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Realistic or Modern .:The Typicality of Anime Schools:.


"Well darling, the thorns are the best part, you cannot avoid them, you just have to do your best not to get them in your tushy, not that is a real pain in the arse! I have scars all around my body fromt hose pesky thorns, oh, bob's your uncle, I forgot to tell you, my name is Ms. Fartsalot, it's nice to meet you." She slapped her knee and did an extremely loud laugh. "I am such a comedian, I got it from my father, he loves to golf! Oh, he always told me a bunch of rubbish about the time when he built the loo all by himself, he was quite upset when there was water all over the floor!" She continued their little act.

Yumi Narusaki

With an eye roll at the mock, Yumi playfully attempted to bump her hip against Ryuzaki's, but due to the hight difference between the two it skimmed the top of his leg. Oh well, he'd probably understand her intention. The whole group was pretty quiet and followed the teacher's instructions, but two students near the back were rather noisy... At any other time or place, Yumi probably would've called them out, but the teacher wasn't reacting towards it either... Perhaps Kou didn't mind? But then again, why would he have made a deal about it if not. Confused, Yumi glanced around at her classmates, wondering if there was any sign on their faces that conveyed they were thinking along the same lines as her.

Tanaka Ryuzaki

Ryuzaki was barely phased at the movements made by Yumi -her attempt to bump him with her hip- they were futile. The boy clicked his tongue and stuck his foot out in an attempt to trip her. Of course though, if she were to actually begin falling, the tall boy would snatch her back up before she could even realize what was about to happen. After a moment went by, Ryuzaki realized that his bag was in the classroom, still opened, in which his cigarettes lie...possibly noticeable unless he has them tucked down good enough. A small sweat broke on his forehead but he got over it quickly...a couple days of suspension would do him no harm. His father has no care for what he does...and his mother is kind of...comatose in the hospital.

@Leaf Fi
Yumi Narusaki

Ah, Ryuzaki... With their years of 'friendship', Yumi had already knew he'd try to one up her. It was always the score, after all, even with the simplest things. She'd never bothered to ask why, but the girl put it down to basketball. Why, she couldn't tell you; it was just a feeling she had. So, the most she expected was her hair going to ruin- it was always a go to with him, for some reason- not a foot. And because of that foot, the girl found herself stumbling forward, eyes widening with the shock. Automatically, she threw her hands in front of her to absorb the impact and squeezed her eyes shut, waiting for the painful moment and stinging palms to come.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Tanaka Ryuzaki

A small grin grew on the boy's lips as he reached out in an instant and grabbed the girl around the waist with one arm -his other hand rested in his pocket- and lifted her back to her feet. Once she was stable, he covered his mouth and laughed in small breathes as he continued to follow in the line. I guess you could say he felt somewhat bad for what he did considering the fact that she almost gave the class a peak at her -most likely plain white- undergarments. He managed to sneak out a small, "I'm sorry." as he laughed. Avoiding the girl's gaze was very necessary because he knew for a fact that if he were to look at her, she would have this "Ryuzaki!" kind of glare sent his way and it would make him feel obliged to cheer her back up. But, right now, he was having fun with what just happened.

@Leaf Fi
Yumi Narusaki

As an arm wrapped around her waist, she opened her eyes in surprise and blinked a few times before glancing up at Ryuzaki's grinning face. Her expression immediately turned into a scowl and her cheeks exploded into a bright crimson colour. Before any word could leave her mouth, she was set back on to her feet, and her dearest friend immediately began to snicker, only increasing her embarrassment and frustration at the boy. Yes, she was thankful he didn't let her trip, but the amusement he got from the experience didn't rub her up in any of the right ways. Her green eyes narrowed as she sent him that famous 'Ryuzaki!' glare, a gentle "You're terrible." shot his way under her breath. Of course, she'd probably get over it in a minute, but for now she'd sulk until distracted.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Tanaka Ryuzaki

Ryuzaki apologetically rubbed Yumi's head -the grin still planted on his face- and continued to walk by her side. He was successfully amused for now and figured it'd be best to leave the poor lad be. His glance shot up towards the ceiling as they followed the teacher to the rooftop. A long, drawn yawn escaped his mouth, a sigh following up after.

