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This Is Love like No Other (SmittenKitten x NoireTukino)

Noire Tukino

"I Vomit Emotions."

This Is Love like No Other

"Call out my heart, free my soul

It always felt like the first time, these remaining days are more than the time that I came to love you"


In the bustling city of Seoul, Super Junior is getting ready for a show, as they usually do. Things, however, would be different this time as they hit up areas of Seoul, such as Gangnam, Gwangjin district, Mapo district and a couple others. Two girls, Lillian and Arya, have decided to spend their lives in South Korea, one her native country, and the other trying to break the Korean music market. The girls, both introduced to K-Pop, K-Dramas and all of the like, have been crushing on these K-Pop moguls for quite a while, and when opportunity strikes, they have to decide whether or not they'll take it.



Gwangjin District(More well known for Uni)



Cho Kyuhyun


Cho Kyuhyun is a member of Super Junior, as well as Lee Donghae!


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Donghae sighed as he plugged away with one of the S.M. Entertainment heads, he always hated this paperwork and working with computers. It was tiring to him! After what seemed like hours, he was let free from their offices in Cheongdam-dong, he took a taxi there, without hesitation, he held a lot of respect for Taxi drivers. They could drive around a lot and not get tired! He was almost always amazed by that, especially because he hated driving for long periods of time. He sat in the back seat and asked the driver to go home before sitting back and relaxing, he just wanted to go home and eat, he was sure the guys would at least be back by then, if not at most Heechul and Kyuhyun would be back from doing what they needed to do. There was supposed to be a live coming up and of course he was excited. He loved seeing the ELFs the most, they were so devoted to them, and at first he thought it weird to have a fan club, but then realized that all the other bands had them too, and it wasn't just Super Junior.

As they pulled up into the front of the hotel that he and the rest of Super Junior were staying in, he smiled at the driver and quickly walked into the hotel, waving to some of the fans as they screamed his name and waved. He was excited for the live, and he was definitely sure they were too. He waved at the hotel personnel and walked into the elevator, one that was meant for the top floor penthouse, where they were staying since they had just had a comeback last year. He grabbed the keys to the door and smiled as he unlocked the door, "Annyeong~!" He chimed as he walked into the penthouse and smiled as he saw Heechul, Kyuhyun, and Ryeowook there. "How were your days?" He asked as he closed the door and leaned against the wall of the kitchen.

Lillian fidgeted in her seat as she finished up her work for the day, it was such a beautiful day out and she was working inside, highly typical. She came dressed up to work and it was because she deserved to go out on a Friday night because she hadn't gone out to see her friends in a little while. She smiled and played with the hemline on her red, high-waisted pencil skirt. She had a fancy black crop top on as well, but she got away with it because her skirt was high enough that you couldn't see her midriff. He placed her printouts of finished graphics on her boss' desk, who was already gone for the evening, though it seemed a bit early. She checked her watch and smiled, she was making it out of work before 7:00 PM, she was pretty happy, there was still some light too!

Lillian grabbed her purse from her desk, and quickly changed out of her heels and placed on red and gold flats to go with her outfit. She then grabbed her phone and called Arya as she started heading to the elevator, as she was on the 8th floor of the building. Waiting for her friend to pick up, she wondered if her friend had received the announcement, that Super Junior was going to be doing a private sort of live soon. She really wanted to go, seeing as she hadn't been going out much to begin with, she waited till she thought she heard Arya pick up, "Annyeong Arya~! How's your day going?" She chimed and pressed the button to go down to the lobby on the elevator.
Kyuhyun relaxed on the couch, feet kicked over the edge of the armrest. His eyes were closed and his earbuds were in. Listening to music always calmed him down after a hard days work. Ryeowook and Heechul were talking loudly in the kitchen. Something about women? He couldn't be sure with the bass drowning out what they were saying. He tucked his arms behind his head, making them into a makeshift pillow, sighing happily. His work for the day was done. Everything was set for the rehearsal for their live performance. Of course, he was excited about seeing their adoring fans, and he couldn't wait to get up onstage once more. Ryeowook and Heechul came into the living room, arguing about something. They came over to Kyuhyun, waiting for him to remove his earbuds before continuing their conversation.

"Hey, Kyuhyun. Who do you think would make a cuter girl? Me, or Heechul?" Ryeowook asked, striking a pose and pursing his lips. Kyuhyun blinked in confusion, brows furrowed. What were they talking about? And why were they dragging him into this? He shook his head, pushing himself up and sighing, a slight smirk on his face.

"Aish... Well... Uhm..." Kyuhyun stalled. The lock on the door clicked and he stood, grin widening when he heard Donghae call out his return. "Donghae! Glad you're back! Ryeowook wanted to ask you something." He passed Donghae, patting his shoulder lightly and heading down the hall and into one of the bedrooms. He wanted some peace and quiet.


