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Fantasy The Unyielding Abyss [OPEN]


Making America Great Again.

Two-Hundred years ago, the woman turned-goddess Avra Alwick was blessed by the All-Father and united the Land of Alders with the founding of the Light of the All-Father. Colloquially known as The Light, it was the unification of a dozen kings and their dozen of Kingdoms, once at war and now at peace due to the power of the Goddess Avra.

The Light tells the story that Avra Alwick was but a woman-at-arms under the Empire of Lisark, a professional and experienced warrior for an Empire who sought to unite the Land of Alders. The blind Kings and Kingdoms ignorant to the darker Eldritch legions that stemmed from the dark oceans that surrounded the Land of Alder, they fought to claim land, to claim crowns, and to conquer the Umber Tower, a massive pitch black obelisk, an ancient artifact said to be the hilt of the All-Father's Sword.

Kingdoms clashed for decades until one final bloody confrontation happened at the base of the Umber Tower. Several armies serving different Lords met and bedlam followed suit as the chaos and brutality of war surrounded the Holy Artifact. For almost a week straight the fighting never stopped, entire armies destroyed, thousands dead, there were no heroes here, only blood and bodies. It was when Avra took up her spear, took to the frontlines that a miracle happened; a light emanating from the clouds shined upon the Umber Tower changing it's blackened corruption to a pure white-gold. The light of the angelic hilt was so grand that the armies could only gaze on with true awe. It was then they saw her; Avra Alwick being wafted into the air by caressing hands of light. She was brought within the Umber Tower and a powerful magical wave exploded over the now bewildered armies and Kings of Alders.

When she emerged two days later, she was no longer Kin, but Diety. Her skin glowed with a white-golden eminence that stifled even the greediest of Kings aggression, her power absolute; those who rebelled against her were destroyed with a wave of her hand, she was a Goddess on Earth, a gift from the All-Father. Witnessing their new goddess the dozens of Kings and Queens of the land united to form The Light of the All-Father and began to turn their swords away from one another, and aimed them to the Eldritch beings that tortured their lands.

This peace, prosperity, and Holy Crusade against the Monstrosities of the Sea lasted for two-hundred years until one day; Avra Alwick vanished. Her physical form dissipating in her Palace, hundreds witnessing her disappearance and chaos followed suit. The news spread like wildfire, Kings and Queens panicked as the Eldritch beings began to push back into their lands, many committed suicide, went insane, or gave themselves to the Eldritch, believing the All-Father had turned his nose to their world.

This was but a week ago, already reports of horrid beasts, and damnable transcendent horrors have been reported on the roads. The Light is failing, the Eldritch are coming, will you believe in the Light, stand together to face this enemy? Or will you hold your own, leaving the other Kingdoms to their own devices?

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