quis erat sodales, nec posuere turpis suscipit. Curabitur scelerisque ex eu massa bibendum feugiat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur est elit, semper quis urna non, molestie suscipit lectus. Cras eget magna sed sem rutrum faucibus nec sed dui. Morbi tincidunt erat eu laoreet ullamcorper.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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/* ------ left side ------ */


Daniela Suรกrez





date of birth

6th July

place of birth

Monterrey, Mexico

Cis Female.

The Head Chef.


Mexican Spanish, English, French.

face claim
Andrea Chaparro.

personality type - ESFP-A

Positive traits


Negative traits

A bit short-tempered







Pride can kill a man, but Daniela is ready to take the risk.

How often her family shook their heads over her stubborness, how often over her insistence that she's right and everybody else is wrong. Her undisputed belief in herself is a blessing slash curse, giving her the confidence others can only dream of - while also bringing her more trouble than it's worth. Quick to express her opinion, Daniela has the unfortunate tendency to stand by whatever she says despite the holes in the logic. A bull-headed person, one that often finds herself in trouble; and drags others into it.

Some might argue she's not a great person, and she in fact is not - but she is a decent one and cares for her friends more than she cares for herself. Befriending Daniela means befriending support and genuine excitement

Going out, shopping, spending time with family and friends, playing video games, going for a stroll around the block and talking to neighbors, cooking, watching war documentaries, and attempting to learn magic tricks to show his friends.

Clowns/carnivals, zombie movies, basically wearing clothes around the house, romance novels (okay, thatโ€™s a lie โ€“ he loves them. But he has to make the world believe that he hates them), moths, being cold and winter.

little more


title here.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque molestie vel magna blandit efficitur. Vestibulum consequat laoreet nibh quis viverra. Aenean et enim quis nulla faucibus molestie ut non odio. Etiam posuere quam ut nisl consectetur, in sagittis est euismod. Donec sit amet pellentesque est, nec tempus eros. Sed ut volutpat ex. Nullam sagittis ipsum massa, et tincidunt libero pretium nec. Sed turpis dolor, maximus sit amet dapibus non, egestas non erat. In eu tempor ipsum. Aliquam convallis neque vulputate hendrerit rutrum. Nam porta nulla ut lorem facilisis, vel tincidunt quam sodales. Integer mi velit, semper vel justo vitae, venenatis placerat massa. Nullam condimentum a felis in scelerisque.

Morbi vitae lobortis metus. Vestibulum ipsum augue, congue in blandit et, ornare vitae dui. Aenean sollicitudin libero id nibh posuere, sed iaculis ex dictum. Morbi posuere commodo diam, nec molestie sapien volutpat eget. Proin molestie finibus eros ac posuere. Ut ullamcorper vel sapien ac interdum. Praesent euismod luctus vestibulum. Aliquam ac urna et nunc ullamcorper vulputate sit amet nec ipsum. Duis porttitor mollis nisl a blandit. Ut eleifend ligula et pellentesque aliquam. Aliquam erat volutpat.

title here.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque molestie vel magna blandit efficitur. Vestibulum consequat laoreet nibh quis viverra. Aenean et enim quis nulla faucibus molestie ut non odio. Etiam posuere quam ut nisl consectetur, in sagittis est euismod. Donec sit amet pellentesque est, nec tempus eros. Sed ut volutpat ex. Nullam sagittis ipsum massa, et tincidunt libero pretium nec. Sed turpis dolor, maximus sit amet dapibus non, egestas non erat. In eu tempor ipsum. Aliquam convallis neque vulputate hendrerit rutrum. Nam porta nulla ut lorem facilisis, vel tincidunt quam sodales. Integer mi velit, semper vel justo vitae, venenatis placerat massa. Nullam condimentum a felis in scelerisque.

Morbi vitae lobortis metus. Vestibulum ipsum augue, congue in blandit et, ornare vitae dui. Aenean sollicitudin libero id nibh posuere, sed iaculis ex dictum. Morbi posuere commodo diam, nec molestie sapien volutpat eget. Proin molestie finibus eros ac posuere. Ut ullamcorper vel sapien ac interdum. Praesent euismod luctus vestibulum. Aliquam ac urna et nunc ullamcorper vulputate sit amet nec ipsum. Duis porttitor mollis nisl a blandit. Ut eleifend ligula et pellentesque aliquam. Aliquam erat volutpat.

title here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque molestie vel magna blandit efficitur. Vestibulum consequat laoreet nibh quis viverra. Aenean et enim quis nulla faucibus molestie ut non odio. Etiam posuere quam ut nisl consectetur, in sagittis est euismod. Donec sit amet pellentesque est, nec tempus eros. Sed ut volutpat ex. Nullam sagittis ipsum massa, et tincidunt libero pretium nec. Sed turpis dolor, maximus sit amet dapibus non, egestas non erat. In eu tempor ipsum. Aliquam convallis neque vulputate hendrerit rutrum. Nam porta nulla ut lorem facilisis, vel tincidunt quam sodales. Integer mi velit, semper vel justo vitae, venenatis placerat massa. Nullam condimentum a felis in scelerisque.

Morbi vitae lobortis metus. Vestibulum ipsum augue, congue in blandit et, ornare vitae dui. Aenean sollicitudin libero id nibh posuere, sed iaculis ex dictum. Morbi posuere commodo diam, nec molestie sapien volutpat eget. Proin molestie finibus eros ac posuere. Ut ullamcorper vel sapien ac interdum. Praesent euismod luctus vestibulum. Aliquam ac urna et nunc ullamcorper vulputate sit amet nec ipsum. Duis porttitor mollis nisl a blandit. Ut eleifend ligula et pellentesque aliquam. Aliquam erat volutpat.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

ยฉ weldherwings.
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the fool โ€” quentin webber



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a.


