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๐–บ ๐—Œ๐—๐—‚๐—‡๐—’ ๐—Œ๐—๐–บ๐—‹
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[div class=border][div class=container][div class=hidden][div class=box][div class="mainbox mainbox1"][div class=title]you are hereby invited to...
the masked ball
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[div class=header]Chapter 1 ; The Masked Ball
[div class=container][div class=scrollbar][div class=textbox]Today was the day. The day that the queens and kings have been waiting for. The day that the princes and princesses were possibly dreading. The day that all civilians have been waiting for. The Masked Ball. With the selection of four coloured masks, each royal prince and princess has chosen their future wedded partner. However, with no idea who that will be - they will have to wait till the King of Alfaria has released the announcement and soon the first dance will begin.[/div][/div][/div][/div]
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[div class=container][div class=holder][div class=image]
[div class=charinfo][div class=charname]princess Anastasia[/div]mood ; "time to find out who i'm marrying, yay." location ; the masked ball. outfit ; we vibing in
ball gowns
. interactions ; nobody uwu. tags ; erised erised weldherwings weldherwings deer deer .chxrryette. .chxrryette. Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy ShadyAce ShadyAce erzulie erzulie .[/div] [div class=post][div class=scroll]The Scarsci house - or should we say castle - was already swarming with people; kings and queens, princes and princesses, civilians, family relatives wearing all sorts of colourful gowns and suits with masks that covered their faces. Some recognizable, however, some not. Whether it was the fact that Anastasia didn't just know them at all, she barely knew the many people that had arrived at the ball in her own house. On her birthday... November 30th. When she could have just been celebrating it with her father and seven-year-old brother. Now she knew how it had felt like to be in the same position as the other princess or prince who stood in her same position; celebrating her birthday by being married off to a stranger who was an enemy to their country for a long time... Logic, right? No longer did the house remain as it used to be, warm and cosy, but it had been specifically refurbished and decorated for this event that most likely everybody had been waiting for. Fancy plates and cutlery that were only brought out on special occasions sat delicately on top of the table cloths; simply waiting to be used. Soft and classical music filled the house up, giving the room a calm atmosphere with the laughter and chatter of people making it seem more lively. Women walked around swiftly across the dance floor; their dresses being long enough to touch the floor whereas the men wore tightly fitted suits. "Anastasia Scarsci!" A rich, deep voice was suddenly heard from besides Anastasia as she watched the party from above - almost like a hawk. "How have you still not made an appearance yet?" Her father ushered over towards the brunette with a concerned look on his face. She opened her mouth a little, just a little, to come up with a quick excuse, but she somewhat could not think of anything. "It's only been an hour, father." She muttered quietly, "Have they arrived yet?" Her father almost immediately understood what his daughter meant by 'they' and figured that his daughter must be feeling terrified. "Look, sweetie, the announcement will be soon. You should go greet a few people before the dance." Leaning down, he began sorting out the flower that wrapped around Anastasia's delicate wrist gently - letting all the guests know that she was one of the four girls to be married, whilst the boys wore matching flowers in the pocket of their suit jacket. A simple nod and small smile were all that it took from Anastasia for her to begin walking. She was at least looking forward to seeing some of the royals, her best friend to be specific. The sparkling heels she wore clicked ever so lightly against the marble floor as her customized dress just barely touched the floor. "Deep breaths, Ana. You can do this..." She whispered to herself, although with every fibre in her body, she struggled to follow her own instruction. The black and white dress that wrapped tightly around her bust was not helping though there was not much she could do. The dress was one of a kind; specifically made for this day and for Anastasia to wear. Chosen and drawn by her mother who had almost been waiting forever for this day to come. Shame she wasn't alive to see it all in action.
One hour later...
"They'll be announcing who you chose soon..." Bonnie, Anastasia's maid, whispered ever so quietly into the young lady's ear as Anastasia sipped the glass of sparkling water carefully. Her face was hidden behind a detailed mask, crafted by some of the finest hands ever. Sighing, she set the glass down. It seemed to her that her maid was far more excited than she ever was. Laughter filled her ears as she turned to glance towards a group of princesses, talking and gossiping. Shifting a little, she played with the hem of the glove that she wore when a loud clink against glass could be heard, drawing everyone's attention to the front of the room. The moment everyone had been waiting for had arrived. Anastasia's brown eyes followed her father as he stood above at the top of the stairs with a friendly, yet concerned smile. "Welcome everybody... to the Masked Ball. We are so glad to be holding it here in Alfaria this year and just as glad that all of you have come to witness the announcement of the pairings." He began to speak, the music lowered as his voice echoed quietly throughout the hall. "Each prince and princess have chosen their partner. A reminder to them; these next couple months you will be spending here in the royal palace so you have the chance to get to know your betrothed before your wedding day..." Clearing his throat, still wearing that same smile. Her father wasn't sure he enjoyed the idea that his daughter was to marry a prince from a country that was classed as an enemy though going against the law would be worse. Whereas all Anastasia could think of was whether or not the royals had changed over the year that they had stopped seeing each other after the twelve banquets.[/div][/div][/div][/div][/div]
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[/div] [div class=name]im jungmin.[/div][/div] [div class=pic2]
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[/div][div class=pic2hover][div class="scroll"][div class=h1]mood[/div]f*** this s*** im out [div class=h1]location[/div]this mother friggen stupid ass friggen masked ball or some shit idk my parents kidnapped me [div class=h1]tag[/div] erised erised constellation constellation deer deer .chxrryette. .chxrryette. Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy ShadyAce ShadyAce erzulie erzulie [div class=h1]outfit[/div]click me! + black gloves + mask[/div][/div][/div] [div class=main][div class="scroll"]He had been kidnapped by his parents and taken hostage at some fancy-ass masked ball. Literally.

Im Jung-Min was not impressed. His parents had told him that they were going on vacation to Alfaria, where there were beaches and amazing cliffs. The perfect place to relax and explore. They had told him that they wanted to patch things up with him after all these years of division within the family. And, of course, after the death of his twin brother, how could he say no to that? Alsoโ€ฆ if he said no, then theyโ€™d probably press him with multiple charges for all his criminal behaviour including hacking into government and banking systems and also possession of illegal drugs. Which would probably mean spending the rest of his life behind prison bars. So, I suppose going on holiday was a hundred times better than that.

Prison was starting to look a thousand times better.

The twenty-year-old stood with his arms cross in front of himself, an absent, sullen complexion upon his face as he gazed around the room. His parents, the King and Queen of Wheso, were talking amongst the other guests. Him? Well, he just stood there and was counting down the seconds this would be over with. He was way too sober for this shit. Not to mention he had no idea what the hell was going on. He felt like he had been rushed through the doors and made to meet certain people he had never met before and forced to wear this damn flower. It was an experience that gave him whiplash. And heatstroke. Because these damn gloves were making his hands sweat like no tomorrow. Frowning, he lazily moved his glance to his hands as he brought them out in front of himself, pulling on the leather gloves that his parents had picked for him. In fact, they had picked the whole outfit for him. They arrived at the hotel they were staying at and they shoved it into his face, telling him that it was his duty to attend here tonight.

โ€œAh, donโ€™t mess with your gloves!โ€ his mother scolded him, bringing her attention to her son as she caught him trying to lightly tug at the gloves. She tapped his hands as if to whack his fingers away and tell him off. Her son was acting like a three-year-old who was being forced to go to an adult party where he had no friends, wearing that stupid complexion upon his face.

โ€œTell me again why I have to wear them?โ€ Jung-min muttered to the Queen, turning his eyes to her with a frown. Thank God for this ridiculous mask upon his face otherwise she wouldโ€™ve whacked him across the head for the furrowed brows. โ€œI feel like Iโ€™m going to die from overheating.โ€

โ€œTell me why you decided it was necessary to cover your whole body with tattoosโ€ Queen Juno replied, glaring at her son through her own mask. The pair of them glared back at each other, electricity thick in the air as the tension rose. However, Queen Juno was the first to break the tension as she smirked at her son, fixing her sonโ€™s collar. โ€œWe really shouldโ€™ve made you wear a turtleneck to hide those hideous neck tattoosโ€ฆโ€ she tutted under her breath.

Jung-Min was about to come back with some witty comment about how the mask she was wearing was to cover her own hideous face. However, he had been so rudely interrupted by some King or something who was welcoming everyone to The Masked Ball. A smirk formed on Jung-minโ€™s lips as he suppressed a chuckle. Masked Ball. How original. Like a child being told off by their teacher, Queen Juno wrapped her arm around her sonโ€™s bicep, giving him a stern warning look. Okayโ€ฆ best behaviour, I supposeโ€ฆ he thought to himself before moving his gaze away from his mother and back to the King that stood before everyone.

However, Jung-min couldnโ€™t help but instantly frown as he heard โ€˜the announcement of the pairingsโ€™. What announcement of the pairings? The King continued on, stating that the princes and princesses had chosen their partner and that the next couple of months theyโ€™d be spending time here at the palace. And then something clicked in Jung-minโ€™s mind. His parents never wanted him to come on holiday with them. His parentsโ€ฆ wanted him to finish off Jung-Ohโ€™s dirty work. The boyโ€™s lips parted in shock from the realisation. But before he could say anything, he felt the grip of his motherโ€™s hands upon his bicep. Her nails digging into his skin.

