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Fantasy The War (Players Needed)

Raizel said:
"Yes, after all, you're human, just like me. Well, not quite like me, but you get the point." He smiled as they arrived. "I agree. Your people are prosper, and contrary to the tales, the undead aren't mindless monsters. I believe we can strike a great deal. Thank you for guiding me. I appreciate it." He approached the throne, and knelt down, in respect. "My queen, it's such a pleasure to finally meet you."
@Airagog @xEmoBunnehx
Aermik smiled at his queen and nodded, "Indeed, at least I think I have been. And those tales of the undead being mindless refer to our military might. Pragmaticism, my dear king, pragmaticism. This is the ideal that the Dark Kingdom flourishes under. It is pertinent to have enemies fear us as a deterrent force, and it is useful to have subjects study whatever they wish. Necromancy, reanimation, the eldritch. All fields that the rest of the world shuns, but our kingdom embraces, and as such we are in the best position out of any kingdom. Even insanity has its place when used correctly." He said taking his side by the queen, holding his apron in one arm. "Simply put, dark magic is like fire. It can help, it can hurt. But it is best that it is embraced so people do not fear it and all of its side effects are understood."

@Raziel @xEmoBunnehx
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xEmoBunnehx said:
Before Aermik and the King reached the throne room, Bellatrix had gotten there and sat down upon the rather large black stone throne and looked to the doors, waiting for them to open. Not even a few seconds they did the with king and Aermik. Bellatriz smiled kindly at the two and waited for them to get closer. Once they were The king seemed to bow before her, to which she responded with by standing and curtsying. "No no my King, tis my pleasure to finally meet you." She said to him, before offering her hand out from his to kiss, as it was sort of a custom thing, or so she had leaned it was many years ago. "I see you have met my loyal Aermik. I do hope he's been charming." She teased her pet softly. She had figured that would be, but teasing him was always fun.
@Airagog @Raizel
Galandor was surprised by the Queen's appearance. Being a lich, he woukdhave thought that she was going to be a little more... skeletal, but the beauty that stood before him proved him wrong. He gently held the hand that she offered and kissed. Cold as the grave. "Yes, Aermik proved himself to be quite a companion. He was telling that you and your army of undead built this majestic castle by your own hands. It's quite impressive. I came bearing a gift." The king called a soldier, which brought a jeweled sword, hot to the touch, glistening with magic. "This sword was crafted by my own hands, and is infused with a spark of the Mountain Joelark. I hope you find this gift worthy, my Queen. " He offered the sword. The scabbard and hilt were black, with rubies encrusted. The blade was a mixture of iron color and swirling orange energies. The center of the sword is a symbol of the Dark Kingdom, engraved in black metal.
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Bellatrix's smile increased as Aermik explain somewhat of how her kingdom worked. In a few short years the man had showed so much promise, and it made her proud to have him know so much about her dear kingdom and if she were to ever die..he would inherit everything. Her attention was drawn back toward Galandor as he gently kissed her hand. "Ah yes..tis a tale as old as time itself. Or so it seems." She replied before she was told about the gift. When the sword was brought forward, Bellatrix's eyes lit up in awe. "My..my King. It is..marvelous.." Bellatrix's voice clearly reflected the truth of her statement as she gingerly took the blade and held it up. It glimmered ever so slightly in the dim candle light that lit her kingdom, and the more she looked at the blade the more in love she fell with it. "I had..heard your forges where..beyond reconcile..but my gods is this..beautiful." She mused before looking to Galandor. "Please.. allow me to repay you for this wonderful gift Sire."