The Fool


full name

Quentin Neil Webber


Q, TinTin, Webber, Dumbass, "Fuckin' Idiot"




May 13.


Swedish & German American



song name








hair c.


eye c.






Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur tempor purus a lacus iaculis accumsan. Integer justo justo, ultrices interdum feugiat et, pharetra vitae felis. Ut at arcu quis ante vehicula imperdiet. Etiam aliquam dui id commodo faucibus. Ut semper, ipsum et rhoncus mollis, sem sapien consequat turpis, vitae mollis erat eros quis diam. Curabitur feugiat, ligula id feugiat pulvinar, augue nunc blandit nisl, sit amet aliquam lectus turpis non nunc. Suspendisse elementum nisi eget varius aliquet. Quisque non nibh fermentum, efficitur arcu quis, feugiat turpis. Morbi cursus non lacus sed tempus.









this scrolls if you add enough content.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed. Praesent sed eros pulvinar, fringilla dui a, vestibulum nisi. Cras blandit enim laoreet orci porta ultrices. Cras purus erat, commodo a rhoncus ac, dapibus quis mauris.

Ut rhoncus libero eu fermentum bibendum. Nullam ac ipsum augue. Donec commodo dui efficitur iaculis venenatis. Mauris a neque pellentesque, faucibus urna vel, dapibus nulla. Sed tincidunt dui sed dictum vestibulum. Ut venenatis urna in elit hendrerit, eu molestie massa efficitur. Nullam sit amet sem ut ligula gravida ultricies. Etiam gravida quis diam at elementum. In dignissim eros ut sapien fringilla, vel lobortis nibh auctor. Sed ut nibh bibendum, tincidunt ex in, mattis odio. Donec egestas facilisis dapibus. Proin varius ornare sapien, at auctor sem lacinia non.





character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.







โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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๐Œ๐š๐๐๐ข๐ž ๐‰๐จ๐ฌ๐จ๐ง, ๐ฐ๐š๐ข๐ญ๐ซ๐ž๐ฌ๐ฌ.

Of a kind heart, quick to smile and trained in the deadly arts of broom smacking, Maddie is a helpful addition to any team that's overly paranoid about a robber coming in to steal their secret recipes. Despite a natural charm and genuine love for the people around her, she is cursed with eyesight that only works half of the time, and definitively not in the half-dark.

Just so happens she is very convinced anybody at all is out for the White Swan's money and glory.
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angelito nabua โ€” the pr manager
"She was the amoureuse of all the novels, the heroine of all the plays, the vague โ€œsheโ€ of all the poetry books.โ€

Name: Giselle Eloise Alderidge
Age: 24 years old
Gender: Cis-female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Role: Hostess | Giselle is the first person the patrons see when they arrive at the White Swan. As a hostess it is her duty to schedule and check reservations, greet patrons, and have them seated at their table.

Appearance: A picture of delicate, maybe even ethereal beauty. She carries herself with grace, gliding as smooth as silk against skin when she walks into a room. Giselle is not someone that people think of when they envision a โ€œclassicalโ€ beauty, but there is no denying her appeal. Her eyes, though fierce in their feline-like shape, are the softest brown infused with green. They are both the comforting colors of autumn and the green of newly blossomed buds. Like shuttered windows, they hide what goes on within her. Her hair on the other hand, is a deep brown that only shows itโ€™s true color in the light. Giselle was gifted with a wild mane of curls, locks that seem to have a mind of their own. They never want to obey her, so she prefers to keep them under control with blowouts and wigs. Her figure is lithe and statquese, without shoes she stands at an impressive 5โ€™11โ€.

Personality: To the outside world Giselle is the textbook definition of well put-together and perfect young lady. She is responsible, intelligent, and charming. A well read young woman with all the grace and manners of a proper girl. And they are right in a sense. Giselle is all pretty smiles and fluttering eyelashes with the ability to charm and persuade those around her with ease. There is a certain allure to her that draws others in. She is most definitely a socialite, she loves attending charity events and other social gatherings of high society members. She enjoys the luxury of being born into a wealthy family. Giselle is a lover of the finer things in life, whether it be shopping, entertainment, or even pampering herself.

Giselle will accept nothing less than the best. She feels as if she deserves it and thus expects it in all aspects of her life. She tends to flaunt her wealth at times, mostly without realizing that sheโ€™s even doing it. Giselle is a spoiled young woman who was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Someone who doesnโ€™t need to work due to the amount of money her family has. Appearances are important to her. She is very conscious about how she presents herself to others. Giselle never leaves her house without looking presentable. Sheโ€™s someone who believes that first impressions are important.

Most of the time she seems to have her head stuck in the clouds. Giselle can be absent-minded at times. A little ditzy some would say. Despite her wealth she is a warm young woman. While spoiled she does not judge others for what they lack. Giselle can also be a bit of a gossip, she seems to have the tea on all sorts of people.

