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Realistic or Modern The Social Experiment

"Too bad. No Mary Poppins here," she joked, rummaging through a door she'd found. Despite her comparatively limited exposure to pop culture, her and her mother had actually watched Mary Poppins together after Agnes read the book (which she'd found in her school's library). "Here we go," she said, relieved that her search hadn't taken all that long. She pulled out a broom and got to work sweeping the remaining pieces of glass still on the floor - those that she could see, anyway. Hopefully the broom would still catch the ones she didn't see as well.
Will considered Tony's offer. "Maybe. Already got my set up though." He said, referring to the mess of belongings strewn around his room. "I'll give it some thought mate." He stood up straight, letting his body balance itself as he took a deep breath. "But first, I'm going to practice some footie. Call if ya need me."

With that last sentence Will was off, moving through the kitchen and heading outside to find his soccer ball. The morning air was warm with the sunshine playing though it. He sought around for a moment before discovering the ball right where he left it the night before. His foot caught underneath the ball as he popped it into the air, juggling it on his feet before attempting to catch and balance the ball on his head.
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"See you later, Will," Agnes said as he left. She kept sweeping until she was satisfied that she'd gotten all the glass out of the way to the best of her ability. With all the pieces of glass in a pile, she used a few paper towels to carefully pick them all up and throw them out. "Okay," she said as she threw out the last of the glass, along with the used paper towels. "Now for ramen," she said, quickly assembling what she'd need. Ramen was easy and didn't take long, so she had it done shortly after starting. "Here you go," she said. She put the hot ramen in front of Tony and then yawned again. "I will be out in the living room if you need me," she said, smiling at him and then walking out of the kitchen. As soon as she saw a couch, she laid down and closed her eyes. It was hard to believe that it was morning already when she was so exhausted. Maybe she'd just rest for a few minutes while Tony ate...
Tony liked Agnes. She was nice, beautiful, and quite helpful. She was definitely somebody to keep around and make friends with. As Tony ate his ramen, he noticed that Agnes drifted off to sleep. "I didn't know girls had the ability to snore that loud..." He said to himself, snickering.
(Out for the night unless insomnia kicks in.)

Will gave up on his endeavor and let the ball fall to the ground. It rolled to a stop in front of him but he paid it no mind. His thoughts were on his friends back in Australia, playing soccer in the afternoons to avoid their responsibilities. He missed it in a way. "No big responsibility here." The realization was less reassuring than he had hoped, and for a moment Will felt purposeless. He kicked the ball across the yard, sending his negative feelings with it. The tree house on the grounds caught his eye and he jogged to it to get a closer look.

As Will approached the base of the tree, he felt an urge to see the inside. "Might as well." He said aloud before rushing at the tree and kicking off the trunk to catch a high up branch. He pulled himself up, peering into the open doorway of the tree house.
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Maya woke up, her head hurting a little bit but not too bad. Their room was still pitch black thankfully, so there was no telling how bad it would be when she went out into the evil sunlight.

Carrying a blanket wrapped around her shoulder the Aussie slumped her wait out of the room as quiet as possible and down the hallway to the bottom of the stairs. The light wasn't too bad luckily.

"Man, Ezra's gonna be down for the count." She mumbled, laying down into a couch. "Where is everyone?"

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Will's eyes adjusted to the dim light as he crawled into the tree house. It was surprisingly large, almost allowing him to stand up straight in the center. The thing was bare save a window facing into the clustered leaves and the doorway facing the house. He sat down in the doorway, his legs dangling out over the edge. Reminds me of the one Dad built... Will couldn't seem to escape nostalgic thoughts this morning as memories of his father flashed through his mind. He entertained them, reflecting on the happy ones with a distant melancholy awareness.

As more thoughts of his dad flooded his mind, Will stretched and dropped out of the tree, the rush of movement bringing him back to reality. He landed lightly and rolled forward to rid himself of the momentum from the fall in a practiced motion. The dew from the night created a damp path across his shoulder and back where he rolled. "Miss ya old man." He stated to the air as he stood.

