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Fantasy The Students of Mythos Boarding School (Accepting-Open)

  • Name: Jennifer Rose
  • Age: 18
  • Gender: female
  • School year: 12
  • Species: Alteerian (that's my name for her species) most commonly know as Anthro
  • Powers: shape shifting and powers of the mind (telepathy, telekinesis, mind reading and control, etc.)(she rarely uses her mind powers tho)
  • Appearance: (profile picture)
  • Biography: (I got nothing right now)
  • Preferred Classes in order: 1. Math, 2. Science, 3. P.E., 4. Free, 5. Cooking
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[QUOTE="Jennifer Rose]So where do I begin?

First day of the first week, no classes, just meet and greet, get to know people.

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