[The Smoke-Darkened Hills] Correspondence of Cause (Geoff, Cosgrave, Violet, Jen)

Geoff sits and lets out a chuckle. "No, of course I'm not," he mimics. "Some fucking voice..." He shakes his head. "Sophie, I'm not crazy, am I?"

Chilly, clammy sealskin brushes yours, seeps into your veins like lake deeps. Little fingers curl around three of yours.


Cyanosis-rimmed eyes peer at you, but the faintest smile curls up on her face. A concrete angel's beatific smile.


Cora looks to you last, tilting her head and peering at a remote point in the air between you before shrugging. "You're painted like one of mama's dolls," she says, "I like it."


She fusses and fiddles with Violet's dress. "Do you know the man in the kitchen?"

A mighty moue. "I think you're a bit more drunk than even you know. I wouldn't exactly go around voicing that I hear...voices..." She grimaces as she loses her words a moment. "Anyway. Yeah, you're just fucking drunk, man. Do you want to eat?"

Umber light filters through the French doors. Little flakes of ash fall on the perfectly groomed backyard. Sun'll be down in a bit. The seniors dash for the living room with their finger foods. Laughter and chatter pours out of said room.

"Wanna see something cool?"
Geoff nods his head, staring absentmindedly toward the French doors. "Yeah, that sounds good." Fuck all if he knows which person he's replying to, at this point.
Violet was going to attempt another home time suggestion, but the question catches her off guard.

"Which man do you mean? Can you describe what he looks like?"

Sophie leaves with a concerned look and goes off to prep something light enough for booze-loosened stomachs. Then a gentle sound reaches your ears. Suddenly there comes a tapping. As of someone gently rapping, but not at your French doors. Outside is only ashes falling and somber dusk quickly falling to night. Ash smears the glass, and little hummingbirds fence around a glossy feeder. Again the tapping-rapping. The decorative salt-and-pepper shakers shift. Sophie's talking to Megan and neither of them seem to notice.

Tap-rap, tap-rap. It's...coming from the table itself.

"Down here."
Jen Pyon

"Thanks, I like your dress. Very retro." Jen glances back over her shoulder, as if a person was bearing down on them. "Probably a professor or something..."
Against his better judgment, Geoff leaned over to glance beneath the table. He drew back rather quickly, as if afraid of what might be there, but after a steadying breath, he finally took a decent, solid look.
Jen, Cormac, and Violet

She blinks. An odd, disquieting gesture in that you realize its the first time she's blinked in over a minute. For a moment, her eyelids flutter as quickly as hummingbird wings, then stop, eyes full of clarity. "The man hiding under the table." She says in the most matter-of-fact voice. "He was staring at everyone with that grin. It's why I ran down here...

"...didn't you see him?"

Tap-rap, tap-rap.

You dip for a look, and at first, nothing. Nothing but floor and dim shadows. Leave-It-Beaver land still exists and you're just hearing shit because of some really out there booze. Tap-rap. Still there. You can hear the hollow knock on the wood, so close you can practically feel the vibration run through your cheeks. Then Sophie laughs at some private jest with Megan and the final piece locks into place. Your brain opens the door to the image in front of you.

Something like ink coats the bottom of the table, dark as ocean depths. A thick bubble writhes to the surface (bottom?) of the thing like a toddler's triumphant fist and raps against the wood as kindly as your neighbor. "Heh." Writhing hitches. Blackness without source drops like a drape being drawn round the edge of the table's underside. Bigger bubble of pure black rises from the mass on the bottom of the table. Takes an egg-like shape and twin pin pricks of light, like a pair of Old Guy's cigarettes burning in the ashtray, open, and look, directly at you.

Geoff quite immediately sits back up, staring blankly across the room, stiff as a board. He mutters, "Okay I don't think it's the booze anymore," barely loud enough for Sophie to hear.

"Huh?" Megan calls over. "You say something, hon?"

The voice slithers to you like wind through a keyhole. "I like you, kid." A deep, resonant laugh. "Poor Geoff-y boy. Remember what Nietzsche said? Old Kraut knew his business: I DO stare back."

