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Realistic or Modern The Social Experiment


Teifling Rogue
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Sign Ups Here!

OOC Here!

Role Play Rating:

  • T- Teen (13 and up)

Role Play Status:

Open - Accepting

The social experiment is a role-play the started last year, and became so full of signups in the first trial, that a second had to be made. Though like most role-plays, it did die out. I have no expectation for this to become as big as the others, as role-players change and with them the trend for what's fun does as well. But I figured I'd give it a shot:)

In The Social Experiment, a group of psychologists, social scientists, and other people forming the Human Societal Relation Research Organization choose a group of young adults to stay together on a grounds. This selection is based on languages spoken by the participants, area of origin, economical status, and age. Things like sexual orientation, gender, sex (yes, there is a difference. See the bottom for clarification. This can help during signups.), and personality is all recorded upon selection of the individual.

Participants come from all over the word, and any number of things can come from this. Now, lets have some fun! Hopefully only one person gets stabbed this time

The difference between sex and gender

Sex refers to the biological differences between male and female. Gender refers to masculine and feminine, like in spanish or similar languages. Male is O, "Machismo" The description on masculinity. And Female is A, feminine. So someone who is born with the sex of a male, can identify as a female by gender. Or vise versa.

There is a main house, which holds two floors and a basement. The basement is usually used for storage. The first floor houses a full kitchen, a bathroom, living quarters, a library, and a gaming room. A staircase next to the front of the house and a spiral staircase connect the first and second floors. On the second floor, there's a couple different bedrooms, all with two beds- bunk beds or separate beds depends on those taking up quarters in it. There's two full sized bathrooms, and everything is gender neutral. Down the hall from that is a commons room. Outside there's a porch that wraps 3/4ths of the way around the house, and a pool outback with a fire pit. There is a large garage out back as well, and a tree house built by the original tenants of the home. The driveway is pretty long, but the terrain surrounding the home is hilly.

  • Fade to black. No one wants to know what you did in the pool.
  • Please be respectful of either a player or their character's lifestyle. If it is part of your own character to be bigoted then play that, but not too rough. but absolutely no outright targeting to players themselves is to be tolerated. I trust in you guys, those on RP nation are some of the kindest Ive ever met.
  • Make your characters unique! like real people. Literally everything is at your fingertips. Make a world out of it.
  • Short answers are okay, but please don't be constant users of one liners.
  • Do I even really need to say no god-modding?
  • Most of all, don't hold back. If you think your character would lash out or yell or be protective or even be a little weird, THEN PLAY IT. No boundaries on this guys. Just be reasonable, but let your character become it's own person with strong feelings. Or no feelings, if that's how they are. Up to you.

Maya walked into the house, her boots hitting the wood floors and echoing throughout the halls. She was seemingly the only one here, so after a brief chat with the driver he left, and a quick search for a stereo perused. Finally finding one in the game room she hooked her phone up to it and let the music play, something by Dead Sarah starting it off. Trekking upstairs she found a room at the end of the hall to throw her things in. One suitcase full of clothing and anything else she may need, her pack with books, cords, and a sketch pad, and her long board under her arm. Setting it all down, she laid down on the bed and took a moment to recover form her long travel. Her hair was up in a pony tail, causing little strands of hair to pop up from constant movement.
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The driver dropped off a rather fidgety Agnes, with her meager belongings in a bag slung over her shoulder. Once she surveyed the grounds stretching in front of her, she relaxed a bit. Old habits die hard, she mused as she made her way over to the indicated building. Inside, she could hear what must've been music in another room; despite her few years in America, music had been something she'd never really had much exposure to. Either way, it meant that Agnes wasn't alone and, carefully, she made her way upstairs, hyper alert as her mother had instructed her to be. Even if her mother hadn't said anything, her tenacious nature meant that Agnes would've still been as cautious as she was being now. She couldn't detect where the other occupants, if there were more than one, were situated, and so she proceeded slowly, peering into open and unclaimed doors. Eventually, at the end of the hall, she finally found who must've been the other occupant so far: what appeared to be a girl, presumably her age. Agnes didn't stick around to inquire much further; she stole into an adjacent room, which was situated in a corner, where she hurriedly began unpacking what she had.
Verena stood outside the house and took a deep breath before she headed towards the entrance waving off her driver and then walking inside the house, "hello" she said in a quite voice wondering if she was the first there or not which she could tell she wasn't by hearing the music in another room but she said it anyway, she then decided to have a look around, she left her suitcase near the door and started to check the downstairs rooms she headed towards the music she could hear which lead her into a games room so she took a seat, shut her eyes and listened to the music smiling as she enjoyed it she also took her hat off letting her hair be fully seen.
"Thanks for the ride! I hope you have a good time on that vacation you have coming up!" Talia grinned, speaking to the cab driver as she exited the car. He smiled at her, waving his good-bye after their exchange, and pulled away from the curb. Talia stood, raking a hand through her hair. Her old worn suitcase sat by the heel of her boot. She lifted it up and started moving in the direction of the house. Pulling her headphones around her neck, she walked to the unlocked door. Moving inside, she heard music floating in the air...announcing other people in the vicinity. Letting out a deep breath, she smiled and reminded herself of what her brother told her before leaving. Remember, Tally. When you're down...it always gets better. Just keep smilin', kiddo. She would need that here, away from everything she knew. She paused at the entrance foyer, calling out a loud and cheerful

