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The Vampire and the Slayer (redletalis x soldmysoul)

"Considering that the possible demon - not the word 'possible' because I could be wrong, and I actually do hope that I am - showed up in the middle of the continent, closer to Russia than anywhere else, I do not think that men here in England could have summoned it. No, this started off on the continent and for whatever reason the demon was set free to create chaos - or simply escaped. The Council couldn't find any traces of the point of origin, but we did not know what we were hunting then. I shall have to send them a message about this. I am also worried about this symbol showing up here," he motioned to the poster. "It could be a summoning circle or simply let the demon know that it is close to... whatever it is supposed to do. But that someone here in England knows about a demon that showed up near Russia and knows what symbols will control it, well, that bears the uncomfortable signs of a world-wide conspiracy and that, in turn, means dangerous people. I really do not like this."

Constantin hummed a bit, tapping his fingers thoughtfully against the decorative head of the cane. What to do? That was the question!
"Well I suggest before we continue on with the assumption that this is a demon we are after, we first confirm your theory. Now, if I am correct, demons can appear human-like and can even possess a host of choice, no? When it's not killing, who's to say this demon isn't hiding among these people, looking and acting just as they do? There has to be a pattern in the types of people this creature is targeting and the places it is travelling." Anastasia crossed her arms across her chest as the temperature slowly crept lower and lower as the night went on. As a child, Anastasia was taught of many supernatural creatures. To this day, only a small portion of the beasts she had learned about have actually been encountered and this would be her first demon, if Constantin's assumption proves to be correct. The thought was challenging, yet almost terrifying.

"Why don't we call it a night, head over to the Bella Luna. Maybe you will have an epiphany then."

It had been a lot of travelling for one day and she was eager for some peace and quiet.
"That host-hopping is what has me curious about our good Mr Hawkes." Constantin walked to the mouth of the alley and looked at the backside of the tavern. It was dirty and grimy and covered with coal smut like everything else. "He said that he practically locked eyes with our quarry a week ago, then went and hid and that it didn't do anything to him. What proof do we have that he is right? What proof do we have that he hasn't already been taken over by the demon and we are being led around in a merry dance?"

Nothing and no one moved around in this place, even the sleeping bum could have been more dead than alive for all that he breathed and if Constantin hadn't been able to hear the man's breathing then he would have suspected that they had another corpse on their hands. Perhaps it was a bit odd that someone remained in this alley, sleeping peacefully barely a week after a gruesome double murder had happened here.

"Hmm, yes, let us retire." He finally said and turned back, ready to start ushering Anastasia back out of the alley and down the street. He wondered if he could get her to change inns just in case his suspicions were correct.
"You could be correct about Hawkes or you could be incorrect. Not to be accusatory, Mr. Constantin, but who's to say that you are not the current host of this demon? I should simply crucify you tonight while you're sleeping, take anything valuable from your persons and return home without a second thought." What was she doing, encouraging Constantin to have at it with her own snide remarks.

She began walking in the direction of their next stop, the Bella Luna, which was thankfully within sight from their current location. Constantin had brought up a good point though which furthered her belief that no one is to be trusted. Hopefully, they would be able to rest easy tonight, with no disturbance whatsoever but Anastasia simply always expected the worst and hoped for the best which kept her on high alert at all times.
Casting one last look at the unconscious bum as he passed him, Constantin walked along with Anastasia. He matched her pace easily through the streets, keeping his face open and relaxed, his voice low and normal and even lighthearted despite the rather dangerous topic they were discussing. Because if a demon really was out of Hell, creating chaos and trouble, then they really were talking about dangerous things. There was so little known about demons and their powers that one could never know if they would be able to actually hear what was said about them or not.

