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Realistic or Modern .:The Typicality of Anime Schools:.

Ione Aelia

When the teacher started to give out instructions, she pouted slightly. Ione looked down at her boxed lunch. The girl still had... nothing. 'Oh... Yay!' She thought, wiggling out of Tomio's grasp and skipping over to her desk to put the box in her bag before walking over to the door and lining up quietly.

Sakura Haruhi

Sakura payed immediate attention to the teacher when he started to speak. She was eyeing the cigarette he had in his mouth, but noticing it wasn't lit. 'Is he going to take us outside?' She asked herself. Her throughts were brushed off when he asked her to pick up the pieces of paper, which she did, placing them one by one in the basket she made out of her cardigan. Once she finished, she walked over to the teacher and asked in a soft voice, "A-are we go-going outside f-for you to sm-smoke?" No one else could hear, probably not even the teacher could understand what she said. Though, once she did say it, she wish she didn't. it was rude of her to do that. "I-I mean... I-it's no-not the best f-for you..." She said in an even quieter voice, looking down and the paper balls nervously.

Tanaka Ryuzaki

Ryuzaki waited for further instructions on what to do as he pulled out his phone and sent a quick message on his phone before returning it to it's compartment. The boy just so happened to be the first one in line...which didn't sit too well with him so he stepped around and ended up behind the girl who had decided to treat him like a Barbie doll or something in the infirmary earlier. Looking down at her he noticed that her hair was nicely done; bad idea. The boy placed both of his hands on her head and turned her gorgeous locks into a rats nest like he usually does to Yumi.

It felt awkward doing it to someone else other than her though..."Just a one time thing."

He suddenly recalled something when he touched the girls head...she's the one who always made attempts to tackle him every year in Junior High. Ryuzaki's nonchalant expression turned to a slight glare as he stared down at her and the...whatever you want to call it on her head.

@Class @Corgi
Tomio Takahashi

Tomio released a pout as the calamari was stolen from him. His mouth opened to complain, but no words dared to sound as his eyes rested on Ryuzaki. The tall, looming, narrowed eyed Ryuzaki. Despite the, what he supposed was supposed to be a, humorous thumbs up, Tomio felt like he was practically dying from fright. His grip tightened on Ione as he shrunk back a little, only returning his adorable and beautiful presence back to the group as soon as the boy left. Just as he did, a new girl came, and he went to reply and tell her everything was fine as long as she kept that terrifying human away from the group when Maki mentioned she had more.

"You have more?" Tomio blinked, about to throw himself towards the lunch box but froze in place as tall, dark guy returned. Shy wouldn't be a word ever associated with this dorky blonde; but god could you use it now. The scary boy- yes, that is his name now- took another goddamn piece, and Tomio could feel his precious little heart breaking. He was going to eat it all at this rate!

Luckily for the blonde though, the teacher began to speak up once again, informing the class to line up, and I swear, Tomio had never ran as fast as he did at that moment. He paused at the door, shutting his eyes tightly. 'If I can't see him, I won't be afraid.' Aww, poor guy. Oh well; he'd soon get used to the two 'scary' students.




@Suzumaki Arakai

@Zero Gravity

Yumi Narusaki

The girl's brow raised as her name was brought up. "Mmm, Yumi Narusaki." She nodded politely. The other girl introduced herself as Aiko, and Yumi blinked. The name was vaguely familiar... But from where she heard it, she couldn't really remember... Actually, on the topic of familiar faces it appeared that she knew all of them, but couldn't place a finger on how. She frowned inwardly, but didn't show her frustration outside.

Ryuzaki then apparated behind the brunette all of the sudden; his sudden arrival making her jump in shock. Once again, he stuffed his face, causing her to scowl up at him. "Really?" She sighed, rolling her eyes as he placed a hand on her head. It wasn't both, so her hair would be okay...

For now.

The teacher spoke up and she nodded along, turning to the others with a smile. "Sorry about that once again. But it was nice to meet you all!" She chirped before turning just in time to see her tall friend ruin a girl's hair. "... You've got to be kidding me..." She grumbled, pinching the bridge of her nose momentarily before storming over to the two. "Ryuzaki!" The girl narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. "Do I honestly have to hold your hand from now on?" Yumi sighed before turning to the poor strawberry blonde, attempting to fix her hair with an awkward smile. "I'm so, so, so, so sorry about your hair..."