"Something wrong, Geoff?" Sophie says, placing a hand on your shoulder.
All poor Geoff can do at this point is just point beneath the table.

After a few moments, he stands. "I'm going to find Professor Cosgrave," he mutters, and walks off, still kind of stiff.

You'll fumble your way down the hall they had previously taken to find the trio in a oddly lit sidehall with Miss Ingram. Behind Violet is a young girl, wide-eyed and one you'd not seen at the party before.
Geoff looks for Cosgrave in the mess. If he's found, he taps the man on the shoulder. "... Uh, Professor, we have a problem." By this point, he's likely as white as a sheet.
Cormac Cosgrave

Cormac frowns.

"We did not see him, young lady. Is he a bad man?"

He turns, sees Geoff, takes in his expression in one.

"The man under the table?" He asks, with a frown.

And nary a good Catholic priest for miles. At least we'd only have to outrun him.
"Fuck, there's no man under the table. It's... It's..." He shakes his head, his stone-faced facade dropping. He appears close to losing it. The alcohol probably didn't help.
Violet attempts to piece together what's going on in this house...

"No Cora, honey. Not all of us can see things that you can...but I think he might have," as she indicates Geoff. "Did he scare you?"

Cora shrugs, "He's like looking at yourself in a mirror too much. He's all wrong." She peers up at Violet. "I can hear people screaming when I look at him."


Those ghostly eyes settle on you. "He's...wrong. Erases the chalk of lives. You. All of it. He...isn't, uh, isn't..." She oddly, charmingly taps herself on the temple, face screwed in thought. The fading light coming through the window behind her slowly filters through her corpus more and more as she concentrates. Then solidifies again as she snaps her fingers. "Isn't like me!" She exclaims, proud.


And with a young kid's ease of thought and subject, she lets go of Violet's dress and shuffles her muddy feet toward you. "My mommy made this dress for me!" Big smiles, blued gums.


A sharp, whipping clatter comes down the hall, like Clancy had opened a window and began whipping his sheets to dry in evening air. A whisper lights into each ear, soft as a needle. "Uh-oh. Did that naughty girl tell my little secret? You meddling kids!" Laughter, formless and many-throated. The conversation from the living room carries on blind to the intruder. "But, my dear Scoobies, don't think you'll be pulling any masks off this one. I'm gonna swallow this house whole."
Jen Pyon

"And it's a really nice dress, I wish I had one like that. Y-y-you'll be a stunner when you are grown up." Jen begins to stutter a little as the now noted whispering makes a fucking scooby doo reference. The movie critic in her groans angrily but the rest of her just is a little stunned. She looks this way and that for the source of the voice when only one thing starts coming to mind, a sarcastic little remark brought on by the strange sensation of fear mixed with disbelief.

"Jinkies..." She does a little half laugh, almost taunting in tone. Her gaze floats back down to 'Cora' kneeling down to her level. "Did you need a pair of shoes to match your pretty dress maybe? Where are yours?" Christ, the little girl looked half drowned. First a disembodied Hannah Barbara reference and now a mysterious little girl. All they needed now was Genndy Tartovsky and they'd have a pilot episode. She looks back at the group, a little dazed. "Does anyone else know what in God's name is going on?"
The prying voice makes the hair on the back of Violet's neck stand up...her eyes darting around the hall behind them; looking into every shadow.

"Geoff," she says, trying to keep a tremble out of her voice, "what did it look like?"
Cormac Cosgrave

Cormac backs away from the sound a little, hands raised uncertainly.

"I... I haven't brought a bell, book, or candle."

He looks around, for anything. He wracks his memory for something.


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Wits + Occult, please. +1 due to supernatural spurring of memory.


It returns, like an echo in a labyrinthine cave. "You know, I'm not feeling too greedy." Laughs darkly. "I'll leave the living room charade's crowd for last. What kind of lame-ass bacchanal is this?" Something dark flits by the end of the hall, near the wide open walk into the living room. "So. Where's the good doctor? There's so many to choose from..."

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