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Realistic or Modern The Town of Knives

"Pizza?" What's pizza? Michael wanted to ask but settled with, "I don't know." It was his safe answer. It was the answer that couldn't upset people, nor please them either.
"Hmm." It's clear that he doesn't know what it is. Perfect.

"Then, do you wanna give it a try?" I ask and give him one of my most dazzling smiles.
"Um…a pizza?" Could he really go off with a stranger? The man seemed nice enough and David had always taught Michael to listen to and respect his elders. Though to Michael, this man didn't look that old. Early twenties maybe. "Are you sure? If it's all right with you…"
"Of course!" I chirped and grabbed his wrist, tugging him along. "Though I don't normally get strangers to follow me, but I'll make an exception for you." I continued pulling him along. It had stopped raining by now and the snail was left abandoned on the pavement. I think today's going to be a good day.
"Ah! Um.." Michael allowed himself to be dragged along, finding it hard to keep up with the long legs of Derek.

"WAIT!" A voice cried out. Instantly Michael knew who it was. "HEY!"

"Mr. David!" Michael said, stopping Derek in his tracks.

"Where're you taking Michael?" He growled, his face stern and his hand already reaching out to grab Michael.
"David..." I stared at him, drinking in his steely grey eyes, unshaved stubble and slick backed hair. I could see his muscles bulge under hos shirt as he moved and his adam's apple bob as he swallowed. How interesting...

"Oh, my apologies! I was just going to treat him to pizza." I noticed Michael going over to David and saw the stern look in David's eyes. "Is there a problem?"
David turned to Michael and asked, "Do you know this man?" Michael looked up at him, confused. Hadn't Mr.David been watching them the whole time.

'Um…He's a nice man…yes…erm, he's the person I texted you about."
"Hi. I'm Derek B. Moore. An absolute pleasure to finally meet you. Michael here told me a little about you." I extended my hand for him to shake. "I just moved in here so you might not have seen me around before." I certainly haven't seen you around before David. I thought, eyeing his hand and giving him a mega-watt smile.
"David Moreno. Nice to meet you too." David said, shaking Derek's hand. "Yes… So you're treating him to pizza?" David looked over at Michael. "You haven't had one before?" Michael shrugged and stuttered a 'I don't know.' He turned back to Derek and narrowed his gaze.

"Earlier, I heard you say something like Michael was interesting? Is that all? It's weird that you've just met him, a stranger and yet you've decided to take him out for dinner all of a sudden. It's suspicious…Especially in this town…"
I sigh and shrug my shoulders. "I don't know. People say I'm weird. At first I gave him some cookies as a gesture of politeness but then he seem like a good kid so I want to feed him some more. He's too skinny." I could already see the doubtful stare forming. Grinning, I purr, "You're welcome to come Mr. Guardian." I didn't even wait for his answer before turning on my heel and walking off, beckoning them with a finger. "Follow me. My shop is this way."

Oh, it seems I have forgotten to mention that I own the butcher shop... Oh well.
"Then…if you don't mind me intruding." Both David and Michael followed Derek, oblivious to any other intent of his. David had wondered briefly about the 'shop' but didn't ask anymore, deciding that he'd see it soon enough.
I pushed through the door, the bell tinkling above me. "Here we are!" I say, sweeping my arm out as though I was presenting a show. "Welcome to 'The Butchers'." It's a nice shop. Tables spotted the open floor, surrounded by mismatched the chairs. The walls were a sunny yellow flower and large coloured windows painted the room a series of rainbow colours. Knives adorned the walls and a small clear fridge sat next to the counter, displaying several different cuts of meats. Around the double doors the painted T-rex curled around it, warning any customers to stay away. "Here, sit yourself down." I said, giving them a light push towards a table. "I'll get some hot beverages for you to drink while I make the pizza." I called over my shoulder as I disappeared behind the double doors.

This is strange. Something is bothering me. The machine hissed and sputtered as the scalding milk spurted into the cups. I put about three spoons of chocolate powder in each cup and mixed them together. It's kind of irritating. The knife easily cut through the pieces of pepperoni and I slapped the pieces onto the pizza. Frustrating? Maybe that's the word I'm looking for... It's as if I've felt this a long time before... The flames reached for me, their tendrils trying to lick my fingers. Quickly, I shove the pizza in and shut the trapdoor. It's as if I've felt this before...

I placed the three cups on the counter, next to an assortment of sauces, syrups and powders. "I don't know the level of sweetness you prefer so feel free to add it yourself. The pizza will be done in 15 minutes."
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Kima hummed as he danced down the side walk. Twirling and swaying his bare feet slid across the pavement like water as the cool wind played with his dress and hair blowing it back. He was headed in a random direction looking for something to do.

The orphanage has gotten so boring. Everyone avoids him and no one wants to be his friend. None of the other kids want to fight him and always runs away when he approaches. They were so mean.

Closing his eyes he allowed his feet to take over carrying him a random direction. He wanted to find something to do. He was itching to cause mischief and his sweet tooth was going into overdrive since he ran out last week. Where can he go to find some fun? Every place in town has gotten boring. Maybe he can find a victim to play with.

