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Realistic or Modern The Small Town of Caelkirk CS


Do the monster mash...
Let's get this party started! Just follow the instructions and you'll be on your way!


Some extra things:
Family? If so, please list them and make a CS for them as well.
Pets? If so, list them.

Home needed:
2 bed, 2 bath
2 bed, 1 bath
3 bed, 2 bath
3 bed, 3 bath
4 bed, 3 bath
4 bed, 4 bath
5 bed, 5 bath
Just put which one.

And if you want to put anything else, please put it in!

laybaeby laybaeby Codebreaker Codebreaker Monster Lady Gay-Gay Monster Lady Gay-Gay Darkhan Darkhan ismaddy ismaddy
Name: Walter O'Brien
Age: 34
Appearance: Clean and smart
Background: Walter came from a long line of Mayor's his great great great grandfather created this town, and he hopes to continue to carry on his fathers dream.
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Occupation/Income: Mayor (Unknown Income)
Name: Connor Frisch
Age: 28
Appearance: he looks young, and he's always in a suit
Background: Connor came from a rich family. He had to work hard to be where he is now. He owns one of the skyscraper of the city.
Sexuality: Straight
Occupation: CEO of the company (income unknown)
House: 1 bed, 2 bath
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Name: Shae Moore (daughter of Rick and Cindy Moore)
Age: 26
Appearance: fresh and pretty
Background: Her family makes decent income, but they're not particularly rich. Her father always bothers her to take over a shop in town, but she doesn't want that. She doesn't really know what she wants.
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: Librarian (unknown income)
Etc: 2 bed, 1 bath and 1 cat

Name: Rick Moore
Age: 52
Appearance: scruffy, but well-dressed
Background: He lived in the town since childhood, so he has strong opinions about it. If there's ever any issues or new ordinances, he'll definitely speak his mind.
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Occupation/Income: None, helps his wife with shop business

Name: Cindy Moore
Age: 48
Appearance: sweet and humble, old-fashioned
Background: Originally, she had only visited the town in her younger days. But, she decided to stay and start a family of her own. She runs a craft store in the business district that sells anything from paintings to jewelry.
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Occupation/Income: Crafts Shop Owner (unknown income)

Age: 26
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Hair: Cheastnut Brown
Eyes: Amber
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 151.4 lbs
Growing up in the big city for Marcus was a life built on mediocracy and freely given opportunities around every corner. His life began on the night of the fourteenth of August in one of the city's biggest hospitals. He became the firstborn son of Edward Alexander and his beloved wife, Renita Osborne, a pair of semi-wealthy individuals who recently immigrated from the British Isles. Although he would soon find himself roaming alone in this expansive new world, the birth of his younger sister, April, just shy of two years later would reassure him that it would not be the case. With the two of them raised in a humble two-story house in the suburbs, Marcus's childhood had largely become quiet. Unlike his sister who was more social and energetic than him, Marcus did not have too many friends. He tended to keep a small circle of his own in which he didn't need stress the names and lives of each friend. This was the way he did things, simple. After graduating university with computer science degree, Marcus pursued a career as a software engineer. Seeing how his city life was boring, tedious, and largely unchallenging, he decided to take a bus and move to the town of Caelkirk to start a new life for himself. One with new people to meet and walls built not with concrete buildings, but wooden trees. (Short and lazy version.)
Occupation: Software Engineer
Income: $83,000 a year
Pets: N/A
Home: Two beds, One bath

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Character Sheet for: Fleur Jackson
Name: Fleur Jackson
Nicknames: F.J., Jack
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 153 lbs


Occupation: Bookstore/herb store owner
Income: $41,000
Family: No
Pet: Yes. Australian Shepherd named Ellie

House needed: 2 Bed, 2 Bath
Extra information: She's an empath and believes in natural magic.
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Charvi Hunter
"aimer, ce n’est pas se regarder l’un l’autre, c’est regarder ensemble dans la même direction."


NAME: Charvi Maeve Hunter

AGE: 23

DOB: April 16, 1994

Charvi's father, a preacher in the town's church, originally migrated from Cuba. Her mother, although African American, was also born in Cuba. After a beautiful romance, the two sought a child, from which came Charvi Hunter. However, her father had decided that, to protect his family, they were to migrate to America. While on sea, her mother caught sickness, which eventually lead to her death. Now alone with her father, she reminisces over photo albums of her once beautiful mother, while staying religious and helpful within her father's church.



She aspires to be a writer, and works at the library within the town.



Name: Dr. Hannibal Lecter

Age: 40


Background: Originally from Lithuania, he eventually found his way to the United States in his twenties, on an academic scholarship to complete his studies and medical training. Having experienced the tragic loss of family when he was a child, Hannibal is notably tender when it comes to honest interpersonal relationships. But he is overall a very suave and friendly individual when not intentionally manipulative. However, his past and present inclinations lead him to at times be very, very dangerous...

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Occupation/Income: Medical Doctor (owner of the local Caelkirk Clinic) -- $300k+/yr

Living accommodations: sharing an apartment with Mayor O'Brien
Kai Clarke

Name: Kai James Clarke
Age: 19
Face Claim - Dylan O'Brien
Height - 5'3''
Weight - 102lbs
Hair - Medium Brown
Eyes - Dark Brown
  • Born to an unstable couple.
  • His parents divorced when he was young and he lived with his mom.
  • She died when he was ten so he had to move to this town to live with him.
  • His Dad was abusive and hated Kai.
  • He got into music because of this though so he guessed one thing good came of it.
  • He wants to be a musician and tour all over the world. He can't though because he's stuck in his Dad's house.
  • He graduated a year early with high grades but didn't go to college as that would force him to go to a place he definitely didn't want to go.
  • He got a job as a barista and became one of their best whilst still busking and going to gigs, trying to make it in the music world.
  • He's trying to find a new place to live but it's too hard for him and makes his anxiety run mad.
Gender: Cis Male
Occupation/Income: Barista/Musician (a little over minimum wage)
Living Accomidations: Looking for place to rent. Would like a roommate (@ me if you want him to move in with you and I may consider it)
Bella Paige - Mother, Deceased
Christoph Clarke - Father, Alive, Secret Alcoholic and Abusive, Cop,
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I'm curious on how we're starting. Just have the characters doing whatever in town or? (That's why I was waiting for someone else to start tbh..)
nah, maybe you should include some natural disaster. (but not too out there like a hurricane or a tsunami lol)

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