@Airagog @Raizel
xEmoBunnehx said:
Bellatrix's smile increased as Aermik explain somewhat of how her kingdom worked. In a few short years the man had showed so much promise, and it made her proud to have him know so much about her dear kingdom and if she were to ever die..he would inherit everything. Her attention was drawn back toward Galandor as he gently kissed her hand. "Ah yes..tis a tale as old as time itself. Or so it seems." She replied before she was told about the gift. When the sword was brought forward, Bellatrix's eyes lit up in awe. "My..my King. It is..marvelous.." Bellatrix's voice clearly reflected the truth of her statement as she gingerly took the blade and held it up. It glimmered ever so slightly in the dim candle light that lit her kingdom, and the more she looked at the blade the more in love she fell with it. "I had..heard your forges where..beyond reconcile..but my gods is this..beautiful." She mused before looking to Galandor. "Please.. allow me to repay you for this wonderful gift Sire."
@Airagog @Raizel
Aermik looked to his queen, "Do you require me to fetch something then milady? If so you need only say the word and I will go post haste to fetch whatever you think would make an excellent to present to milord." @xEmoBunnehx
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"There would be no need, my Queen. A visitor is presumed to bring gifts, after all, I'll be in your care. And please, call me Galandor. I was born in the forges, so I was taught since birth how to handle the metal, temper it, make it as strong as a boulder. My birthright made it so that i can infuse magic into what I craft, so I can make the strongest weapons and armor on the land. " He tapped his own swords, firmly strapped in his waist. "My Ember&Spark are my masterpieces. The Mt. Joelark fires burns within them, and because of that, they are one of the strongest weapons of the kingdom." He looked at his men, who stood tall, but were clearly tired from the trip. "My queen, me and my men are quite tired. May I abuse your hospitality and show them where they can rest, and perhaps a place where we can dinner to discuss a possible alliance?" He smiled.
Iris blinked. Who would dare talk to her like that. Especially all she had to offer. To a friend? She looked around for the blind child, but he seemed to flee when the king did. She put her head in her hands and started to weep, silently. She wiped the frozen tears off her face and went into the dining room. It seemed to haunt her with the emptiness of it. There were many chairs, which many people could sit... Sadly she only needed to use one, for herself. She picked up a glass of blue wine, and stared at it. Stared at her reflection of herself. She closed her eyes and screamed, throwing the glass at the wall. She collapsed on hr knees, and sobbed. Ever since her parents died, she seemed so alone. Sure she has the servants and maids, but they were all afraid of her. She was... Alone.
Silently Duke Faolin straightened his black suite jacket. He looked very young for his age of twenty. Walking along he watched carefully the guards. He was in the service of the Fire King. He had the symbol on his jacket. Right now he was trying to find his King. He had a sword by his side. The sword was a piece of art more then a weapon but it served its use. Sometimes swords were required instead of fire balls from his hands. However so far he had never had to use it. He wondered if his King was in the throne room. It was best not to go in uninvited so he tried the King's bedchambers first receiving no answer. He walked into the courtyard looking around for his King. Done it again. Vanished into thin air again! He sighed then continued searching.
Amber was left to aimlessly wonder. She had seen the Queen leave the Water Kingdom, but she lost sight of her rather quickly. She also knew she had kingdoms to be at. She couldn't decide. Should she watch after her Queen like a good subject, or deliver her messages, like the messenger she was. She began to walk back to the Plant Kingdom a bit disappointed in herself. She was going to give her remaining messages to a colleague and she was going to just take some time away from the kingdom.
Lighthouse8477 said:
Silently Duke Faolin straightened his black suite jacket. He looked very young for his age of twenty. Walking along he watched carefully the guards. He was in the service of the Fire King. He had the symbol on his jacket. Right now he was trying to find his King. He had a sword by his side. The sword was a piece of art more then a weapon but it served its use. Sometimes swords were required instead of fire balls from his hands. However so far he had never had to use it. He wondered if his King was in the throne room. It was best not to go in uninvited so he tried the King's bedchambers first receiving no answer. He walked into the courtyard looking around for his King. Done it again. Vanished into thin air again! He sighed then continued searching.
The courtyard was empty, save for the few guards on the entrances. A courier found Faolin standing in the garden, and ran after him. "My lord..." The boy caught his breath. "My lord, I have a message from King Galandor."The boy grabbed a sealed letter, the wax seal the crest of the king." He apologizes for the hasty leave, but he said it was an urgent matter." He placed the letter into Faolin's hands. "I still need to deliver more letters, so I'll be taking my leave. Farewell, my lord." The courier quickly disappears beyond an external entrance of the courtyard,leaving Faolin alone.

