◊「 The Sunken Fields || Show Us Your Dukes 」


Sought Hope Here, Became Blind To It
>>//: T h e   S u n k e n   F i e l d  || "O f f   W i t h   T h e i r  H e a d! 


「 S U M M A R Y 」

                                           | "Such a lazy cat, lay-a-bout! Why not step where we step you coward!?" 

   >|| It is one thing for kids to settle disputes with dukes whilst trying to hide their intentions from the faculity, but it is another thing for the faculity itself to encourage about of therupedic sparring. Yes, The Academy allows fighting, while under the ever present eyes of the Superegos, they are rather lenient with battles on campus as they also acknowledge the use of powers during these fights, and while there is a small under current of worry if the young ones started killing each other--it would be hard for them to do so, as such a very nonchalant air is held here with Pyotr and the teacher-body. While they don't desire every pig-headed kid to fight for their honor. this field allows for simple battles.  The field here is on the outskirts of the campus, perhaps the farthest point someone can be from the main building at time.      

       The fog is not entirely present within the field, but a light mist dews a dull-gray brown turf with a slight vapor and crawling trees of dark oak and black cover a sort of "limit" to where one can go. Surprisingly there is no readily present limit when concerning higher altitudes despite the massive outstretched arms and limbs of the flora. Vines and thorns of rather insane scale weave in and out of the shrubbery and wood. The field of battle clearly evokes a sense of tension, of survival, of combat that seems dreadfully deliberate. In fact standing here harks a primal set of directives within your brain, but now even your Ambrosia is screaming at--tearing at the folds of your brain. Such a compelling force feels almost hormonal and instinctively right--however what your morals decide of these swelling tides of edging catharsis is up to the individual. 

   The field has many areas to witness the violence. There are comically out of place bleachers that surround the circumference of the field, raised well above the height of any human as to not cause a series of unnecessary injuries.

   Perhaps Pyotr has a misguided view of having these "cliche" high-school props around campus. You can help but find humor as he attempted various ways of calling upon nostalgia and memories to add a sense of security to your time here. The manipulative interim headmaster is fond of emulation of the real world, perhaps for your sake, this becomes even more apparent as you see nonsensical yard lines--mimicked without measure--these yard lines follow basic measure of metric units. This from this you can detect that this field is more than 90 or 120 meters.  

  The border of the field is marked off in stone slabs, almost making the emulated sports field into a gladiatorial arena. There are telltale signs that people have already fought here. By what you can immediately see there is nothing of special to note. Scorch Marks. Earth risen above it's level. Gouges within the dirt that slice deeper than what would be needed to kill a man, and a few specs of gore if you look closely. How welcoming. 

   Do you feel your Ichor trying to incinerate your body as you witness the remnant battles of "what was?", do you feel the desire to carve out your own name now, the glow of a furnace scorching so infernally that you realize you are bound your old limitations? You may begin to realize that you may not be able to return to your home....you might need to release some steam, how bout a fight? 


  [This is area is designated as a Recreational Zone. It has also be designated as an Educational Zone. Both these parameters are in-effect: There are unique rules when acting within this field, while the school's obvious NO KILL rule is constantly applied here, you are allowed to fight to the limit here. While this is both Rec-Zone and Ed-Zone it does not give you permission to stay here forever. You are still responsible for your daily duties. There are no rules in attempting to fight a Year One/Superego, besides asking them that is, but the difference between this and suicide is within a .0 margin of difference--please be careful.  

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