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Fantasy The War Of Clans (Actual RP)

Leon slowly walked through the woods trying not to make any sound. He was out hunting, the clan needed food and he was happy to help. He was following the tracks of a wild boar. These tracks seemed to be fresh. He turned his head in the direction where he heard a slight rustling. Closer examination deemed that what he was looking for, was grazing only a few yards away from his current position. Leon moved quietly to get in a better position to kill the animal. The wild boar was unaware of his presence. Leon gazed at the animal, it didn't have a lot of meat on it's bones, which was worrying him. It appeared that his clan was not the only ones who had trouble finding food. Leon slowly pulled out an arrow and notched it. He pulled his arm back, aiming his arrow for the animals heart. He let go of it, watching the arrow hit it's intended target. A clean kill which he had hoped for. He walked up to the now dead boar, carefully pulling out his arrow. After a little bit of work, he could use the arrow again. The problem facing him now was how to get the creature to his clan.
Jotnar flew above a forest looking down with one piercing orange eye. The dragon was off scouting/fishing. And he wouldn't mind something jumping out at him simply for the entertainment. His tough ebony hide was reflected against the sunlight as he searched out a stream local fisherman had yet to empty. If he caught enough he wouldn't feel bad about grabbing one for himself. It might just be his dragon greed but Jotnar was hungry almost all of the time. He spotted a mountain stream and swooped down first taking a large mouthful of water, before scrutinizing the area for signs of wolves and bears that might try and swipe his catch. He raised his head and let out a rumbling bugle just to be sure. His dragon body was rather cumbersome in village life but the large beastly appearence had its advantages.
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Silenus was walking around, inspecting the weapon storage. His swords he kept on his back, crossed. He held his hands behind his back. He sighed. "We need more members..It seems the others have more and more every day. Something must be done about it." He walked around and felt something. Something...invisible. He drew his swords and glanced around. "Show yourself!" He screamed. He slashed, but hit nothing. "Odd. Must be my imagination..." He walked back towards his office/quarters and hung his weapons.
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The loud laughter was heard almost through all the Steelbrands quarters. The source was well known to everyone. It was the clans pub, where the warriors relaxed and hung out oftenly. Though, that always had beer involved. Which was bound to get loud. And in the middle of all those warriors, guards, clanmembers in general was the clans best blacksmith, Katla.
Waving around with her mug, standing, one leg on the bench she had sat on, the other on the table, she was telling a story, that seemed to amuse not only herself, but the others just as much.
"An' den yer man 'ad de guts ter tell me "women canny chucker naw work. they are for de kids, for de cookin' an' for a craic." Can yer believe dat?", she said and the men laughed out loudly. "What did´cha respond?", one of them asked, pointing his own mug at the woman. "Scon are naw fella av fancy words, yer nu dat. oi made me point clear wi' de language oi spake best. oi club 'imself up gran'. Paddy ran aff loike a dag, 'is tail between 'is legs." Katla laughed and the men joined in, sending another loud conjoined laughter through the quarters. She sat back down and waved, ordering another mug of beer for herself.
Silenus put on his armor, leaving the helmet off, and went to the arena, and sat there. He had heard the laughter from that far away and decided to go check it out. "By the gods, I can hear it all the way over here.." He sighed, walking towards the sound. The pub. "Of course..." Silenus decided he should relax as well, and went in, ordering himself a mug of mead. He took it and walked around. He saw one of his guards and shrugged. Then, a window broke in the distance, causing all the laughter to die down. Silenus grunted. "Oh no.." Silenus rushed towards the window to find an arrow on the ground. He picked it up.
((This will be a longer one, just to introduce the character. Since I already have something in the posts that I will try to connect to so as to have something to do, it seemed unwise to delay it and cut it into two posts))

It was a quiet one. No one rowdy in the tavern, no one loud in the streets. Theren had her peace in her home resting in her leather seat, her handmade, herb-filled pillow in lap with Sera on top cleaning her small face with her tiny paws.

"What are we going to do today, Sera?" She ran her finger along the black squirrel's head and back. No reply. None expected.

She had no job that day. She had not had much to do those days, the days after the falling apart of Colfury. The purge, she thought she had heard someone call it. After all, so many had been... removed, to put it nicely. Killed, to be straightforward. So many people whom she had healed one time or another, gone because their loyalty was not deemed good enough by any of the elders. Leaders, they were now leaders, the four of them.

Four different clans. They all knew one another, so many connections remained between members of the clans. Why did they have to be separate now? Whiny elders hungry for power? She was not looking forward to the future.