"Duke Faolin, a letter has arrived yesterday summoning me to the castle of the Dark Kingdom to discuss a possible alliance. I left here as soon as i can, so I couldn't have the time to tell you. If you so desire, a griffon is already ready for you departure to the Dark Kingdom. My Regards, King Galandor." The letter is finished with the burnt crest of the King on the paper.
Throughout the throne room of the Castle of Dark, a yawn was hearable. It came from behind the throne. A small girl, very young and wearing a pyjama crawled up from behind the throne. "You guys are way too loud when talking.", Tina muttered with another yawn. She took out some bottle of pills, eating a few.

@Raizel @xEmoBunnehx @Airagog

(I assumed you were in the throne room, tell me if not and I edit it.)
Azura finally arrived at the Light kingdom, her wings aching slightly from the long and swift flight. The kingdom was quite a while away, and she hadn't flown properly for months, unless it was for battle. She had wanted to get her kingdom to full strength before considering an alliance with anyone, and now she felt that her subjects had much more to offer, as did her army. They had one of the smaller fighting forces, but it was elite, and their position made it harder for people to attack them, so much that her kingdom was one of the best protected out of any of the others.

She touched down in the courtyard outside of the castle, the guard that had followed her gesturing to one of the King's servants, and explaining that she had come to seek an alliance. The servant led them to the doors of the throne room, then entered to announce them. Azura did not consider herself impatient, but this meeting would change the fate of her people, and so she found it hard to stand without fidgeting.

After hours of riding on lighting, He has finally made it to the ice kingdom. With leaving in a rush, he forgot to grab a cloak. Lighting stopped within the courtyard of the ice kingdom. The palace looked so beautiful as light bounced off of it. He slipped off of lighting and begins to shiver as the snow soaked into his shoes. "Lighting, can you stay here or want to come inside?" The horse looked around, then looked at Ryan and said, "What do you think?" Ryan let out a small laugh and grabbed the reins. He begins to tug at lighting as they head toward the ice kingdom, hoping to end this war. What was her name, Iris? Ryan sighs as they walk closer to the first part of their long journey.
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Bellatrix opened her mouth to speak to the king, but before she could her beloved little spy had shown up behind her. "Tina.." She soft and reached out, lightly ruffling the girl's hair. "I'm sorry for waking you. Why do you go curl up in my room, darling?" She told the girl, before directing her attention back to the Galandor and Aermik. "Galandor. Please call me Bellatrix. As for room and rest, there are plenty to go around and your mounts are more than welcome to be cared for a tended at my stables." She said before looking to Aermik. "Please. Show them to their rooms and make sure a stable hand tends to their lovely griffins." She instructed, "When you are all rested up and feeling better, you may have one of my dear servants find you and bring you to the east drawing room where we shall get to the... formalities." She playfully winked toward Galandor.

@Ami the breadling @Raizel
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xEmoBunnehx said:
Bellatrix opened her mouth to speak to the king, but before she could her beloved little spy had shown up behind her. "Tina.." She soft and reached out, lightly ruffling the girl's hair. "I'm sorry for waking you. Why do you go curl up in my room, darling?" She told the girl, before directing her attention back to the Galandor and Aermik. "Galandor. Please call me Bellatrix. As for room and rest, there are plenty to go around and your mounts are more than welcome to be cared for a tended at my stables." She said before looking to Aermik. "Please. Show them to their rooms and make sure a stable hand tends to their lovely griffins." She instructed, "When you are all rested up and feeling better, you may have one of my dear servants find you and bring you to the east drawing room where we shall get the the... formalities." She playfully winked toward Galandor.
@Ami the breadling @Raizel
Tina closed her eyes happily as the queen ruffled her hair. "I was searching for you and suddenly got really tired. Who is that visitor?", she curiously asked. Though her tiredness was still present, visibly present, as she spoke very slow and with little voice. She also every now and then closed her eyes tiredly, just to open them again a few seconds later.

