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The Unlikely Duo

And just as suddenly as it came, the intimacy of the moment was lost. Miles stumbles backwards like a child who had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar while she offers a polite smile to the stranger who enters. Glancing between the two men, her heart drops. The stumbled words, the shared looks - it only meant one thing. Men were terrible at hiding their emotions, though they would never admit it. Both Miles and the stranger who was introduced as Caspar were incredibly transparent. 

"Nice to meet you, Genevieve. I've heard a lot about you."

"Is that so?" She questions, shaking his hand with a warmth as if she were greeting an old friend. Though her tone implied nothing out of the ordinary, the phrasing of her response served a secondary purpose. A friend, Miles? Is that so?

"And you live with Miles? That's wonderful. But I can only imagine how difficult that's been. You'd really have to care about someone to live in the same house and deal with each other, day in and day out..." She holds her smile and, again, her tone indicated other than her being the sweetest, kindest girl you ever met. But, it was rather likely Miles would catch on. She wasn't exactly being subtle. She recognized she really had no right to be upset. Miles had done exactly what she had insisted he do. He wasn't hers after all.

Her frustration wasn't directed at Caspar. Though he was the problem at the moment, it wasn't his fault. Miles had moved on. That was upsetting, but on its own she would have grit her teeth, swallowed he pride, and let no indication of her emotion seep into her words. Perhaps it was the fact Miles was exactly being truthful, making them feel as if they were his wife and girlfriend who were meeting for the first time. But, who was which? That was what as frustrating her, the uncertainty of whether or not things were going to go how she planned. Ah, well. Try as she might to not, maybe she had a bit of a plan.
Something inside of he just clicked. She was sick of everything in her life being a lie. Or that's the reason she used to justify her anger. She was hurt without a doubt, but she reminded herself over and over that she had no right to be angry. Still, she was. There was no stopping it. And the lying, skirting around the truth to try and hide something that was so damn obvious was just making it worse. Everything was fucked. It was too late. Why would she expect anything else?

"A trade? That's adorable. I traded my life," Her tone was unnaturally happy, the mention too nonchalant, so, with a huge fucking grin plastered on her face, she collected her box of letters. Now was, apparently, not the time nor the place for them. She tried to uphold the illusion of being totally fine with everything by refusing to let the facade falter despite her words very clearly not lining up with her false attitude. She had to evacuate before she had a breakdown.

"Well, it was just an absolute pleasure to meet you, Caspar. But, I have some business to attend to. Perhaps I'll have a bonfire. I have some great kindling right here," She remarks, hiking the box higher up as she pins it between her arm and her side. "So I truly hope you have a wonderful day. Hell, have wonderful life with whoever is so blessed to be with a kind soul such as yourself." 

She strides out on the room, forcing her smile to ready steady as many take a double take as she passes. Whispers of Is that...? No. It can't be echo behind her but she was in too shitty of a mood to enjoy it. Right now, she just wanted to go somewhere private where she could scream until her throat was raw and her eyes burned from crying. Until then, she was going to fucking smile like there's no tomorrow. Fake it 'til you make it. That was her entire fucking life.
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A large house was made larger by loneliness. Well, Gen's Catriona's residence was more than a large house. It was a mansion by any definition, complete with a full staff to cater to her every need. Her father had set aside funds to ensure that the estate was maintained for her inevitable return. But as the sun set and time inched ever closer to the next day, Cate found herself unable to sleep. It was peculiar, even mentally, to refer to herself as anything other than Gen. But the old name carried too many twisted memories for he to be comfortable with it.

She sits at a desk in her study, staring down the box of letters as she drums her fingers on the desktop. It was impossible to do anything, productive or otherwise. She was too angry to cry and too sad to throw a tantrum. So, she instead sat still, brewing in a bitter silence. A clock ticked noisily above her head, marking every second she waste stewing in her frustrations. Finally, she concluded that she deserved to ignore her problematic life if only for one night.  

There was only one person she could talk to, one person that would understand her frustrations, a single person that she could recount her entire life story from beginning to end without fear of him somehow deciding it was his fault. A quick search brought up his number. Armed with this new information, Cate's fingers hovered over the keypad in uncertainty. Was it really fair to lay this all on him? No, it wasn't. And he had no obligation to listen. So she decided she would offer the invitation and hope he would bite.