โ€œProtest and make a sceneโ€ฆ and itโ€™s fifty years behind barsโ€ฆโ€ she muttered harshly under her breath towards him, not even bothering to look at her son's face as she spoke. โ€œAnd thatโ€™s if the judge is feeling kind that day.โ€

Wellโ€ฆ that was one way to shut him up.[/div][/div] [/div] [class=bg]width:100%; height:500px; background-color:black; position:relative; margin:auto; [/class] [class=pic]width:300px; height:300px; background:url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/43/10/63/431063a287c4e06aa758fd1618cd9c0c.jpg); background-size:cover; background-position:50% 50%; animation-name: {post_id}blur; animation-duration: 3s; animation-fill-mode: both; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-direction:normal; animation-delay:1s; position:absolute; left:38%; top:70px; border: 10px solid #d5d8df; border-bottom: 40px solid #d5d8df; border-radius:2px; box-shadow: 0 0.2rem 1.2rem rgba(0,0,0,0.2); transform:rotate(-5deg); cursor: pointer;[/class] [class=main]width:410px; height:300px; background:#F2F1EC; animation-name: {post_id}blur; animation-duration: 3s; animation-fill-mode: both; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-direction:normal; animation-delay:2s; position:absolute; left:34%; top:50px; border: 10px solid #d5d8df; border-bottom: 40px solid #d5d8df; border-radius:2px; box-shadow: 0 0.2rem 1.2rem rgba(0,0,0,0.2); display:none; padding:15px; overflow:hidden;[/class] [class name=scroll]width: 100%;height: 98%; overflow: hidden;box-sizing: content-box;padding-right:50px;padding-left:5px; left: -2px;overflow-Y: scroll;overflow-X: hidden; font-family:Karla; font-size:13px; color:rgb(88, 99, 67, 0.8); line-height:15px;[/class] [class=pic2]width:300px; height:300px; background:url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/93/8a/68/938a686b3188ac90e94f3920ea84cf9b.jpg); background-size:cover; background-position:50% 50%; animation-name: {post_id}blur; animation-duration: 3s; animation-fill-mode: both; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-direction:normal; animation-delay:3s; position:absolute; left:68%; top:50px; border: 10px solid #d5d8df; border-bottom: 40px solid #d5d8df; border-radius:2px; box-shadow: 0 0.2rem 1.2rem rgba(0,0,0,0.2); transform:rotate(5deg); cursor: pointer; display:none;[/class] [class=pic2hover]width:280px; height:280px; padding:10px; background-color:rgb(255, 255, 255, 0.9); opacity:0; transition:2s; overflow:hidden;[/class] [class name=pic2hover state=hover]opacity:1; transition:2s[/class] [class=sticky]height:30px; width:60px; background-color:rgb(88, 99, 67, 0.8);[/class] [class=name]margin-top:300px; text-align:center; font-family:Karla; font-size:25px; color:rgb(88, 99, 67, 0.8);[/class] [class=h1]text-align:center; font-family:Karla; font-size:22px; color:rgb(88, 99, 67, 0.8); margin:10px;[/class] [animation=blur][keyframe=0] filter: blur(12px); opacity: 0;[/keyframe] [keyframe=100] filter: blur(0px); opacity: 1;[/keyframe][/animation] [animation=move][keyframe=0] transform: translateX(0px) rotate(-5deg); [/keyframe] [keyframe=100]transform: translateX(-350px) rotate(-5deg); [/keyframe][/animation] [class=move]animation-name: {post_id}move; animation-duration: 3s; animation-fill-mode: both; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-direction:normal; animation-delay:1s;[/class] [script class=pic on=click] addClass move pic fadeToggle 1000 pic2 fadeToggle 1000 main [/script]
coded by weldherwings
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Okay, that was a lie. In multiple ways. He didn't really mind attending a ball because it meant dancing and usually good food. The one thing he didn't want to do was wear a mask. Wearing a mask meant that his beautiful face would be hidden from view and he couldn't have that. But it didn't seem as if he'd have a choice in the matter, much to his dismay. He'd woken up a lot earlier than he'd wanted to that morning in order for he and his parents to make the journey to Alfaria where the ball was held. Luckily he managed to fall back to sleep on the way there or else he'd be very grouchy and all around unpleasant during the actual ball. Zoran went with his parents to their hotel room in order to shower and get ready for the ball. Given his way, he'd be wearing jeans and a button down, but since that wasn't considered appropriate for a ball, reluctantly changed into the suit he was to wear. Luckily it was a cool design and there were sequins on it. He grabbed the mask that had been sent to him a few weeks ago on the way out of the hotel room and kept it on his lap during the ride to the palace, only putting it on once he got there. Zoran stuck to his parents sides as they made their way into the ballroom, unsure of what he should do or how he should act since this was his first time attending one of these. The previous ones had always been Zeke, apart from the select few at Beflaurus that Zoran had managed to sneak into, and that was because of the food. And Timothy. Speaking of Timothy, where the hell was the mosquito? Zoran's eyes wandered around the room looking for his friend but didn't see him. However, he did spot Jungmin standing a little ways in front of him. Though he didn't see his face, Zee knew it was Jungmin from their 11 years of friendship. That, and how uncomfortable he looked. "I'll be back." he muttered to his parents in Japanese. Grinning to himself, Zoran left their side and set off towards Jungmin, ignoring Zane and Zelda's protests. When he got there, Zoran paused for a second, wondering how to approach this. He could announce his presence verbally, or he could do a sneak attack which would most likely cause Jungmin to jump in surprise. Knowing that scaring his friend would bring himself joy, Zoran decided on that option. He walked forward a few steps and threw his arms around Jungmin, hugging him from behind. "Hi, Minnie hyung." Zee greeted, switching from Japanese to Korean with ease, and rested his head on Jungmin's shoulder. He didn't bother announcing himself since he figured that was already known. No one else would do this. "You look like you're having the time of your life," he commented sarcastically. "This is exactly in your element, isn't it?" And they both knew that it wasn't. Before he could continue, the king of Alfaria began to speak. Zoran remained in his koala clinging pose throughout the speech, ignoring the looks from Jungmin's parents. Privately, Zee thought that they'd be lucky if he were to spend any time getting to know his mask color partner. Most of this time would probably be spent hanging with his two friends or working on two of his greatest ambitions--walking on his hands for two minutes and fitting a whole muffin in his mouth. This was the perfect opportunity to work on them. "Honestly, I'm probably not even gonna spend five minutes with whoever has the same color mask as me," Zoran admitted truthfully once the speech was over. "This time will most likely be used to perfect my walking handstand and eating." He then finally let go and stepped next to Jungmin. "Speaking of eating, have you seen Timothy? I wanna smash a cupcake in his face." Of course he wouldn't do that now, but it was the thought that counted. [/div][/div] [div class="splash button"] [div class="pic pic1"][/div] [div class=name]Zoran Adachi[/div] [/div] [/div] [/div]
[div class=credit]code by erised erised [/div]
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[class=BG] position: relative; box-sizing: border-box; background: #E5E5E5; width: 800px; height: 500px; background:url(https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2d/e1/19/2de11973aa4dcc0ea7eb5c24487d8cc4.jpg); overflow: hidden; margin: auto; padding: 0; [/class] [class=Box] position: absolute; overflow: visible; width: 800px; height: 500px; left: 0px; top: 0px; background-color: #2D383C; clip-path: polygon(100% 0, 0 100%, 0 0); [/class] [class=ContainerInfo] position: absolute; overflow: visible; width: 708px; height: 75px; left: 46px; top: 50px; background-color: #5C676B; [/class] [class=InfoBox] position: absolute; overflow: visible; width: 688px; height: 55px; left: 56px; top: 60px; background-color: #9AA2A5; [/class] [class=ContainerPicture] position: absolute; overflow: visible; width: 250px; height: 300px; left: 46px; top: 155px; background-color: #5C676B; [/class] [class=Picture] position: absolute; overflow: visible; width: 230px; height: 280px; left: 56px; top: 165px; background: url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/a5/36/c4/a536c4fd23d898c778d289345f8eb455.jpg); background-size: 100%; background-position: 50% 20%; transition: 0.9s; [/class] [class name=Picture state=hover] transition: 0.9s; -webkit-transition-timing-function: 0.9s ease-in-out; background: url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/8c/96/d0/8c96d05924ba82597629a904ed3f33fe.jpg); background-size: 120%; background-position: 50% 20%; width: 230px; height: 280px; [/class] [class=ContainerText] position: absolute; overflow: visible; width: 406px; height: 300px; left: 348px; top: 155px; background-color: #5C676B; [/class] [class=TextBox] position: absolute; overflow: hidden; width: 386px; height: 280px; left: 358px; top: 165px; background-color: #9AA2A5; [/class] [class=Text] position: relative; overflow: auto; width: 386px; height: 280px; background-color: transparent; font-size: 12px; font-weight: normal; line-weight: normal; color: #000; padding-right: 150px; text-align: justify; margin: 7px; white-space: pre-wrap; [/class] [class=Mood] position: absolute; left: 65px; top: 75px; overflow: hidden; width: 170px; height: 26px; text-align: left; font-family: Segoe UI; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 13px; color: rgba(0,0,0,1); [/class] [class=Location] position: absolute; left: 235px; top: 75px; overflow: hidden; width: 170px; height: 26px; text-align: left; font-family: Segoe UI; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 13px; color: rgba(0,0,0,1); [/class] [class=Outfit] position: absolute; left: 680px; top: 75px; overflow: hidden; width: 130px; height: 26px; text-align: left; font-family: Segoe UI; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 13px; color: rgba(0,0,0,1); [/class] [class=Interactions] position: absolute; left: 410px; top: 75px; overflow: hidden; width: 260px; height: 35px; text-align: left; font-family: Segoe UI; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 13px; color: rgba(0,0,0,1); [/class] [div class=BG] [div class=Box][/div] [div class=ContainerInfo][/div] [div class=InfoBox][/div] [div class=Mood]Mood: Let me go[/div] [div class=Location]Location: The Masked Ball[/div] [div class=Outfit]Outfit: X[/div] [div class=Interactions]Interactions: erised erised weldherwings weldherwings .chxrryette. .chxrryette. [/div] [div class=ContainerPicture][/div] [div class=Picture][/div] [div class=ContainerText][/div] [div class=TextBox][div class=Text]The day of the masked ball had finally arrived and Elliot wasn't really thrilled about the idea, the old Elliot would have agree with having an arranged marriage in order to make Graile a better place, but after discovering what real love was he didn't want to take part on a dull relationship with a girl he only saw once a month on a banquet and that was a compelte stranger to him and still their parents were expecting they would live together for the rest of their lives, definitely their parents wanted their kids to be happy. Elliot couldn't say he wanted the masked ball to be over, when that meant by the end he would know who he was set to marry and that only made him feel sick, he was sure he couldn't lvoe anyone else besides Gracie and that she was her true love, it would have been funny what the others kingdoms would have done when the other countries found out that the heir of Graile left his position, but that would never happened since she never showed up the day they were set up to leave the country, it didn't took long enough for himto realize that his parents were somehow involved int eh dissappearence of Gracie but didn't have enough evidence to call them out. "Could you please change your expression and show that you are not about to sign your death sentence, we didn't raise you to you cause a scene everyone is watching and we are not going to be the embarrasment of the party" her mother scold him making Elliot roll his eyes "Fix your flower and your mask, you have to show everyone that you are the future king of Graile and that you don't have any flaws" her mother added. Flaws. Elliot knew he had flaws, he was a human after all, he wasn't sure if his parents wanted a son or a robot that would do everything perfectly with any mistakes he lean towards the second option, he was done with the stupid mask and flower he wished he could throw them away and leave that place in that moment, but there was no meaning of making a scene since he would still be alone wither way. After the words that his mother gave to him Elliot left her side, he wasn't really sure what to do it wasn't like he was excited, talk to the princesses wasn't part of his plan knowing that he would be marrying one of them eventually and the princes it was a complete new story, the people who he called friends at one point they were gone Jung-Ho and Zeke were not longer there with him, and now he was encountered with their little brothers two complete strangers that took the place of their older brothers and he wasn't sure if they wera happy or they didn't had a clue what kind fo life they would have to encountered. The only one he knew from the begginning was Timothy but seeing hte interactions of the new princes they were looking for him and Elliot wasn't in the mood to make new friends. [/div][/div] [/div]
Code by Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy | Picture Hovers
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Timothy Lee
Prince of Beflaurus
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The โ€˜planโ€™ had finally come to fruition. Why had the gods forsaken him so?