"Well, my dear, the point has to be made that you could be it as well. Shall we now spend a thoroughly uncomfortable time keeping an eye on each other and tensing every time one of us gets up for a turn about the room?" he smiled at her. "Or we could switch lodgings just in case. I think I have an acquaintance not too far from here who might put us up for a few days. Easier to come and go if everyone in the home knows about what we are doing, and are trusted to both keep their mouths shut and their ears and eyes open. What say you?"
Within what seemed like just a few short strides, the two were arriving at their destination. A large, white home, decorated with lights that glowed in the front windows. Anastasia stopped in front of the porch steps, turning to Constantin. "You can talk to your acquaintance in the morning. One night should not be an issue, unless your are truly adamant in avoiding this place in which case I must at least retrieve my belongings. But the rest is your call." She waited for his decision, placing a hand on her hip before being caught completely off guard by a dainty young girl, perhaps around the same age as herself, descending down the homes porch steps in an oversized pink and red gown.

Directly over to Constantin the blonde went, completely ignoring Anastasia's presence before offering a curtsy to the gentleman. "I am Odette! My father Mr.Hawkes readied my mother and I for your arrival, although I was not warned how handsome his guest would be." Her French accent was overcome with the most despicable flirting, causing Anastasia to shudder.
"Well, considering that your morning is my night then-" Constantin didn't get to finish his sentence because the doors of the house were thrown open and a young miss in far too bright colours and far too many frills ran out and stopped right in front of him. He blinked at the spectacle and made a tiny bow, slightly belated to the girl's introduction. "Ah, yes, scuza-ma, I am not too good with English etiquette. Constantin Voinescu at your service. Aș vrea să pot spune că a fost frumos să te cunosc , dar mi-ar fi culcat."

He let his accent beckome thicker, pretending less knowledge of English, and had switched to his native tongue. Constantin took her hand and made a deeper bow over it like a proper gentleman, smiling even as he insulted the poor girl. He straightened and moved around her to Anastasia, taking her hand and putting it in the crook of his arm as if it belonged there. "Fete civilizate sunt atât de foarte înainte. Allow me to introduce logodnica mea, Anastasia Volkov."

Having just complained about not being glad to see her, about the forwardness of so-called civilized girls and having just introduced Anastasia as his fiancee, Constantin expected to be either hit or turned to dust. Or simply have a young miss simpering for attention. He wasn't really certain which one he would prefer, but women always knew when someone was talking bad about them even in a different language.
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The blonde raised an eyebrow, pushing up her bosoms which were already about to spill over the front of her dress. She blinked for several seconds after the spiel seemed to be over and in turn had nothing else to say.

Anastasia, having a particularity slim knowledge of the Romanian language, simply stared at her counterpart in bewilderment. However, she kept her lips sealed. Whatever Constantin had said left her speechless and for that, she was grateful.

The blonde turned away, "follow me, monsieur." Her tone dry and completely unlike her introduction.

Anastasia pulled Constantin in closer to her side as they followed, "so what exactly
did you say to her?" She whispered.
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"Ah, there might have been something about not being glad to see her, and how shockingly forward these apparently civilized girls are supposed to be." Constantin whispered back and didn't mention a thing about introducing Anastasia as his fiancee. Because that would truly earn him a stake to the heart or a nice beheading. He wanted to avoid both of those as long as he possibly could.

He grinned right before the two of them reached the door. "Or I could have told her that she looks lovely in pink, and that I have never seen such beautiful hair in all my years on earth. Exactly what I said you'll never know, now will you? You, my dear, need to expand your skills in different languages. Now, let us get inside and to our rooms. It is pretty late after all."

And human beings needed their sleep. That part went unsaid but it was heavily implied.
"I hope it was the former of the two. Either way, I should have expected nothing less of you. You must think you're so charming." A slight smirk appeared on her face as they continued inside, still arm in arm.

The inside of the inn was overly decorated with all types of clutter covering the floor and up. Portraits of Mr. Hawkes, Odette and who was presumably Mrs. Hawkes, hung on the walls of the foyer, rather tacky indeed. Anastasia found herself cringing over the entire ambiance, it was overwhelming.

Odette, the easy blonde, began walking up the stairs, "I will now show you both to your rooms. I've been meaning to ask, what is the
important business that my father has told me you two are here to attend to?"

