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Fantasy The Tea is Warm

I accidental clicked on the notification instead of opening it in a new tab. I lost the data I did on my character sheet. I bring this up as it will take me some time to put it all back in again.
TheMadIceCreamMan said:
I accidental clicked on the notification instead of opening it in a new tab. I lost the data I did on my character sheet. I bring this up as it will take me some time to put it all back in again.
Doesn't it automatically save it as a draft after certain intervals of time to prevent this stuff from happening? Usually when I accidently something like the notifications button I can just usually go back to the page I was on, refresh, then all my typing is still there.
TheMadIceCreamMan said:
I accidental clicked on the notification instead of opening it in a new tab. I lost the data I did on my character sheet. I bring this up as it will take me some time to put it all back in again.
oh that's fine! take all the time u need :)
Indeed, I think it stems from me viewing it under the "More Options" part. Either way the computer is not playing nice.
i'm sorry if that recent post was too short, i absolutely hate using mobile to rp. plus it's like 2 am ;(


TheMadIceCreamMan said:
I won't...it would make me feel more salty.
My character is up. Is he acceptable?
i love your character! hope to see him soon at the party ;)
[QUOTE="Seraph Darkfire]So I've just realized that Alex is the youngest person at this party :P

Do not fear young padawan, just follow your senpai and you shall live through this :D jkjk lol.
I know my character is an essence a sociopath, but treat him as you would any other. I say this because so far he hasn't done anything your characters have seen as malicious.
hey guys. i was really glad to get this rp going and all, but this may be the end of it. due to ithinkalot's abscence and the inactivity, we'll have to stop here. thank you all for contributing so far, and maybe in the future i would like to restart this. au revoir!

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