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Fandom The Suicide Squad: High-Risk

like nitrogen, I'm your worst childhood nightmare all over again. Barz I'm uncultured. (Oh my pennies, That is some nice coding. Good defense against people saying that word RPN, I clap these hands)

Album coming out December, Kupcakes and Quantum Physics 
@Ranger of the Wastes You still with us partner? Don't want to go on with out ya.
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I think that's everyone!!! :D

Seriously Harley was F-uped with the suicide squad. Evil minx xD I love her 





Old suicide squad stuff, I've actually never seen Assault on Arkham.
I would see it but I really really don't like Arkham, it's so creepy. I'm not a asylum fan, once is enough for me. Although shock therapy is like a massage for your brain.......... Good times

I think someone is mussing with your bran sweetie you should try shock therapy. It did wonders for me!

Mine after I do my math hw 

O.o Everybody is here...... I feel uncomfortable posting this now........, but who cares!!

Look @4:25

Why It won't play where I want Idk -.-

You like the fact I have work! I hate work! Why can't people treat me like the King I am and give me free shit
I just want to be rich, fame is just too much trouble. look at It like this if I punch a dog in the face everybody will know about it but if I'm just rich people will just not care much.

PS I will never harm a dog, a narcissistic sociopath needs to have a code
My science teacher kicks tiny dogs when he jogs, nobody cared. xD but yeah I like dogs too.

Being a rich man is nothing but a poor man with money.W.C.Fields

If you wanna get rich quick do the stock market, I made 10 grand out of 100 dollars at 10 :P It's not hard you just need luck and a mother who is a accountant xD

Money can by happiness or at least come damn close ~ Kyd Jhesus

Those still,are good proverbs 
Alrighty! Everyone has posted so lets get this show on the road.

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