Ryuzaki pulled his phone from his pocket and a newly received message. After a quick second, he returned the device to the snug place it was before and continued on.

@Leaf Fi

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/download.png.ea7eb0323d3d6b3db61d16298bdf5b78.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62569" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/download.png.ea7eb0323d3d6b3db61d16298bdf5b78.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Yumi Narusaki

An eye shut as the top of her head was rubbed, a pout now replacing the scowl from earlier. The action calmed her emotions a little, and the colour slowly drained from her cheeks. See? Told you she'd calm down eventually. Silently, she continued the journey up to the roof with the occasion tug of her skirt- poor girl was trying to make it longer now- and continued to do so until Ryuzaki pulled out his phone for the umpteenth time that day. Who he was texting now, she didn't know, but it definitely sparked her curiosity. It wasn't the time or place to ask, so Yumi made a mental note to question him once they went shopping for his shoes. In the meantime, she kept her eyes trained on the teacher. What were they going to be doing anyways?

@Suzumaki Arakai


When the twins had lined up, they had fully intended on standing together, however, the slower-witted Azuro quickly lost his spot behind his sister. The two of them had shared a brief look of distress. Aqua attempted to leave the line and move to the back, but Azuro had tried a similar tactic at the same time, and the two of them simply ended up switching places. Azuro looked to the back of the line apologetically as Aqua facepalmed. It was too late to move again, as the line had begun moving and the ascent to the roof began. Azuro found himself behind the tall boy from earlier, and a girl who was comically shorter by comparison. Aqua found herself in the back near two kids with a strange manner of speaking. Azuro piped up when the tall boy pulled out his phone. "Do you have Temple Run!? I. LOVE. TEMPLE RUN," he said with genuine awe, looking at the boys' phone with envy. Azuro wasn't allowed to have a cell phone because he'd either lost or destroyed far too many and was deemed too irresponsible to have his own. It's not like needed one though, he and his sister were practically attached at the hip. "My sister never lets me play because she thinks I'm gonna drop her phone in the toilet like I did my last one," the boy began to babble. Aqua became slightly envious, noticing that her brother was socializing and apparently doing just fine without her. Not to be one-upped, she turned to the strange children behind her and asked, "So what do you guys think we're going up to the roof for?" She sounded like she was interviewing someone. She hadn't even bothered to introduce herself.



Tanaka Ryuzaki

Ryuzaki's phone was once again removed from his pocket, he might as well not even put it back...it would just call out to him before he could count to three. As he was typing back to his friend, Kagami, another kid seemed to take interest...asking him about something called...temple run? Ryuzaki's brow lifted at the guy's enthusiasm, "Uhh?" The tall boy's voice seemed like more of a growl as he stared down at the boy; he struck Ryuzaki as nosy, and he didn't like that. The boy began to babble on and veins could be seen clearly throbbing on his forehead as his eyes gaped in irritation at the person's presence. "The hell is that?" Ryuzaki spat these words at the boy with a low grunt. Why was he so mad?

@Leaf Fi @SirBlazeALot

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c365340b5_download(1).png.b3a9b504e9a8b93c9f0790ef1f429680.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62595" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c365340b5_download(1).png.b3a9b504e9a8b93c9f0790ef1f429680.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Lol Sunoyoshi's grammar gets so horrible when he's mad



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Yumi Narusaki

Yumi blinked as a newcomer came up to them. Unfortunately for the boy though... Ryuzaki wasn't the most sociable person around, nor was he the best at making good first impressions, so Yumi found it her duty to try and help as much as she could. "It's a game." She tried to explain to the taller boy, resting her hand against his arm in an attempt to calm him. His sudden anger was strange, so it must have been something he read, perhaps? "You have a sister? Does she go here as well?" From the babbling, it sounded like she was probably a few years older than the the boy in front of them.. "If you like, I could also download it for you on my phone and you can try it at lunch tomorrow?"

