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Fandom The Third Shinobi World War (A Naruto AU RP) (Open!)


Shades of Success
  • I will not spoil the anime for you. In this timeline, Canon has no power. The Third Hokage will be someone entirely different, As for the rest of the villages. Some canon characters may show up, but they will only be in supporting roles. The Nations will battle using the Squad system present in the Anime (and manga, I have not read it.). Each Nation will have a set amount of representatives in the roleplay. For reasons keeping the RP in one general area, Konohagakure will the center of Action and we will be there for most of the plot. The Nations decide that Konohagakure has held it's head high for far too long, and The Nations believe with their combined power they can slowly creep on Konohagakure and perform a coup to remove the Hokage, and place a puppet.
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Otaru Uchiha


What we know...

  • From Konoha
  • Close friend of Kaiorama Senju, Sondaime Hokage
  • Visual Prowess: Sharingan

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