The Train Crash.

He turns his head and looks at the man

Adam: Oh, Hello

Adam nods at him and raises his hand as a greeting
Jacob stood from his seat and approached, one hand placed on the back of his neck nervously. She turned to him, and to his surprise, she didn't seem at all bothered by his interruption - she flashed him a polite grin and her word choice amused him slightly, considering his british accent might possibly be taking a toll on other peoples' vocabularies and feeling himself smile with a small amount of entertainment.

He blinked once and heard her respond, saying, "Ah, well, you don't have a seat. And, nor do you, sir." He turned his gaze to the blonde man before glancing between the two of them as he offered, "You are very welcomed to take mine. It's a double, so there are two separate ones for the both of you." He himself felt his lips quirk into his own charming little smile, leaving his offer hanging in the air for them to either decline or accept. His gaze then flickered down to the man's hand held out for a shake, and he glanced back up, taking it politely and glancing between both of them as he decided he might as well introduce himself.

"Oh, excuse my lack of manners. My name is Jacob. It's quite a pleasure to find a few people headed my way." He flashed another polite smile of his own to the two of them.

Luckily enough for him, He really didn't mind standing - in fact, it was probably better for him than sitting. He would be able to shift around and, with correct application of his superhuman ability, he wouldn't even need to feel the strain on his legs from the time lapse. He fell silent and waited patiently for a response, finding that he seemed to be taller than the majority of the people on the train - and finding his own silent amusement in that fact alone.
Hyuna felt a little surprised at the man's generosity and shook her head. "Oh, no. It's quite alright." Smiling softly, Hyuna would feel a little embarrassed sitting down, considering her feet could just barely touch the ground. Standing up, people wouldn't notice how short Hyuna really was unless standing next to an average height person. "My name is Hyuna, by the way."
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He looks at the seat but regretfully denies the offer, it would be a bit childish and embarrassing to just take advantage of the offer

Adam: Oh, no thanks

Adam smiles and extends his hand at the kind man named Jacob

Adam: My name is Adam, pleased to meet you Jacob

Adam can't help but think on how fast and easy it was to meet people, but he still thinks that next time he should try to make an attempt
Jacob blinked once at the woman's reaction, his gaze resting on her. His lips quirked into a half frown as he spoke again, "Are you sure? I wouldn't want anyone else to go without a seat." He was being very honest - he was on the verge of insisting that she take it. But if she really didn't want to, he wouldn't push any further. That'd cancel out his courteous behavior and most likely make him seem like a jerk.

He glanced over at the other man, grinning and nodding once in greeting. "Lovely to meet you, Adam." His grin then dropped when he too denied the offer - with a note of obvious reluctance. He chuckled quietly and said, "I honestly wouldn't mind, sir. I'm perfect either way, standing or sitting." He glanced between the two with a slight flicker of hopefulness in his pale blue eyes. It was just a personal thing that he enjoyed helping people. Being raised as a philanthropist took a toll on him, it seemed.


[ Grr, Jacob, you persistent little bugger. >.< ]
"Electrokinesis," Kaede answered sharply, his tone being firm and almost unsettling with how it came out. Noting this, he cleared his throat lightly. Perhaps Toshiko was right in those many times she'd scolded him? Maybe he did need to be - or at least appear - more friendly?

"Ferrokinesis!" The girl replied with an excited look on her face. And who could blame her? She was rather proud of her power, unlike her brother who was ashamed of it. He felt the need to hide each and every bit of it, but she wished for the whole world to know. Of course, she wasn't that dull, and knew better than that, but she couldn't help but want it. "Do you think I could see you do, er, vampire stuff some time?" Toshiko turned her head slightly in a curious manner as she spoke, honestly wanting to see said... 'stuff.'

Although he wanted to object, Kaede remained silent, however much it pained him. His little sister - only younger by a few minutes - was going into college. Although she was naive, he had to let her take her own direction sometimes.

"And perhaps I'd be able to witness your aquakinesis? We would make a stunning duo in battle," he commented, adding a forced smile to go along with his words.
Aiya had never heard of such abilities before, much less seen someone containing them. She thought about it for some time, almost losing track of conversation. Meyu lowered her book finally, still as red as ever. "Of coarse!" She said louder, but her voice still fragile. Aiya examined Kaede's body language as she answered. "Hm, sure. I don't see why not." Aiya said. She was actually excited in thinking that she could battle with the guy. She didn't really like him much, anyways. The girl, not so much. She seems like a fragile, innocent girl. Weak, almost. But she could be wrong. "Wh-Why don't you guys sit with us?" Meyu asked politely. She gestured towards the two seats in front of them, as they sat in a 4 seated area.
Toshiko let out a sound of excitement, and the smile on her face grew ten times bigger. "Yay!"

She took a seat across from the girl, turning her head slightly as she began to observe her features and such. As she was a shorter girl, her feet didn't quite hit the ground, and so she swung them lightly in her place as she patted the seat next to her for her brother to sit down.