"That is confidential. If I tell you, I will have to kill you. Besides, it's probably something that someone of your capacity would simply not understand." Her tone was bitter.

Odette's face twisted as she thought about Anastasia's insult, not quite understanding thus providing the Russian's point.
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"I don't think I am, my dear, I know that I am." Constantin whispered back cheerfully as he looked around the home. To him a home was a home, and the way it looked didn't really matter. He only hoped that they had some sort of study or library in the house, otherwise he would be frightfully bored while everyone was a sleep. The books he had brought with him for the journey wouldn't last him long. He had already read all five of them twice in the month that he had been hunting this possible demon.

Although Anastasia obviously didn't have any trouble in making her displeasure known.

Leaning down he whispered in her ear. "Now who's being insulting? At least switch language, my dear, have that much respect for our hosts who have so very graciously opened their home to us. You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar and all that, little empress, try to remember it." He straightened up and looked at Odette with an apologetic smile. "You must - what is the word? Scuză? Ah, yes, you must excuse my Anastasia. They have other ways in her beloved Russia."
The French girl continued to stare still with a look of confusion before allowing a welcoming smile to cross her lips. "Anyway, this is where you, Anastasia, will stay, I believe there is someone waiting with your things." She opened the door where a man stood with several suitcases.

Anastasia walked in, exchanging a few words with the man before handing over a bit of money as payment. He was quick to rush down the stairs and out the door.

"And you,
monsieur, I shall show you to your sleeping quarters." There she was, being just as flirtatious as ever. Anastasia rolled her eyes, shutting the door to her bedroom so that she no longer had to hear it. "Someone is very grumpy" Odette added, pushing up her bosoms one more for added effect as she led constantin to the room down the hall.
A quick look from outside in the corridor was all that Constantin got of Anastasia's room and the suitcases - he thought that there was a window to one side, and that might be a good way to get in or get out without other people knowing. The man who left, however, he got a better look at and even got a good sniff of his scent. Just in case. Constantin hadn't lived first throught he Ottoman invasion of his home country and then for four hundred years more by being stupid no matter what Anastasia thought of him. He turned back to Odette, following her down the corridor. Past the small tables placed here and there with nice vases, and the big windows that were covered with curtains at the moment.

"We have both had a very long day. Please excuse us." He said and gave her his most charming smile, bowing slightly to her just to sweeten the deal a little bit more. Turning to look at the carved door, Constantin thanked her for all her help and bid the young girl a good night before he entered and closed the door firmly and finally. No hesitation equalled no wish to actually invite Odette into his room this night at least.

Good Lord, but the girl certainly was very determined, wasn't she? Constantin smiled in amused and started removing his hat and greatcoat, putting them both and the cane on a chair. He walked over to the window and pushed back the curtain and opened the window to look outside. It was night and there were fewer people out, especially here overlooking the back of the house and the back street, but he wasn't interested in that. What he was interested in was if there were useful handholds along the building in case someone wanted to climb up during the night. Or if Constantin simply wanted to leave quickly.

There was. Lots of decorative little pieces here and there. Almost insultingly easy to climb around, but after testing them and ending up with a hand of soft plaster-like stone, he supposed that they were extremely fragile. Only a crazy man - or supernatural being - would climb up using the decorations. Unless they came from above and the sky. Now there was always an idea, and some demons were known to be able to fly.
The shutting of the door to Constantin's room came as a shock to Odette, it was not often that a man would deny her when she was making herself seem oh so available. For a few more moments she stood just outside of the door before raising her hand as if she were going to knock instead letting it fall back down to her side. She then turned and carried herself back down to the first floor.

In the room just down the hall is where Anastasia carefully sifted through her bags being so sure as to check that nothing had been touched. As far as her clothing, everything seemed to be just as she had packed them and after removing her chalk white nightgown, which happened to be a slightly more sultry frock than just any lady would wear, Anastasia slipped herself from the moderately uncomfortable gown. Next to come off was her corset which was much easier to remove than it was to put on, followed by the rest of her clothing before she had changed into her sleepwear. Anastasia then removed the soft robe with lace running down the perimeter from her luggage, hanging it on the post of what was to be her bed for the night, just in case she had to leave in a hurry.