"Caspar, it's me. I hope I didn't wake you. You're one of two people that know I'm not actually dead and the only one I don't mind talking to at the moment. And do you know what I just remembered? I haven't had ice cream in over three years."
"I'm entrusting you to take me to the best ice cream place in New Angeles. I hope you don't disappoint," Cate laughs, an actual happy laugh that felt so foreign. This two am phone call felt so casual. It was refreshing to pretend that she just a normal human being, not a heartbroken ex-con artist that was supposedly dead. 

"But, I'll meet you there? I promise I won't steal your car." Cate hangs up after being informed or where exactly she was meeting him. She changes out of the dress she had been wearing all day and into a pair of jeans, a white t-shirt, and a burgundy sweatshirt. It wasn't the most flattering of clothing, but she didn't care. She was comfortable, a luxury she had taken for granted before. There were a lot of luxuries she had now than she either had take for granted before or just never had. It was peculiar to adjust to this completely new lifestyle. Not only the transition from prison to freedom, but only the transition from lying and stealing to having everything taken care of.

Cate bounces down the stairs into the foyer with cars keys in hand - she never had a foyer before - and jumps about ten feet into the air when a voice rings out from behind her, "Where do you think you're going?"

She also never had a bodyguard before and, despite telling her a thousand and one times that she was perfectly capable of handling herself, it didn't seem like she was going to not have one in the foreseeable future. 

"Nowhere," She mutters sheepishly, hiding the car keys behind her back as if he didn't hear them jingle down the entire flight of stairs.

Not long after, Cate arrived at her destination. Climbing out of the back of the car, she leans back in the door to whisper, "Stay in the car, Eugene" before slamming the door shut. The last thing she wanted was to explain everything to Caspar right off the bat. What other reason for having a bodyguard would be valid besides the truth? She hadn't wanted him to come, but he had insisted, demanded. But, right now, despite all the things she didn't want, she knew what she did want: Some ice cream. 

She walks into the building, shaking off the residual cold from the cool air outside. The lights in the place buzzed noisily, or perhaps she was the only one that could here it. As soon as she saw Caspar, she throws her arms around him in a warm hug. No, she didn't know him that well. No, she didn't really feel all that close to him. But, hell, knowing Miles, Caspar probably needed a good hug right about now. 
Again, the name appeared in conversation. She couldn't blame him. That was who she had been and she hadn't had the opportunity to correct him. Besides, in doing so, she would have to explain everything and she didn't want any more pity than she had already gotten. Pity helped no one. It only made her feel helpless and insignificant. She could handle herself. Hell, she could take on the world. She didn't need pity undermining that. So she settled for the mild discomfort.

"You thank me for coming yet I'm the one that called you up asking for ice cream at an ungodly hour," Cate chuckles before turning her attention to the woman behind the counter with a genuine smile. She could sense the awkwardness in the air, but she had a knack for dispelling it. "I'm Gen. It's a pleasure to meet, Nina. I'd shake your hand, but cross-contamination and all that, right?" Again, Cate follows up with an easy laugh as if the effects of her earlier interaction with Miles had disappeared with the sun. 

"And what will I have?" She mutters to herself, drumming her fingers on the glass of the display. Her smile only gave way to an expression of thoughtful consideration before it quickly returns as she lifts her gaze from her potential choices. "You know what? I'm particularly difficult time deciding so why don't you surprise me, Nina?"

She pulls her wallet - her wallet - from her jeans pocket, thumbing through its contents. The least she could do was pay for Caspar's ice cream. He had said he was awake when she called but she wasn't entirely certain that was the truth. Besides, money would hardly prove to be an issue for her ever again. She plucks thirty dollars from her wallet before snapping it shut and returning it to her pocket. Dropping a twenty dollar bill into the tip jar full of miscellaneous coins, she watches Nina prepare their ice cream with a genuine interest. The entire world was so much more wonderful when you were deprived of it. 
"It's really not a problem for me to pay, Caspar," She insists and further refuses to let him pay when he made an attempt to do so. She had always been a generous person, her upbringing contributed greatly to that. It was just that now she had the means with which to act upon that generosity. She takes her ice cream with a huge grin, thanking Nina with more sincerity that was common for most, before she sits across from Caspar. Only a second of silence had passed before he posed the question and Cate considered her response with pursed lips.