In all honesty, Timothy was absolutely dreading this day and his anxiety was clearly being expressed on his face. For around 10 minutes straight, Timothy was staring at his reflection in the body mirror in front of him. With every passing second he saw something wrong with his look, whether it be his messily-done tie, his poorly combed hair, or even his posture. The poor boy must have tried a multitude of smiles out, only to falter after each and every one. He was most definitely going to be the worst amidst all the princes. He felt sorry for any princess that got stuck with him.

โ€œWow, donโ€™t you look like a mess.โ€ Eunice stepped into her brotherโ€™s quarters, her long wine-red dress flowing behind her. She was wearing a warm, accepting smile, but something else was telling Timothy she was laughing at him behind that mask. He promptly ignored her and continued to self-critique his horrible excuse of an outfit. Why must his mother force him into such extravagant suits when the style clearly did not suit him? Alright, he is definitely using that pun later. He could see Eunice watching him through the mirror, casually giving him a once-over and snickering from time to time.

โ€œCan I help you?โ€ Timothy asked, pursing his lips into flat lines and furrowing his eyebrows in annoyance. Awkward silence replaced his words and soon the shuffling sound of his sister getting closer was echoing in the room. โ€œHere. Let me fix your tie. Better I do something about it before mother sees and strangles you with it.โ€ Another bubbly chuckle escaped between Euniceโ€™s bright red lips as she forcibly turned Timothy away from the mirror, standing on her tip-toes and beginning to loosen his tie. As she continued to do her magic, Eunice huffed a long sigh and glanced upwards through her long eyelashes at her brother. โ€œYou know, Iโ€™m still waiting for a thank you.โ€

โ€œThank you for saving my life. For if it was not for you, dear Eunice, I would be dead by the hands of our treacherous, evil mother. Woe is me!โ€ Timothy answered dramatically, exaggerating every word and throwing up his hand, letting the back settle on top of his forehead. Now that made Eunice burst into laughter, snorting away all of the elegance and supposed maturity she had as a princess. Timothy would help but giggle childishly at his own behavior as well and soon the siblings were both in tears.

"Timmy, if she heard you--โ€ Eunice then quieted her voice before continuing in a strained whisper. โ€œ--If she heard you, do you know what she would have done to you?โ€

โ€œRipped my spine out--โ€ Timothy began.

โ€œAnd beat you with it.โ€ Eunice finished.

Both erupted in laughter once more. Timothy was hunched over dying while Eunice had to break away from her brother, holding her mouth and constantly muttering that she couldnโ€™t breathe. After a minute or so, the siblings were able to recompose themselves and Eunice soon finished redoing Timothyโ€™s tie. He looked back in the mirror, the tie was perfect in its current condition. A bright smile broke out on his face as he whipped around to his sister. โ€œWell, how do I look? Like a true prince charming?โ€

A snort. โ€œYeahโ€ฆ more like prince charmingโ€™s less-charming third cousin.โ€ Eunice teased and immediately turned around to make a run for it upon seeing Timothy ready himself for a full-on chase.

โ€œWait! Timothy! Iโ€™m in heels, for godโ€™s sake! I canโ€™t run that fast!โ€

โ€œHah, you look like a chicken trying to waddle away.โ€ Timothy yelled after her, now walking at a slower pace due to the pity he was feeling for his sister's sore feet.

โ€œWow, really funny. What a great way of thanking your sister for saving your life.โ€ Eunice then stumbled, and seeing that her heels were not doing her any good (and the fact that Timothy laughed at her), flung them off in order to run faster. She immediately picked them up when passing by, her speed almost doubling.

Great, now Timothyโ€™s feet were hurting from how tight his dress shoes were. Yet, he still continued the chase, rushing down the grand staircase until both siblings happened to run right into an ogre. A particular queen ogre, actually.

Timothy and Eunice comically skidded to a halt with widened eyes staring into Queen Georgiannaโ€™s furious ones. โ€œWhat in the hell are you children doing? Do you want to embarrass me at the ball-- is that whatโ€™s going on?โ€ Upon instinct, and in the hopes of surviving, Eunice immediately began putting on her shoes again and Timothy straightened his posture, looking towards the ground. โ€œBesides, we are late because of you two." No, they weren't. In fact, they were 30 minutes early, but of course the prince and princess couldn't stand up to the beast herself. "Iโ€™d better see you two march both of your asses straight into the escort vehicle by the count of three.โ€

โ€œBut mothe--โ€ Timothy and Eunice began but was soon cut off by Georgiannaโ€™s stern โ€œtwo.โ€

Wellโ€ฆ they better not anger the lioness any further, so Timothy quickly grabbed Euniceโ€™s hand and hurried them outside into the vehicle, leaving his mask behind consequently.


Ah yes, Alfaria. Timothy never exactly visited the country before and his childlike wonder as he peered out the carโ€™s window was enough evidence of that. Once they had arrived at the mansion, Timothy was just about shaking from the anxiety he was feeling. He knows something wrong is going to happen, and most definitely he will be the cause of it. Hopefully heโ€™ll be able to find Zoran and Jungmin quickly before he melts into a miserable puddle.

The young prince was just about to make a sprint for it before his mother snagged onto his collar and pulled him right back towards her. โ€œAnd where do you think you are going? We need to walk in together, as a family. Alright?โ€ With that last word, Queen Georgianna glared daggers in her sonโ€™s direction, gave an equally-dangerous glance at her daughter, and then raised her chin as she began her way towards the entrance. โ€œTimothy, please put on your mask before I get a migraine from your unruly behavior.โ€ The Queen ordered and Timothy (almost instantaneously) obeyed, putting the mask he was holding onto into place. Thankfully, Eunice reminded him about it, since he had already forgotten about the mask the second the car had begun to drive away from the Beflaurus manor. Now they were even more late than before. Oh how Queen Georgianna berated her son for his forgetful nature in the car. It was hilarious according to Eunice.
They greeted whoever was at the door, and made their way towards the ballroom. โ€œNow, I want you two to stay right next to me and not go anywhere else. Do I make myself clear?โ€ However, Once Georgianna glanced to either side of her, she saw that they were empty. She pinched her nose bridge angrily, trying her absolutely hardest to not pop a vein in sheer anger.

Timothy and Eunice went their separate ways, Eunice trying to find any royals she knew, and Timothy trying to accomplish the same objective. His warm brown eyes scouted the area through his mask, looking for someone--anyone he may know. Once his eyes landed onto Zoran and Jung-min, it was as if Timothy completely forgot he was at a ball. Or rather, that he was a prince of high esteem. The boy rushed towards the two, almost tackling Zoran to the ground with a wide grin on his face. โ€œHey hey hey, my dudes! Whatโ€™s going on?" This random behavior was abnormal for a prince in a formal setting, but Timothy was more focused on finding where the food was situated rather than the strange looks he was receiving. Plus, who wouldn't want to annoy the hell out of his friends upon arrival? "Do you guys know where the food is? 'Cause the location was undisclosed to me in the case that I'd eat almost everything. Which is a lie, because I wouldn't eat almost everything. I will eat everything."
[div class=tag]mood