History: Born into the prestigious Aldridge family Giselle has been held in high regard since birth. The British family came from old money and their wealth increased due to smart investments and hardwork. Giselle was born to William Alderidge and his ex-wife Marcella. With the death of his father William became the sole owner of their billion-dollar corporation, Darlings, that specialises in the exploration, mining, retail, trading and industrial manufacturing of precious gemstones like diamonds.Her mother wasnโ€™t a very affectionate woman, she was a young woman who focused on material objects rather than her daughter. It hurt when her parents got divorced but she got over it eventually. Her mother remarried to another rich man as soon as she could. Their separation brough Giselle and her father closer. He had no idea of how to raise a girl but he tried and got help from family and hired nannies.

Her life changed again when her father became involved with a man by the name of Laurent Comeaux, a French heir to a rich family who owned a number of vineyards. In the beginning Giselle ignored her fatherโ€™s partner despite his attempts at building a relationship with her. The two of them were always at odds. It continued on for months before the trio eventually had a heart to heart. After that things went smoothly and ended with her father marrying Laurent. The trio were as close as ever, with Giselle spending more time with Laurent as her father was a very busy man. The Frenchman clearly loved her as if she were his own.

Like any rich child Giselle was taught that she needed to behave a certain way and succeed in whatever was thrown at her for the sake of her family. Despite how spoiled she was her father made sure to drill it into her head along with the value of hard work, so that she wouldnโ€™t turn out like her mother. She was taught all the things that made a proper young woman and was tutored in different things like dance, horseback riding, and piano. She was ten when she found out that she was engaged to the son of one of her fatherโ€™s business partners. It was only at 18 did she begin to rebel, not wanting to marry someone that she didnโ€™t love. And it was recently that she decided to move out, tired of being scolded for putting off the wedding so far, tired of her father seeming to only care about it if she married or not.


code by subtle thrill.
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A.J. CHEON โ€”



The Prankster.

โ€You have always approached everything terrible trustfully. You have wanted to pet every monster.โ€

  • requisite.

    full name

    Cheon Ah-Joon















    hair colour


    eye colour

    Dark Brown

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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dean shaw
fight or flight
  • i
    full name
    Dean Shaw
    D, Shaw, Hot-head
    date of birth
    15th August
    Michael Fassbender
coded by natasha.
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The other prankster

ยบ ยบ code by ditto ยบ ยบ


Wren Qi

Prank Fairy

To mourn mischief that is past and gone is the next way to draw new mischief on.

  • requisite.

    full name

    Wren Iris Qi










    Trouble in a cute bottle





    hair colour


    eye colour


โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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6'1 โ€ข 27 โ€ข CAPRICORN

( i'm so so so sorry to do it to y'all but early 90's keanu lives rent-free in my mind!!! )

โ€ข Van dweller.
โ€ข Moderately sociable, generally soft-spoken.
โ€ข Bit of a drifter. Rolled into town a year ago from Seattle, settled on the shoreline. You can find him relaxing there on his off-hours.
โ€ข Hard worker, probably more dedicated to the job than the bosses are to him, but isn't that just about everywhere ya' go?
โ€ข Somehow manages to keep his cool under the most stressful scenarios. Some Karen giving you a hard time about the wait?
Let him take over, go have a nice cry in the walk-in cooler, and he'll be there to check on ya' in a few.
โ€ข Would probably win a fucking world record when it comes to how many dishes he can carry at once. He'll stack 'em on his head if he's gotta... and he's probably tried.
Please don't ask him how that worked out.
โ€ข Generally one of the first guys in the door and one of the last guys out. You can find him at the end of the night in the back with a plastic apron on and a towel slung over his shoulder,
playing dishwasher and bopping along to whatever's playing on the radio.
โ€ข Outside of work, he generally doesn't take too much seriously. Sometimes to a fault.

- Heritage
FULL NAME: Heritage Joel Pierce.
AGE: Twenty-seven.
GENDER: Cismale, he/him/his.
SEXUALITY: That's for him to know and for anybody who may be attracted to agonize about. Good luck with that.
ROLE: The Headwaiter.

Standing at 6'1", long-legged and generally well-groomed Heritage possesses an oddly feminine softness to his conventional good looks. Long lashes frame dark eyes set under a sharp, slim brow. A multiracial background lends itself to a clear complexion that tans easily with just the right amount of time in the sun, but pales quickly under the overcast gloom of the Pacific Northwest. The guy moves pretty fluidly, weaving through busy crowds and packed kitchens with the focus of somebody who lives a pretty active lifestyle outside of work - a thrillseeker that enjoys cliff-diving and racing around. His physique, while lean, is decently well-formed as a result.

PERSONALITY: Heritage prides himself on maintaining his zen under pressure. No stranger to the service industry and all of the entitlement and confusion that comes with it - he begrudgingly keeps to "the customer is always right" in his professional life; but while he's good at saving face for the sake of it, he heavily values keeping genuine peace between coworkers. Drama is a killer and he goes to great lengths to avoid it, which may mean at times that he'll completely step away from conflict if he thinks he's given it his best shot. He's good at turning on some superficial flattery and charm when he has to but doesn't lead anybody on if they'll end up getting hurt by it. Riling him up is easier said than done.

He considers himself friendly with most everyone, but genuine friends with very few. When you live the kind of transient lifestyle he does, it doesn't do well to form any sort of particularly strong bond. Can't take anyone with you when the walls start closing in and the town begins to choke you out. When it comes to strong negative emotional outbursts, he can be a bit awkward with trying to calm the distraught party down enough to talk. If you're looking for somebody to talk you down and rationalize, he's your guy. If you're looking for somebody to cry with you... best he can offer is a shoulder to do it on.