"Hello? Is anyone home?"

Her voice rang through the building, and she poked around looking for a room as she waited to see if anyone would respond to her call.
"In here!" She yelled, using the remote she snatched from the stereo to pause her music.

Maya stood, taking her hair out and brushing it quickly. If she was gonna be meeting cute new girls, she ought to at least look presentable.

"I think I hear two others come in as well." She said to tails as she came down the call.

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Agnes, who had previously been scrutinizing her new room, jumped to a standing position once she heard shouts and footsteps. It was much easier to hear once the music was turned off, but it also meant that officially, socialization was now beginning. Agnes didn't mind it so much, but she never could relate well to people, and so the whole concept of friendship was an entirely foreign one. She supposed that this whole arrangement might change that, though; it wasn't like classes or attending public school. She was living with these people, after all. Surely it couldn't be possible for her to be so aloof that she couldn't make friends with people she was interacting that closely with. And so, optimistic, Agnes stepped into her doorway and leaned out, just in time to catch the girl's back as she moved towards the other voice. As much as she wanted to, Agnes couldn't find her voice to say hello - she'd long since learned not to draw attention to herself like that. Instead, she followed the girl down a few steps so that she could see the entrance, where yet another girl was standing. Lots of girls so far, Agnes noted as she smiled and waved.
Verena reopened her eyes and put her hat back on noticing that the music had stopped and because she heard two voices shouting, she then headed back the entrance where she left her suitcase. When she got their she noticed three girls that she didn't know and because of that it made her nervous and she couldn't help but bite her lip a little, she then picked up her suitcase trying not to make eye contact or talk to them but she didn't want to just walk way as she thought it would make a even worse first impression than her talking to them would so she just stood their with a attempted fake smile on her face.
She found a room, and quickly fell in love with it. A large bay window with a window seat called her name, and she imagined herself seated there every evening with a cup of tea. She leaned against the wall casually, glancing at one of the delicate tattoos on her arms, the one that she and her brother got inked on identically to both of their inner elbows...an anchor. It gave her a small surge of confidence. She then heard a voice call out to her in response to her shout, so she tossed her suitcase on the bed and went out to the entrance area. Two girls made their way down the stairs, both pretty with shiny brown hair. One walked confidently ahead, while the other followed gracefully behind. She grinned at them, sticking out her hand.

"Hey there. I'm Talia, nice to meet ya." she said with a smile, excited already to be meeting new people.

Hearing a bit of commotion, she turned her head to the side a bit to see another girl lingering by the entry way, with bright blue and white hair. She smiled brightly at her, gesturing for the newcomer to join them.
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Nikolai Fremont loudly slammed open the door to the house. The long drive made him anxious about getting here.

Music and distant voices filled the air, indicating he surely wasn't the first to arrive. But surely I'm the best, he chuckled to himself.

"Da, Nikolai is here! Welcome me!" He called out into the building, smirking. Now was the time to make his 'astonishing entrance. He adjusted his collar, straightened his bow tie, and stood with a swagger only he could manage to muster.

The interior was quite nice, surprisingly. This would surely be a great time.
Talia waited on their replies patiently, smoothing down her dark hair, a nervous habit she developed. She turned her head upon hearing the door swish open. She heard a deep voice call out and turned to see a guy walking over, dressed in a collared shirt and bow tie. He wore an easy grin on his face. She studied him for a moment, and then smiled. Nodding at him, she introduced herself to the man.