[div class=tag]location
The ball... oh god

[div class=tag]outfit
Timothy's Suit

[div class=tag]mentions[/div] Zoran & Jung-min

[div class=tag]interactions[/div] Zoran

[div class=tag]tags[/div] weldherwings weldherwings erised erised [/div] [/div][/div] [/div][/div] https://www.rpnation.com/members/natasha.78204/[/div] [class=tag] color: #ed783e; font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; [/class] [class=button] display: inline; position: relative; padding: 20px; font-family: Avenir; top: 110px; background: rgb(255, 255, 255, 0.5); border: 1px solid #fff; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 20px; letter-spacing: 3px; transition: 1s all ease-in-out; cursor: url(https://66.media.tumblr.com/6fb38fc5e97353c67e3fc3a2e2b29bf9/tumblr_inline_ol4nwisGdu1uxxza6_75sq.png), auto!important; [/class] [class name=button state=hover] background: rgb(255, 255, 255, 1); color: #000; transition: 1s all ease-in-out; [/class] [class=home] font-size: 20px; color: #333; transition: 1s all ease-in-out; cursor: url(https://66.media.tumblr.com/6fb38fc5e97353c67e3fc3a2e2b29bf9/tumblr_inline_ol4nwisGdu1uxxza6_75sq.png), auto!important; [/class] [class name=home state=hover] animation: {post_id}pulse 1s ease-out; animation-iteration-count: infinite; animation-play-state: running; [/class] [class=content] height: 0px; overflow: hidden; transition: 1s all ease-in-out; [/class] [class=open] height: 400px; transition: 1s all ease-in-out; [/class] [class=hide] font-size: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; transition: 1s all ease-in-out; [/class] [script class=button on=click] addClass open content addClass hide button [/script] [script class=home on=click] removeClass open content removeClass hide button [/script] [class=link] display: inline-block; cursor: url(https://66.media.tumblr.com/6fb38fc5e97353c67e3fc3a2e2b29bf9/tumblr_inline_ol4nwisGdu1uxxza6_75sq.png), auto!important; font-size: 10px; font-family: Avenir; color: #999; [/class]
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"I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then"- Lewis Carroll ฦธำœฦท location: sleynia - alfaria ฦธำœฦท scenario: what will my future hold?. ฦธำœฦท mentions: jungmin, timothy, zoran ฦธำœฦท outfit: ball gown ฦธำœฦท tags: constellation constellation , weldherwings weldherwings , erised erised , Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy , .chxrryette. .chxrryette. , erzulie erzulie , ShadyAce ShadyAce
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cean blue deep-set eyes surveyed one scene to the next in rapid motion. Excitement and nervousness danced in agreement and encompassed her small silhouette. Butterflies โ€” she liked declaring the feeling โ€” fluttered in the pit of her stomach, ready to soar. Her enthusiasm was undeniable and the warmth on her cool skin felt comforting, almost nurturing. The delicate touch of a gentle breeze pricked at her skin in an almost whisper in support of her decision. Nature became home and she appreciated the floras and faunas with all her being. It gave her solace walking into the unknown. Although her heart wept silently to leave her beloved home Sleynia, she knew turning back was not an option. Aine Isla Maccarthy made it this far and she triumphed in having the courage to take action. Traveling had been easy, but leaving her life behind and what she knew took more than courage but perseverance. Isla could only hope she'd be the perfect fit to uphold the name of Sleynia's princess. Can you see me now? The flourishing and blooming atmosphere between Sleynia and Alfaria was far and between each other. A resemblance in environment and comfort soothed her beating heart and Isla emitted wide smiles and joy whenever she found an ounce of similarity in the foreign country. It took resilience for her to not stray from her own 'royal procession' into the city. However, noticing a fallen child, before entering the castle, Isla made her way towards him despite the silent protest and hushed whispers from her handmaiden and guard as well as the glare she felt on her back. Disregarding them, Isla finally reached the weeping boy only to hold out her hand. "I don't bite, it'll be okay." She hushed before seeing a flurry of emotions etch across his face. Soon, however, whatever prompted him to take her hand, Isla took it and slowly steadied him. Brushing the dirt off he knee and wiping him down as she knelt beside him, Isla smiled softly, "What's your name?" "Adam." He quickly said through his sniffles. "Oh, it's very nice to meet you, Adam," Isla started, "my friends call me Isla." "Adam!" A woman's voice called out. "There you are! I'm so sorry, Princess. Please forgive me. My son was playing and -" Holding up a small hand to stop her, Isla shook her head as she wondered if they were servants for the castle. Reaching into her pocket, Isla placed her palm out, gifting a small pumpkin seed. "No one was hurt but if I may request, will you plant this pumpkin seed and watch it grow for me?" At those words, Isla waved good-bye to them before returning towards her spot where King Finvarra, Queen Oonagh, and the rest of their "procession" waited for her. The name Aine wore on her each passing year but the more she was identified as Aine, the more discomfort she felt. Unconsciously, Isla began playing with the hems of the sleeves of her dress, absentmindedly listening to King Finvarra and Queen Oonagh's assessment of Alfaria as they made their way inside the castle. While they were greeted by nobles far and wide, Isla couldn't help but find refuge in the mask she wore, hiding the hidden ache she felt. However, the more she was introduced to other nobles, the smaller she became. Entrapped in a bird cage. From afar, hidden behind columns and windows, Isla looked upon her sister with delight and magnitude. She envied her sister's ability to glide through conversations and smoothly uphold her head high. But right now, in her position, Isla was afraid. She never had a chance to speak with her parents and as always, observed them from their back. Ina always noted that Father and Mother preferred standing a few feet apart for safety measures. However, Isla didn't know how cautious her parents were 'til now. Despite being almost reaching distance to her parents, the wall between her and them were still wide especially with the stunt she and her sister pulled. Why she wished for their acknowledgement was beyond her and instead, Isla focused on her task at hand - try not to fret. Can you see me now? "Princess!" A harsh whisper came from her right ear, "Stop tugging on the sleeves. You'll wrinkle it! Mind your posture!" "Isla," another voice came from her left ear, "deep breaths. We're here." The high heeled shoes didn't suit her nor aid her. Despite only wearing the heels for a bare minimum of a day, Isla wanted to be out of them. She missed the soils between her toes and the feeling of grass against her feet. Isla never thinks before she acts and perhaps she's paying the price for it now. However, she didn't regret her decision. But, the further Isla walked inside the Scarsci's castle, the more Isla found herself breathing unevenly. Her heart raced against her chest and slight sweat dripped down the side of her face. The walls closed in on her and her only true light was the sound of music. Before entering the room, Mairead quickly fussed over Isla's attire, wanting to keep her princess presentable while Seamus stayed by her side alert. Before her parents could turn back to Sleynia to take the right daughter, it was far too late. Disregarding the sentiment and slight remorse for now, Isla slowly brushed off her nerves, preparing herself. With a deep breath, Isla closed her eyes for a moment. The princess knew once she stepped foot into the room her life would change forever. "Okay, I'm ready." At those words, the doors opened and as King Finvarra and Queen Oonagh walked through first, Isla followed behind. What greeted her was a sight for sore eyes. The moment she stepped in, the music grew louder, playing in her ears as she desired to dance. If she had to name something that could never change, it was her love for music and dancing. Those two things could be found anywhere and could never be taken from her. Isla found thrill in knowing she would be able to let loose - to an extent. Her mouth slightly opened in a "o" as she took in her surroundings. It never ceased to amaze her how much royals had in their possession and the difference in culture from one country to the next. She appreciated the beauty of it only realizing that she, herself, would be in the spotlight and is one of the royals. As she glided forwarded, her light and airy steps followed suit. Her dress slightly trailed behind her like a veil as her sleeves draped against her frames. The stars sparkled against her dress and glistened from the lights in the room. She recalled her practice and lessons and while at first Isla was absolutely disastrous at it, she began to think of it as a waltz. If she could think of walking properly as a performance and mind her manners, Isla believed she would be able to get through it. Once she made her way around the ball with Seamus assisting her by keeping tabs on her parents, Isla took time to acquaint herself with the castle before taking time to breathe for herself. Isla took note of the flower on her wrist, examining it for a moment and wondered who fate decided to match her with. Although masked and dressed appropriately, finding the person she was looking for was like finding a needle in a haystack. However, she never gave up so easily. "Mairead, do you suppose you can recognise anyone?" "Mmm, no, princess. But we can keep looking as we take-in the castle." "Am I recognisable?" But, before Mairead could answer, fully knowing the meaning behind Isla's words, a small chatter caught Isla's attention. With a small head tilt, Isla observed from afar seeing a few royals greeting each other in familiarity. It earned a soft smile from Isla and she couldn't help but feel a sense of loneliness. It was true she had Mairead and Seamus and seemingly got along with most of the royals during the banquet, however, the moment across from her was something she wished to have for herself. The ability to be who she is without pretense. If she had her way, she would already be on the dance floor, following whoever wished for her hand to dance, and allowed herself to flow with the music. Unconsciously, her feet tapped softly against the floor as she swayed slowly side-to-side to the rhythm. However, the sound of a small glass clink took her attention as she gazed towards the King of Alfaria atop the stairs. "Welcome everybody... to the Masked Ball. We are so glad to be holding it here in Alfaria this year and just as glad that all of you have come to witness the announcement of the pairings. Each prince and princess have chosen their partner. A reminder to them; these next couple months you will be spending here in the royal palace so you have the chance to get to know your betrothed before your wedding day..." As the music quieted, Isla paused in her steps, her full attention ahead. The King's speech made her stomach turn into knots once more, remembering exactly why she was in Alfaria. Before Isla could move from her spot, a gently grip on her wrist kept her from leaving. "It's too late to reprimand you and Ina. I expect you to be on your best behavior and for you to remember your place." A stern voice proceeded above her, speaking lowly though a small hint of concern laced within her father's words. "Don't disappoint us or what we stand for." Her mother interjected before nodding. Whether Isla had conjured up a dream in the midst of the ball or if she was truly hearing her parent's words, Isla felt her eyes water and refused to let it fall down her cheeks. Although their words were minced and cold, she knew the meaning behind their words. They were relying on her despite twisting their hand. "Yes, Mother, Father. Thank you." To honor both her royal family and Sleynia, she hoped the arrangement would go smoothly. . . but deep down, something tells her it wouldn't.
[div class=crucially]coded by crucially[/div][/div]
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Princess Adalicia of Atrya
Today was the day that her life would change forever, and not necessarily for the better despite what her mother and father told her. She sat within her bath of milk, roses, and honey in silence. The sound of her gently bathing filled the space, though she couldnโ€™t hear them since she was lost in her thoughts. In the comfort of her room the princess was free to be herself, to let her emotions wash over her instead of shoving them back and analyzing them in a detached manner. Thoughts of what awaited her outside of her room made her wary, scared even. The tales of young women becoming little more than machines to produce children and look pretty, to never be heard assaulted her mind. Without realizing it a single tear managed to trail down her cheek.

Adalicia couldnโ€™t help but admire herself in the full length mirror of her boudoir. Her seamstress had done wonderfully, her dress was truly a thing of beauty. A maid stood behind her, adjusting her masquerade mask so that it was secure yet comfortable. Her hair and makeup had been done an hour before, the soft tones and natural look tied her whole outfit together. Just as she finished up the door to her boudoir opened and in stepped another maid.

โ€œMy princess, it is time to depart with your family.โ€ She said after bowing.

Adalicia looked at herself in the mirror once more before letting herself be led away.

The ride to the ball had soothed her somewhat. Her feelings were bittersweet as she listened to her mother and father lecture her siblings, reminding them that they were to uphold the reputation of their family, of their kingdom. Adalicia had once been on the receiving end, but her parents had quickly realized that there was no need. She was always mindful of how she portrayed herself and the importance of appearances. While she was grateful Adalicia was also a tad bit envious, a small part of her wishing that she could go back to that time, when things were simpler.

She looked down at her mother's pregnant belly, it was obvious in her ball gown and gave her the appearance of some fertility goddess that Adalicia had read about. She wondered if she would be able to see her younger siblings, be there for them as they grew up. She wondered the same for all her siblings and her heart ached. Adalicia couldnโ€™t bear the thought of leaving them behind, her home behind.

The feeling of someone nudging her pulled her from her thoughts, they had arrived.

Upon entering the castle Adalicia took a moment to take everything. As expected, it was decorated beautifully for masquerade. The room was full of those from high society but despite her efforts she could not make out any faces due to the mask they wore. No sooner had they arrived Angelette was ready to run off with Javier right on her heels. Of course their parents urged them to stay close while they ushered Adalicia to mingle.

And mingle she did, it wasnโ€™t long before she was swarmed. Adalicia danced with a number of men both young and old. She chatted with those in the crowd, charming them as she had been taught and subtlety trying to figure out who was who. By the time the king gave his speech Adalicia had been surrounded by a small group of people, all gazing at her as if sheโ€™d hung the sun. They quieted down as the King of Alfaria began to speak.

โ€œWelcome everybody... to the Masked Ball. We are so glad to be holding it here in Alfaria this year and just as glad that all of you have come to witness the announcement of the pairings. Each prince and princess have chosen their partner. A reminder to them; these next couple months you will be spending here in the royal palace so you have the chance to get to know your betrothed before your wedding day..."