The singing of a bird shook him out of his thoughts. Stopping he opened his eyes and found himself in front of a unfamiliar shop. Curious he read the name on the building. The butchers. He has never seen this place before. Awesome! Ecstatic at the thought of a new adventure he skipped in.
So many knives... David thought. I suppose it's only normal. This is a butcher's after all. To David, it seemed more like a coffee shop than a butcher's. It had a very warm atmosphere. He thanked Derek for the hot chocolate and checked out each of the syrups. He then grabbed the caramel syrup and squeezed about a quarter of a cup in. Taking a sip, he sighed. Much better. "How is it Michael? Is it sweet enough for you."

Michael stared down as this cup before taking a sip.

"It's sweet but…not too sweet."
"Wow, that looks very sweet. Do you like sweet things?" I hadn't added anything else myself. I liked my food quite neutral. Not too sweet or too salty. I chuckled at Michael's comment and sipped mu hot drink. Then he heard the bell announcing the arrival of a customer. A pretty girl skipped in. "Hello miss! How may I help you?"
"Yes, I like it this way. I do like sweet things." He noticed that he hadn't seen anyone else with Derek before. "Do you live alone?" He heard the bell and glanced over to see a girl come in. She looked quite young and work a pretty little dress. Something was off though Derek couldn't figure it out quite yet.
"Deary me, deary me," I sing pushing a fine tipped needle through a laryer of powder blue colored slik. Golden thread adored the eye of my needle, twisting and tightening with every stich. The dress once finished would be more of a grown, several laryers of light and dark blue fabric will flow with ease to the ankles of the wearer, revealing a smooth neatly done hem. The lucky girl who will be doning this dress a clinet's daughter somewhere in eastern France. I smile placing the skirt down onto my work station and stretch my arms above my head, rolling my neck so a loud. POP. Fills the air.

I exit my small shop closing the stain glass doors behind me and walk onto the rain soaked street. My bright pick heels clicking, clacking and I walk gracefully down the street my stomach grumbling as I do. It had been four hours exactly since I last taken a break from my sewing. A whole day longer since I have eating. "Deary me, deary me I work all night , slave all day and yet I sit unfinished hehehe. Deary me, deary me." I say to myself walking pass the small butchershop stopping for a second in front of the doors before moving on

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"Hmm... yes I live alone and run this shop alone as well." What an odd question to suddenly ask. "Anyway, do you like cookies? I've got some butter and chocolate and I was planning to make them for customers but it seems as though people around here don't really like sweet things. That's why I gave some to him." I say, tilting my head towards Michael. "If you like them, I'll give you guys some more since I don't eat them anyway." I pulled out my pocket watch and squinted at the time. "Hmm, if you'll please excuse me I have to go and check if the pizza is ready." I went back to the kitchen and peeked inside. The pizza was perfect! I take it out and place it on a wooden board and bring it out. "Ta-da! I guess pepperoni is the perfect pizza for your first time trying it!" I say to Michael.
"I'm Kima." Kima said skipping over to the people excitedly. Spotting the hot chocolate he stopped his mouth watering as he smelled the familiar scent of chocolate. That smelled so good! Shaking his head to clear it he beamed. " I wanted to see what was in here. It is a new place after all. What is this place? Can I have some of that? I would love some cookies."
"Yes I do like cookies." He simply nodded as Derek excused himself. What a strange man, Derek thought. Then the most amazing smell filled his nostrils and he turned to see Derek twirl out of the kitchen, carrying a large wooden board. He placed it down, commenting on Michael. The crust was a beautiful golden colour and the cheese oozed out from the sides.

"Ah…yes." Michael simply replied.

David noticed Derek simply standing there and smiling, not sitting down with them. He raised an eyebrow.
"Hello Kima. This is a butcher's." He raised his eyebrows at her and grinned. "Of course you can. It's good that I always make extras." I say retrieving a fourth hot chocolate and bringing it over to her. I looked her up and down, noticing the flatness of her chest, the angle of her jaw and the build of her body. Or should I say his. I grin at her. Then I notice David staring at me. "Ah, maybe I should sit down with you guys." I say and grab a chair, sitting down next opposite David. I fold my hands in front of me, watching as Michael stare at the pizza.
Derek sat down at the table but when he made no move to do any more, David narrowed his eyes at him.

"Hey…aren't you eating with us?" David refused to eat until Derek did. Though Derek seemed nice enough, one could never too careful in this town. Especially around a stranger.
"Yay!" Kima cheered snatching the hot chocolate up. Grabbing a chair he sat contently sipping on his hot chocolate as he curiously watched them.
"Hmm? It's not my dinner time yet." I noticed the look David was giving me. I supposed I shouldn't given this man more credit. Unlike Michael, he was much more observant and careful. Interesting. "I just want to make some for him." I indicate to Michael who's chomping away at his slice. "But, I guess I can join. Let's start. Please do take a slice." I say to David as I take a slice of my own. "You too Kima. You are my guests after all." I suppose it's basic manner to take at least one piece. Never mind, it's not too much trouble. "Is it tasty? If it is, then that's good."
Though still doubtful, David took a piece and tentatively took a bite. He chewed it thoroughly and allowed himself to fully enjoy to explosion of flavours on his tongue. "It's very tasty." Michael wordlessly at his pizza until David asked,

"Can you eat them?"

"Ah, yes I can."

"Good. Have you eaten something like this before?"


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