"Yes, actually," She remarks with a small sigh. There were a million things she wanted to talk about, needed to talk about. But, Caspar wasn't the person she felt should be subjected to that. They were things that should be discussed with a doctor, intimate, personal things that should be discussed with a lover. Caspar was neither. "I wanted to apologize for my, uh, outburst earlier. It was childish and fairly uncalled for. I have no right to expect to come into your lives and pick things up where they were left off. Tell me honestly. You and Miles, are you two... together?" 

Her voice was kind and soft with a sincerity that had been lacking in their earlier interaction. Despite heartbreak, she was determined to be supportive of whatever Miles thought was best for himself. He didn't become to her, just as she didn't belong to him. Perhaps they had just missed their window and it would be better for both of them to move on.
"So, you're not in love with him? Surely, you love him," She pauses to pay particular attention to a spot where ice cream was beginning to run down the cone. "If you didn't love him, you wouldn't be here still. You have to love Miles to put up with him. You don't have to be in love with him. It seems to me that the problem lies in the fact that you both can't tell the difference." She points at him with her ice cream cone before returning to licking it absentmindedly, staring out the window for a second of silence before continuing.

"And, I don't think he's confused. I think he's scared, scared that it's you or me, scared that he might lose us both. You're scared, too," Her eyes stay trained on the city lights outside. Everything was so unfamiliar and strange. Not much had changed in three years. Everything had changed in three years. "You're scared that the last three years have been a waste of time. You care about Miles - romantic, platonic, or otherwise - and you're scared he's going to stop caring about you because of me." 

She takes another pause, looking back to Caspar. "Am I right?" She asks with such a tone to imply that it wasn't a rhetorical question. She precedes the following question with a bit of an embarrassed laugh, "Am I right or not? Because it'd be really embarrassing to be wrong, makes me seem like an ego with legs." She hadn't been around people for a long time. She had physically been around people at the prison, but she hadn't really been around the. She was out of practice of observing and analyzing. It was certainly possible that she had just pulled what she had just said out of nowhere.
"Can you believe I once thought the same thing and then I nearly gave my life to a madman with a gun for him? Then I literally gave my life to the court for him?" She pauses to laugh scornfully. People sure did stupid things when they were in love. Then, she meets his gaze and maintains, her voice dropping to a soft, serious tone.

"If Miles didn't care about you, I wouldn't have gotten mad. Miles is a terrible liar, but only because his eyes give him away. He was scared so he said something stupid that made it sound like he didn't care. But if he had looked at you any other way, I wouldn't have gotten jealous. Miles isn't the best at navigating his feelings nor is he at articulating them. I don't know what Miles told you about me, but it took him the fear of losing me forever for him to admit he had any sort of positive feelings for me. He probably didn't tell you but he used to hate me more than anything in the world. So you're already light years ahead of where I started."

She reaches across the tabletop to take one of Caspar's hands "It really sucks. A lot. But, I promise you, the second Miles thinks he'll never see you again, he will tell you how much he loves you. It won't necessarily be obvious, but you'll know." She smiles empathetically. She truly knew how he felt. She had lived through it to the extremity of its results. And she didn't want Caspar to get to that point. That point was a terrible place to be.
Cate listens intently to what Caspar says with a sad smile. It was nothing she didn't already know. Of course she knew how Miles felt. Still, she couldn't bring herself to fully believe it. There had been plenty of chances for him to admit it to her when he was sober, sane, and safe. Yet he never had. It was easy to reassure Caspar, despite not fully believing her own words. She had been pretending for as long as she could remember. How much harder was it to pretend she felt like she was worth anything?

She's silent for a long time before squeezing Caspar's hand and letting out a soft sigh. There was nothing she could say without eliciting only Caspar's reassurance. That's not what she wanted. Getting to her feet, she shakes her head as her smile drops. "And I still fucking love him," She mutters as she shoves her hands in the pocket of her sweatshirt. "He's not home, is he? Of course not. I better go call him and make sure he doesn't do something stupid."

She trudges outside, pushing open the door with her back, and the cold air washes over her immediately. The temperature must have dropped quite a bit since they had entered the parlor. For a moment, she just stood there in the cold, silent night, leaning against the glass windows of the parlor. No matter what she did, everything was fucked. No matter how she proceded, everything was fucked. She was broken. Caspar was broken. Miles was really fucking broken. And there were still so many new issues to face.

She pulls her phone from her pocket and dials Miles's number. Listening to it ring and ring and ring, her stomach drops to her feet when it goes to voicemail. She convinces herself that he probably didn't hear it ring over the noise of wherever he was at.