Just across from the bed, on the wall which was decorated with dark red and gold wallpaper, was a large set of windows that overlooked a large pond in the backyard. Although the temperature was descending as the night continued, Anastasia opened the windows just enough to let in a cool breeze as she gazed out across the property, the cold in England was never usually enough to bother her anyway. She then found herself reflecting on the situation that she now faced, the hunting of a possible demon, and for a moment she could have sworn there was a hint of fear rising up within her- no, it couldn't be.
A quick jump and an easy little climb and Constantin stood on the roof of the house. He silently ascended the steep roof until he stood at the very top, not bothering to hold on to something even as the night wind tried to blow him off. The house was taller than most of the houses around him, and he had a pretty good view over the city. Bigger houses and smaller houses spread out in front of him. Here and there he could see lights in windows or people passing by underneath a rare streetlight. It was busiest down by the docks, no one seemed to notice what time it was down there.

This wasn't London by any means obviously - nor any other of the great cities in Europe that Constantin had visited - but it was still big enough to be a busy port and able to hide a vicious killer in its midst. If the killer was even there anymore. It had been a week since the last killing, for all that they knew the killer, this possible demon, could have been long gone.

"What an interesting development." Constantin muttered to himself. He pulled a small jewel on a necklace from his pocket and held it up. A nick of his fangs on a finger and he smeared some blood all over it. The blood was slowly sucked into the jewel, and once it was all gone Constantin started whispering his message for the Council, lips almost touching the jewel.
Anastasia's attention was stolen from viewing the property by the sound of what sounded like footsteps on the rooftop coming from the room next to hers- no surprise there. She stood, leaning out the window just enough before catching a glimpse of Constantin descending down the side of the house. Instead of continuing to take in the view, Anastasia shut the window, before climbing into the bed which was covered with a rather ornate spread. The accumulation of busy patterns in this room alone was enough to make someone sick. The gentle glowing of the moon was all that lit the bedroom, casting shadows across the walls that would send any small child into a nightmare. However, that was the least of her worries, it was the real monsters that she had to worry about, not the pretend ones under the bed.

Falling asleep proved to be a difficult task and every second that passed felt like an hour, but it was the accession of days and days of exhaustion and lack of sleep that eventually led Anastasia into a realm of unconsciousness. Not even the distrust of her hosts could keep her awake for another minute.

The rest of the home fell silent as well and only the reticent sound of the structures wooden skeleton creaking with each gust of wind could be heard.
The jewel int he necklace twinkled as if it was briefly lit up by a light, and then it simply returned to being a seemingly normal jewel. The message had been recieved and Constantin hoped that he would get a reply very soon - but that 'soon' probably wouldn't be until tomorrow night at the earliest. The Council would have to discuss the possibility and then contact everyone who actually knew anything about demons and question them. They would probably even send a human agent to the Pope's Library in the Vatican to see if there were some clues there. That one would probably take up to a week before they got their answers.

Constantin sighed, put away the necklace and leaned against one of the chimneys of the mansion. He was a night creature, this was his day while the human day was his night. He wondered if Anastasia realised that Constantin was going to be pretty useless tomorrow, confined as he would be to his room unless there were heavy clouds and an umbrella to block out the sun. Besides, being awake and out during the day was utterly exhausting.

When the sky started going lighter and then pinkish on the eastern horizon beyond the town, Constantin silently got off the roof and back into his room. He closed the window firmly and then shut the heavy curtains so that not even a single ray of light would be able to get through. After that he picked up one of the books he had brought, settled on the bed with a candle on the bedside table, and settled in for a day of reading.