"C'mon, Kaede. They won't bite!" She insisted, only then processing that one of them was, in fact, a vampire. She brushed it off, though - the girl couldn't do too much harm in public, right? Well, that's what Toshiko liked to think.

Sitting with his back straight against the seat, he rested his hands beside him in an almost lazy manner. "And how have you two been as of late?" He asked in a desperate way of creating conversation. It wasn't that he was poor at doing so, just that he wasn't sure if the girls were compatible enough with him to talk with casually.
Adam looks at the man, he seemed quite anxious for them to sit,

Adam: Oh no I couldn't just leave you without a seat like that.

He scratches the back of his head and chuckles
Aiya sat back down as the other two did. She nearly felt a headache coming on with that annoying girl in her presence, but surely she wouldn't tell her that. "We've been good," She let out. Looking at Meyu, she glanced at her for confirmation. "Yeah, we've been good." Meyu nodded in reassurance. She felt a little embarrassed for repeating the phrase, although. "Wh-What about you two..?" Meyu asked in her usual quiet tone. She marked her page in the book she was reading, packing it back in her handbag beside her. Aiya rested her head on her hand, elbow against the window sill as she stared off into the forestry.
"We've been excellent as well, thank you for asking," Kaede answered for the both of them with a slight nod of his head. He was used to speaking for Toshiko as well, and she was used to it, too, so she didn't do much objecting.

"What book are you reading?" She finally inquired, turning her head just the slightest out of interest. Kaede shot a glance toward her as soon as her mouth opened, but he averted his gaze as soon as she began, taking a look toward Aiya.

"Why do you both appear so... Quiet? Are you not ones for conversation? If so, we can certainly go and sit back in our own seats," he reassured, honestly wanting to head back. Not that he didn't like them - he was sure they were lovely people - but he prefered to be in solitude. Or at least in solitude with his sister nearby.
"How To Kill A Mockingbird," Meyu answered. She looked down, fiddling with her fingers as her cheeks were still pink. She looked up at Kaede as he spoke. Suddenly becoming embarrassed, she felt almost anxious. Meyu wanted to leave as soon as possible. "I-I have to go to the bathroom," She said. It was the quickest excuse she could come up with. She stood up and left before anyone could respond, as she knew Aiya wouldn't be too happy for her leaving her there.

"U-Um, well to be honest, Meyu isn't really... well, she doesn't like talking to new people too much. She just has social anxiety, s'all. She probably just needs to cool down," Aiya explained. She sat up right, stretching her arms around her head. "As for me, well. I just don't like people," She said casually. Realizing this was probably a rude thing to say, she made up for it with "But you guys are cool."
"Oh? What a shame. She seems like a nice enough girl," Kaede replied, relaxing a bit in his seat. But just a bit; not so much to make it look like he planned on staying for much longer. Which he didn't. He would if his sister wanted to, but if she made no attempt to remain, neither would he.

"Aha, you guys are cool, too!" The girl replied with her ever-present smile. A certain kind of happiness seemed to spark in her violet orbs, but it was usually a dismissed feeling. "Can I ask why you don't like people?" Toshiko then questioned. "I mean, people are real great! What would happen if you were the only person left?"
"Well, people are just so... judgemental. And about 90% of the people I've ever met, weren't nice at all. I'm just thankful for Meyu," Aiya explained, taking a short pause. "And if I was the only person left, well... Ahh I'd be in luxury. Well, except for the fact that I'd miss Meyu, but... yeah you get the point," She answered, resuming back to her previous position in where she'd look out the window. Aiya was starting to worry about Meyu. What if she wasn't okay? She thought. But she tried to let it slide, as she had company.


Meyu made her way around the train, not knowing where the bathroom even was. She made it to a point where there was barely any room to walk by, and she started to freak out. She couldn't go back, and there was only one way to go anywhere else. Meyu held her head high, and made her way to the crowded area. She passed by people standing up occasionally saying "Excuse me," or "Pardon me," and the ever so over-used "Sorry!"

Once she made it out of the crowd she felt tears nearly coming on. No, no, no. It's okay. It was just a crowd, they don't know who you are, it's fine. Meyu told herself. But soon she found the bathroom, and let out a sigh of relief. Hallelujah.
"Aw, how can ya say that?" Toshiko whined. "I-I mean, you wouldn't have electricity, or running water, or anyone to talk to..." Trailing off, she shook her head slightly before tuning back into reality. "Everyone's entitled to their opinion, I mean. Sorry, I was just thinking outloud..."

"Do forgive her, she tends to have quite the habit of doing so," Kaede broke in, offering an almost apologetic look. His gaze drifted to the aisle, though, in hopes of spotting Meyu. After all, she did leave rather quickly, and it only heightened his curiosity about her.

((-makes super short post- -cnx- ))
Adam smiles at them and taps his foot a bit, "So where are you two heading too?" he asked politely, he knew it would either be one of the 2 universities since most of the kids took one to it. But he was still curious.

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