Putting Sera on her shoulder, she got up from her seat, taking in a deep breath. A walk outside, perhaps the forest, to start the day off right. With a nod, she left her house and hurried off, away from their new settlement, tossing in a wave or two to passers-by. She had chosen the house at the end closest to the forest for herself, closest to her almost natural habitat, closest to her gathering grounds for her craft. It had been a drag transferring all of her stocked ingredients over to her new home in the once-abandoned village, even with all the eager help from the others of the new Shadowscars clan. Shadowscars. Such a dark, battle-like name.

The weather was soft, just fresh, as well as warm enough for her simple cloth garment used for the current warmer days. Her boots' thick soles guided her over prickly plants and especially hard twigs underfoot as she made her way deep, deep as she could. She was not certain of the borders, she believed no one was, not yet. But, perhaps, none were yet established. She could roam - for the time being. Hoping to put off fighting her previous-clan members, she stopped by a nice-looking tree, Sare agreeing with her choice and scurrying right up it.

Theren leaned against the tree and let herself slide to the bare ground. It seemed especially hard by the tree, held fast by the thick roots. She felt that she had closed her eyes for a mere second when she heard an arrow whistle and something thud against the ground. Eyes wide, she did not realise when she got up to her feet, ready to flee. When had she become so wary of such sounds? Perhaps it was a new-clan member of hers. Sare, sensing her fear, reappeared on her shoulder, cheek-pouches full. On her toes, Theren moved towards the location of the sound, feeling safe behind a tree. Looking past it, she saw a dead boar, and a contemplating man standing above it with bow and arrow in hand. Was he one of Shadowscars? Either way, perhaps he would not be hostile. She believed all the Colfury members remained friendly towards others - for the time being. She wanted that, at least.

"Uh, Leon?" she called, stepping towards him and shooing Sare up the tree they were hiding behind.

(( Slav Slav ))
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Silenus growled. "Get me the best warriors we have. We're going to see the other clans..." He grabbed his swords. He raised one of them towards the sky. "I call a Gathering between the Elders of each clan!" He yelled out a long cry. He then walked over towards a temole to the gods.
Jotnar swooped down to reenter the village. Smoke coming out of his nostrils upon landing. The black scaled dragon looked from side to side. Dropping his haul around the store house. Jotnar began to look around seeing the state of the village to see if anyone could use the assistance of a dragon. He looked up as he neared the tavern and heard Silenus yell over the normal infernal din. What had happened?
Katla got up. "F'course oi couldn´t 'av a nice relaxed evenin'... ", she said as she walked over to her forge. There, she put on a chainmail, which she wore under her leather and fur clothes. It wasnt visible, but still protective. She grabbed Freyr and Freya, as well as a second hand axe, that she hung on her belt. With that equipment set, she returned the place she was called to. After all, she was one of the best the clan had. She was among the best blacksmithes through all four clans and among the top percent of warriors of Steelbrand.
Reaching her destination, she looked at Silenius. "Waaat 'appened? who are we puttin' in their place?"
Silenus snarled. "We need to put up the defenses." Silenus turned around towards everyone else. "Defensive positions! I think we have a raid on our hands." He silently prayed to the gods above, then his eyes had changed color from brown to dark red. His voice became deeper. "Let's go. Now." He ran out of the territory, and he knew this wasn't a good idea. He would easily be killed, even if it WASN'T a raid, he needed to be sure.
Jotnar watched as the leader ran off. The dragon took to the air to keep up with him. Jotnar may not have been the best of warriors as a human, but he seemed to be more suited to battle as a dragon anyway. He looked out at the forest trying to spot the other clans from his vantage. Nothing. He went closer to the trees to make sure Silenus didn’t get himself slain.
Leon turned to see who had spoken, hoping it wasn't a foe. Turned out to be Theren, he looked her over Theren for a moment. "Didn't expect to see you out here. You usually seem busy." Leon said to the druid. He put his bow on his back as there was no threat around. " The clan needed food, so I was happy to go out and hunt. Now I have this boar here that I have no idea how to carry back." Leon said. Probably should have went for something smaller that was actually carry able.

Skitts Skitts
Silenus slowed to a walk and glanced up at Jotnar. He sighed, and kept walking. As he did, he saw the past. He witnessed the Purge, the formation of the four clans, and the betrayal of the clans. He shook his head to rid his thoughts, and walked. Then, he stopped cold. He saw someone. And he felt something as well. This is strange...Who are they? Are they survivors, or stragglers? He coughed, the called to them. "Hey! Who are you? Do you have a clan?" Internally, he knew this was a bad idea. He could get himself killed. Then again, he was a leader, and has training in duels. He just waited for a reply.

(( Slav Slav ))
Theren approached the ranger and propped her arms on her hips, looking at the dead beast. "Aha." She herself was not strong enough to aid him in his cause, though she bent down and pulled at the body to try her hand at it. Rather heavy. Her staff was back in the house, so she could not make use of the trees unless she wanted to waste more of their time with her rusty staffless skills in magic. She would have to hurry back and get help, or send someone faster than herself.

