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Fantasy The Tudor Lestrange Institute of Villainy and Henchmanship



Totally human, I swear!
Budding minds may become the next great dictator, but not everybody is here willingly, some kidnapped in order to fill in a quota at this high school for future villains. Whether your parents enrolled you, you came on your own, or you were kidnapped from wherever you were before this…. Well, you’re stuck here, like it or not.
Welcome to the Tudor Lestrange Institute of Villainy and Henchmanship.

Vex: Another year at TLI, another year closer to my goals. At some point I WILL eliminate magic from the world. If I didn't, then what help would I be to all who it has harmed and what harm would I be to all who it has helped?
When I got out of Dr. Von Brandt's car, I stretched my wings. I hated long car rides - I bet it might someday give me deep vein thrombosis in one of my wings or something like that.
I slung a bag over my shoulder and tucked the strap under my wing, doing the same with my other bag on the other shoulder. I carried another bag on my arm and headed for the dorms after saying my goodbyes to Dr. Von Brandt, Mr. Marbles, and Dr. Jacobs.
Leo, approaching the school from the sidewalk, noting an odd looking student standing near the front. Well, there was nothing particularly odd about him, aside from the wings unfurled on his back. He avoided eye contact after glancing at the wings, continuing to stiffly march to the school. Leo, dressed in highly formal, old-fashioned attire and towering over the other students, felt as though he stood out enormously, and continued to look straight forward on his way to the welcoming ceremony, though finding his way there through the sea of students was proving somewhat difficult, even with the fact that they gave him a generous berth. He quickly found himself somewhat lost in the halls, failing even to find a map of the area. He turned to a nearby student to politely ask them where the ceremony was to be held.
"Excuse me, would you have any idea where the auditorium might be?"
(Open invitation to any character participating to be the person he is asking)
Sol arrived bright and early to the TLI. Too early. Way too early. The older students were already making their way to their classes, but as there was around an hour for the student orientation and welcoming ceremony to start, there didnt seen to be any new students as yet.

But that didnt really matter. Sol took the extra time to explore the school, and familiarize herself with its layout, in the hopes of finding secret alcoves or tucked away niches which maybe useful later in the year, be it for a quick get away or a quiet place to study. After roaming around to her hearts content, she walked back along one of the halls, noting the new students who were trickling in. She leaned against a nearby pillar, watching the other new students and waiting for a little more time to pass before she headed towards the auditorium herself.

Her reverie was soon interrupted by a tall male, dressed in old fashioned clothing, which were much too formal for the occasion.

"The auditorium is that way, keep walking straight and go down the second right corridor"

Pushing herself away from the pillar, Sil checked her watch. Time to go.

"I'm heading there myself. If you wish to accompany me, you're welcome to" she said as she looked up at the male.

Skaleesh1873 Skaleesh1873
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Kypher Hawthorne
(TLI Campus - Outside)

Kypher was crouched atop the main campus building's rooftop edge in a brooding mood. His face was gently contorted into what he had probably intended to be a frown, but seemed to transmute into a hostile glare as he gazed upon the newly arrive freshmen. Vans upon vans piling in through the open spiked gates to spew out an exponentially increasing amount of bodies. Some of them would prove to be worth just that, meat fodder that the others may use as stepping stones to attain greatness. In a school where capital murder was encouraged and the lawless could revel in entire freedom granted by the school's staff faculty, not many survived much further than the first year. Here, you either became someone who murdered for your own benefit, or got murdered for someone else's. Step on the stones or be stepped on.

"Tch... None of them look promising."

Kypher had survived his first year with flying colours. Most students remained unranked until they showed talent as either a henchman or a villain, the latter being the more prestigious of the two. If you showed very little talent or none at all, you became an expendable destined to die for the purpose of elevating your peers. As vicious as it sounded, the system worked. Kypher had achieved the rank of henchman, but not because he lacked the talent to become a villain. There existed some finite number of students who preferred to specialise in a particular role of villainy. The most common specialisation for those who had a goal was to become a henchman purposefully, tailoring one's skills to serving and otherwise supporting a villain. Kypher was one such specialist. In actuality, he had already assassinated four of his fellow students, all villains, for not proving worthy enough of his servitude.