Will strolled back inside, making a bee line for his bubbler. Upon seeing Agnes passed out and Maya bundled up in a blanket he let out a lighthearted chuckle. "Not a morning person?" He asked Maya playfully as he walked by. His footfalls were light now that he was more awake. Taking the stairs two at a time, Will made it to his room and opened the door. His nightstand stood against the wall, holding his medicine.

Will grabbed his weed, lighter, and bubbler then made his way back downstairs to the living room, not passing through the kitchen. He plopped down in a chair opposite Maya, making his workshop on the coffee table in front of him.

"So, you are a two-pot screamer then, eh Maya?" He joked while he packed the bowl with his favorite hangover cure. He held the piece out to her with the lighter. "Here, this'll take the edge off."
Tony cringed. "Do you think you could do that somewhere else? I'm not saying it's bad or anything... I just don't like the smell!" Tony continued to rub his foot, getting feeling back to it.
Will smirked as he heard Tony call from the other room. "That'd be right." He muttered under his breath. "If you don't like the smell you won't want me as a roomie, mate." He responded evenly. The desire to piss off Tony for asking him to go somewhere else crept up, but Will suppressed it. He looked at Maya. "Medicine's outside if ya want it ya little 'roo." He said before walking to the door and opening it, bringing his smoking affects with him.

Will plopped himself in a chair on the verandah and lit the bowl, breathing in the thick grey-white gas from the bubbler. He exhaled slowly and sat back, sinking in to the rough cushion as milky trails of smoke traced their way across the air before dissipating in the wind. "I guess it's pretty nice, no yakka or responsibilities, innit?" He spoke to himself as he brought the bubbler to his lips, the glass beginning to show the signs of resin build up on the inside. He took another pull, exhaling the smoke in one big huff into the backyard.
Maya rolled over, struggling to sit up for a minute. Back home smoking a joint every once in a while when she was out hiking was pretty standard in her age group but she never really used a pipe or a bubbler before. "Eh, maybe later. But I'll come stoke out for a while." She said, standing up and walking out there with him. Maya was worried about what Agnes or Ezra would think of her if she smoked too, and not to mention she was already embarrassed with how Agnes and the others saw her last night. Even the slightest bit out of it wasn't a way to meet anyone ever.

Maya sat down in a chair opposite to him, knees pulled up to her chest and only most of her head visible from under the blanket she had cocooned herself in.

"I'm more of a romper and roller gal. Glass sets aren't is my availability."

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Agnes suddenly started; her eyes flew open and she sat straight up, realizing that she'd fallen asleep - hard. When she took a look around and didn't see anyone, she relaxed. She didn't know what time it was, but she assumed that aside from Tony and Will, nobody else was up yet. And it didn't appear as though either of them needed her at the moment, so what was the harm in going back to sleep? With that thought, and too tired to go back upstairs, Agnes promptly curled up - a little more comfortably than she had been previously - on the couch and fell asleep again.
Will smiled as Maya followed him outside. Her cocooned appearance got him to chuckle. "Usually out of mine too. Got me a mate's rate, more or less." He responded, grinning slyly before putting the glass to his mouth and clearing the bowl. In truth Will had trouble negotiating the price, but constant badgering had done the job and knocked it down by 20%. "Besides, since we have a place to ourselves, it seemed an opportune time to get one. Even if it's exy." He began packing another bowl, feeling the onset of the high already creeping up through his legs.

Will leaned back after finishing his job, leaving the bubbler on the ground for now. Whether the high or the nice morning, he felt very relaxed. "So how'd Ezra fair?" He asked Maya. "You two have fun last night?" He couldn't help but wink at the last question. He reached down and groped along the ground until his hand settled on the bubbler. He started the bowl, burning the green to a dark brown-black and inhaling deeply.
{I'm sorry guys I didn't even get a single notification.}


She rubbed her brown eyes fighting a night if endless sleep. She tried to adjust herself in a more comfortable position but she saw Kit-Kat sleeping just behind her back. Yawning largely she looked around her. Scanning the room she actually noticed how bright it actually got in the morning. "I... Have to fix that," she mumbled yawning again she stretched slightly. Kit-Kat managed to wake to this which caused Maki to feel guilty. That guilt washed over when she remembered where she was exactly.

Two things came to her mind.