Experience is often the spice of life, but the problem with that little philosophy is that eventually you feel like you've tried everything there is to try. Smaller towns offer more of an adventure than the bigger cities do. A lower population means fewer police patrols to bust you breaking into the nearest run-down roadside attraction for a bit of late-night rural exploration, but even that gets to be enough of a drag to get him antsy about staying too long. His hunger for more has always served as a bit of a catalyst for his propensity to pick up and go, but also his aversion to form any sort of truly meaningful bond with others.

While he doesn't often outwardly express fondness, you can tell he genuinely likes you if he brands you with a nickname. It's all in good fun, really, though at times others don't take so kindly to it. He can also get a bit handsy with his affections, mussing up hair or a reassuring clap on the shoulder. Doesn't seem to bring him any pause. Whether it endears you to him or you think it obnoxious, he sure knows how to make an impression.

HISTORY: Heritage has always been a bit of a rascal, a childhood spent rough housing with other neighborhood boys in his tiny Midwestern hometown kind of gave him a bit of a reputation as a "bad influence", though what else is there for a kid to do in a place with a sub-500 population? He was as close with mom and dad as any bored kid, he'd say, though he was more so raised by friend's families than his own. It takes a village to raise a child, especially when your actual parents are too distracted with literally anything else to make sure you keep out of trouble. He never mourned it.

Teenage summers were spent down at the lake, speakers blasting from the dash of an idling beater car - sunglasses obscuring bloodshot eyes from the joint he'd pass around to the small band of similar n'er-do-well school ditchers that he'd managed to fall in with. Making his own fun was the name of the game for so many years of his life, but his academic performance suffered from it. WIP


โ€ข His object permanence is uh... a bit lacking. He's the kind of guy who can set his keys down somewhere, completely forget where he left 'em and spend at least an hour tearing apart the room in search.
โ€ข An expert jury-rigger. YouTube tutorials are his best friend, and it comes from a life on the road. He would much rather try and fix things himself or duct tape something together to keep him moving a little while longer than get conned out of hundreds by some skeevy mechanic. Has probably tried pissing in the radiator. Not his proudest moment...
โ€ข Has sampled just enough of The White Swan's menu to be able to make recommendations when guests ask, but outside of work he mainly just sticks to a quick meal at the local Burger King. Anybody who cringes at the idea of dipping your fries in your milkshake obviously doesn't have as much of a refined palate as they think they do, but if you're a man of taste, he'll probably share the shake with ya'. Yanno, if you want to.
โ€ข On that note, would probably give you his last $5 if asked.

coded by reveriee.
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beau Diโ€™amore

#crybaby food runner

#river phoenix

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

  • name. beau di'amore

    age. 25

    gender. male

    sexuality. homosexual


    crybaby food runner

    beau di'amore

    elp Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..", comes from a line in section 1.10.32.








    baby blue




    river phoenix

coded by xayah.แƒฆ
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  • about

    nishika rani
    gender | sexuality
    female | pansexual
    the foreign hire
    break down, hysteric and young, uncomfortably numb โ€” then you sent my pain into oblivion โ€”
    5' 7"
    58 kg
    hair + eye color
    dark brown
    deepika padukone
    body mods
    tattoos: (right forearm, left upper arm, right thigh, top of spine), several ear piercings and a belly button piercing
about psyche history misc
ยฉ reveriee
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Honoka Koshiro- The Other Forigen Hire​

Full Name:
(if an original idea, describe it here!)


- 6'2
- soccer asf, still reallyyy into fitness
- not humble but hey, at least he's not loud about it
- speaks 3 languages brah
- very much a beer guy. always invites the staff for drinks. if they pay
- bad bee allergy... carries an epipen
- amazing print handwriting, terrible cursive
- likes clowns!
- probably should have gone into acting
- still a relatively new hire but at least he has seniority over someone!
- blasts french hip hop while closing

full name
Rhys "Rio" Celestin




the washed-up dishwasher

January 19th
scroll โ–ผ
new notification

Voicemail From eddie

new notification

Missed Call From eddie

new notification

maman: C'est une honte!

new notification

adjara: ๐Ÿ˜ธ

Commonly known for his boyish, cheeky grin, Rio is sworn by most to hide a layer of irreverence under his soft-spoken tone of voice. He's a quiet guy not in a timid way, but more because he's very selective with who he gets along with. With luck, one may become privy to the wisecracks of a man erroneously overlooked as another withdrawn tortoise, semi-eager to please yet afraid of the world.

He has a tendency to break everything he touches. Not in a hopeless, existential way, but more because he is literally incapable of both a.) multitasking and b.) solving his deadly case of butterfingers. As agile as he is, there are only so many occasions in which athleticism and reflexes can save a tray from falling or a glass being knocked off the side. If it wasn't for the gained pity from his doe eyes, which draw in many a fool like wanderers to quicksand, he'd have been buried in a casket a long time ago. Given his carefree nature, he's a little more immune to the burning shame of failure, but not completely.

Rhys is a little naรฏve that way. Like any, he's aware of what the world can do to a person, but how could a bunny possibly conceive of skulking predators from the bottom of a rabbit hole? A fair amount of the adults in his life say he needs one last kick in the ass to get his head straight, because the brink is where the individual finds their purpose. It stares back from the abyss, reflecting one's form in the most exposed, honest way possible.

But none of that really matters. Rhys likes it when things are simple.