Anastasia's reaction to having to go at it alone today was going to be amusing.
Having no one disturb her throughout her entire slumber, Anastasia did not rise until the early afternoon, sometime after 11 o'clock. This was an incredible feat for her and the much needed rest was definitely welcomed by her entire body, now she could guarantee that she would be at her peak for significantly longer than the times she only had several hours to sleep per night. The life of a slayer, one as talented as herself, was not an easy one. The constant travelling from city to city really took a toll on Anastasia, however there was something about it that she couldn't do without. Maybe it was the excitement, the adrenaline rush, she couldn't quite put her finger on it but something kept her looking for more. However, the downfall was she never had the chance to do things that a normal 'lady' her age would do, not that she necessarily wanted to be involved in all those 'boring things' as she referred to them. After the death of her father is when Anastasia left Russia, he was the only reason she hadn't left sooner, there was more opportunity for her to 'network' in England and that proved true as she continued to rake in large quantities of income. As content as she acted, she never found herself admitting that she was generally happy in life, she had no one. Money could never buy happiness but even she, acting as bitter as they come, sometimes wished that she would one day find something in life that gave her purpose. Just because her outward facade was a tough one, didn't mean that deep down inside there wasn't a heart.

Going over to her belongings, Anastasia removed and changed into her more comfortable attire and although she didn't intend on leaving until the evening, she wouldn't sit around in her room all day in her sleepwear. In fact, she wouldn't sit around in her room anymore. Quietly, to avoid one of the other residents hearing her, Anastasia slipped from her room and over to the room next to hers where Constantin was settled. Placing her ear up against the door, Anastasia listened to see if she could here Constantin shuffling around, no use in bothering him if he was asleep.
Almost two hours of reading and feeling the sun crawl upwards through the sky passed before he heard the rest of the house slowly start to wake up. Servants got up first, starting their daily chores of clearing out the fireplaces and lighting new fires, and starting on the cooking and the washing and everything else that needed doing. Then came the other inhabitants of the house, although Anastasia woke up long before either Mrs Hawkes or Odette. Constantin absentmindedly listened to Anastasia's movements as she got ready and left her room, tracking her until she reached just outside his door.

He closed the book and looked at the door. "I am awake." Constantin said only loud enough to be heard by human ears. "You are welcome to come in if you want and if you dare. Though you might want to make up your mind fast because I hear Odette getting ready and the plans she is making, well, no civilised young woman should ever plan to do that unless with her husband."
Slowly she turned the knob to the door, pushing it in so that she could slip inside, just as quietly closing the door behind her. The room was dark, just as she had expected it to be, the heels of her leather boots echoing against each plank on the hardwood floor. The tight corset and fitted bottoms showed off the curves of her body, her attire matched her feisty personality more so than the proper get-up she had donned just the day prior. Taking a seat on a lounge chair in front of the hidden window, Anastasia propped her legs up on the nearby vanity, crossing them at the ankles. Her tousled hair was cascading down her left shoulder before she pushed it back and out of the way. Her hand then reached to the side of her hip where she removed a small revolver, and then a handful of bullets from her pocket. One by one she began to load them in to the handgun.

"So have you decided as to where we will be staying from here on out? Would you prefer to stay here, after all, you seem to be getting along just fine with Hawkes' daughter, or will we be leaving this evening?"

The giggling of Odette rang throughout much of the upper floor, the beast was awake. Anastasia wondered what it must feel like to be so oblivious of the world around her and the thought of being even slightly like Odette made her shudder.
"I am moving from this place as soon as I possibly can, and I'll take lodgings with my friend here in town. If, however, it turns out that the demon has already moved on that question will be rather moot, no?" Constantin looked her up and down, having no trouble whatsoever seeing her outfit in the darkness of the room, and he couldn't help but grin. "Well! Don't you clean up nicely, my dear! If you go out in that I think that you will give Odette a heart attack - and if this does seem pleasing to you I only request that you do it outside my door so that I can watch the spectacle."

Because it would be a spectacle when the very proper ladies of this house saw the way Anastasia was currently dressed. There would be swoons and faints and lots of smelling salts all around, he was sure of it.