Arya sighed for the thousandth time that day. It was too early for the bar to be too terribly busy, and she was running low on things to do. Everything had been cleaned and cleaned again, the liquor was restocked and organized, and there was only one customer - an elderly man taking his time on a bit of soju. She poured herself a shot of whiskey, downing it and sighing once more. Her coworker had been mopping around the tables, just as bit as bored as she was. She picked at the nailpolish on her fingers, annoyed that it was so painfully slow. She wiped her palms over her white-washed jeans, looking for something to do.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket. Finally, something interesting was happening. She checked the caller ID and grinned, answering. "Lillian! Girl, I'm dying here, I'm so bored!" She leaned back against the wall, out of sight of the customer. "How was work, miss big-shot artist?" she crossed her arms over her black fitted tanktop and kicked out her feet, examining the scuffs on her combat boots.
Donghae sighed as Kyuhyun dodged out of the situation, being that he was so tired he didn't want to have to deal with this stupid joke. But he chuckled softly, "I may have a bias, but I'm sure all the ELFs would agree that Heechul would make a cute girl, but Ryeowook would also make a cute girl. Why do you ask? Are we doing another one of those shows?" He asked, speaking about the TV shows they would go on sometimes. He never minded, it was another way to please the fans, and Donghae was always looking to please them. Sometimes the shoots for those shows took a lot out of them, but the ones where they would get to act were fun also, because they would never really get to act. After the whole fiasco, he wanted to make some food, and he wanted to eat with everyone, so he padded down the hall, as he'd taken his shoes off at the door. He walked down to Kyuhyun's room and smiled at he knocked, "Kyunnie, I'm going to start making food, come hang out."

Donghae smiled as he walked back down to the kitchen and living area, thinking about what to make for food. He wanted kimchi, that's what he thought at first, but then I thought about making a sort of soup. He didn't want to plan too big though because he was trying to not cook for everyone all the time because it would always leave a lot of leftovers.

Lillian smiled at the voice on the other end, "I'm no big-shot, not yet at least," she laughed as she walked out of her building and towards the train station to catch the Seoul line. "I'm headed over there, if that's alright and you're not free," she miles and she swiped her card for the subway and waits for her train to come in via the Television screens that told the time. She looked down at her feet as Arya spoke, "Did you hear about SuJu?" She asked, twirling her hair as she did so, she wanted to go so bad, and she was so excited, even if there weren't any albums coming out for a while. "They're gonna do another TV spot, wanna watch it later this week? It's probably gonna be so funny!" She smiled and looked at the time on her watch before looking at the arrivals for her train. "My train is here but I'll be there soon," she said as she quickly boarded the train and grabbed a seat before it filled up. She watched the river pass her by when they got out of the tunnel, thank goodness she still had reception thanks to the wifi calling and features like that on her phone.

She sighed after a while, still on the phone with Arya, she hung up after saying her goodbyes and that she would be there soon. She was tired, but she wanted to see her friend, and save her from the boredom that was her job right now. It was a nice place, sometimes celebrities would come to not be bothered, but they would still be hounded by fans regardless of what would happen. She plugged in her headphones and started playing Super Junior's 'No Other' , for some reason it had been on repeat for her, despite the fact it was an older song.
Kyuhyun heard Donghae call through the door and sighed slightly. Oh, well, he thought. He could relax more later. He slid out the door, hearing the commotion in the other room. The others must have shown up when he was being anti-social. He grinned, seeing the others gathered, waiting for food to come. Kyuhyun himself wasn't particularly hungry, but he could never say no to food, especially if Donghae was offering to make it for them. His mouth watered just by the thought of it.

He took his place on one of the couches, sandwiched in between Sungmin and Siwon. They were talking about the upcoming TV gig their manager had gotten them. He didn't know exactly what kind of show it was, but he was excited about it all the same. Not knowing what was in store was half the fun, he figured, pocketing his Ipod.


Arya said her goodbyes and hung up the phone. She was super excited about SUJU going on TV again. She made her way back to the front, slipping behind the bar just in time to see the older man making his way to the door. She smiled kindly at him and waved. "Have a good night!" she said, Korean still feeling foreign falling from her lips. She had been here awhile, but she still felt weird speaking another language. The man waved back and slipped out the door and into the evening air. She checked her watch. She didn't have too terribly long left in her shift, so she made her way over to the Karaoke machine that usually sat abandoned in the corner on slow days like these.

Grabbing a rag and some cleaner from behind the counter, she started wiping down the screen, wanting it to shine by the time the night patrons came through the door. What else could she do but clean, clean, and clean some more, she thought, laughing softly to herself.

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