Most of the anger directed toward Rio is the result of his staggering incompetence, not to mention when his puppy-dog-eyes start to get old. He's of the philosophy that life is best taken slow and easy, a The Tortoise and the Hare kind of message, for those who identify. He's a pretty fun guy tafter a drink or two, and it becomes immediately clear where his priorities lie once one finds that he is the exact same person he is on the job as he is anywhere else. The guy lacks professionality, which is crudely concealed by his natural quietude. Some are drawn to it, some can't stand him for it. He'll still smile and laugh with you all the same.

He's also a bit of a liar. Not a compulsive one, but with the amount of times he's done it without guilt, he might as well be. It's all out of necessity, of course, sans the occasional fake sick day for the hell of it. He knows he's hard to love, but he's also hard to hate. It's what keeps this whole operation afloat.
The eldest child of two teachers, Rio grew up in the heart of Paris, France. Yeah, that Paris. Education has always been of the highest value in his household, which lands him in quite the precarious position considering his flippant nature toward school. He has two younger sisters who he loves dearly, and who have idolized him since they were little. He was always a bit of a weird kid, but a social one nonetheless. For most of his upbringing, Rhys learned to master his magnetic, enigmatic personality. And it took him far. It was always a given that Rio would make something of himself, but many were surprised by how conventional his route was.

He was always good at sports. Like, really good. As in, club soccer continuously for a decade and a half (sans the season he fractured his foot, ouch). And so, much to the family's delight, Rhys was bestowed a full-ride D1 scholarship to his dream school in America. He didn't quite hear the school end of it. Just the famous soccer celeb part.

Turns out, college was really fun, too. Almost too fun. After a slew of failed classes that culminated in a semi-famous academic dishonesty story that topped local headlines for all of three days. How could Rhys help himself? He was practically made for coke and ragers, even better at the same time. There was no time for bio major stuff, just soccer by day and party by night. Admin didn't seem to agree.

Rhys had a hard time facing his family after that one. To this day, he's not quite certain how to describe the tempo and pitch of his parents' hoarse voices when their son had to call and tell them he flunked out and lost it all just months from graduating.

But... c'est la vie!

It hasn't been long since the whole thing went down. Rhys went home for a few holidays, but he decided staying in the U.S. and hopping a state over would help him figure out who he was. Or discover the meaning to life. Or find love. Generally, something he rehearsed frequently but never meant.

He was sad for a little while, but he mostly got over it. Working full-time would be something new, maybe even refreshing. He tried retail, got annoyed with all the coat hangers. Small businesses called too much. Fast food headsets were uncomfortable. So, for a while, Rhys remained transient, draining off the funds left in his bank account.

Queue the White Swan. Maybe the restaurant biz would tickle his fancy. Come time for his interview, Rhys was all dolled-up, clad in a nice suit with clean hair that accentuated his boyishly attractive features. It was clear he was the type of guy who got what he wanted, whether by talent or by charm. Usually, it was the Parisian accent that won girls over at parties. This time... well, actually, it was also thanks to the accent.

What else would he do with such a spotty resume? Rhys discussed his perfectly-explainable academic and job history and his team-player attitude as one of a big university's top soccer players. He said he spoke four languages, which was one more than the truth, but it's close enough. When asked if he could name and describe fine wines by taste and hue, he gave an eager nod.

The interviewer seemed a little distracted. Was that the smell of wine on her breath? Rhys was, uh, pretty sure it was a red. Since he was definitely a wine connoisseur. Toward the end of the interview, the woman quirked a brow. Rhys cocked his head to the side, dying to learn why his interviewer was suddenly so pensive. And also staring at his arms.

"Are you by chance related to Hugo Celestin?"

Rhys hesitated, suppressing a hearty laugh. Did she mean that French chef that got famous in the 90s for his pig's blood cookbook? What tipped her off, the accent? The nose? The smarmy, self-assured way in which he crossed his leg beneath the table?

Well... this silly little question could be useful. After a moment of consideration, Rhys spat out a clear, resounding yes. He began to weave the lie, each word leaving his lips with such little effort that even he started to believe the absurd claim that Rhys Celestin was the distant nephew to a dead, renowned chef. Ratatouille, anyone?

What were the chances a background check would go that far? Either way, he couldn't be sure the woman actually believed him or simply found his bullshit charming. But the job was his.

And it sucked. Rhys only lasted a week working the front. He was a terrible food runner, and could never remember which plates went to who or how to keep a pitcher of water from spilling onto an unsuspecting line cook's pants. But don't worry everyone, management was too wise to let such a valuable asset go. Rhys soon found himself in the position of prep cook, which he found insufferably boring (as a result of his esteemed chef pedigree, if anyone still believed that), so he promptly landed a spot as number one dishwasher, backbone of the whole joint.

It would take a special kind of moron to be bad at dishes. And Rio sucks, but it's only because he doesn't want to be good. There's a difference. Thankfully, he's gotten a little better about dropping stuff, because if he didn't then that third strike would really come into effect and he'd finally be fired once and for all. People in the back like to bet which day his employment will be terminated, as it probably should, but those smug bastards are proven wrong time and time again as Rhys is still here, alive and kicking and on the payroll.

Often, he gets confused for being the foreign hire because, well... he's a Frenchman through and through, with the unmistakable accent to boot. On the odd chance he gets to interact with customers, they mistake him for a chef and begin to talk all this "filet mignon" and "bรฉchamel" and "spatula" nonsense. It actually gets rather tiring. It's 2022, not every French restaurant staffer is best friends with Hรฉlรจne Darroze. But he likes to play pretend anyway, often with a deadpan.