"Hey. I'm Talia," she said, giving her second introduction.
"I am Nikolai," he held out his hand to the girl, observing her. She seemed nice, as far as he could tell. "You can call me Nick if you want. But don't call me Nikki," he had a stern look on his face, speaking a soft but serious voice, "You wouldn't believe how many people call me that."

Nikolai stared deeply into her eyes, as though he was some sort of psychopath, studying it's prey.

He started laughing hysterically. Something about himself just made him laugh. He fell to the floor laughing like a madman before sitting up and raising an eyebrow at Talia.

"So what is in this place, Tali?" He look at her intensely, as though nothing had happened.
Agnes descended a few more steps so she could get a better view of the people who were entering. From her new vantage point, she could clearly see everyone who'd gathered so far. Once she was spoken to she moved down to the last step, where she could comfortably interact from a distance. "Hello, Talia," Agnes smiled kindly, forcing her rather convincing American accent. While this whole experiment was promising, she still couldn't let her guard down - ever. Even if it meant that talking required a little more focus. "Hello... everyone else," she said. Now that the ice had been broken, she felt comfortable enough talking. As soon as Nikolai walked in though, Agnes stiffened imperceptibly, but her thoughts quickly became chaotic. She knew Russians. She knew not to trust them, especially now that she was in America. All the same, she smiled at him as well, doing her best to ignore his antics (which spooked her, but didn't set off any immediate warning bells) reminding herself not to look out of place or alarmed; if he was the kind of person she was afraid of, she didn't want to tip him off. The girls seemed to be less of a threat, but she reminded herself that she could never be too careful. She thought, however, that if this girl Talia was so quick to engage others, she'd be the least likely so far to be a threat.
"I'm Maya." She said smoothly. Giving a smile to everyone, she tucked her thumbs into the belt loops of her shorts. Her hair was still messy but all swept to one side. The russain boy reminded her of a neighbor, but nothing to worry about. He'd probably be very fun to hang out with. Talia seemed to be very nice and happy, but the quiet one, well, she almost seemed scared.

While her accent was still very thick, she hopedno one would make fun of her for it.

"What's your name?" She asked Agnes, hoping to not startle or offend her.
Talia smiled at the girl on then stairs, nodding her head in a greeting. She looked at Maya, who seemed friendly enough, and smiled back her hello. She then turned her attention to Nikolai as people mingled about introducing themselves, she might as well start with him. She watched him curiously as he took her hand and looked at her...then proceeded to laugh after his introduction, toppling to the floor. Chuckling to herself, she decided she liked his humor...he wasn't uptight.

"Nick it is then. To answer your question, I'm not quite sure what's in here yet. Haven't gotten much exploring done in quite yet," she smiled.
"Maya, Talia, Nick," Agnes said, nodding to each of them in turn and trying not to flinch as she reached Nick. "Nice to meet you all. My name is Agnes," she said in response to Maya but addressing it to anyone listening. She noted that Maya's tone was kind when she asked and she had an Australian accent which seemed genuine (something she was more or less capable of detecting after having learned to fake her own accent) - no threat there. "There are bedrooms upstairs," she said, making a vague hand gesture to the stairs behind her to punctuate the statement. "I have not yet explored anything else, though," she said. "Maybe... Maya, right?... has. I believe she was here before me. Exploring sounds like a good idea." It was a start, anyway. Some socializing would be good for her. Plus, she could try to make something of these people, try to figure them out.
"Da, I see," Nikolai smiled at her. Normally he disliked strangers, but there was something about this girl that made her okay to him. The others, though, he wasn't sure about. "So where are you from?" He rolled his eyes, "I'm sure you can take a stab at my place of origin." Nikolai chuckled. He looked up at her with an almost child-like grin, but with a certain fiery attitude in his eyes.

He sharply turned toward Agnes. Something was off about her, though he simply couldn't comprehend it.

"Privet, miss," he observed her intently, "we should see what it is here. Might as well get comfortable."
"I got here first. Theres a game room, pool, and a bunch of rooms. Each has two beds. Even a library." She said, nodding to the stairs.

"It's a pretty big house really." She finished.

Rubbing the back of her neck, she smiled again. This bunch seemed to be fairley calm, and she felt pretty comfortable already.

"If you want, I can help carry someone's things up."She offered, seeing Nikolai still had his things.
Talia felt her excitement build at the mention of a library, a room filled with books just waiting to be cracked open right here in this house..

"There's a library here? I'm gonna have to find that soon," she smiled, hand on her hip. Reading was one of her favorite pastimes. So far, she liked the miscellaneous group of young adults. She looked back at Nick to answer his question, laughing a little.

