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Realistic or Modern The Social Experiment

"Eh?" Questioned Miura juggling the ball from leg to leg back and forth before letting it fall once more. He decided not to kick it full force- no one would ever see the ball again if he did that. He used the side of his foot on the ball and kicked it about light of his normal way to kick the ball. Then he decided to respond at last.

"No, no, it's quite alright- we were all having fun," he smiled.

{gah! Effffff writers block!!!!}
(I thought I had replied from my phone, but I guess Taptatalk didn't like how my post was written. Perhaps we can make a time skip?)
((Maybe if we planned some event, and checked in on who still wants to participate in the roleplay, we could continue))
It was early morning when the driver pulled into the driveway. Jolynn had awoken about an hour ago and was sitting in the back of a slim black sports car. She had on a long navy blue t-shirt with shorts and shiny gold sandals. When the driver stopped he walked around and opened the door for Jolynn who was sticking her book into her bag that contained four other novels and her iPod.

"Thank you Mr. Devley." Jolynn walked to the the building, not knowing quite what to do, she knocked and waited, her bag on her back and a two suitcases of clothing in her hands, she sighed.
Maya walked downstairs in her sports bra, an open armed tank top, and a pair of compression shorts. The sound if mocking brought her awake and ushered her out of bed to the smell of last nights dinner. Hopefully there would be leftovers.

"Hello? Sorry bout the wait. Mornings make me 'ah worthless shark biscut on land." She said, opening the door and squinting her eyes to the light. The girl on the steps had bags to carry, which Maya immediately offered to grab. She set them up on her shoulders with a swift motion and walked up the stairs.

"Empty rooms up 'heya."

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Will woke up with a pounding in his head, the aftereffects of a night of drinking. "Son of a..." He mumbled, slipping out of bed and bringing an empty Gatorade bottle out with him. At least I made it here, he mused, casting around his room and taking in the clutter. Empty beer bottles littered the floor and his bubbler lay on it's side. As he righted the piece he saw residue from the water spilled out on his desk. The boy just shook his head and went to the bathroom.

As he opened the door he was greeted by the slight smell of vomit from the toilet. "That'd be right." He said to himself before cleaning the mess and doing his business. He jumped in the shower and soaked in the warm water, willing it to sap his hangover from him.

After the shower Will threw on a pair of faded black shorts and a brown pastel colored T-shirt, accidentally putting it on inside out.

A knocking brought a dull pain to his head, but it subsided quickly. Not quickly enough to avoid annoying the groggy Aussie, who went to investigate.

Seeing Maya, he smirked. "Bangin' around this morning, are we?" Will asked sarcastically before noticing the new girl. "Oh, hey there." He said, lamenting the fact that he didn't brush his teeth. "I'm Will." He offered up a lazy grin. "And you are?"
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((I don't know where the OOC is anymore, so... anyhow. Sorry for the delay, but I think I'm going to hold off on posting since I'm going to be away for a week. I'd just assume that Agnes is sleeping in.))
"Aye, least I 'aint shiftin." She hummed, setting the girl's things down on one of the empty beds.

"I'm Maya, and I'm also hungry. So I'll be downstairs cooking if any of ya'll need anything."

Maya walked into her room and got dressed quickly, into a pair of compression shorts and a loose tank, and made her way into the kitchen.
Agnes moaned and stretched out languidly as she slowly awoke to a room covered in bright sunlight. She'd slept a long time, from the looks of it. A long but apparently fitful sleep, considering the way the sheets were tangled tightly around her legs. Agnes rubbed her eyes and kicked them away. Last night, in lieu of drinking, she'd opted to go to sleep early and thoroughly enjoyed the time to herself. It left her feeling well-rested, if restless. Without much delay, she threw an oversized sweater on over her tank top and followed the sound of voices. Outside, she found Will and Maya, as well as a girl who was unfamiliar to her - must be new. Agnes smiled politely and followed Maya into the kitchen. "Good morning," she said, her voice still raspy with sleep. "Anything I can help with?"
"You could be a dear and grab me a water bottle from the fridge" She smiled, nodding her head and humming a little. Maya grabbed out some frozen sausages from the freezer, and ripped open the packet with her teeth. Onto the frier they went, along with a few cracked eggs. While those started to sizzle, Maya coated a piece of toast in vegimite and let it hang out of her mouth, having to use both hand to briefly flip over the food.

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