The school staff commended him for his selectiveness, constructing grand speeches on how he was raising the quality of today's villain youth and that he was a boon to evil across the world. Kypher was quite dryly not considering the future of villainy in the slightest, but rather choosing his stepping stone very carefully. The brighter the light, the darker the shadow. If he was to become the ultimate assassin, as was his dream to spite his family, he would need the support of a particularly powerful and intelligent master to direct his talent as a henchman. No idiotic superlaser-builder or dirty-bomb maniac would do, and he certainly would not accept anyone capable of using magic. No, someone of extreme intellect capable of putting his abilities to excellent use would be required, preferrably with some practical skill in villainy too - but that was secondary.

Kypher looked around once more, sweeping his attention across the throngs of equally frightened and determined new students shuffling their way to the auditorium. Bullying was quite rife here, as expected of a school for evil, and especially across the new student body. Not that the young assassin had found that to be an issue for himself when he had first arrived. His first 'master' had quickly realised his misunderstanding as to the nature of their contract in such a manner when he found his spine collumn protruding through his sternum.

He stood up straight, placing a hand to his brow to shield his eyes from the sun despite having no need to do so. It was reflexive. His optical enhancements could adjust the apeture of his pupil as rapidly as the piston-hammer of a fully automatic heavy machinegun. The enhancements didn't stop there, but Kypher consciously decided to set that topic aside from his mind until he was alone and could consider his body maintenance properly. His optics scoped in to maximise the image of two students amongst the crowd talking to each other. They seemed amicible, yet something was off. The boy was dressed oddly, as if he were attempting to fulfill the role of a Bond villain's henchman too unsurreptitiously. Indeed, his lack of subtlety had already been compromised due to his towering height. He wondered if the two students could feel his eyes on them. Kypher could already tell that there was something 'specialised' happening here. While the assassin disliked anything of an overly unique disposition, those of the said nature still had their uses.

Stepping stones, right?

Skaleesh1873 Skaleesh1873 CherryLipsandCrystalSkies CherryLipsandCrystalSkies
Leo nodded, remaining expressionless as he looked down at her for a moment. She was rather short, and her somewhat Victorian manner of dress reminded him of the way many of the women of his family dressed. However, the resemblance ended there. Jeans and other such articles of clothing would never be allowed. The biggest difference were the eyes. His family, Leo included, had what most might call, "dead eyes". A sort of vacant, washed-out look was shared by all Maxwell's. Hers, on the other hand, were certainly not.

"That would be appreciated greatly."

He felt oddly as though he were being watched, however, he was used to this, especially after a morning filled with stares, subtle or otherwise, from his peers, and ignored it.

"It would appear the ceremony is to start shortly. Shall we?"

He shot a quick glance in the direction of the stare, as it hadn't wavered once.

CherryLipsandCrystalSkies CherryLipsandCrystalSkies Kloudy Kloudy
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Rebecca floated across the campus, her midnight black cloak trailing behind her. A big believer in tradition, she made sure to hit every witchy stereotype in the books. The tiefling watched her fellow students with a wary eye- with backstabbing and murder being legal here, she had to keep herself safe. The sorceress took a seat in the top of the auditorium, waiting to see who would join her- she could use an ally or two.

(Open for interactions.)
As she waited for the males reply, Sol sensed someone's eyes on her. As discreetly as she could, she glanced around and noted a figure on the rooftop. For a brief moment her eyes glinted mischievously and magic sparked between her fingers. A little gust of wind would knock down the mysterious observer easily.

However, the sparks soon faded from her fingers. Sol didnt know if the figure was merely a casual observer or something more dangerous. She wasnt about to blindly pick a fight with someone without knowing their abilities first.