"Yeah, there's not question that you're from Mother Russia," she smiled. "I'm from Tel Aviv, Israel. My accent's a little harder to place,"

Turning, she looked around for bags. "Oh, and I can help carry things, too. I'm stronger than I look," she said with a small chuckle, stretching her arms a bit.
"Two beds in each room?" Nikolai had a sly smile on his face. "So who will be the lucky person to sleep in my room with me?" He shot a wink at the group.

"Ah and I believe I'm capable of carrying my things. I would hate to put you young girls to work like that," he looked at the two with a cocky smile. "I'll be happy to carry people to their rooms however."
"P- hello, Nick," she caught herself. It was instinctual to respond to her native tongue in her native tongue, but that was too risky. Uncomfortable with his intensity, she instead turned to Talia. "I look forward to the library as well," Agnes said (while idly wondering if there was anything in Russian, though she knew that reading anything of the sort was too much of a giveaway). Finding commonalities between herself and others was a struggle in and of itself - to build anything off of it would be akin to climbing a mountain. Had to start somewhere, though. As for being from Israel, it set off about as many warning bells as being from Australia did - which is to say, none at all. If anything, it put Agnes a little more at ease. Two down, for the most part, two to go. Unfortunately, one of the ones to go set off a huge alarm. Not that she showed any of these calculations, of course. Outwardly, she tried to be the picture of the gracious, welcoming roommate. "If neither of you need help, then," she said, moving aside so that she wasn't blocking the stairs, "maybe you should find rooms, and then we can start looking around. I am also happy to help if needed."
Talia raked a hand through her hair again. She kept the bright smile on her face. Agnes seemed kind, if a little bit stand-offish. Maya seemed like someone she would easily get along with, maybe become friends. And Nick's personality took all the edges off her nerves, making her feel at ease. Usually that was hard to do. She grinned at the group, head tilted to the side. She laughed at Nick's comment, and looked around at the group.

"I already have my suitcase in a room right upstairs, so I don't need anything carried. But, I would be interested in maybe looking around a bit," she said, thoughts centered around said library.
"I don't think you have to worry about putting us to work." She said, raising an eye brow. Maya was pretty muscular herself, have worked a lot at home. She'd played football and surfed her entire life too, so she was pretty strong.

"Me as well, I've got all my stuff in a room. So if anyone's thinking of rooming with me I'm the one with the longboard."

At this moment she was a little embarrassed. She hadn't really dressed to appropriatlely to meet people, she just dressed comfortably for the weather. So her shorts were a little too short, and her tank top had a basically nothing covering her sides. Her sunglasses her hooked to the long Om necklace she had on, and shoes a little dusty. It crossed her mind to change, but if they were going to be living together they might as well get used to her daily outfits.
"In that case," Agnes said, stepping off the stairs and around the group, "why not wait for Nick to put his things down and then we can go find the library? To start with, anyway." She smiled eagerly, truly excited for a library to spend time in. At home, books were an infrequent luxury; she'd been too preoccupied with catching up in school, learning English, maintaining her facade, and tending to her mother, who was practically debilitated by anxiety and paranoia. While she still had to do plenty of that, she no longer had to cook and clean for her mother and she more or less had a handle on English by now. Some time to herself to read would be nice, she figured. As long as she didn't use it as an excuse to completely isolate herself... which, by the looks of it, she was already inadvertently beginning to do. Be more engaged! she reprimanded herself. After a moment, she forced herself to add, "oh, and I have yet to find a roommate, either. I unpacked in the room in the corner."
Tony rides up, and gets out. He thanks the driver and walks into the odd place, seeing a few other people. H sort of just stood there, waiting for something to happen... for things like to happen at moments like this. This is pretty cool. It might be fun too, you'd never know. He was basically comforting himself, because he was as nervous as all get out.
Talia looked over at Maya with a surprised smile on her.

"You longboard? I do, too. Well, I did. My deck broke a month or two ago. Need to replace it," she said, scratching her chin embarrassedly.

She shifted her feet, her short vintage boots scuffed at the toes. Mentally, she made a note to unpack soon. Looking over at Agnes, she nodded.

"That sounds good. I'm antsy just standing here. And, I'm roomie-less currently as well," she stopped, hearing a car pull up outside. "I think we have another one,"

She grinned and peered out the door. "Hello, we're in here!" she called cheerfully, waving an arm behind the door at whoever was coming in.

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