@Suzumaki Arakai


@Zero Gravity
Tanaka Ryuzaki

Ryuzaki's phone called out his name...technically, so he pulled it out and read the messages before placing it back in his pocket; not after replying though. The boy's attention was then caught by Yumi as she darted over and began fixing strawberry blonde's hair in apology.

The brunettes statement about holding his hand caused him to furrow his brow for a second before shrugging, "It's up to you." He seemed irritated now for some reason...could've been the text message? Or Yumi's statement.

Ryuzaki then wrapped his arms around Yumi's shoulders from behind and rested his head down on hers with a sigh. Looking at the girl who's hair he had just destroyed, "My bad."

@Leaf Fi @Corgi

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c35a1a28a_Pops1.png.f4765c38dd4039122a544f8ae4e0c525.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62190" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c35a1a28a_Pops1.png.f4765c38dd4039122a544f8ae4e0c525.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Maki Noriko

Maki popped a couple of more pieces of calamari in his mouth before he folded everything back up, leaving it neatly tied on his desk. He wished he could finish it off, but he was okay. Too bad Tomio didn't get any, which is who was originally supposed to have a bite. The tall guy instead enjoyed it a whole lot more than he thought he would. The man looked scary, but he probably wasn't as mean as his face looked, it was usually like that. At the teacher's call, he lined up at the door with everyone else. Were they going outside?

@mikko @Suzumaki Arakai @Leaf Fi @Corgi
Yumi Narusaki

Nibbling on her bottom lip in concentration, Yumi continued to smooth out the other girl's hair until she found it as close as perfect as humanly possible. Well, that's what she hoped it looked like, anyways. "There..." Impressed with her work, she nodded with a triumphant smile. "You can fix it more if you wish, I'm not the best stylist." The girl admitted, not even bothering to reply to Ryuzaki's first statement; mostly due to the fact she didn't even have a response ready.

Yumi took a small step backwards, about to turn, but instead of connecting with the floor it hit the taller boy's shoe. "Oh." She then felt a slight pressure on the top of her head as arms wrapped around her shoulders. Blinking, she attempted to glance upwards, but due to the position Ryuzaki was in, the attempt was fruitless. A gentle pink hue took over her cheeks, but she made no move to push the other way. It was sorta her own fault, making her earlier comment about holding his hand, and she just assumed he was trying to get a reaction out of her. But it wasn't going to work this time! "Hey, you're learning!" She praised as he sorta apologised, patting his arm in approval with a wide smile.


@Suzumaki Arakai


Aiko glared at the teacher and made her way back to the desk, she didn't like the way he spoke to the class, as if they were all idiots. She frowned as she sat at her desk, she took out two pencils and began to play with them. "Romeo, oh Romeo, where art thou?" She shook one pencil pretending that it was actually talking. "I am here my dear Juliet, I love thou!" Aiko saw that everyone was lining up in front of the door. She took her pencil and put it between her nose and her puckered top lip. She waited to hear what was happening, were they going on a trip? They never went on rips, how exciting.

Tanaka Ryuzaki

Ryuzaki didn't make any attempt to move from resting on the girl, instead he tightened his grip slightly as she pat his arm in appraisal. "Heeeeh?" His voice was monotone; similar to a person who just woke up...but in his case he just wanted to go to sleep. The boy began to sway side to side, Yumi as well. Once that was over, he decided to lift up, removing his weight from her, and look down at his shoe in which the girl was still standing on.

Ryuzaki tapped Yumi on the shoulder, "Oi." His face was monotone as he pointed down at his foot and raised a brow. "Tryna handicap me?" His hands were now placed in his pockets, one fiddled around with his phone as the other just relaxed.

@Leaf Fi @Corgi

For Aqua, writing down one's personal attributes is a tricky feat to accomplish. Attributes of the self can often allow others to pick out your vulnerabilities, and who wants to reveal those to the world. Still, she wanted to be liked by her classmates, so she wrote about herself with great care. She wanted to make herself into the perfect friend.

On Azuro's end, the assignment was pie, and he'd been writing all of the most minute details about himself. He had began writing tinier and tinier as he ran out of room, but he was cut off from his absurdly detailed Facebook profile by the ensuing paper war, which he participated in with glee.