As the male in front of her spoke up, she turned her attention back to him. She nodded and smiled slightly.

"Sure, come on"

She started to walk with the male, heading towards the auditorium.

"Since we'll most probably be classmates, I believe an introduction is in order. My name is Solaris, better known as Sol. What's yours?"

Skaleesh1873 Skaleesh1873 Kloudy Kloudy
Leo noted the magic attack on her part. At least, he assumed it was an attack; he was not very knowledgeable on magic. He glanced back down at her, expression remaining vacant.

"Leopold. Forgive my asking, but are you a villain?"

CherryLipsandCrystalSkies CherryLipsandCrystalSkies
"I will be. I wont settle for anything less" said Sol, her eyes as hard as flint. "We will get our official ranking later on in the year, unofficially of course you could consider me a villain in training."

Seeing the turn coming up, Sol walked down the correct corridor and saw the entrance of the auditorium loom before her.

"What about you Leopold? Any ranking you are aiming for?"

Skaleesh1873 Skaleesh1873
"Of course" said Sol, using her magic to open the door with a lazy flick of her wrist.

She stepped through, making sure to keep the door open long enough for Leopold to walk through before shutting it with another dismissive flick.

Standing still for a moment she surveyed the auditorium. The seats were beginning to fill up, but several seats still remained empty. Sol noticed a tiefling seated near by, dressed like a stereotypical witch. After considering her options for a moment, she sat in the row behind the tiefling.

Skaleesh1873 Skaleesh1873 Shagranoz Shagranoz
Though he felt awkward continuing to follow her around, Leo had yet to meet anybody else in the academy, and thusly sat next to her. The seat was too small for him, his arms being far larger than the armrests. Though uncomfortable, Leo didn't fidget or shift his position. That much had been trained out of him. He simply sat, expressionless, staring forward. He noted the witch in front of them. At least, he assumed it was, by her manner of dress. After a quick glance at her, his gaze returned straight forward, into space.

CherryLipsandCrystalSkies CherryLipsandCrystalSkies Shagranoz Shagranoz
Having walked for a long time, Sol gratefully sank into her seat gracefully crossing her legs as she did. Comfortable, she settled down to wait.

As Leopold sat down next to her, she said nothing. However she did note his discomfort. The guy looked like a bear stuffed into a doghouse. It was distracting.

With a soft sigh, Sol snapped her fingers, and the armrests of his seat disappeared. She then cast a simple glamour so that any passing staff would see a non existent armrest. She just hoped that they didnt notice Leopold's arms passing through the incorporeal armrests. That was a bridge she'd cross when she came to it or if she came to it anyway

Skaleesh1873 Skaleesh1873
Rebecca nods curtly at the pair who came and sat next to her. "Hello, there. I'm Rebecca. Tell me what brings you here- magic? Science? Money?" Against her better judgement, the witch extends her hand for a shake- having friends here would greatly accelerate her path towards global domination.

CherryLipsandCrystalSkies CherryLipsandCrystalSkies Skaleesh1873 Skaleesh1873
Leopold was suddenly alarmed by his arms falling, looking down to see his arms submerged into the arm rests. He lifted them a bit and noticed that they weren't actually there, just an illusion. For a moment he was confused, but then remembered that he was seated near two witches. Suddenly, the girl in front of them turned back to extend a hand. Still wary from the armrests, he shook her hand firmly.

"Leopold. I'm attending so that I may become a henchman."

He turned to Sol, releasing his hand and motioning to the arm rests as if to ask if their dissapearance was her doing.

CherryLipsandCrystalSkies CherryLipsandCrystalSkies Shagranoz Shagranoz
Sol giggled softly, amused by Leopold's alarmed expression as his arms sank through the non-existent armrests. However she soon sobered up as the female in front of her turned to face them.