"Miles, pick up your phone, you stupid idiot," She chides after the beep, her tone more exasperated than it was genuinely angry. The fact that he hadn't picked up left an unsavory taste in her mouth so she immediately calls again in the hopes that he would pick up and reassure her that he was just stupid drunk and not dead.
Another call, another voicemail: "No, you don't get to play that game, Miles."

Another call, another voicemail: "Pick up, Miles."

Another call, another voicemail: "Miles! I swear to god, if you don't pick up, I'm going to kick your ass."

Another call, another voicemail: "Please just get home safely."

Another call, another voicemail: "Miles... Pick up..."

Another call, another voicemail: "You better not do anything stupid."

Another call, another voicemail: "Please."

She would've called again and again, but her phone was on the verge of committing suicide. By the time she had concluded that her voicemails were proving to be ineffective, she was becoming frantic. Still, she tried to remain outwardly calm as she stumbles back into the ice cream parlor. She flashes a smile to Nina, calling to Caspar from the door way.

"Are you done with your ice cream? Don't think I didn't notice your lack of a car. You're not walking anywhere at this hour. Plus, you have to help me find Miles," She tries to disguise the urgency in her usual playfully chiding tone. Bouncing and rocking from one foot to another, Cate holds the door open, her smile wavering ever so slightly with every passing second.

Miles had a tendency to believe he knew what was best for himself. He didn't. He also had a tendency to act on those beliefs. He shouldn't. Needless to say, every second she couldn't keep Miles in her line of sight she was certain was a second close to him doing something irreversible. At the moment, she needed Caspar. He knew Miles better than she did. At least, the Miles that had suffered from her absence for three years. On top of that, she needed Caspar to be her emotional support despite how she was going to deny she needed any at all. 
"Drive, Eugene," Cate insists as she yanks Caspar into the back of the car, unceremoniously leaning across his lap to slam the door shut. She didn't have the time nor the reason to explain her bodyguard/chauffeur. She had a much more pressing issue: Miles. She sits, curled up and anxiously bouncing her feet as Caspar directs Eugene. After circling every location Caspar directed him to, Cate pulls out her phone was more, her teeth bearing down on her bottom lip. She had enough battery fro one final phone call. 

It might be too late already. The thought had occurred to her, but she refused to accept it. Not yet. She had one final chance to prevent stupid mistakes. As she dialed his number, she felt the tears begin to roll down her cheeks. As much as she tried to remain calm and collected, it was impossible as she considered the worst case scenario. Her tears were evident in her voice. She made no attempt to hide them. She had been angry, but they didn't mean she wanted to lose him forever. She had only just gotten him back.

"I can say it on paper. Maybe I can say it over the phone, but, for some goddamn reason, I can't say it to your face. So, I love you, okay, Miles? I love you and, if this is my only chance to say it to you, you better fucking hear it. I swear, even if it takes me to my fucking grave, I love you. So please let me say it in person," She pleads before she yanks the phone from her ear to hang up and ensure that he had got the message. But, it was dead. She didn't know when in the process it had died. And, all she could do was cry and hope as they drove around in circles.
She was shaking when she heard Miles's voice, trying to hold back the sounds of her tears so she can listen more intently to his words. As long as he was talking, he wasn't doing anything stupid. She takes the phone cautiously from Caspar, turning off speaker and pressing it to her ear. Turning away from Caspar, she tried to find some privacy in the car. These were fucked up circumstances, surely, but what others would fit them more perfectly?

"Miles?" Her voice was impossibly soft, scared. "Miles, listen to me. Promise me for five minutes you will stay where you are and just listen to me. You don't even have to say anything, just listen. You owe me that much, don't you think? I have never in my life been so simultaneously scared and angry and happy as I am right now. I need you in my life. I need your stupid pretty face in my life. I need your silly sarcastic quips in my life. I love you. I've always loved you."

"I've spent three years terrified that you might forget about me and move on. I never stopped thinking about you. I thought I was never going to see you outside of prison walls so I wanted you to move on. But I was also so goddamn terrified that you would. So I wrote those letters and I wish - God, I wish - you read them so you could see how much I thought about you and how much I care about you."

"So I'm going to try to catch you up on three years of thoughts. This is such a terrible way to do it. But what else suits us?" She lets out a laugh, a soft, broken, half-hearted laugh. "The only way I can think to do it is to ask you a single question: Miles, will you marry me?"

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