Adalicia could feel her heart rate accelerate slightly. She hoped that her match would someone she could learn to get along with.

interactions: n/a || mentions: n/a || location: the masked ball || outfit:

codedbycrucialstar | hidden scroll
outfit x , x , x , x. location the masked ball. interactions ana ( constellation constellation ). It'd been a busy few days, constantly somewhere to be and something to do. Maggie had almost forgotten about the reason why everyone was looking at her with more scrutiny, judging when she'd let her posture slip, pressing a little further. But now, stood in front of a mirror the crushing reality settled deep. She wouldn't dare lift her hands from her sides in case she was shaking. Imagine the rumors. Maggie's reflection was not her. It was Princess Magdalena, the young woman prepared to be married and rule a nation. She looked gorgeous, though. Hair and makeup done with the touch of a professional. Even as a princess, opulence was hardly Magdalena's strong suit. 'Ball' insinuated a ball gown, the kind that she would often refuse to wear. Though her adamant protesting was insufficient to wriggle her way out. Although, she managed a decent compromise; her gown lost much of the size, though had to keep floor length. It stung to pull the mask on; the kind of sting that becomes a craving. Painful, yet strangely comforting. Then came the flower that adorned her wrist. Maggie found it merely ironic it wasn't a rose. Indistinct noises echoed around her, before she broke out from under the surface. "Princess Magdalena, it's time to go." "Yes, of course. Thank you." As she was ushered out, Maggie managed to snatch the two small bracelets she had set down. The ride to the ball was predominantly silent, only her father and herself sitting in the thick of it. Moments before they arrived, the King leaned in to whisper, "Good luck, I'm sure you won't disappoint." He'd always struggled with the kind of reassurance in words, but his slight squeeze of her hand meant everything. Despite their divide, they were somehow always able to unite across it. And then, in they went. Maggie didn't have much care for the stolen looks at her less typical gown, or the way she hastily moved through the marbled floors. She was fixated on the cool metal nestled tightly in her palm, occasionally glancing at it as though her grip wasn't enough to ensure it was there. Unfortunately, when Maggie focused on something, her proper facade slipped, like a dipped head allows a crown to slide. Her craned neck and blue eyes scanning the crowd was hardly exuding the manner expected of a princess; but Maggie had spent perhaps a little too long organising the gift and would rather hand it off before their hands in marriage are decided. Then the music softened, the cavernous room instead being filled with the warm welcomes from the King of Alfaria. Magdalena was half listening. Suddenly, her eyes locked onto a girl of brown hair, and darker brown eyes, even with a little more maturing of her features since they'd last seen each other in person, Ana was unmistakable. Once the King paused, Maggie weaved past a few individuals to reach Ana, a grin blooming on her face as she grasped the other girls hand before saying hello. Maggie spoke in hushed tones, "For you. Happy birthday." She pressed the metal into the other girl's hand. She gave another small smile, before throwing a glance over her shoulder, eyeing her father. He stood conversing with another male, dressed in a suit of silk; craftsmanship unrivalled. Maggie could see the slight upturn of his chin. She wouldn't talk to him when she was queen. Though nonetheless, she had to return before... With an apologetic hint in her vibrant blue eyes, Maggie slunk back into the crowd back to where she was supposed to stand. When she managed to find her way back, Maggie let out a sigh of relief. Her father hadn't noticed, though it was undeniable someone else had to have seen one of the four princesses move about. Alas, speaking to her friend wasn't against any rules โ€” well, not anymore โ€” though her father had made it painfully clear there was no moment that could be anything less than perfect. The seconds were fleeting, and Maggie was living on borrowed time. The anticipation tightened her throat, each moment failing to satiate her need to breathe. At least all they had to do at first was dance. Her feet could follow those patterns no matter what state she was in, and music was always calming. Princess Magdalena lifted her chin a little higher, for Zesna, for her people, for her legacy.
[class=border] --main-colour: #c85250; [/class] [div class=container][div class=border][div class=line style="top: 80px;"][/div][div class=line style="top: 175px;"][/div][div class=line style="top: 490px;"][/div] [div class=line style="background: var(--main-colour); top: 70px;"][/div][div class=line style="background: var(--main-colour); top: 165px;"][/div][div class=line style="background: var(--main-colour); top: 500px;"][/div] [div class=bubble style="top: 110px; left: 170px"][/div][div class=bubble style="top: 110px; left: 210px; background: var(--main-colour);"][/div][div class=bubble style="top: 110px; left: 250px;"][/div] [div class=bubble style="background: var(--main-colour); top: 520px; left: 370px;"][/div][div class=bubble style="top: 520px; left: 410px;"][/div][div class=bubble style="background: var(--main-colour); top: 520px; left: 450px;"][/div] [div class=charname]anastasia.[/div] [div class=icon][/div][div class=iconcolour][/div][div class=charinfo]MOOD. "well then, that settles it" LOCATION. the masked ball ATTIRE. we vibing in
ball gowns
. INTERACTIONS. maggie[/div] [div class=post][div class=scroll]Anastasiaโ€™s fatherโ€™s words drowned out as soon as the young princess felt another hand grabbing her own, only to see that the strangerโ€™s hand belonged to a very familiar face. Maggieโ€™s. Immediately, a small smile crept onto Anastasiaโ€™s face, relieved to see her best friend, who looked stunning in her mask and gown. But, it was expected. โ€Thank you so much,โ€ she murmured as the brunette wished her a happy birthday, one of the first of many, before she placed an object into her hand. Her eyes wandered down to confirm what it was, and from what she could make out, it was a bracelet with a droplet-shaped charm that dangled from it. A small piece of topaz sat sparkling inside to represent Anaโ€™s birth month. The smile remained on her face and when she looked back up to thank Maggie again, she was gone. So, Anastasia turned to her maid and requested that she kept the bracelet safe for when the ball was over. The room turned silent. The kings and queens sat patiently, though at the edge of their seat, waiting to hear the pairings that would potentially change the future. The civilians stood eagerly, whereas the young royals... well, they were feeling mixed emotions. As King Michael began to speak again, his voice still firm, he began to open the small golden envelope that he held tightly in his hands. After all, the small piece of paper in his hands was the answer to the future. "Now... for the announcement you have ALL been waiting for." His eyes scanned the writing for just a few seconds, the tension rising, and with one small breath, he glanced back up at the crowd. "Prince Zoran Axel Adachi of Osmurg has been paired up with Princess Anastasia Lynn Scarsi of Alfaria. Prince Im, Jung-Min of Wheso has been paired up with Princess Adalicia Fleurette Diahann Beaulieu of Atrya. Prince Timothy Leander Kim of Beflaurus has been paired up with Princess Magdalena Evangeline Karpova of Zesna. And last but not least, Prince Elliot Ambrose Henderson of Graile has been paired up with Princess Aine Ina Maccarthy of Sleynia." He brought his eyes to the crowd and slipped the little paper back into the envelope, forcing a smile onto his face. "Now, I ask that all guests clear the dance floor so that each pair may have their first dance of the night with their chosen partner." Anastasiaโ€™s father gave one slight nod and stepped down. The silence, barely lasted in the room a moment before each noble who had attended began to whisper as they made space and cleared the room for the royal children. Anastasia blinked once, then again. She blanked out the moment she heard her name, along with her pair. Zoran Adachi. The name was familiar, of course, but two years ago, it had been Zeke Adachi that she'd interacted with during the twelve banquets. Surely even then, twelve short hours weren't long enough for her to have gotten to know all four of the princes. All Anastasia could recall from the media was that the prince was fairly handsome, and if he was anything like his brother, then she was at least grateful to be marrying somebody mature for the throne. Or so she thought. And then for a minute, she remembered Jung-Oh. How he'd let her cry on his shoulder when she thought of her mother and then proceed to comfort her. Before the news of his death, Anastasia looked forward to seeing him again and hoped deep down that she would be paired up with him, knowing well that the two could form a great alliance and even potentially fall in love. Just the mere thought made her heart sink. "Princess Anastasia?" The girl frowned slightly as she felt herself being shaken by her maid, Bonnie. The woman looked at her with a look of worry, a frown plastered onto her face. "You need to meet your partner for the dance." She spoke again, gesturing her towards the middle of the empty room where Anastasiaโ€™s dull eyes followed. With a small inhale, the princess nodded her head. "Of course." With one last smile to her maid, she made her move. The only sound that filled her ears were her sparkling heels. The annoying tapping sound of them hitting against the shiny, marble floor. All eyes set on her as she was the first of the eight to step out. Her intense, brown eyes wandered around, searching. Searching for her future husband, Zoran. Husband. How surreal and crazy it felt to even think of being engaged at eighteen to a man she barely knew on a personal level, let along being married to him. As her eyes circled the room, her feet did too, dress following behind the young princess. She held her breath for a moment, and her eyes landed on her father once. Clueless, she couldn't make out his expression as he stared at his eldest ready to meet her betrothed. Was he as nervous as she was? Soon, he returned to his seat with the other kings and queens that appeared just as tense as he was. There was a change in the music, going from rather upbeat and happy to a slow and romantic melody.
I (I) want to fly (fly) into this beautiful life I think it'd be nice with you I want to fly (fly) into this beautiful life I think it'd be nice with you with you, with you, with you
[/div][/div] [div class=quote]heavy is the head that wears the crown[/div][/div][/div] [class=container] width: 500px; height: 560px; margin: auto; cursor: url(https://66.media.tumblr.com/232c090ebdd37ae4bc17adb54e1e0344/tumblr_inline_ol4nwhvSwg1uxxza6_75sq.png), auto!important; [/class] [class=border] position: absolute; width: 500px; height: 560px; margin: auto; background: #f1f1f1; [/class] [class=line] position: absolute; height: 2px; background: #252525; width: 100%; [/class] [class=charname] position: absolute; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 33px; color: #252525; top: 27px; left: 175px; letter-spacing: 5px; [/class] [class=icon] position: absolute; background: url(https://i.pinimg.com/originals/9c/a9/c1/9ca9c1cbf54c1679f7d89017bc856949.png); background-size: cover; background-position: top center; width: 140px; height: 140px; box-sizing: border-box; border-radius: 100%; top: 15px; left: 15px; filter: grayscale(100%); [/class] [class=iconcolour] border-radius: 100%; position: absolute; width: 140px; height: 140px; box-sizing: border-box; opacity: 0.3; top: 15px; left: 15px; background: var(--main-colour); filter: none; [/class] [class=bubble] position: absolute; width: 20px; height: 20px; border-radius: 100%; background: #252525; [/class] [class=quote] position: absolute; box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 12px; color: #252525; top: 525px; left: 20px; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: 600; [/class] [class=charinfo] position: absolute; width: 200px; height: 63px; display: block; top: 92px; left: 285px; font-size: 11px; font-family: Poppins; color: #252525; white-space: pre-line; overflow-x: hidden; line-height: 140%; [/class] [class=post] position: absolute; height: 250px; width: 417px; color: #000; text-align: justify; font-size: 12px; overflow: hidden; font-family: Poppins; top: 210px; left: 50px; white-space: pre-line; [/class] [class=scroll] width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow-y: scroll; padding-right: 17px; [/class]
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[/div] [div class=name]im jungmin.[/div][/div] [div class=pic2]
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[/div][div class=pic2hover][div class="scroll"][div class=h1]mood[/div]hahahahhaha i want to fooking cry. [div class=h1]location[/div]this mother friggen stupid ass friggen masked ball or some shit idk my parents kidnapped me [div class=h1]tag[/div] erised erised .chxrryette. .chxrryette. [div class=h1]outfit[/div]click me! + black gloves + mask[/div][/div][/div] [div class=main][div class="scroll"]This was fucking intense.