Maki was in an experiment for people her age or slightly wavering to it and that she had not showered today yet. Forcing her tiered body to sit up she pulled half awake Kit-Kat off the bed and grabbed three things off her dresser. She had set aside these things last night before she had passed out. At last she left the room and placed Kit-Kat on the floor whom promptly followed her into the bathroom.

The shower water was warm and did most of Maki's waking up. She enjoyed a nice pleasant long shower before Kit-Kat reminded her he was a living thing. Reluctantly Maki turned off the water and reached out to grab her towel. Inspecting her cloths meant a hairstyle and she slowly decided on a straightened look. Once she was finished she has a pair of comfortable short shorts on a tank top and loose thin over coat. It was pretty and fit her curves well. She actually [italics]looked[/italics] the part of being female. She retrieved Kit-Kat again placing him on her shoulder taking the stairs to cook him something.


He sipped molten hot black gold turning the newspaper page. Sitting silently in the kitchen Miura had been up a while, long enough to be dressed prepared for the day and breakfast already filling his stomach. He had to of only be sitting here for an hour or so before he discovered it felt like a ghost town. He knew everyone was either hungover or still sleeping so he had decided to place himself here read the paper for the almighty hell of it.

And wait.

It wasn't that taxing to just sit here. It was boring but Miura knew that even though the paper was boring, it was incredibly quiet and his sister was still sleeping, he would find himself something to do and something to do he had. Cooking for at least everyone in the house to eat he had made them breakfast. On the menu was bagels that were oven toasted, omelettes your choice of three meats and cheese, bacon or sausage he also made a choice of pancakes or waffles and nice fresh squeezed orange and pink grapefruit juice. Everything besides the juice chilled in a slightly warming oven wafting the area with variant scents it was nice to feel like he had accomplished something but sadly there was no one here to enjoy it.

He waited.

Yawning once- then twice- he took another sip of his coffee and flipped to the comics section of the paper for about the fourth time starting to read the very first one over again in hopes to give him some sort of entertainment.
Ezra opened her eyes and slowly sat up. She looked around at her surroundings and wondered, what the hell happened last night? She began to feel her mouth producing a lot of saliva, signaling she was about to throw up. She quickly got up, and ran to the loo, immediately throwing up into it as she sat down beside it. It was blatant that she drunk a little too much last night and now, she was facing the consequences. After a few minutes, she felt her body go back to normal; however, she had a massive headache. "What the hell happened last night?" She repeated her thoughts from earlier, silently speaking to herself. She flushed the loo and stood up slowly. Ezra looked into the cabinet in the bathroom and smiled when she noticed pain killers. She quickly opened the top, took two out, closed the top and sat it back.She held her head and groaned as she made her way downstairs, towards the kitchen for water to wash down the pills. She noticed Agnes on the one of the sofas, practically passed out. She immediately made her way into the kitchen, noticing Miura and Tony in the kitchen. She nodded towards them, but didn't say a word. She took out a cup, looked into the fridge, grabbed the jug of water and poured it into her cup. Ezra put the pills into her mouth and drunk the water, instantly washing the pills down her throat. She sighed and wondered where everyone else was. She went back into the lounge and sat down on the sofa across from the sofa Agnes was sleeping on. She tilt her head back and relaxed, hoping the pills will work.

*Sorry for the late response, I didn't get any notifications.*

((It's all good!))

Maya shrugged, rolling her eyes with a laugh to Will. "I ended up tuckin her into bed, then passing out on my own loft." She said, being honest that nothing happened. Maya wasn't one to do anything with anyone if they or herself were drunk. "She's in pretty mushed shaped though. She's a biscuit at this point."

Maya stood up and moved to a seat next to will. She'd been watching him use it and decided she could fare well enough, and wanted one hit before she went inside to go check on Ezra.

When he had finished, she took it off his hands and started it up, inhaling a little to bring up all the smoke. Once the chamber was filled up she took it all in a fell swoop.

Maya ended up setting it on the ground and standing up though, coughing hard with the blanket now just wrapped around her waist.