@Suzumaki Arakai


It was as if the boy had absorbed Ryuzaki's anger and regurgitated it in the form of even more hype, like a rubber-band snapping back against the skin. He came off as clueless, but Azuro knew exactly how Ryuzaki was feeling. Only problem being that he assumed it was because of whatever Ryuzaki had read on his phone, and not his own incessant warbling. The boy made an excited "O" shape with his mouth, his eyes gleaming with joy. "DUDE. OH. MY. BOB. You've never played Temple Run before?" he scoffed and looked at Yumi in disbelief, his face spelling out "Can you believe this guy?" He put a hand on his hip and shook a finger at Ryuzaki and said to Yumi, "You should download it right stat now, is what ya should do! Then maybe this guy would be less grumpy!" he said with an inappropriate sense of affection. When asked about his sister, he nodded vigorously. "Hells yeah she does, she's in the class!" He looked towards the back of the line trying to find the girl but he couldn't see her. He seemed momentarily distressed but then he immediately returned his attention to his two new "best buddies."

"Where are my manners? I'm Azuro, nice to meet you guys," he gave a tiny little bow and exclaimed, "Gosh you guys look familiar but I can't quite place it...were you guys on TV before?"

@Suzumaki Arakai

@Leaf Fi
Tanaka Ryuzaki

Ryuzaki clenched the phone in his hand when suddenly Yumi rested her head on his arm. Looking down at her, his eyes gaped slightly before the boy looked away with a slightly puckered lip -not very noticeable- and sighed. He had calmed down and forgotten about why he was angry until a new reason popped up when the boy stated Ryuzaki as "grumpy". A vein burst as he then held the phone up in a -chibi like- manner as though he was trying to crush the phone with his bare hand.

The other boy just continued rambling on and eventually introduced himself, knocking Ryuzaki out of his angered state. He looked bored but grossed out in a way...his facial expression can cause so many misunderstandings.
"Azuro?" The tall boy lifted a finger to his cheek and scratched lightly in thought. Suddenly a memory of a kid running around on the basketball court -he normally plays on with his buddies- by himself came up and that's when Ryuzaki knew. The boy showed...nonchalant excitement? As he smacked a fist down into the palm of his other hand, "Ah." Pointing towards the kid in a lousy manner, "I know. The basketball court." Be more specific you dirty frat boy.

@Leaf Fi @SirBlazeALot
Yumi Narusaki

Yumi had bite down on he bottom lip to avoid laughing out loud. The boy- Azuro- was an absolute blast. He was endearing in a strange, hilarious way, and she liked that about him, but she found it even stranger that he recognised her. Her mind drew a complete blank though; she was absolutely sure she'd never seen him in her life, and she definitely hadn't been on TV. She continued to ponder until Ryuzaki spoke up, and she raised a brow at the tall teen. "Basketball court?" The brunetted echoed, glancing between the two boys. "Care to elaborate? I'm a little lost..." The question was for either of them ,so either answer would be okay.

@Suzumaki Arakai


The boys face became blank, his mouth slightly agape, his eyes focused on the ether of space. This was his "the gears are turning very, very slowly" face. Basketball...basketball...court

His mind shifted as his brain made several connections.


Lebron James is overrated.


At some point in my life, I have to shout OBJECTION but when? Maybe Aqua's wedding? Do people say that at weddings? If Aqua marries a douche I'm totally gonna do it.


He looked at Ryuzaki and his eyes lit up. He snapped his fingers and pointed at the boy and said, "Oh it's you! You're like, always playing basketball, well at lest whenever I play basketball you're there playing basketball. I'm more of a baseball guy myself, do you like any of the American teams? I think Lebron James is just like, way overrated and have you seen his shoes? They look like shoes that space aliens would play in." He unleashed a tornado of thought before focusing on Yumi again. He squinted and stared for a moment and rubbed his chin in deep thought. "Are you sure you haven't been on TV?"

