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Realistic or Modern The Therapeutics [CS][CLOSED/FULL]



Stressed A-hole
The Therapeutics Character Sheet
I don't give a shit about who you think you are. I give a shit about what you can become.
Mr. Havenwright

Image: [Realistic Face Claims Preferred]


Age: [18 - 30 ish]

Sexual Orientation and Gender: [All are welcome and all will be subjected to Mr. Havenwright's mockery.]

Reason For Therapy: [Include your character's disorder/s and how they previously dealt with it.]

Triggers/Dislikes : [These will likely be used against your character. More often than not by Mr. Havenwright.]

Hobbies/Likes: [Feel free to use bullet or full details]

Background: [I love information dumps. Be as detailed as you can be.]

Other: [Anything else you would like to mention, this is the place for it.]



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[div class=fyuriwrapper][div class=fyuribox1][div class=fyuriimagebox]rebshug.png[/div][div class=fyuriheader] Identification[/div]
Name: Symphony Ivanovna Volkova
Nickname: Sym (Nymph, if you're nasty)
[div class=fyuriheader] Likes[/div]
Pet Shop Boys
Well laid plans
Green olives

[div class=fyuriheader] Dislikes[/div]
Rich people
Commercial jingles
Customer service
Tobacco smoke

[/div][div class=fyuribox2]
[div class=fyuriheader2] Symphony Volkova
[/div][div class=fyuriheader] General[/div]
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Nationality: American
Sexual Orientation: Lesbian

[div class=fyuriheader] Reason For Therapy[/div]
If you ask her, it’s because her parents went and named her Symphony; if you ask the court, it’s because she trashed a tea shop in an anxiety-induced fit of anger. It wasn’t as bad as it sounds, honestly: it’s not like any furniture was broken, just a few containers and pots and maybe a window. And, more importantly, it wasn’t her fault! It was the tea shop owner’s, for asking so many questions and refusing to elaborate on any of them. The judge might disagree, but what does he know?

[div class=fyuriheader] Triggers/Dislikes[/div]
Look: if there’s a plan, you stick to it. It’s very likely someone went through meticulous trouble to make that all happen, and it’s even more likely that this person is Sym. So you’re not changing it on the last minute and you’re definitely not doing without informing her, first. Also, why do you have to probe her about her personal issues? Stop it. It’s called “personal” for a reason. And if you say a word about her name or bowlegs, well, it’s your own fault the tires of your car got slashed (or, more likely, your drink spit into).

[div class=fyuriheader] Hobbies/Likes[/div]
Every girl wants to unwind after a long day of dealing with uncooperative customers, and much as she’d like to do it by burning down a house or beating up a man (“No, she jokes, Your Honor, I assure you—no, it isn’t funny. Alas, her sense of humour is not on trial, here—”) she has actually never done either. Instead she draws a bath, dumps in an indecent amount of bath oils and bubbles, and soaks herself in it for an hour a vodka tonic in hand. Her neighbour’s out-of-tune singing may not be the perfect soundtrack for relaxing, but she doesn’t always have the energy to blast Pet Shop Boys to drown it out. Afterwards she crashes on her sofa and eats pre-prepared food with one of her magazines she’s read several times already.

[div class=fyuriheader] Background[/div]
Symphony is the love child of a Russian immigrant and a then-married American trophy wife. It was truly lucky that Symphony’s mother’s husband was away on a business trip (read: conducting his own extra-marital affairs) for almost all of that nine months she carried the babe in her womb; the most suspicion she got was a deprecating comment about her gaining weight that he eventually cited as one of the reasons for their divorce. Baby Symphony was given to the loving care of his father, who vowed not to love a woman again… until he met his next girlfriend not ten months later. She did not become Symphony’s new mommy, nor did the seven other women Mr Volkov dated in the first five years of his daughter’s life.

If there is something Sym got from his father, it is the inability to stay in a relationship. Her past is littered with scorned or otherwise short-term lady loves, none of whom she still stays in contact with. There is few whose relationship with her is on a term warmer than absolute zero, which means that the local lesbian bars are pretty strictly out of her bounds at this point. And there is a chance that yet another crashed attempt at romance was somehow involved in what ended up being her meltdown at the tea shop, but that’s not something she would easily admit to.

Sym is not known for her ambition. She graduated high school with average marks and SAT scores, and majored in Russian from a perfectly decent university. She absolutely went from where the bar was lowest considering she speaks Russian as a second language and got a decent education in terms of the classics from her literature-loving father, but it’s not like she had any idea what she wished to do in her life. She still doesn’t, and now she has an unhappy job as an Appointment Scheduler and crippling debt… Plus court-ordered therapy.

[div class=fyuriheader] Other[/div]
Sym tends to dress like a hippie trucker. Flowy maxi skirts with old t-shirts, flannels, and pleather jackets. She thrifts, but only because she doesn’t have the money to buy much of anything new. Her apartment can barely be called that, it’s more of a walk-in closet with the bare necessities for utilities. She has a few amateur tattoos on her back and legs. She loves cats, but can’t afford a pet, and is allergic to pollen. She doesn’t have a TV, but she still has the password for one of her exes’ Netflix accounts and uses it on her outdated phone, provided she can tap into somebody's unlocked Wi-Fi connection.
[/div][div class=fyuricredit]code/design by Fable Fable [/div][/div]
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Reports of my fame are greatly exaggerated.