The White Swan has been a pretty alright gig. Rhys is riding out the fun until someone gets the sense to kick him to the curb, but that could never happen... ever. Crocodile tears are a powerful asset, especially to someone who plays timid so well. Plus, he usually pulls through at the last minute. With some specially-begged-for help.
ยฉ pasta

- the weak link -
olivia wynn

waitress extraordinaire.
allergic and intolerant to everything and anything, customers included.



Deep down he knows that restaurant service is the closest thing he will ever experience to being served like a king.

criss jami

the assistant waitress


full name

olivia elizabeth wynn


the weak link, every customer's worst nightmare, the negative yelp review earner




august 3rd


cis female



diamonds + and pearls

dpr live/ian, peace.







hair c.

naturally brunette dyed blonde

eye c.

dark brown


kiernan shipka



Lord knows how Olivia came to work at the White Swan. She's brash, stubborn, short-tempered, introverted and most importantly, allergic. To what you might ask? Nearly everything the restaurant serves. Every day is a coinflip when it comes to the possibility of breaking out in hives. All of these combined make Olivia quite possibly the worst waitress, if not staff member, at the White Swan... at first glance at least.

Become a regular, and you might see the upsides of keeping someone like her around. Calm under pressure and with a great memory to match, the waitress thrives during rush hour and customer confrontations. She's usually the first one to come to another coworker's aid, not afraid of what the customer might say or do. The customer is never right if it comes at another person's expense.

Olivia is more than just the most frequent name listed on all the restaurant's negative reviews though. She's a hard worker, prioritizing getting things done above all else, not screwing around unless the day's task is done. Maybe that's why she has a hard time maintaining relationships after going through all the effort of forging them, even giving up on the idea of being close with others after awhile.

All work and no play makes her a great assistant. She's confident in the presence of others and knows exactly what needs to be done without being asked. As a result, she struggles to receive help from other people. Olivia is used to her way, confident in it even, and she sees more flaws in other peoples than in herself. Add in her tendency to say things that know just how to tick people off, and Olivia isn't much of a team player, much less a desired teammate. Get close enough though, and you might experience a rare smile. Maybe even the occasional turning a blind eye to troublemaking.









Olivia was never the most sociable as a child, a girl of few words and a resting poker face. She was good in school with a gifted enough memory to easily pass any multiple choice test that came her way but being a good classmate was never her forte. A less than stellar participation grade on every report card and friends that changed every school year proved that.

So how did someone like her end up in customer service? A mistake. One that Olivia despises remembering, much less talking about it. College was supposed to be the time of her life, the main priority. A small, side waitressing job was supposed to be just that, a side job. Instead, it became her only future, and Olivia moved from a part-time student hire to a full-time waitress. Despite her poor social skills, she was a quick learner and lucky to be talented at what she does. Too worried to go back home, she's spent the last 5 years as a loyal employee of the White Swan, doing her best daily to crawl out of the hole she's dug herself.





character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.




-has a completely deadpan look 24/7
-would give discounts to friends if she had any
-hates going on break and seeing a huddle of smokers
-surprisingly good at understanding the wants of people who don't speak english
-addicted to tea
-would be addicted to coffee if it didn't wreck her digestively
-will catch a customer outside if challenged despite her height
-prone to not realizing someone quit or got fired until months later
-usually has to be talked to first to get her to talk
-prone to pissing customers off on purpose to annoy the headwaiter if she's annoyed
-avid user of vapes and fruity cigarettes on her free time
-always reminds customers to tip without shame
-never checks her phone at work
-side-eye giver to customers and coworkers alike
-willing to actually set something on fire to test other people's competency and safety protocols
-allergic or intolerant to literally everything from raw greens to milk but peanuts? she's not that weak. inspired by taku
-has dyed her hair blonde since she was 12 but her scalp is alive and thriving

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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- the human radio -
silas boone

line cook found at the back of the kitchen.
will not stop singing or humming at work. occasionally screams.



If music be the food of love, play on.


eternal prep cook


full name

silas boone


the human radio, kitchen stereo, loudmouth




april 1st


cis male



la festin - instrumental

michael giacchino







hair c.


eye c.

bluish green


joey batey



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur tempor purus a lacus iaculis accumsan. Integer justo justo, ultrices interdum feugiat et, pharetra vitae felis. Ut at arcu quis ante vehicula imperdiet. Etiam aliquam dui id commodo faucibus. Ut semper, ipsum et rhoncus mollis, sem sapien consequat turpis, vitae mollis erat eros quis diam. Curabitur feugiat, ligula id feugiat pulvinar, augue nunc blandit nisl, sit amet aliquam lectus turpis non nunc. Suspendisse elementum nisi eget varius aliquet. Quisque non nibh fermentum, efficitur arcu quis, feugiat turpis. Morbi cursus non lacus sed tempus.









this scrolls if you add enough content.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed. Praesent sed eros pulvinar, fringilla dui a, vestibulum nisi. Cras blandit enim laoreet orci porta ultrices. Cras purus erat, commodo a rhoncus ac, dapibus quis mauris.

Ut rhoncus libero eu fermentum bibendum. Nullam ac ipsum augue. Donec commodo dui efficitur iaculis venenatis. Mauris a neque pellentesque, faucibus urna vel, dapibus nulla. Sed tincidunt dui sed dictum vestibulum. Ut venenatis urna in elit hendrerit, eu molestie massa efficitur. Nullam sit amet sem ut ligula gravida ultricies. Etiam gravida quis diam at elementum. In dignissim eros ut sapien fringilla, vel lobortis nibh auctor. Sed ut nibh bibendum, tincidunt ex in, mattis odio. Donec egestas facilisis dapibus. Proin varius ornare sapien, at auctor sem lacinia non.





character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.







โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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this world of ours:
viewing blossoms on the surface
above hell


the pastry chef


full name

deborah holmes


everyone calls her dovey






feb 19th


african american



love affair






hair c.


eye c.



sevyn streeter



Although many may find it naive, Dovey lives by the golden rule. It is more than just a childish saying to herโ โ€”it is a philosophy. She doesn't necessarily believe in karma or things of that sort. She simply has a conviction that it is her duty to try to put good things out into the world, and she hopes that she'll get good things back though she knows it's never guaranteed. This conviction has kept her going through hard times and informs nearly all of her decisions, often to her detriment.

Dovey is diligent and very dependable. Sheโ€™s been taking care of others, specifically her little brother, for almost as long as she can remember, and these experiences have instilled a sense of responsibility in her. She gives a lot of time and effort to her duties and to the people around her, but she is prone to forgetting herself. At her best, she is caring, loyal, and a person you can go to for help. At her worst, she is overbearing, self-sacrificing, and a workaholic. She wasnโ€™t really ever taught how to say โ€œnoโ€ to people or set boundaries and could be called a pushover because of this.

Another result of Doveyโ€™s upbringing is her humility and shyness. Coming from humble means and having values of modesty emphasized by the adults in her life has caused Dovey to be afraid of ever overestimating her position or her abilities. She has a lack of confidence that can be a problem when it comes to taking risks or putting herself out there for opportunities. On top of this, Dovey has quite a case of social anxiety. Sheโ€™s fine around people she knows, but put her in front of strangers or a crowd and sheโ€™ll become petrified.

When it comes to media, Dovey is a bit of a softie and hopeless romantic. She loves animated movies, relaxing video games, and sugary (but still deep!) love stories. She doesnโ€™t have much experience with romance herself, though; she was always a little too busy (and a little too oblivious) for it to be a legitimate pursuit. She's a big fan of happy or at least hopeful endings. They give her something to aspire to.


POSITIVE: responsible + tenderhearted + protective + humble + thoughtful
NEGATIVE: diffident - bit of a pushover - sensitive - daydreamer - workaholic


animals, media with happy endings, photography, dandelions, animated movies, baking ofc


bleak endings, moral apathy, excess, snobbery, the stock market



Dovey was born in South Side Chicago to Harold and Diana Holmes. Her parents didn't make a lot of money, so they lived humbly, but Dovey never really had much of a problem with that. She appreciated her home and the community of extended family she had around her. When Dovey was five, her little brother Dominic was born, and she discovered that she loved being an older sister. Despite being young herself, she wanted to do anything she could to help raise her baby brother, including cleaning and preparing food. Dovey would stare longingly at the TV when advertisements for cooking-related toys come on. At five years old, her life goal was to own an Easy-Bake Oven. She never got one since any model worth buying required money that her parents couldn't spare.

(CW: death, addiction) Tragedy struck when Dovey was six: her father passed away. He had been struggling with an opioid addiction ever since a car accident that had happened when Dovey was two. With almost no financially accessible rehabilitation options, he struggled until he overdosed. Little Dovey was spared the details at the time. Diana Holmes took her two children and moved to Springfield to live with Dovey's great aunt, Cleava. Dovey's mother began working long hours to provide financially and Cleava was getting old, so many domestic duties, including preparing food for her little brother, were left to a young Dovey. She took her responsibilities very seriously; she made schedules and daily to-do lists to keep track of everything. Dominic never went a night without dinner. As he got older, Dovey discovered that he had a sweet tooth. Cakes and cookies from the grocery store could be pricey, so she devoted many hours to learning to make desserts to give to Dominic and the rest of her family. She deeply enjoyed it.

Since she spent so much time taking care of her family, Dovey didn't spend too much time with kids her age. As she went through middle and high school, she found herself becoming shyer and shyer. It got to the point where the idea of having to speak in front of strangers terrified her. She was known to be kind and had a small group of close friends, but she often avoided going to big gatherings with too many unfamiliar people. The time that most kids spent cultivating a social life, Dovey spent taking care of and hanging out with her mom, great aunt, and little brother.

It was no surprise to anyone that Dovey went to a culinary school after graduating from high school. She was a favorite among many of her instructors and well-liked by the handful of students who could get close to her by being considerate of her introverted nature. She was diligent in her classes and was among the top 10% of her class, though not many people knew because she didn't like to brag. She particularly excelled in classes concerning pastries and confectionaries: her specialty. After college, she jumped around between a few restaurants before landing at last at the White Swan, where she has been ever since.





character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.







โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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noel riyadi

the newbie.


Noel Riyadi










Surabaya, Indonesia


December 1st




The Newbie

Long, dark brown hair with the front pieces occasionally dyed a different color, brown eyes. Stands at 5'9" and weighs 138lbs. Has double lobe piercings in each ear. Portrayed by Sandy Maulana.

i am who i am

The walking version of glass half full. Thereโ€™s always the bright side to every situation, something Noel is quick to remind others of whenever he senses them down. Easy-going, curious and playful, he is sure to light up whatever room he steps foot in. Though many say he has an odd sense of humor, it is surely an enjoyable one that can cause laughter to erupt from everyone in the vicinity. Heโ€™s smart, quick-witted and always on top of things, never letting anything or anyone go forgotten. Gifted with words and sayings, Noel is often found charming the pants off of everyone who comes into contact with him.