Sare. With a thought, the black rodent was gone from their sight. "Sare will be back soon with someone," Theren explained, looking over her shoulder in the direction of their new home. Everyone in the clan recognised her tame critter and it was not the first time Sare was sent looking for help instead of the druid. The others had learnt that the squirrel only went to other humans if Theren instructed so.

A shout from the woods reached them not long after, the druid jumping at the suddenness. Did they have a clan? Of course they did - the life of rogues was not an enviable one. She had not even come across any yet as they were likely still in hiding, or at least that seemed the smart thing to do.

She glanced at Leon, her lips pulled to the side and eyebrows lowered. She thought it wiser to say nothing, though the person had clearly seen them. Who were they, though? A rogue, a different clan member? That sort of call did not strike her as a clan-member kind of thing, though. Or did it? The more she thought, the less she was certain in her judgement of behaviour. The change in leadership and entire social structure confused her.

"We should just be... honest?" she suggested in a hushed tone, though her left hand flexed around air that was where her staff was meant to be. Perhaps she was just paranoid about the possibility of fights breaking out between different clans. After all, she herself tried to believe that the others would be kind to everyone no matter their new alleigances because they were all once part of the same clan - or at least most would. Well, there must have been nastier things going on, things she had not considered, that made it all fall apart, which would make some hostile by default. Her thoughts would break her sanity someday, she thought.
Jotnar hit the ground with a light thump. Beside of Silenus. Trying to add his fiery presence to his leader's. He didn't say anything. but he did take in the other people's appearence, his nostrils flaring, noticing their kill, and the strange scents on them. His long tail left a small area clear off leaf litter as it went back and forth. The thin whip-like tip of his tail curling.
Silenus approached them silently. He then asked, "Who are you?" He still regretted this. "Did you shoot into our territory? If so, say good-bye." He stood tall. His voice was deep. His helmet was off, so his true face was shown. He was holding a dagger. He looked at Jotnar. "Where are the others?" He asked. "We need to speak to their leader."
Leon stood there for a few seconds studying the dragon and Silenus, He calmly said, "I'm Leon, a member of the shadowscars. I did not know we crossed into your territory or even knew this was your territory. There is no need to be hostile." Leon said to Silenus casting another glance to the Dragon. He wasn't very familiar with Silenus or the dragon. He was trying to piece together what clan they are part. It was hard to tell these days. He glanced at Theren to make sure she was staying calm, this was a situation that he didn't want to get heated.

((@ParzivalOftheOASIS Skitts Skitts ))
Silenus sighed. "One down, two more to go. Anyway, I'm Silenus. Even though I purged some of Colfury, the deed was done mostly by the other elders. This here is Jotnar. He is our scout and I don't know what else.." He sighed again. "Our territory extends from either side of our capitol of Venhal. To be truthfully honest, We're in your territory." He tightened his grip on his dagger.
Jotnar said his first statement. It came out as a rumbling hiss. “Our camp was attacked. Any explanation”. He curled his wings behind him to be more comfortable. He looked at Silenus and nodded. Saying that his introduction was correct.
"Well, I was out here hunting, so I have no knowledge of this attack." Leon said glancing at Silenus's hand noticing his tight grip on the dagger. " And I doubt our clan had anything to do with it." Leon said trying not to get angered by there hostility. It seemed the clans did not have good relations with each other. It was surprising to him since the clans recently split up not long ago. Things seemed to heat up pretty quickly.
Theren had not recognised the elder, not remembering ever seeing him without his helmet. The name she knew, though. After all, they were all the same clan not too long ago, everyone was under the same four elders. "I'm a druid, Theren," she spoke, glancing at Leon. "I left my home not too long ago and came across Leon here, we're just waiting for someone to come help with the boar." She nodded towards the body next to them. "The entire morning was quiet, as far as I remember, no one gathering, calling to arms, planning attacks... and they must have left before me, I suppose." So, apparently, her wish for there to be no fights anytime soon was in vain.

((1D/2D character or two incoming from Shadowscars village, who is supposed to play these NPCs?))
Silenus took off his helmet and held it under his arm. "As I said before, your clan is already ruled out. What clan do you not trust the most, excluding us?" He turned to Jotnar. "Could you get a good look around the area?" He put away the dagger.
Jotnar nodded his head. Keeping to his man of few words archetype. Jumping up before flapping his wings to gain altitude. He flew around the surrounding forest. Not seeing anything until a pair of approaching men caught his eye. He flew back and landed. "Two men, coming from that direction" he said. Pointing his tail in the direction of the men.
Silenus drew his swords and looked at the area. He put on his helmet. He turned to Jotnar. "Let's go. now."

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