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The Transfer Student

"But, you are my sister..." Scott mumbled before leaning in to whisper to her. "It's what makes our relationship more fun. We have to keep it secret from everyone...shhh...."

As more people gatherd on the train an ithers went at the next stop a musician walked into the teain with a violen case and a scarfe covering most of his face even tjo it was warm out . Yui thinking he looked shadey stood closer to scott.

@Ethan Hart
Scott didn't care about the people from his school. After hearing that and everything that had happened, he leaned down and kissed Yui's lips, holding it for a few seconds before pulling away. "My life would be much worse if you weren't in it."

"This is our stop, come on, Yui!" Scott smiled as he dragged her off the train with her. "And I promise to make it up to you. I'll do anything you want..."

"You can always sit on my lap." Scott suggested, leaning his head on hers as they walked the city. "We don't just have to stand. We'd be closer then."

"It also lets me hug you for the whole thing" He said smiling as he kissed her cheek. "You should be able to see the London Eye from here."


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