During lunch, it had suddenly occurred to the dense boy that he'd forgotten his. To his luck, his far more resourceful sister had made an extra one, anticipating that the boy would still be hungry after eating the one he had packed for himself.

"Hey sis," he tapped the girl on the shoulder and chuckled lightly as she turned to him. "Mind if we share? I sort of...forgot my bento box." Aqua scoffed and revealed the extra from her bag.

"You're a jackass," she replied placing the box on the desk. Her brother's forgetfulness reminded her of a concern she'd had while writing about herself. "Hey Azuro, you didn't write about Father, did you?" The boy was practically inhaling his lunch when he looked up with surprise. He replied with see-food fully visible.

"Of course not, even I'm not that dumb," he began loudly. "You can't just go telling everyone that your dad is a--"

"DON'T TALK WITH YOUR MOUTH FULL." Aqua cut him off quickly and gave him a stern look and hissed at him in a low voice. "Idiot!" Azuro bowed his head and whispered back.

"Sorry," his voice was thick with shame. After lunch the balled up papers were collected and given to the teacher, who had affectionately referred to his students as losers, much to Azuro's humor. He chortled obnoxiously at the man's language. Looking around the classroom was like being in a dream. It was as if they'd seen all of these people at some point in their lives.

My name is Aqua. I have a twin brother named Azuro.

Our dad is obsessed with the color blue.

I started my first business when I was five. I sold my mother's cookies and lemonade to the neighborhood.

I'm a hard worker

I'm intelligent

I'm loyal and I never quit on my friends.

I like to help others achieve their dreams

Yo yo, it's ya boi Azuro!

Aqua is my sister.

I love American movies.

I want to have a big dog one day.

When I grow up, I want to be a fireman


Maybe I'll join the army.

I like all games, board games, video games, sports, you name it!

Well actually I don't like mind games, I always lose those.

I came out of my mom first!

My hair is naturally red and black! I know right!? Weird.

Sometimes when I close my eyes really hard and for a really long time I can see colors!

I looked at the sun once for a really long time and now I have trouble reading things sometimes

I wish I was at McDonald's right now!

I like girls!

This summer I found out that some people really like tentacle

@all y'all

Koichi got distracted thinking about the chords of a song he was composing and ended up not listening to what the teacher said. "Sol Fa Fa Re Mi Si Do... Huh? why is everyone lining up by the door?" He thought to himself

Looking around the classroom, he saw that one girl also wasn't in the line yet. The red-head walked towards her "Aiko-san, do you have any idea why is everyone making a line?" The boy said confusedly while scratching his head

Yumi Narusaki

Yumi smiled gently at his sleepy tone, rolling her eyes. He really was a disaster when it came to sleeping; you wouldn't believe the places and positions she'd find him in half the time, completely unfazed too. With the swaying, her blush did develop into a slightly darker pink, the colour you'd see after a workout, but no complaints fell from her mouth; she just enjoyed the surprisingly pleasant movement until it ended.

"Hmm?" The girl blinked at the tap on her shoulder and glanced up at Ryuzaki before to his foot. "Oh! No, sorry." She replaced her foot back on to solid ground and took a step forward, focusing her eyes on the teacher and Sakura with a hum. 'I wonder what he's going to do with all them now...'

@Suzumaki Arakai

(( Sorry for the late reply! My cousin came over and demanded to play Mario with me for an hour >~> ))


"I have to tell you Koichi, I have no clue. Maybe it's a fire alarm? Are we going to die, oh my gosh, if we die tell my mother I love her!" She said over dramatically, she didn't really care why they were in line, she just liked to act all the time. She hugged the boy, "where have you been mister? You disappear all the time!" She poked his nose. "We should join the others though, the teacher might cut off our heads because he's a meanie, he treats us as if we are three year olds and I don't like it!" She frowned.

????????? ??????

"The heavens have descended on me with lunch!"


"Music? Uhh... I don't have a personal favorite really." He responded as he was more open with whatever as long as it catches his attention. As he was about to continue on, it was already time for lunch as he nodded and was amused by the new nickname given to him,"Finally." He said and pulled out his own bento but only to stare up at Hitomi's own with eyes glued to her food,"Did you make it?" He asked while opening his own that consist of the usual Japanese box lunches with rice decorated with pickled radish and sesame seeds, two onigiris on the side, cute tako hotdogs, and fried tempuras.