@xEmoBunnehx @Raizel @Airagog
arriving on a green commit an landing on the out shirts of the plant kingdom Steel releases that he will need help to get around the new land he just came to Hello where ever I am but man I really need to find a guide to help me find my way around here hopefully some in this town can help me find my way to the Fire or Light Kingdom so i can ask them about my mother i really do hope so as he heads to the plant kingdom
(Sorry @The3rdSteel but it doesn't seem you were accepted yet. Unless y'all did a Pm.)

Ryan looked around the Ice courtyard, with lighting in his hand. He was shivering and very cold. He begins to look for any servants and guards till he found a guard near the gate. Ryan walked up to the guard and spoke in a diplomatic voice, "Hello their. May I speak to the queen of Ice? I have to talk to her about some diplomatic business."
The courtyard was empty, save for the few guards on the entrances. A courier found Faolin standing in the garden, and ran after him. "My lord..." The boy caught his breath. "My lord, I have a message from King Galandor."The boy grabbed a sealed letter, the wax seal the crest of the king." He apologizes for the hasty leave, but he said it was an urgent matter." He placed the letter into Faolin's hands. "I still need to deliver more letters, so I'll be taking my leave. Farewell, my lord." The courier quickly disappears beyond an external entrance of the courtyard,leaving Faolin alone.
"Duke Faolin, a letter has arrived yesterday summoning me to the castle of the Dark Kingdom to discuss a possible alliance. I left here as soon as i can, so I couldn't have the time to tell you. If you so desire, a griffon is already ready for you departure to the Dark Kingdom. My Regards, King Galandor." The letter is finished with the burnt crest of the King on the paper.
Silently Faolin read the note and shut it. Figures. Alliance hah right. Betrayal more like it. He called, "Guards prepare my Griffith and a traveling pack. And someone get me my special sword that the king made me." He tossed his decorative sword to a guard who took it.
An hour later Faolin was abord his Griffith. Special sword. Check. Water. Check. Map. Check. Food double check. Okay they were good. He signaled the men and stated, "I leave you Flara in charge of this rabble make sure they don't get in trouble." Flara the most trustworthy female he knew nodded. Then Faolin whispered, "Fly fast my friend." His Griffeth took off quickly.
(I'll play as the NPCs of my kingdom as well. c:)

The guard raised his brow and tensed up. "What business?" He asked, crossing her arms.

(Sorry for thr short post, y'know. It's an NPC not an actual characters so.)
"War business. Now may I speak to her?" ,Ryan was getting a little impatient. The more time he spent wasting time, the closer it got to each kingdom being destroyed. He means his kingdom will die. "It's very urgent," He said again.

Lighting was getting antsy. The bitter cold was getting threw his coat and he hated the cold. He has lived in the plant kingdom his whole life and liked the warmth of it.
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Amber wondered about before returning home. She unlocked the door and entered before setting her satchel down. She went to the kitchen and made herself some lunch before sitting down an eating. Amber sighed as she leaned back in her chair, keeping a good level of balance. She finished eating before sitting normally and then getting up to put the dishes in the sink. She went back out and noticed a group of children playing in the street. Amber smiled as she walked over to them.

"Hey, it's Amber!" said a young boy who was holding a stick. Amber nodded acknowledging him and more children gathered around.

"Amber, are you off work right nows?" asked a younger girl. "Not quite, but I'm taking a break." she said. Amber was popular with the. children in her area since she made a fun playmate.