Sometimes though, Noel can be a little spacey. His attention span is slim and getting him to focus on the task at hand can be difficult. He doesnโ€™t like to be yelled at and when getting criticized, can turn defensive. Though weak physically, heโ€™s strong mentally and always enjoys a good verbal spar. This can cause others to quickly get annoyed at him as heโ€™s constantly trying to pick arguments and verbal battles he thinks he can win.

what you know 'bout me?

Born and raised in Surabaya, Indonesia, Noel found out from a young age that he was gifted in the kitchen. At the age of 5, he was always helping his mother cook meals and joined the after school cooking club that his elementary school offered, far more advanced than his peers were. When he was 13, the family relocated to San Francisco, California. Though initially difficult to adjust to the culture change, Noel picked up English fairly quickly and soon settled into the school routine. As heโ€™d done in elementary school, he joined his high schoolโ€™s cooking club and found his friends through that.

Though he majored in Management in university, he was a culinary minor and worked part time at various restaurants. There, he got experience in all aspects of a restaurant, however, found himself desiring more than anything to be the one cooking the meals. After hearing about the opportunity at The White Swan, he was quick to apply and now looks forward to being part of the team.

some very fun facts

- A stereotypical Sagittarius
- An Enneagram type 7
- Makes a mean Ginger N Rose
- Scared to death of any and all insects. Will scream to the high heavens and jump into the arms of the nearest person.
- Proud owner of a Shiba Inu named Jamu
- TikTok and meme enthusiast
- Jamu has his own TikTok and Instagram account
- Stays up very late playing games on his phone
- What is sleep
- Very good cook but is lazy about cleaning up
- Speaks Indonesian (bahasa Indonesia) and English

look at me now

can you understand my lingo?

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

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I'm writing the report on losing, and failing
When I move, I'm flailing now


the host


full name

reuben alexandria bonilla




18 february


italian american









hair c.


eye c.


face claim

max minghella



Without knowing Reuben all that well, one might assume he was miserable, or an outright pessimist. Neither of these were entirely accurate; the serious expression and borderline consistent frown donned on his face were just... there. His current position and job lended itself only to an increasing sense of disappointment for Reuben -life gave very little of itself to make him feel any other which way about it. It wasn't all completely terrible, don't get him wrong. Sometimes his colleagues could be a good laugh. Overall, he was pissed off with himself; pissed off with his situation. Despite lifelong attempts by his mother to secure a life on a much different, much better path than hers, Reuben had failed to succeed any of her wishes.
Despite these feelings, Reuben is not outright in his self-pity. Few of his co-workers know of his struggles or agitations, and Reuben is fine with that. Fuck if he needs anyone here getting into his business.
Reuben is pleasant with his co-workers, and is visibly enlightened when around his close friends. If in a good mood, like a really good mood, Reuben could be described as boisterous. When life is always that serious, a guy has to unwind sometime.
Reuben is good at his job. The customers like him; the middle aged and elderly women dote on his tanned complexion and devilish smile, the huffish men appreciate his quick-witted banter and bloke-ish honesty. He looks at some of his co-workers with a pity derived from knowing they were all, in one way or another, stuck in dead-end job in a dead-end town with no hope of escape. How lovely.


german beer, his adopted shepherd mix named francesca, 3am takeout, jogging around the lake, summers on the shore


ketchup, american cheese, gossip, drama



TW: Death/illness, drug abuse
Reuben Bonilla was born in Rome, Italy, to single mother Emilia. The two of them faced many hungry winters and soulless summers as Emilia struggled to raise a young child, and at the same time earn a living through a part time waitressing job in a local cafรฉ. She did her best; she ensured Reuben got an education at a well-established boys' school, and saved what little money she could to guarantee Reuben's future. He was a happy child; incredibly curious, and wise beyond his years. The streets of Rome were a playground for the young and cheeky boy who would frolic through the cobbled streets with a disregard for any of his circumstances; but soon it all changed.
Emilia passed away after a short but severe bout of pneumonia not long following Reuben's 13th birthday. Reuben was devastated; his biggest supporter, his lifeline, his closest relative, snatched from him in an instant. Reuben was never the same boy again.
After five years as a ward of the state, eventually becoming completely disenchanted with Italy, Reuben enrolled at Oregon State University to study architecture. He graduated with a Bachelor's in Architecture, and set about finding a career in the field.
Reuben's aspirations for himself were short-lived. He quickly found that in a post-recession country, jobs were few and fleeting for anybody with half a foot in the door, let alone a graduate. He took up a job as a waiter at The White Swan, progressing onto become a host after two years.
His job disappointed Reuben more than any other thing since the loss of his mom. He fucking hated it. He had accomplished... nothing. Nothing of substance. His mom would be so distraught that nothing came of her boy; the seeds of their endeavours were fruitless, and he, too, was heading towards an empty and difficult life just like hers. The meaninglessness of his life became too much to bear. First, he would smoke a joint or two before his shift to make the time pass. Then, when that grew familiar, he would snort a line or a bump just to get through the day. Then came prescription pills, and when they ran out, Reuben was forced to sober up. He did it by himself, enduring agonising days of withdrawl symptoms, sweating and crying through every sheet and pillow he could wallow in. It worked though, he came away from it a recovering addict. It fills him with shame, but as much as he recognises the damage he has done to himself, the lingering desire for one more escape, one more diversion from reality, still crosses his mind.







character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.







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