"Huck, mate." She said, struggling to stop coughing. "Beginners luck doesn't seem to be following my shadow." She almost never smoked, so when she did she relaxed pretty fast. And being so athletic her lungs got out the excess quick. After a minute or two she stopped, and could breathe normally again. "I'm not always like that, I swear by my locks."

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((Okay, so, I just started work and because of the work I'm doing, my times coming online can vary. I may or may not have cell phone service; it'll be different every day. So, in short, my posts may come less frequently. Also, I am babysitting tomorrow night and may not be able to post at all. We'll see.))

When Agnes awoke again, it wasn't as suddenly. Blearily, she blinked her eyes open and stretched her arms and legs out with a small groan. She could vaguely remember hearing people walk through, but she hadn't been awake enough to process anything beyond that. Perhaps it was time to go check on Tony; she couldn't decide whether it was a good thing or a bad thing that he hadn't needed her attention. When she looked over, she was surprised to find Ezra across from her, but it didn't seem as though she were paying much attention. In fact, she looked a little worse for wear. Before she could think about it, Agnes asked, "are you okay?" as she pushed herself into a sitting position. She supposed that checking on Tony might have to wait a bit, especially if Ezra was sick.
"Seems ya both got a little sloshed over, eh?" Will commented. He let Maya extract the bubbler from his hands, watching her with curiosity as she lit the piece. It always amused him to watch others smoke, seeing how they cope with the hot gas and onset of the high. As she pulled the smoke in he smiled slightly. "Not bad." He said, then laughed as she began coughing. "Your lungs have some catching up to do. Sound a bit stonkered."

Will picked the bubbler back up and took another hit, reducing the top matter in the bowl to ashes and browning the contents below as Maya fought her coughing fit. "Hope the coughing di'n't make things worse." He held out the bubbler. "Might have to prove that one. Ya looked like a choking wombat for a second." Will joked. As he spoke waves of energy seemed to pulse through his body slowly, relaxing him further. The chair he sat in felt softer, more inviting. "Just don't die on me, a'right?" His lazy grin followed the sentence.
((It's fine. My posts for the next few days may be varied too. I'm on another road trip, this time the one home haha))

"Hey, you know I couldn't die on you ya old skink" Maya said, righting herself up again. She could feel the tips of her fingers getting more sensitive and tingly, the feeling rushing up her hand and arms into her shoulder and neck area. She slouched a little bit and yawned before sliding open the door.

"I'll be making brekkie then aye?" Maya asked. It seemed that so far, her or the two Brest members would be the ones cooking most of the time. She could feel the cold breezes rushing out from the house although the air outside was foggie. The smoke and fog seemed to be beckoning in storm clouds as they still seemed distant.

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"Sounds ripper, find me when it's done, yeah?" Will replied before taking another hit. He was hungry now that he thought about it. The smoke billowed out of his mouth and drifted in intricate swirls out into the back yard. A chill rushed up his spine from the cool morning as he put the bubbler off to the side and leaned back.

"Wonder what there's to do 'round here." He thought aloud, settling into the seat and looking out into the yard. The sky caught his attention, dark clouds building slowly in the distance. Might not get to really test these yet, he conceded, a slight frown touching his face as he looked at his Feiyues.
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Maya walked into the kitchen, sliding the door shut behind her. After a little while of mulling around and gathering supplies around the kitchen, she began to use the griddle to cook a hearty amount of french toast. There was still a lot of fruit in the fridge, some that seemed that if they weren't used within he next couple of days they'd go bad.

Grabbing all of those out, she set up the blender and poured in some blueberries, strawberries, and even some starfruit. They were supplying a large house of ever constantly hungry teenagers, so there was plenty for a smoothies for the lot of them. Maya make about 7 small glasses of it and left it all in the fridge to chill and got out the things for her own. In hers was spinach, peas, and even some mango. The end result was a light green, that to most would seem absolutely disgusting. But ti tasted good, and gave her energy for morning workouts.

All of the french toast was layed out with syrup, veggie mite, and the rest of the blueberries and starberried Maya walked outside in to the far of the back yard. She was already in her athletic shorts and sports bra from sleeping, so she didn't care about getting them dirty.