Feeling the claw-like grab around his arm from his Umma, Jungmin knew that he had to be on his best behaviour. However, that wasnโ€™t going to be so easy. At that very moment, he felt a pair of arms envelope him from behind. What the fu-? Jungmin jumped, startled from the sudden attack, before quickly twisting his head to catch Zoranโ€™s head resting on his shoulder. โ€œAh, itโ€™s Prince fucking Zoran.โ€ he commented towards the boy, making sure that it was only the other boy who heard him (because his Umma would whoop his ass). When was the last time he heard from the lad? Actually, come to think of itโ€ฆ the last time I spoke to him was a week or so ago? He was hacking into a new system (while smoking a bong, just very casually) and Zoran face timed him to annoy him.

Hearing Zoranโ€™s comment about this whole thing not being his element, Jungmin released a soft scoff under his breath. โ€œAm I making it painfully obvious that I would rather hang myself than be here?โ€ he muttered to his friend, his eyes gazing at the King before them. As the speech came to a finish and Zoran finally let go of him, he brought his attention to his friend (despite the grasp on his arm from his Umma tightening and feeling like it was about to fall off). โ€œNope. Havenโ€™t seen good old Timmy anywhereโ€ he responded, shaking his head. Thank God he was going to have two people he actually liked here with him.

But no sooner as Jungmin informed Zoran that he was unsure of Timothyโ€™s whereabouts, the boy made his grand old entrance by practically tackling Zoran. A chuckle slipped past Jungminโ€™s lips, scrunching his face in delight. Thank God there were people here who didnโ€™t act like they had a stick up their ass all the time. However, had the three boys looked over at the King and Queen of Wheso (the Queen by Jungminโ€™s side and the King standing behind the boy), they wouldโ€™ve seen their disapproving stature, glaring at the three of them.

The king continued with his speech, declaring the โ€˜partnersโ€™. Jung-Min gazed around to see the eager faces of those around him. However, his father obviously thought his son was trying to find the closest exit as he reached over and placed a firm hand upon the back of Jung-Minโ€™s neck. Now, some people would just see this as a father and mother lovingly placing their supportive hands upon their son as they waited for the grand announcement. But to Jung-Min, he felt trapped. His motherโ€™s claw-like grasp around his arm and his fatherโ€™s controlling grasp on the back of his neck. It was like he was fifteen again. And it freaked him out. That he didnโ€™t have any power in this situation at all. And it wasnโ€™t like he could retaliate becauseโ€ฆ wellโ€ฆ prison. He really didnโ€™t want that either. Releasing a shaky exhale, Jung-Min turned his gaze back up to the King who spoke with authority in front of everyone.

โ€œPrince Im, Jung-Min of Wheso has been paired up with Princess Adalicia Fleurette Diahann Beaulieu of Atrya.โ€

As the rest of the names were being read out, it was all just white noise to Jung-Min. Instead, he sat there and thought to himself. Soโ€ฆ This was life now. He had the choice of going ahead and getting married or go to jail. Just like that, he was stuck because of this damn royalty that he was birthed into. Anxiety slowly began to creep in his chest as he began to think of the multiple different ways he could try and get himself out of this situation. No matter, the outcome was always the same; there was no way out. I mean, unless he totally jumped the ship and ran off to some completely different continent altogether. But that would mean having to spend a lot of money on fake passports and IDโ€™s. Though, it was very tempting.

His attention was brought back to the old man speaking when he the mention of the dance floor. Wait. No. That anxiety that was slithering itโ€™s way into his stomach was beginning to gradually grow. He didnโ€™t have toโ€ฆ? And then it was confirmed. Yes. Dance. He didnโ€™t dance. There was no way in hell that he was going to dance. It had been years since he had any proper ballroom training. In a state of panic, Jung-Min looked at his father. โ€œAppa, I canโ€™t.โ€ he said to him in Korean. The King just gave him a firm, emotionless expression before gazing at his wife. Jung-Min then looked at his mother who was staring between her son and husband. โ€œUmma. Itโ€™s been years. Please, donโ€™t make me.โ€ The son pleaded with his mother.

His Ummaโ€™s eyes lazily gazed over to the two boys who stood next to Jungmin, placing a soft, warm smile upon her face. โ€œPrince Zoran and Prince Timothy,โ€ she began, hoping to grab their attention. โ€œIf you would be so kindโ€ฆ could you please show Prince Jungmin to the dance floor to meet his future wife?โ€ [/div][/div] [/div] [class=bg]width:100%; height:500px; background-color:black; position:relative; margin:auto; [/class] [class=pic]width:300px; height:300px; background:url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/43/10/63/431063a287c4e06aa758fd1618cd9c0c.jpg); background-size:cover; background-position:50% 50%; animation-name: {post_id}blur; animation-duration: 3s; animation-fill-mode: both; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-direction:normal; animation-delay:1s; position:absolute; left:38%; top:70px; border: 10px solid #d5d8df; border-bottom: 40px solid #d5d8df; border-radius:2px; box-shadow: 0 0.2rem 1.2rem rgba(0,0,0,0.2); transform:rotate(-5deg); cursor: pointer;[/class] [class=main]width:410px; height:300px; background:#F2F1EC; animation-name: {post_id}blur; animation-duration: 3s; animation-fill-mode: both; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-direction:normal; animation-delay:2s; position:absolute; left:34%; top:50px; border: 10px solid #d5d8df; border-bottom: 40px solid #d5d8df; border-radius:2px; box-shadow: 0 0.2rem 1.2rem rgba(0,0,0,0.2); display:none; padding:15px; overflow:hidden;[/class] [class name=scroll]width: 100%;height: 98%; overflow: hidden;box-sizing: content-box;padding-right:50px;padding-left:5px; left: -2px;overflow-Y: scroll;overflow-X: hidden; font-family:Karla; font-size:13px; color:rgb(88, 99, 67, 0.8); line-height:15px;[/class] [class=pic2]width:300px; height:300px; background:url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/93/8a/68/938a686b3188ac90e94f3920ea84cf9b.jpg); background-size:cover; background-position:50% 50%; animation-name: {post_id}blur; animation-duration: 3s; animation-fill-mode: both; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-direction:normal; animation-delay:3s; position:absolute; left:68%; top:50px; border: 10px solid #d5d8df; border-bottom: 40px solid #d5d8df; border-radius:2px; box-shadow: 0 0.2rem 1.2rem rgba(0,0,0,0.2); transform:rotate(5deg); cursor: pointer; display:none;[/class] [class=pic2hover]width:280px; height:280px; padding:10px; background-color:rgb(255, 255, 255, 0.9); opacity:0; transition:2s; overflow:hidden;[/class] [class name=pic2hover state=hover]opacity:1; transition:2s[/class] [class=sticky]height:30px; width:60px; background-color:rgb(88, 99, 67, 0.8);[/class] [class=name]margin-top:300px; text-align:center; font-family:Karla; font-size:25px; color:rgb(88, 99, 67, 0.8);[/class] [class=h1]text-align:center; font-family:Karla; font-size:22px; color:rgb(88, 99, 67, 0.8); margin:10px;[/class] [animation=blur][keyframe=0] filter: blur(12px); opacity: 0;[/keyframe] [keyframe=100] filter: blur(0px); opacity: 1;[/keyframe][/animation] [animation=move][keyframe=0] transform: translateX(0px) rotate(-5deg); [/keyframe] [keyframe=100]transform: translateX(-350px) rotate(-5deg); [/keyframe][/animation] [class=move]animation-name: {post_id}move; animation-duration: 3s; animation-fill-mode: both; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-direction:normal; animation-delay:1s;[/class] [script class=pic on=click] addClass move pic fadeToggle 1000 pic2 fadeToggle 1000 main [/script]
coded by weldherwings

Princess Adalicia of Atrya
Adalicia stood with her family. They had all gathered when the king had begun to give his speech. Her face was as calm as ever even though the anticipation was making her ansty. Adalicia felt a hand slip into her own and she relaxed slightly, squeezing Angeletteโ€™s hand to show her appreciation. Finally the king began listening off the pairs. Adalicia stood tense until finally her name was called and her fate was sealed. The princess turned to her family to smile briefly at them and when she turned around she straightened her posture and held her head high. With all the grace and poise she possessed Adalicia stepped forward.

She didnโ€™t know much about the prince of Wheso personally. But she did know a bit about his country. How it was second only to Osmurg in wealth and it was the most advanced when it came to technology. Adalicia would miss Atrya, the natural beauty of her country was second to none. She doubted that Wheso was a country concerned about the beauty of the natural word and aesthetic. It was truly a tragedy. But there was time to worry about those things however. Tonight she would try to enjoy herself and get to know her future husband. Adalicia had always adored dancing and her mother had made sure she was knowledgeable in the area. From ballroom to ballet and waltz and tango, Adalicia was well equipped in the area.

