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Fantasy The Tea is Warm

Hello. I just realized that I only posted a character, I haven't introduced myself. I am Seraph, nice to meet you.
[QUOTE="Seraph Darkfire]Hello. I just realized that I only posted a character, I haven't introduced myself. I am Seraph, nice to meet you.

oh that's fine! well, hello seraph, i'm yuckeroni and i'm glad that we'll be rping soon enough, whenever we get enough people signed up.
I agree.

I was a little unsure of whether or not I wanted to join, but I had an idea for a character that kept nagging at me. Of course, when I had the character, I couldn't find a decent picture.

Anyway, he's there now and I'm happy with him.
I just wanted to say that I'm done with my CS and kinda wanted to know when we'd start rping! I'm really excited to start this!
Seraph Darkfire] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/20087-chinoma-yamagata/ said:
@Chinoma Yamagata[/URL] Well, this is awkward. We both seem to have the same picture for our character's appearance. I've actually never had that happen before.
Eh I'll just change it to his original reference I wanted to change it to a more Victorian picture but whatever
Sorry about the long wait, I just really want about 2 more people. Thanks for being patient.(<3)

It is with great gratitude that I announce the grand opening of Virgilia's tale, "The Tea is Warm"

Thanks in advance everyone who has supported us this far and for your patience.

You have my absolute gratitude, now without further ado, you may now begin posting friends!


@Fallout Bandit
I have caught a pleasant wind that there is still a spot open. Is it okay if I join you fellows? I would certainly enjoy a spot of tea myself.
TheMadIceCreamMan said:
I have caught a pleasant wind that there is still a spot open. Is it okay if I join you fellows? I would certainly enjoy a spot of tea myself.
yes spots are still open! feel free to join if you would like.
Not particularly, whenever anyone wants they can pop in, if you don't have creative juices flowing you can take a break for a few days and follow along silently c:

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