@Leaf Fi

@Suzumaki Arakai
Yumi Narusaki

"Positive." The girl nodded with a slight frown. It seemed that Azuro wasn't on TV either- she'd likely remember him and his rambling if that was the case- so it was hard to figure out where he'd seen her. Pausing for a moment, she shook her head with a shrug. "Maybe we'll remember later?" She offered as a weak suggestion, moving her hand away from Ryuzaki's arm. "You might have just seen me around with Ryuzaki. I'm Yumi, by the way. Yumi Narusaki." The girl introduced herself politely as she clasped her hands in front of her body. Thinking about it, Azuro probably just recognised her face from hanging around with the taller teen so often, but who knows? Maybe her name could spark a memory for him.


@Suzumaki Arakai
Tanaka Ryuzaki

Ryuzaki was taken back a little at the boy's sudden actions. "Annoying." Yep, his number one most thought...thought. Looking down at the boy as his hands now resided in his pockets, his phone as well, Ryuzaki raised a brow. "College basketball." Of course, what he means by this is that he only watches college basketball and nothing like the NBA.

Watching as the boy's gaze shifted to Yumi, Ryuzaki furrowed his brow and looked forward with a slightly puckered lip.
"Annoying." Don't worry though, he'll warm up to the kid eventually...as long as he stays out of his way. If you know what I mean, uh, uh?

Ryuzaki studied how Yumi introduced herself in a very polite manner, this caused a memory to spark up in his mind. A memory from around the time when Yumi and he had first met.

The tall boy was making his way to the gym when suddenly he noticed the green-eyed brunette walking with a friend. Approaching them, Ryuzaki waved towards the girl, letting out a low
"Rooftop girl." He addressed her rudely...but to him it was just casual. One of Yumi's friends looked at him with an irritated glare and spoke up with a bark, "She has a name y'know."

Ryuzaki just kind of stood there and looked down at the other kid with a nonchalant expression. Glancing back over toward Yumi with a tilted head, "Never told me." The boy wasn't as tall then as he is now; hair wasn't as long either.

The brunette crossed her arms and sighed sharply before growling her introduction, "My name's Yumi. Yumi Narusaki."

Actually...now that it comes to mind, Ryuzaki never introduced himself to the girl...but she somehow knew his name to begin with...that's something to question I guess.

After that memory passed, Ryuzaki realized something...
"Naru...sa...ki." Pinching the bridge of his nose with a furrowed brow, "Naru...nara?" Suddenly his face when bland as he stared down at Yumi, "Narasaki." With that, he was testing his knowledge on whether or not he had been pronouncing and spelling her name right.

@Leaf Fi @SirBlazeALot
Yumi Narusaki

As she waited for a reply from Azuro, her ears caught a hold on Ryuzaki's gentle murmurings. Her gaze moved to focus on the tall boy, an eyebrow raising in slight intrigue. "Something wrong?" Yumi questioned, her tone laced with both curiosity and slight concern. What he was saying, she couldn't really tell; she could just hear the exhales and see the slight movement of his lips as he had a debate with himself. Momentarily, her eyes flickered towards Azuro as if to ask if he knew what was being said. It was highly unlikely, seeing sure was right beside the taller teen, but maybe he had unnaturally good hearing or could read lips. Very farfetched, but hey; there was all types of people in the world.

@Suzumaki Arakai


The boy was practically bubbling over with excitement, like a shrieking tea kettle. What luck! The first day of high school and he'd already made a few friends! He was gearing up for his next verbal explosion when he heard the delicate sound of Ryuzaki's murmurs. He rolled his eyes and grinned, and stood on his tippy toes and awkwardly whispered to the boy, "Naru!" He gave the boy a pat on the back and studied Yumi's face. "Well if you're not on TV yet, you should be. You're super pretty!" For a lot of people, this was kind of a forward thing to say, but for Azuro, it was just another day of handing out compliments like they're candy. He shrugged and rested his hands on the back of his head. "I'm sure it'll come back to me, but if not, who cares!"

