[The Smoke-Darkened Hills] Correspondence of Cause (Geoff, Cosgrave, Violet, Jen)


"What...do you think we can do?" Clancy looks at the burnt patch of shadow greasing the lawn. "I don't even know what the hell just happened to this house, to us." He shrugs. "I need a drink."

Confused, tired, body losing adrenaline, Cormac shakes his head; goes looking for a bus stop or a cab to get home.

And so, under fire-bellied clouds, the night wears on, quiet and calm as it was before the sudden chaos. The house party carries on and comes to a smashing conclusion with the thrilling antics of Buster Keaton. Not a soul notices the weary, stricken expression of their host and others among them. Only a few ask where Professors Wong and Cosgrave have gotten off to. The house is cleaned, buttoned up, and over the next few weeks their power bill skyrockets as not one light is ever turned off in the house. All windows closed and sheathed. Candles are cast out of Clancy's household.

But life goes on, more or less. Albert Wong disappears. Becomes a rumor and overnight urban legend to all on the campus. A police investigation is launched and even a small candlelight vigil is held for his safe return. People claim he ran off with another woman, other's say his troubled marriage or finances took their toll, and still others say he was taken. Vanished in a town known for missing persons.

But all things have a beginning. And the beginning of this groups connection and future exploits is but a drop in the bucket.

So begins the dreadful nights in the shadows of smoke-darkened hills.

END THREAD. Excellent roleplay to everyone involved! I know this one went on a little longer than it should have due to RL commitments. But I thank you all for sticking with it as you have. Great role playing! Please take ten experiences each!

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