As she sauntered over Adaliciaโ€™s eyes locked on the seemingly hesitant figure of her future husband. Her gaze was intense as she watched him, searching for any flaws or weak spots to be probed and exploited.

interactions: Jung-min ( weldherwings weldherwings )|| mentions: n/a || location: the masked ball || outfit:

codedbycrucialstar | hidden scroll
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He wasn't that bad. Okay, maybe he was. Moving on. He kept the pout on his face the rest of the time Jungmin was speaking, making sure he showed how displeased he was to be called that. "Yeah, you kinda are being obvious." he muttered, replying to the comment about hanging. He nodded when it was clear neither of them knew where Timothy was, but speak of the devil and he shall appear. No sooner had he finished nodding than he was almost tackled to the floor by a very exuberant Timothy. "Holy Jesus," Zoran huffed after he recovered from nearly eating it in front of everyone. "Hey mosquito." Then he just shrugged. "Nothing much is going on. Jungmin-ssi here would rather hang himself than be at this ball and I just want to do some handstands and walk around." He saw no point in lying about that. "No idea where the food is. If I did, I would've had a cupcake in hand and would have already smashed it into your face." No he wouldn't. Well, yes he would. Any other time he would, but not at a formal event. "Tell you what though," he began, dropping his voice as the king continued to speak, "after this first dance thing or whatever it is is over, find me and we'll go search for the food." He knew the two of them wouldn't stop searching until they found it. Zoran quieted down when it seemed the pairings were about to be announced, and then proceeded to tune out until his name was called. "Prince Zoran Axel Adachi of Osmurg has been paired up with Princess Anastasia Lynn Scarsi of Alfaria." Huh. Well, he had absolutely no idea who Anastasia was, nor did he know anything about her. The only thing he knew was that it was her kingdom in which he was standing. Zeke probably knew her though, and he made a mental note to text his older brother later. He hoped Zeke said positive things about her, because she was in for a wild ride ahead with Zoran's crackhead ass. As he began to crane his neck around to search for the princess with the same color mask as he, he heard Jungmin start speaking to his parents in Korean. And well, considering he himself was fluent in Korean, could understand every word. For once, Zoran wasn't about to tease his friend about having to dance since he could easily hear the fear in the words. He jumped slightly when he was addressed by the Queen of Wheso, having not expected her to talk to him. However, he nodded at the request and began to gently lead Jungmin to the dance floor. "C'mon hyung," he said gently, shooting Timothy a look over his shoulder that plainly said 'follow or else'. "Timothy and I will be right by your side the entire time." At least he hoped they would be. For all he knew Anastasia might want to be at the front and center of this dance. He prayed that she was easy going and wouldn't mind the fact that he wanted to dance near his friend to provide silent reassurance. He couldn't speak for Timothy, but hoped their mosquito would stick nearby. [/div][/div] [div class="splash button"] [div class="pic pic1"][/div] [div class=name]Zoran Adachi[/div] [/div] [/div] [/div]
[div class=credit]code by erised erised [/div]
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"Take my hand. Trust and lean on me. Let me set you free" - Isla ฦธำœฦท location: alfaria's ballroom ฦธำœฦท scenario: will you dance with me? ฦธำœฦท with: prince elliot henderson ฦธำœฦท mentions: jung-oh, king finvarra, king oonagh ฦธำœฦท outfit: ball gown ฦธำœฦท tags: weldherwings weldherwings , Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy , constellation constellation
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s still as possible, firmly planted on the ballroom floor, Isla's knee slightly buckled beneath her as her calves strained to support her weight. Never one to stay still in one place for long, it was challenging for Isla to not move a muscle. But before Isla could allow herself to relax, a cool, gentle palm pressed against her back and pushed her forward from swaying. Regaining her straight-laced posture, Isla managed to move her shoulder slightly, attempting to loosen her nerves. The stiffness and stillness of her muscles were straining on her resilience as she wished to lean against someone. Regardless of Isla's desires, Mother thought differently. Not realizing she had been holding a breath, Isla felt like a ticking bomb ready to explode any minute. The announcement of her husband to-be was killing her and she hated waiting. The pressure was on. One-by-one the names poured from King Michael's lips as Isla stood on edge, waiting for her name to be called. However as the seconds passed, the presentation of the other princes and princess' names unnerved her. She knew full names were going to be said out-loud, however, a shudder escaped her shoulders as the King included middle names. While some names she recognized, some she hadn't. A slight frown formed across her lips as she narrowed her brows. Prince Zoran Axel Adachi and Prince Im, Jung-min. Two first names she hadn't heard yet their surnames and countries were identifiable. Another shiver shook her frame as goosebumps trailed down her arms. She was an "imposter" herself. Would she find civility among them? If Jung-Oh was here, she'd feel more self-assured and calm knowing she had a support of an old friend. However, if he's watching over them from the Other side, she prayed he'd continue to assist them. But for now, perhaps she'd keep an eye on Jung-min for him - an unspoken bond of familiarity and friendship, one last "hoo-ha" and sign of appreciation. And last but not least, Prince Elliot Ambrose Henderson of Graile has been paired up with Princess Aine Ina Maccarthy of Sleynia." Frozen in shock and practically knocked out of her stupor, her breath caught her throat as her supposed name slipped from King Michael's lips. The name had been similar in initials and pronunciation yet distinct entirely. It was not her name. Biting down her inner passion to correct the name, Isla found herself panicking as she fidgeted with her hands and dress. Her mother and father, on the other hand, kept Isla in-place further, as King Finvarra placed a strong hand on Isla's shoulder while Queen Oonagh cleared her throat in warning. "Do not cause a commotion, Ina." Her mother muttered under her breath as her stoic nature seeped through. "You'd caution to remember you are still acting-in as this is originally your sister's place." Mother's words struck her heart like a knife as she evened her breath, swallowing down a small whimper that almost elicited from her lips. Her lips quivered slightly as she bit down, willing it to stop. An escapist at heart, Isla closed her eyes momentarily, taking calming breathing measures to lessen her anxiousness. However, her index finger and thumbs continued to press against each other rapidly as she tried to cope with the information. Isla planned on using her middle name as a way to identity herself - separating herself from her sister. But, with King Michael announcing her sister's full name, Isla feared she could never step out of her sister's shadow. . "Now, I ask that all guests clear the dance floor so that each pair may have their first dance of the night with their chosen partner." Before Isla could spiral out of control, the sound of a soft melody echoed in the ballroom, gaining her attention. The slow tempo intro of the song reminded her of wind-chimes. Melodic and soothing to her soul, it took her to her happy place. As the tempo slowly raised, Isla felt the rhythm beneath her, feeling the amp of the music wrap her in reassurance. The touch of her parents and sound of their voices faded into the background of her mind as she zoned in on the song. Her imagination grew like wild flowers in her head as she found her mouth slowly etching into a softer, happier smile. The feeling of the sun's ray against her pale skin - warm and ever embracing - was nurturing. Yet, the idea of the wind flowing through her hair and the rustling of trees surrounding the meadow reminded her of home. Alfaria chose a wonderful first dance song. Oh, she wanted to dance! Without waiting another moment, Isla turned towards her parents, riding herself thoughts of any consequences and negativity. For now, she'll enjoy the moment. Music was her escape and she'll take it. "Mother, Father," She addressed them politely, livelier than expected. "I must go now. I wouldn't want to keep him waiting." As Isla bowed her head to her parents, saying her good-byes for now, Isla chose this moment specifically to entertain herself. Her parents, on the other hand, kept their wits about them and maintained their neutral expression though deep down, hesitation and anger persisted especially hearing the name of one that led to betrayal. Gazing around the ballroom, Isla moved effortlessly, careful to not step on anyone yet at the same time maintained a semblance of poise and grace. Prince Elliot Ambrose Henderson. He was her fiancรฉ? It was an odd yet thrilling thought. She recalled the fair red-head male and enjoyed his company. While at first he may have seemed rigid, if not, hard to approach, she found a special weakness about him, his love for animals, especially his dogs. If he loved his dogs as much as they loved him, he couldn't be all that bad deep within, right? Although they have had their fair share of short encounters, Isla wanted to know more about him. Questions popped into her head one by one. How was he feeling? Did he want this? Would he be okay with her as his choice? Graille and Sleynia, to her, were opposites like ying and yang. But, perhaps her inquiries would wait for later, for now she focused on finding him. They, afterall, are tied together and would have all the time in the world. She just hoped he didn't mind dancing. Searching for her mysterious fiance, Isla hummed softly to the melody as her eyes glanced around before taking notice of the vibrant hair she could see from across the room. The suit matched him perfectly and Isla couldn't help but giggle internally to herself. All sorts of emotions bubbled in the pit of her stomach but she decided to face her fate. With a wide-smile, Isla made her way towards him, taking note of the flower he wore that matched her own. As her heart beated erratically against her chest, nervous to see his expression, Isla stepped towards him a little closer as those around them slowly moved to give them room to speak. "Prince Elliot?" Her voice called out to him softly with the music though her tone was laced with strength and determination, "It's wonderful to see you again." Extending her hand out as she delicately opened her palms, Isla laughed quietly, "Did you know?" She started, "The music speaks to the soul to those who listens. The songs vocalizes words that are kept hidden in the heart. And lastly, the dance expresses unspoken feelings when words are not enough. Will you take my hand?" At those words, Isla silently beckoned him to take her hand as she felt herself moving to the music, swaying to the tune before twirling around him. Not wanting to pressure him as all eyes were on them, Isla started the dance first with a simple twirl where he could easily catch her arm and hand. Although she felt as if she was a "peacock" waiting for a "mate" to join them, Isla didn't want to waste another moment standing around as she glided. She finally felt free to express herself and only hoped Prince Elliot would give her a chance.
[div class=crucially]coded by crucially[/div][/div]
[class=BG] position: relative; box-sizing: border-box; background: #E5E5E5; width: 800px; height: 500px; background:url(https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2d/e1/19/2de11973aa4dcc0ea7eb5c24487d8cc4.jpg); overflow: hidden; margin: auto; padding: 0; [/class] [class=Box] position: absolute; overflow: visible; width: 800px; height: 500px; left: 0px; top: 0px; background-color: #151515; clip-path: polygon(100% 0, 0 100%, 0 0); [/class] [class=ContainerInfo] position: absolute; overflow: visible; width: 708px; height: 75px; left: 46px; top: 50px; background-color: #5C676B; [/class] [class=InfoBox] position: absolute; overflow: visible; width: 688px; height: 55px; left: 56px; top: 60px; background-color: #9AA2A5; [/class] [class=ContainerPicture] position: absolute; overflow: visible; width: 250px; height: 300px; left: 46px; top: 155px; background-color: #5C676B; [/class] [class=Picture] position: absolute; overflow: visible; width: 230px; height: 280px; left: 56px; top: 165px; background: url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/a5/36/c4/a536c4fd23d898c778d289345f8eb455.jpg); background-size: 100%; background-position: 50% 20%; transition: 0.9s; [/class] [class name=Picture state=hover] transition: 0.9s; -webkit-transition-timing-function: 0.9s ease-in-out; background: url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/8c/96/d0/8c96d05924ba82597629a904ed3f33fe.jpg); background-size: 120%; background-position: 50% 20%; width: 230px; height: 280px; [/class] [class=ContainerText] position: absolute; overflow: visible; width: 406px; height: 300px; left: 348px; top: 155px; background-color: #5C676B; [/class] [class=TextBox] position: absolute; overflow: hidden; width: 386px; height: 280px; left: 358px; top: 165px; background-color: #9AA2A5; [/class] [class=Text] position: relative; overflow: auto; width: 386px; height: 280px; background-color: transparent; font-size: 12px; font-weight: normal; line-weight: normal; color: #000; padding-right: 150px; text-align: justify; margin: 7px; white-space: pre-wrap; [/class] [class=Mood] position: absolute; left: 65px; top: 75px; overflow: hidden; width: 170px; height: 26px; text-align: left; font-family: Segoe UI; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 13px; color: rgba(0,0,0,1); [/class] [class=Location] position: absolute; left: 235px; top: 75px; overflow: hidden; width: 170px; height: 26px; text-align: left; font-family: Segoe UI; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 13px; color: rgba(0,0,0,1); [/class] [class=Outfit] position: absolute; left: 680px; top: 75px; overflow: hidden; width: 130px; height: 26px; text-align: left; font-family: Segoe UI; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 13px; color: rgba(0,0,0,1); [/class] [class=Interactions] position: absolute; left: 410px; top: 75px; overflow: hidden; width: 260px; height: 100%: text-align: left; font-family: Segoe UI; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 13px; color: rgba(0,0,0,1); [/class] [div class=BG] [div class=Box][/div] [div class=ContainerInfo][/div] [div class=InfoBox][/div] [div class=Mood]Mood: This is it[/div] [div class=Location]Location: The Masked Ball[/div] [div class=Outfit]Outfit: X[/div] [div class=Interactions]Interactions: deer deer [/div] [div class=ContainerPicture][/div] [div class=Picture][/div] [div class=ContainerText][/div] [div class=TextBox][div class=Text]As time passed, Elliot felt sick to continue being in that ballroom with everyone else, the only thing he just wanted to do was to run away and never been found, how could he be happy knowing that he was obligated to marry a girl that he only knew due to banquets and now their parents were expecting them to spend their lives together as if their time they passed getting to know each other was enough to accept that know you were bound to any of them. He knew that as soon the announcement was said, not only his life would be miserable, but also one of this girl's life would be ruined, having to live the rest of their lives with someone that could never love them how they deserved, it must be devastating, any of this girls were not guilty that Elliot wasn't capable of loving them, the princess who would he get paired up deserved a better life, one that he wasn't capable to give her future wife. When the king started talking Elliot knew that was going to be the time where his faith was going to be sealed, for him it felt like the King was taking years to give the announcement and that made Elliot sicker than he already was. Would his parents regret the decision that he made on his wife and would believe that he could have done a better job even if everything was designated by pure luck. If they had a say on the decision they would have chosen the princess of Alfaria or Atrya, for them, everything was just a political view to make Graile a more efficient country than the happiness of their own son. "And last but not least, Prince Elliot Ambrose Henderson of Graile has been paired up with Princess Aine Ina Maccarthy of Sleynia. And after those words, the life of Elliot was tied up to the Princess of Sleynia, he knew about the country, in fact, he knew about all the countries hoping that having a better idea of the different countries would help for their relationships once he became a King, but now that knowledge just seemed dull to him. He knew that Sleynia was known for their whimsical scenarios, where people could have a sense of freedom that it wasn't known in Graile due to their strict view in education, he found funny how the countries were in two different spectrums, just as he was sure the Princess was a complete opposite of him. He could identify the Princess of Sleynia, Princess Ina had this personality that could light up any room she was, she was the type of person that didn't care how much you knew or what your country did, she was more interested in knowing what were the things that defined your personality. There were times where you could see she would feel more passionate about life and even the most trivial things captured her whole attention. If he needed to describe the Princess, he would define her as a fairy from the books Gracie used to love to read, in those books they were described as free spirits that wanted to explore the world and lived their life the fullest, he was sure the Princess was expecting a Prince Charming, one that would love her unconditionally and that would be by her side as she tried to find the meaning of life, but now she was stuck with a gloomy and angry Elliot that could never love her the way she was supposed to be loved. "Now, I ask that all guests clear the dance floor so that each pair may have their first dance of the night with their chosen partner." So now he was supposed to dance with her fiancee and be the main show of the night, could he just avoid being the center of attention? "Do not disappoint us, everyone is watching we didn't spend all those time in you taking those dance lessons for you to embarrass us" her mother said to him "You are the next King of Graile act like one" those were the words of his father, at that moment Elliot wanted to yell and stop this pretending and say out loud that he wasn't as perfect as everyone expected him to be. When a soft voice called him, he knew it was the princess who was waiting for their first dance, she seemed excited like if she was waiting this moment, not like him that the only thing he wanted was to disappear at least he could pretend for the sake of the Princess "Princess Ina, it's a pleasure to see you again, you look lovely tonight" the prince said to her, she continued talking with a metaphor of music and dance that sound naturally in her but if he tried to say something like that it would just sound awkward, she was in fact waiting for this dance, he held her hand as he walked her towards the dance floor "I'll try my best to make our first dance something special for you, Princess Ina" he said, although those words hurt inside as he wished he could have said them to Gracie instead but he didn't have any other choice than joining the show that was this dance and pretend that he was happy as he waltzed with his fiancee. [/div][/div] [/div]
Code by Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy | Picture Hovers
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Timothy Lee
Prince of Beflaurus
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When all else has failed, Timothy would find solace in the iconic trio that was him, Zoran and Jungmin. He may or may not have disregarded all the anxieties that were accumulating within him because of this. โ€œWait really?โ€ Timothy redirected his attention onto Jungmin and quirked his eyebrow, his wide grin turning into a jeering smirk. โ€œWhy do you have to be such a party-pooper, Jungmin?โ€”Hey, I want to do handstands too!โ€ Timothy might have the attention span of a goldfish butโ€ฆ well actually, he does. Then it occurred to him that the last time he tried to execute a perfect handstand, he barely made it out alive with a sprained ankle. His clumsy and ungainly nature would not have made the situation any better. Never againโ€ฆ โ€œYou know what? Iโ€™ll pass on the handstandsโ€ฆโ€ Timothy was not exactly a daredevil, and he also knew his evil mother would still force him to cook even with any broken limbs.

