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Fantasy The Tale of Wonderland - OOC

Well, pray for us guys, we were just issued the first line of evacuation. That doesn't include my house, but no one is allowed outside because the air is so polluted.
how does this child not have so many trust issues yet

Well, think of it like this. When I was younger, in drivers ed, we watched a video of a truck filled with tons of people in the bed. It took a sharp turn and many of them fell out. Quite a few of my classmates laughed, my drivers ed teacher paused the video and asked, "Why're you laughing?" My class went silent and he continued to say, "Have you noticed that some aren't moving, some aren't getting up." And, we realized, some of those people may not have survived. He taught us that a human will laugh in dire situations to help the trauma. We'll put up a facade and act like everything is alright, so we will be alright. This is the same situation. Foster seems to want to pretend that everything is okay, that if he he trusts someone, then maybe things will get better. Put on a facade and pretend it'll all get better.
His hat is very fine! And yeah that boy is very trusting considering everything. Also "Maybe this man in the hat knew where he was going." they're both going to get so lost together.

Also stay safe AEON <3 Hope everything works out okay.
my poor child is only just discovering that "oh wait there might be some not so good people out here haha wow" and yeahh you p much nailed it I think AEON lmao

also-- I forgot to reply to your earlier post here Just A Midget Just A Midget , I adoredddd your post! it was very well done, great work, Hatter's personality really showed through in your writing <3
AEONmeteorite AEONmeteorite Like, she wants someone to be her king, but she doesn't really love him. She would put out a paper looking for men who want to be her king and find the best one. I don't know, it's an idea.
I would appreciate some more posts today!! Great writing Just A Midget Just A Midget

I am technically at work. I will be here for about 9 hours. But, during a break, I may write a short little blurb on my phone. My character is on her own right now, so I'm not worried.
Hey hey sorry for not being very talkative yesterday! I could technically write a short post today, but there's not really anything for me to reply to since Nyx hasn't responded yet.

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