@Leaf Fi

@Suzumaki Arakai
Yumi Narusaki

Looks like he did hear, seeing Azuro whispered something in reply. The brunette's mouth opened to repeat the question, but quickly shut at the compliment he handed to her. "O-oh?" Yumi blinked, a dusting of cherry blossom pink covering her cheeks. "T-thanks! That's really nice of you to say." She chirped with a smile before glancing over at the teacher. They had to arriving soon, right? "You said you had a sister in our class too, right?" Yumi recalled with a nod, tilting her head to the side a little. "What's her name?"


@Suzumaki Arakai
Tanaka Ryuzaki

Ryuzaki leaned away a little when the kid whispered in his ear, a crouched expression appearing on his face. The words that were whispered went in one ear and out the other as Ryuzaki stared into space, "So it's Narusaki." He'll have to fix her name in his phone later. The tall boy continued walking leisurely -for what seemed like forever- to the rooftop. Suddenly, something Azuro said ticked Ryuzaki off to a minimum amount. Looking down at the boy with a furrowed brow, his glare seemed as though he was mentally strangling the boy. The pink tint that seemed to grow on Yumi's cheeks made it no better. Quickly, Ryuzaki grabbed her face with both of his hands and began squeezing her cheeks for a quick second before letting go with a huff. She now has a new reason for her face to be red...maybe even redder. The tall boy's steady walk turned into a stubborn stomp as they all continued on. He knew that if he took his anger out on Azuro, Yumi would look down on him from...below.

@Leaf Fi @SirBlazeALot @mikko
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Yumi Narusaki

Before Azuro could even breathe to answer her question, Yumi's head was forced upwards in Ryuzaki's direction. In a state of confusion, she simply stared up at him before squealing as her cheeks were squeezed. It wasn't the first time something like this had happened; in fact, this was the second. It was somewhat similar situation with a friend of hers, and he made her blush as well and... Well, you can add up the dots there. Thankfully this time though, the torture her cheeks was short lived as Ryuzaki stormed away after a second or so.

Yumi pouted as she rubbed her red cheeks, watching after the boy with an unimpressed glare. "What got into him...?" She mumbled under her breath with a sigh, following after in a much more relaxed pace.

@Suzumaki Arakai


Just as he was about to tell Yumi his sister's entire life story, Ryuzaki interjected with a playful cheek pinch. "Oh?" Azuro let out a small breath as he watched the two of them. He erupted with light-hearted laughter, "Awww you guys are great!" He didn't bother to elaborate on what he meant by that. The boy was fully capable of picking up on what just went down. Despite being a loud mouth, even he knew it'd be a dick move to call Ryuzaki out on his emotions. That would totally violate bro-code. He had a small silly smile plastered onto his face as he began to ship his two new friends together in his head. If anything it gave him something to keep his imagination busy as the class made its way to the roof.

@Suzumaki Arakai

@Leaf Fi

Yumi Narusaki

Yumi kept up her pouty sulk as she continued the the walk to the roof, eventually dropping her hands after a final rub over her poor cheeks. They weren't a bright, fire truck red- thank the heavens- but a more timid shade of crimson. Light, but still noticeable. Her confusion over the situation only grew as Azuro referred to the pair as 'great'. Normally it would be taken as a compliment, but right after the girl had her cheeks abused and the boy storming away? She didn't know how to take it. She wanted to question him, but was too busy in her own little 'Ryuzaki, you meanie!' world at the moment. If she remembered, she'd question him later.

@Suzumaki Arakai


Tanaka Ryuzaki

Ryuzaki now walked a bit ahead of Yumi as his legs began taking larger strides. He was slightly fumed after hearing what the other boy had to say about Yumi and her looks. A sharp click of the tongue echoed from his person, "Che, she's not even pretty." Come on now Ryuzaki, don't say that. You know she's a nice sight for dull eyes. The tall students eyes were narrowed as his lip remained stubbornly puckered, "What's so great about her?" His hands tightened into fists as they rested in his pockets, "Maybe I should hit him." No...d-don't do that kid. Nothing good comes from violence! Plus Yumi would probably hate you for a couple thirty days.

@Leaf Fi @SirBlazeALot

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