Interacting with: @Kawaii

Hitomi Yi

"Yeah, I did. Why?" Hitomi asked as she took her bites. She had Korean and Japanese food scattered around her meals everyday. She had always had something Korean in her dish, no matter what. Her mother taught her those dishes first which were kinda like soul food for her.

"Did you make yours?" She said as she took another bite to finish her meal. She glanced at his meal, looking at the cute shapes the tako dogs were in. Her meal looked fit for her, with her stoic and shy mannerisms. Hitomi had made a friend today, finally. She didn't have too many in middle school, so having a fresh start was good for her.

"EH?! We are going to die?! I'm too young to die! And what about the songs I left incomplete? Are they going to haunt me in the afterlife?" said Koichi joining Aiko in the overreaction, playfully. "I've been lurking in the shadows, but now I came for your rescue! The super ninja Koichi saves the day once again!" He said as he involved the girl on his arms, hugging her tightly "You smell good~" the boy added. "I'm not too bothered by the way Osamu-sensei treats us, i find it funny actually. But i guess we really should join the others" Koichi grinned "Let's go!"

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"No thank you, I am no follower." She said and pushed her hair off of her shoulder trying to add a dramatic effect. "Thank you Koichi, I do like to roll around in roses a lot, like a dog. " She laughed. She grabbed his hand and led him to the line up of people. "We are now followers, how does that make you feel?" She questioned and held her imaginary microphone to him. She thought of being a news anchor before, but she was way too dramatic for that. She decided the best job for her was probably to be Madonna, too bad she was still living. @Wataru​
????????? ??????

"Lunch was good but what's with the line?"


"Hmm... no reason. Just curious since it looks quite delicious." He said amused by the fact she was able to cook as she continued by asking him the same question though it was embarrass to say that he did make it. His bento box was cute but for someone like him to make such a cute lunch didn't fit his appearance. He was fazed by the question but it didn't show on his face as he shrugged,"My mother made it for me." He stated -- lied- -- after finishing off his meal just as quickly as Hitomi before he saw the large line of students at the door,"Hm? What's going on?" He asked baffled how and when did it happen also why even everyone lining up for?


Interacting with: @Kawaii

Hitomi Yi

Hitomi replied, "Oh, thank you." She said with a tiny smile. She liked his lunch box as well. It being cute and adorkable. "It's cute." she said after he said his mother made it. Hiring thought it was very cute and warm that his mother made it for him. Though it seemed like he lied. Nah, it's probably something else.

She then heard noise of footsteps from the outside and turned around. The noise was coming from a line of students. Uhh, What's this for? She then reminded herself that Osamu-Sensei said he was going on a trip or something.
"Oh yes, We are going on some type of trip." She said as she finished her meal up. "We should line up." She added.

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kou sat, highly disinterested in his job as a teacher at the moment, waiting for his students to line up as he told them to. the papers were all placed nicely in his pocket, ready for him to use (or abuse) at his liberty. this excited him none, however, as the day had been rather dull thus far. exhaling exasperatedly, he thre his head back and reclined in his chair, eyes fluttering shut momentarily. when his eyes drifted open again, he was amused to find a female student glaring at him. shooting her a grin and a languid wink, he reverted his attention back to the class. once he deemed the line long enough, he brought his feet down from the desk, rising slowly. "alright, alright. it's great to hear you all getting and stuff, but you're gonna have to shut up for a hot minute, because some teachers are actually getting stuff done, and if you guys interrupt them, they'll be all up my ass and trying to serve it back to me on a platter. so if you guys march on up to the roof quietly like good little brats, i'll reward you. got it?" he didn't wait for an answer, simply stepped ahead and gestured them along. it was time to rectify the soul-crushing boredom he was experiencing. what better way than being a good teacher?