As she followed the children to their play spot which was across one of main trees supporting part of the kingdom, she wondered when their parents would notice that they were hanging about in such a rural area. "Let's play hide and seek!" said the young boy. "That's not fair though, Amber can disappear!" said a boy who's name was Dmitri. "But we set boundaries." said the little girl. Amber giggled and picked up the girl. "Anna, don't worry about it." she said.

The children would go on an debate and fight over what to play and Amber watched and listened, before being the peacemaker and settling the dispute by saying they would play a game of charades. The kids would play while Amber watched quietly. This was the only spot other than the castle that was truly quiet and peaceful. You had a view of the forest from the tree and the sun always warmed the little area. Amber was worried though, because the war, if the Plant Kingdom should perish, could destroy it all.

Neuton said:
"War business. Now may I speak to her?" ,Ryan was getting a little impatient. The war was about to start again and he really do not want to be caught in the middle of it. He wants to end it, before anyone else dies. He means anyone in his kingdom to die. "It's very urgent," He said again.
Lighting was getting antsy. The bitter cold was getting threw his coat and he hated the cold. He has lived in the plant kingdom his whole life and liked the warmth of it.
The guard grunted and gestured him to follow. He turned and led him to the Queen.

Iris was cleaning up the glass as the guard entered.

"Majesty. A diplomat is here to see you. War business." He spoke, giving a glare to the lighting handler.

The Queen stood and put the glass on the table. "Right..." She sighed and walked up with a smile. "I apologize... I have been out of sorts lately."
Aermik nodded, motioning Galandor to follow him as he showed the way to the kitchen, "I pray you will forgive the lack of dedicated servants. We don't entertain guests often and as such I am frequently the one who runs most of the castle. I would be happy to cook for you and your soldiers, though would require assistance as I do not know of any dishes from your kingdom." He nodded closing the wooden doors to the kitchen, walking back down the hall and towards the eastern wing, showing them to large sections of living quarters. "Here is where you will be staying. Forgive the dim lights, but the denizens do not enjoy things to be overly lit. If you require anything merely ask. Guards and shadows will alert me to what your needs are. Shall I take my leave?"

@Raziel @xEmoBunnehx
Ryan did a small bow. He might be one of the oldest people, but he knows that many of the younger folks would not know him yet. "Hello, Queen Iris, I'm here for a permanent peace alliance from the plant kingdom." He looks at the guard and ask, "Can he watch my horse? I want to speak in private with you." The horse huffed in protest. Ryan went tot he horse and say, "It'll be a minute." The horse huffed again, "Fine, I'll give you a minute. Whatever that means."

Ryan smiled and return to the queen, shivering.
Neuton said:
Ryan did a small bow. He might be one of the oldest people, but he knows that many of the younger folks would not know him yet. "Hello, Queen Iris, I'm here for a permanent peace alliance from the plant kingdom." He looks at the guard and ask, "Can he watch my horse? I want to speak in private with you." The horse huffed in protest. Ryan went tot he horse and say, "It'll be a minute." The horse huffed again, "Fine, I'll give you a minute. Whatever that means."
Ryan smiled and return to the queen, shivering.
"Of course." She looked at the guard and nodded. He sighed and took the horse from the room. Queen Iris turned her attention to the boy. "You seem cold... I'm guessing you are not used to the icy climate here. Come, we can sit by the fire." She said, moving toward the fireplace. "And, what to the plant kingdom have to offer me? Would would be the advantages?" She asks.
Ryan smiled as he sat near the fire. "I'm here to end this war. This war has given all kingdoms negative effects. The plant kingdom would like to make a peace contract that will end this war once and for all." Ryan sighed. He has been practicing that sentence since he left the plant kingdom. Might as ell be prepared, He thought to himself. Ryan also knew that most people would not read history books. 200 years of experience also told him that new queens and kings would only know his sister.

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