โ€œAwww, dangโ€ฆ I was really hoping you guys would knowโ€ฆ that sucks, I was really craving a cupcake to the face too.โ€ He could imagine the mouthwatering fluffiness of the icing as well, his mouth was drooling just thinking about it. Timothyโ€™s wide grin did falter, however, due to the menacing aura radiating off the King and Queen of Wheso. He began shrinking into himself, hiding behind Zoran's figure. Today would not be the day for him to die, he had so much to look forward to. For all one knows, they could murder Zoran first so that Timothy would have a chance to run away.

His eye smile did return promptly, once Zoran promised for them to go on a food hunt. Hell yeah! They shall scour the lands until they have found the treasure that is the banquet food! They shan't rest until they have uncovered the secrets of the kitchen! Ok, Timothyโ€™s mind was going wild at the moment, but he was soon brought back to Earth once the King of Alfaria began listing off the pairs.

This was it, the time for Timothy to finally know who will be his future significant other. To be completely honest, Timothy was not hoping for this day to arrive. He very much preferred the idea of being able to choose as freely as his sister for whom he would or would not like. In fact, he became rather envious of her freedom. However, based on the monthly meetings he would be forced to attend, the other princesses seemed nice enough. He would not necessarily mind spending his entire life with one of them, yetโ€ฆthe appeal of choice was still more enticing to him. As soon as he heard Zoranโ€™s pair, his mind then wandered onto the Princess of Alfaria. Her name wasโ€ฆ Ana? Anastasia? One of those two, but Timothy still felt down about the entire thing. If he could recall correctly, she was one of the most amiable ones there. But then again, he could only remember one out of the four princesses, and Anastasia happened to be the lucky winner. He was equally sure that the other princesses were as nice, but his forgetfulness left him clueless about their personalities. Zoran must feel so lucky having Anastasia as his future wife, but as soon as Timothy risked a glance at the Prince of Osmurg, he saw quite the opposite on his face. Was Timothy really expecting anything else though? Once Jungmin was paired off directly after, Timothy began trembling, stricken with fear of his name being called next. He was already praying to whatever god that he would be paired off with a warmhearted, courteous young girl.

โ€œPrince Timothy Leander Kim of Beflaurus has been paired up with Princess Magdalena Evangeline Karpova of Zesna.โ€


Timothy was so lost within his own prayers that the only words he could make out was his name and โ€œZesna.โ€ Timothy heard of that country, recognized for their various types of entertainment. Butโ€ฆ who was the princess of that country? The face eluded him with every time he tried to recall her. God, if he were to meet her and forget her nameโ€”much less her face, he would embarrass himself. What would his mother think? What would Eunice thinkโ€”wellโ€ฆshe would likely find the entire thing hilarious (as younger siblings do). Before he knew it, his eyes had been searching amongst the many heads in the crowd, attempting to find the one girl who picked the same mask as him. At the moment, he was failing in his endeavor. Hopefully as soon as the middle of the ballroom cleared out, he will be able to scout her out more efficiently. Some royals were already making their way to the middle, it seemed. Unfortunately for him, while he was spending his time seeking out the princess, he locked eyes with the devil herself. Queen Georgianna was standing on the opposite side of the ballroom, keenly watching her son like a hawk. Timothy could practically hear her thoughts, the rambling and the nagging she was repeating fiercely to herself. He innocently decided to wave to her, his smile now lopsided in an effort to seem more genuine. Her eyes only darkened as she held out her finger, beckoning like a sea witch for Timothy to come to her side. He could see her mouth snarling the name โ€œLeander.โ€


Timothy soon heard the Queen of Wheso speaking about dragging Jungmin to the dancefloor, and was face-to-face with a threatening Zoran. What did he do now? Why is everyone glaring at him?

It was not like Timothy had a choice in the matter anyways, he had to go and find the Princess of Zesna andโ€ฆ dance with her. If he ends up not stepping on her dress or shoes, he was definitely going to need a trophy.

Once he does meet up with her, he will just have to wing it. The safest way, he supposed, of avoiding her name would be to call her by โ€œPrincessโ€ or โ€œYour Highness.โ€

Plan B would be to run away and never look back.

Timothy nodded to Zoran, there was no way he was breaking up from the team. Being closer to Zoran and Jungmin, if things were to take a turn for the worst, would make his situation somewhat less frightening.

If anything, all Timothy was thinking about was how much of a disappointment he was going to be to his future wife. He felt bad for her, in all honesty.
[div class=tag]mood
I was happy... Now I'm just scared

[div class=tag]location
The ball... yeah, I'm still here

[div class=tag]outfit
Timothy's Suit

[div class=tag]mentions[/div] Zoran | Jungmin | Anastasia | Magdalena |

[div class=tag]interactions[/div] Zoran | Jungmin

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