"What are your plans for the day?" he asked and placed the book on the bedside table, right next to the burning candle.
After each chamber was loaded, she spun the cylinder before snapping it back into place before allowing the revolver to rest on her thigh. Anastasia reached her arms into the air to stretch as a soft yawn made an appearance, the dark presumably being the cause. "I'm really not up for a wild goose chase, there's got to be a way we can lure in our target at least long enough to confirm it's identity. That's where our dear friend Miss.Odette comes in, I can't help but think that she would make perfect bait."

Resting her head on the side of the high-back chair in which she was seated, Anastasia thought about the question of her plans. "I will probably stay inside for the majority of the day." Her reasoning being that she now had to switch sleep schedules so that it matched with Constantin's. "Unless of course you had something in mind that needed to be accomplished while the beautiful sun was still shining." Her voice was unenthusiastic, however, what needed to be done would get done.
"Oh, you are cruel to the poor thing, my dear. It isn't her fault that the daughter of our gracious hosts lacks brains." Constantin shook his finger at Anastasia in mock reprimand, lips twitching in a smile and barely revealing the tips of his fangs. "I have met many creatures in my life, but I have to admit that she is one of the more insepid ones. You, however, are one of the more delightful ones. Tell me, have you had the chance to speak with your Slayer organisation about your paycheck? Or have you become pious enough to give it up for the good of all of mankind?"

He kept his voice mild and gently teasing. This house was no place to test Anastasia's control. Constantin had no way of fleeing in case he broke said control completely - a faceful of sunlight was bad for his skin and continued health, really - and the last thing he actually wanted was to have Odette come into the room with a phony excuse to check up on what was going on.

Turning serious, Constantin tapped a finger against his lips in thought. "If I knew what to accomplish in order to grab the attention of our possible demon, then I would have suggested so otherwise. But for now we have no idea where it will strike next or even how it chooses its victims. In fact, for all we know Mr Hawkes could actually be our quarry. There are too many possibilities here. I think my friend might have some answers for us, but since he is the same as me we will simply have to wait until this evening before paying him a visit."
"Mr. Hawkes made a generous down payment, do you not recall? How he got the money, I wonder, but I ask no questions. Perhaps he is leading us to a trap, but I am no fool and judging by the fact that you are still walking this Earth, you too must have some common sense. If that is the case, he's in for a rude awakening as this is to become his loss and not mine. But keep in mind that I do not offer my work as charity nor am I here to save the world, let nature take it's course. Allow nature to weed out the unwanted individuals from this planet."

Perhaps she was slightly caustic in her words, but in a time where woman were not normally feared or taken seriously, Anastasia found that this was the way she had to be. Make them fear her, mortal and immortals alike.

"At dusk we shall venture away from here. Hopefully we can leave without too much trouble and without too many questions being asked." After a pause, Anastasia spoke once more, "would it be rude for me to inquire as to how you became the way you are? A vampire I mean. You were not born into this fate, were you?" This was the most personal she had gotten since meeting Constantin, not that they had spent much time together in the first place, but with the assumption that the two would be working together for quite sometime together. However, if Constantin was uninterested in 'casual' conversation, he would say so and Anastasia would leave him be.
Constantin chuckled at her words. "My dear, you are as beautiful as a butterfly and yet your words sting like a bee. It truly hurts my heart to listen to you being so caustic. What happened to you to make you like this, I wonder? No! No, do not tell me. I shall take great joy in actually figuring it out for myself as we continue on this little quest of ours."

He raised an eyebrow at the rather impertinent question about his past and his turning, but he was still smiling. He had never been a rash person nor quick to anger, so this was practically nothing to him. It didn't mean that he wasn't going to take full advantage of the situation and tease Anastasia for all that it was worth though.

"My dear, continue asking such things and I will get the wrong impression of you! Here I was certain that you truly and utterly hated and disliked me, and yet you are asking such personal things! Are you deliberately trying to make me think that you have any sort of interest in me? Why, you gold digger, you! For shame! Playing with my poor heart so cruelly! How could you?!" dramatically leaning back in the bed and putting a hand over his 'wounded' heart, Constantin gleefully overdid the actions.

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