A few minutes of stretching went by, not walking to injure herself. A soccer ball was still by the tree to practice with, so she started with just keeping control of it. The suicide running and muscle workout's would come after.
"Having fun?" Questioned Miura flipping his comics section over to look at the back. He was seated in a chair at a small table- the same one he and Maki occupied the previous night. To the side of him was a cup of tea accompanied by a single honey sweetened doughnut with part of it missing. He swallowed.

When he realised Maya had left the room he mentally fade palmed himself then stood cleaning up his mess washing every dish and wiping the table. Then he grabbed his coat to look for Maya. He searched for a while sighing with every room he thought her to be in not only without her but vacant all together. He walked back towards the kitchen but stopped just by the huge window in the front. He smiled seeing Maya playing with a soccer ball.

He tapped down the walkway towards her not really sure what to say. He wanted someone to talk to and since no one else appeared to even want to look alive he figured she, an apparent athlete had something enlightening to talk about.

"Hey, uhh, Miya?" He questioned unsure how pronounce her name. His voice was tinted with that of a Japanese accent, clearly it was his first language and up until two years ago was his only language before he had learned English and Spanish as well. He smilies towards Maya holding his hand up to block the unforgiving sun on his face.
Maya stopped for the moment, kicking the ball up high enough so that she could catch it and hook it under one arm.

"Aye, That would be me." She hummed, smiling to Miura and holding a half out for him to shake. He seemed polite, and perhaps this would be her moment of redemption for the night previous.

"You're Miura correct? Maki's sister?" She asked, trying to stir up conversation
"Uh," said Miura then took the girls hand firmly shaking it. A small twinge of blush came to his checks but quickly washed away. "Yes," he said remembering her from last night. It was kind of funny how she got drunk. He wondered if she had made it to her room okay. "Isn't that what normal people worry about?" He wondered to himself and quickly regarded his statement as rude and inhumane of him. He decided quite collectively to just keep all that to himself. The girl was kind of cute to him, but he also kept that to himself.

"Wait, I'm Maki's brother," he corrected her just then realising that through her beauty he missed her calling him a girl. He thought he looked rather manly. Perhaps he just wasn't trying enough. Today he was dressed in a green short with a matching green button down left open with the selves rolled up, a pair of black skinny jeans and his converse. He thought he would have looked good enough in this and even wore a spot of cologne though he was unsure why he did that.

"Uh? Anyway. Wondering if you wanted to play ball together," he was quite good at the sport of soccer even though it was not his sport of choice and thought maybe he could have some fun for once. It had been way too long since he had any kind of fun and he knew that one way or another wether at Maki's hands or his own he was going to have fun.
Will watched from his seat as Maya returned to the backyard and began playing with his soccer ball. Guess she forgot he thought, shrugging. The breeze picked up for a second, blowing cool morning air across Will's arms and raising goosebumps in its wake. He stood and stretched before walking to the door and stepping inside, leaving the door ajar. The kitchen smelled faintly like cinnamon from the french toast and Will's mouth watered as he made his way to the food.

The vegemite made a smile cross Will's face. "Nice to have someone who knows what I like." He said, chuckling to himself. He piled a couple slices of the toast onto his plate and smeared the salty paste onto the top slice. Forgoing manners in the absence of everyone else, Will wolfed down the toast and put the plate on the counter. He opened the fridge and was surprised to find smoothies premade. "She's on top of it, that one." He thought aloud while extracting a cup of the smoothie. The aftermath of Will's venture into the kitchen wasn't bad, but he didn't clean up after himself, instead walking into the living room and sitting down to drink his smoothie. He noted Ezra and Agnes on the couches while taking a large gulp of the smoothie and kicking his feet up on the coffee table. "You gals a'right?" His question came as he fought a brain freeze.
"My apologies, just pulling you around." She laughed, apologizing for the joke. Flashing him a smile she plopped the ball on the ground, and nudged it with her foot twords him, and took about 4 steps back giving him form room for foot work.

"I'd love too" Maya nodded her head, motioning for him to start. Mirua was very polite, and surely a gentleman. "I won't have an issue getting along with him at all." She though, watching how he handled the blue and white ball.

'Sorry about my lack of introductions last night. Not very proper of me."

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