After Leo shook the female's hand, Sol watched as Rebecca extended her hand towards her.

Sol's gaze flicked from the females hand to her face before she gave her hand a brief shake. "I'm Solaris Marseilles, here for knowledge" she said.

She turned to Leopold, her lips stretching into an amused grin again. "You looked like a Labrador trying to fit into a cat bed. It was distracting."

Shagranoz Shagranoz Skaleesh1873 Skaleesh1873
Vivi hum to herself idly, as she skipped down the hallways. With a glance towards a nearby clock, she slowed down slightly. "Looks like I'm running late~" She sang cheerfully, clearly not bothered by the notion of being late. Snapping her fingers, she smiled as the doors flew open before her.

Curiously, she eyed the others in the room, some squirming nervously in their seats. Although, she found a few people that seemed to be introducing themselves to each other. "Making alliances early I see~" She whispered to herself with a silent giggle. Skipping on over, she leaned over the seats of the black-haired lady and blond human as she forcibly joined in. "Hiya, you seem to be having fun~, can I sit next to you guys?"
CherryLipsandCrystalSkies CherryLipsandCrystalSkies Shagranoz Shagranoz Skaleesh1873 Skaleesh1873
Startled at the new girls rather abrupt entrance, Solaris started in her seat.

"Good grief, it's the start of the school year and you're already trying to murder a fellow classmate" said Sol, her eyes twinkling merrily.

She turned her attention back to Rebecca as the tiefling piped up again. Noting the female's tone, Sol smirked as she held her hand up, magic sparking between her fingers.

"Summoning and exorcising are some of my specialities. Which would you prefer I use? " said Sol, her voice holding the barest hint of a threat.

MiraAutumn MiraAutumn Shagranoz Shagranoz
Looking towards the black-haired lady, she chuckled with a devilish smile. "Haha, not just yet~"

"Thank you!" She beamed at the redhead. As the two presumed witches discussed amongst themselves, Vivi looked towards the human. Shaking his hand enthusiastically, she responded excitedly. "I'm Vivi Kattail, nice to meet you~" Brushing off her pastel coloured skirt, she took the seat offerred gratefully. "So what are you planning on studying here?" She inquired as she swung her legs idly.
CherryLipsandCrystalSkies CherryLipsandCrystalSkies Skaleesh1873 Skaleesh1873 Shagranoz Shagranoz
Leo remained expressionless and motionless, as ever. Thanks to Sol's magic, the constraining armrests were gone, but he was still far too large for the seat, and being surrounded by others, was unable to sit in any position aside from a rigid, upright stance. This, combined with the looser posture of his neighbors, as well as his enormous height, made him tower over the presumable villains nearby.

"I'm attending so that I may become a henchman. I assume you are a villain?"

He couldn't help but notice the liveliness in everybody's eyes. At first, he had assumed it was just Sol. However, everybody seemed to have mischief and exitement in theirs aside from Leo. Well, Leo, and the man from earlier, who had been staring him and Sol down. He was curious as to what happened to him.

MiraAutumn MiraAutumn
Rebecca looks at Solaris again. "No, I'm not planning murders just yet... though maybe later, we could work on some death curses. What I'm interested in right now is more personal. See, I'm a tiefling- half human, half demon. I'm trying to get rid of that first part, but I just can't corrupt myself enough to Fall. Got any ideas?"
"Well" said Sol as she lowered her hand, the sparks between her fingers fading as she did.

"From what I know, you have two ways to go about it. You could try a ritual, but its complicated. Lots of specific victims you have to find, lotsa blood, lotsa gore. But it is a surefire way to Fall. Or you could strike a deal with a demon. But you have to summon a higher demon, I'm talking one of the Princes of Hell high demon. But those guys are notoriously untrustworthy. While it's easier to do the summoning ritual than the other blood ritual I mentioned, its chances of success is lower" said Solaris as she shifted her position before crossing her legs again.

Shagranoz Shagranoz

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