Name: Joaquín Año Espinosa

Age: 24

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

Gender: Male

Reason For Therapy: He has bipolar disorder and was taking mood stabilisers after his diagnosis. He quickly grew sick of pills and flushed them. He went on a manic episode an was almost hit by oncoming traffic. He was arrested for causing chaos in the streets it they let him go as long as he was in therapy and continued to take some form of medication to regulate himself. He takes adderall to help him with the manic side of things and serotonin uppers to stop him from going too dark.

Triggers/Dislikes : He's not afraid of much. He does however get easily upset if someone insults his intelligence. He is allergic to blueberries and cats. He hates waking up early and the bitter taste of coffee sucks. He doesn't really like people mentioning his high school life but he doesn't mind school that much, just the people that were there.

Hobbies/Likes: Music is a big part of his life. He raps, sings, plays uke, guitar and a bit of piano. He dances a bit but he isn't amazing. He likes basketball and is often seen shooting hoops in the hood with his homies. He wants a dog badly and loves big animals. He coul live off of hot cocoa and cookies from Charleston Café (his workplace.)

Background: He was born in the Dominican Republic to a Dominican-Spaniard mother and Puerto Rican father. They were intelligent so much so they got scholarships to American colleges before he was born. He was brought up bilingual, singing and rapping to the music from his uncle Gabe's vinyl collection, and quickly learn some tips and tricks musically to help him prosper into what he'd soon wish to be. Famous. It was idiotic, he knew that but if he worked, hard anything could happen; that's what the Disney movies said.

He wasn't a big fan of school. It was a popularity contest and he weren't about that life. He was also bullied by some of the other kids for being Latino. He quickly gave up on school. He didn't care in the first place.

During the teenage years he worked at his uncle's cafe (that old folk finally got to immigrate there). He also auditioned for all the school plays, played a couple lead roles and did all the arts. He loved all of it. The only problem was that his parents were close to being kicked out of the country. His Dad lost his job and now their income wasn't what it needed to be and taxes were too high. To help his family, he dropped school and worked full time to make more money for the family and with a new baby sister every penny counts.

When he was working he sung a lot and eventually he was heard by a casting director who pointed him towards a theatre company. He auditioned and at 19 landed his first non school theatre role. He was happy with himself and auditioned for other things but they simply weren't looking for anyone "of his quality".

He became sad and his mother took notice. He would wake up, not eat, go to work, do double or triple shifts, come home, heat up some rice and go to his room. She booked him an appointment with a therapist who was quick to point him on the depressed spectrum but after hearing about his tremendous happiness before hand she tested for bipolar and she was right. She prescribed him meds and you kinda know the rest.

Other: [Anything else you would like to mention, this is the place for it.]
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reason for therapy
Bipolar disorder, anxiety, and former party girl. You get your stomach pumped ONE TIME and everyone seems to think you have a problem.
Nothing says unwind like red wine, bubbles, and candles. But also equations. And walking barefoot through fresh mowed grass. And baking! Baking is really relaxing. Plus my mom with her fingers playing with my hair. Yeah, that's kind of the best.

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james_mcavoy_9872.jpg Your Loving Therapist
(yes, it's james mcavoy, sue me for being a fan)

NAME: Mr. Havenwright

And that's all you need to know.

AGE: 38

SEXUAL ORIENTATION & GENDER: Straight male, but a fine Scottish whiskey and a crisp Benjamin and he'll be a bent bitch any day.

REASON FOR BEING A THERAPIST: If this information is imperative to your therapeutic journey, he will tell you personally. His reasons for establishing The Therapeutics - none of which are professional - begin from a basic need to alleviate his gambling debt and end at a searing desire to amend a past relationship that can never be recovered. "It's all over the place, mate."

Sweet Food.
Anyone who mentions his gambling addiction.
Reiki - "Horseshit, it's a load of fucking horseshit."
Modern Consumerism
Camera Friendly Philanthropists
Most probably you.

HOBBIES/LIKES Regardless of the fact that he hails from an upper-middle class family, Mr. Havenright is a man of not-so refined tastes, except when matters of alcohol are involved. He, being a slave to the variable-ratio schedule of reinforcement involved in gambling, enjoys playing poker...and has amassed a fair amount of debt as a result. Regardless, he enjoys splurging on expensive drinks and cigars, even if his clothes remain suit rentals and thrift store couture.
He enjoys savory, smoky and bitter things.
He loves mocking individuals.
His favorite thing is a deck of hello kitty poker cards. He doesn't use these to gamble, but he often fidgets with them whenever he's pensive.

BACKGROUND: Mr. Havenwright prefers not to disclose much of his past, but you will find - soon enough - that you won't need a full biography. At the very basic, he's a Scottish man who has retained his accent, although California has diluted the greater majority of his foreignness. And that's about all the insignificant details that you'll need. All that matters is that he's been through 38 years of life and he sees no point in hiding it.

OTHER: Mr. Havenwright does not believe that experiences are strictly unique, and therefore he refuses to acknowledge the phrase "no one understands." His group therapy isn't a competition to see who has the biggest sob story. "If you're all going to fucking cry, just do it together instead of going off into your seperate corners like hookers looking to make a quick buck."

****Disclaimer: Mr. Havenwright doesn't reflect my own personal world view. He's an agglomeration of separate ideas and characters I've created before.****

The Departmental Reviewer
Not much is known about the interviewer. Some sources say he's a middle-aged techy with a very prominent "jewfro." What's for certain is that he conducts all his interviews in the bathroom belonging to Mr. Havenwright's studio apartment. Other than that, the Reviewer barely makes a presence.

Ms. Briggs
Owner of the Italian restaurant next door. She's a kind old woman who gives free meals to the Therapeutics in order to avoid letting food rot.​
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