@the class nerds


Ione Aelia

Ione had no expression on her face when Ryuzaki messed up her hair. The only thing that was moving was a small smile creeping up on her face. When he stopped, she started snickering, then giggling, and then just plain laughing. She msot likely looked like a maniac while doing this, she she had a rats nest on her head, but she just found it hilarious that her dad does the same thing to her, and how easily she can fix it. When Yumi attempted in fixing it for her, she shook her head. "N-no. D-don't wo-worry abou i-it!" She said through the laughs. When she finally calmed down, she wiped the tears that had formed in her eyes and just turned around to face Ryuzaki. She fliped her head upside down, now leaning over and running her hands through it a few times. It most likely hit him in the face, which she was okay with, honestly. When she finished, she lipped back up and it look like nothing changed. "I have mastered the art of fixing my hair considering my dad does it all the time." She said, doing a simple hairflip and ofllowing the teacher's orders, walking out into the hall and towards the roof.

Sakura Haruhi

Sakura stayed in the very back of the line, about 15 feet away from the person in front of her, making sure she wasn't to obnoxiously close. It bugged her that she worried about every small little thing, like what if her shoes squeaked in the halls, would she get in trouble? Or what if the only reason others don't want to talk to her is because she has something in her teeth? It's pretty much the small details. Sakura sighed lightly as she slipped her cardigan back on and pushed up her glasses. The line was moving now and she made sure that she wasn't getting to close, or too far from the line.​
"You know, there's no problem in going with the flow sometimes, but i agree with you, it's always better to do things your own way" replied the boy calmly, with a smile, as always. "Thanks for the beauty tip by the way, i'll definitely do it as soon as possible. But tell me where do you get that many petals?" When

she grabbed his hand Ichikawa blushed; but thankfully it was almost unnoticeable. "I feel manipulated and opressed, i need liberty!" The boy replied

in an overly dramatic manner. "But the roof sounds nice!"

Yumi Narusaki

The girl stared at the strawberry blonde in front of her as she began to erupt into laughter. She shot a look back to Ryuzaki with a raised brow, almost as if she was questioning if he knew what was going on, before glancing forward again. At that stage, the other girl had her hair absolutely perfect before skipping off. '... I'll have to ask her how she did that...' She noted inwardly before following. She didn't bother looking backwards as she knew Ryuzaki would be following silently anyways, as usual. He was kinda like a huge shadow in that way.

Tomio Takahashi

Tomio only opened his eyes once the teacher began to speak up once more, giving them instructions. He frowned a little at being told to stay quiet- the blonde wasn't exactly the best at keeping his mouth shut, after all- but if it meant that they'd have a bit of a trip and another game, it would most likely be worth it. Quickly, he followed after Ione and stayed at her heels. Hopefully she didn't stop anytime suddenly; he'd probably scare the life out of her for the second time that day.


"Well Koichi, I'm glad you asked. My parents have this garden in my backyard that they pay people to grow, since they're never around, I jump in the flowers and roll around in them while my nanny yells at me to stop. You should come over some time, we could roll around in them together and then we'll both smell like roses. However, I do have a certain type of rose that I roll in, I only roll in pink roses, you'll have to settle for the red ones, I am truly sorry." She said with a fake British accent.

Tanaka Ryuzaki

Ryuzaki stood there in line with a hint of irritation warming over him when suddenly he remembered his coffee that was sitting on a desk in which he and Yumi conversed earlier. A sigh escaped the boys mouth as he took the time to retrieve it, leaving the water because it has a lid. Once he returned to where he was, Ryuzaki lifted the cold drink to his lips and finished it off before crushing the can and shooting it into the trashcan. Of course, he made it without any true effort...he's a pro with unformed shots! After that, the tall boy looked down at Yumi, he didn't say anything...just stared down at her and acknowledged her height and hair color like he has before, many times before.

Suddenly his face cringed as he came to his senses,
"What the hell man? Don't be gross."

Eventually the teacher spoke up and began leading the class to...what was it? The rooftop? Ryuzaki followed along quietly and raised a brow back at Yumi, mocking her lightly.

"Oh my, it sounds absolutely lovely my dear. I'd be more than glad to join you in this wonderful activity. And i wouldn't mind at all rolling at the red roses. We are surely going to have a marvelous time" Koichi said reproducing her british accent "But darling, how do you avoid the roses' thorns? I'd love to learn your techniques.I'm truly thankful for your invitation, that's very nice of you. I'm already looking forward to it. I can't wait to smell like roses" Ending his sentence with a slight reverence.


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