The Skuttlebutt

Yeah those Vodacce men think Fate Witches have enough power as it is---they surely don't want em reading.
Darn, I need to come up with 3 more points. In need Castillian and literacy in both that and Montaigne.

Also, what is the year of the campaign. I am trying to figure out how old Celeste is and how old she was when exiled. I am looking for a certain age range, and it is all based around the start of the Castille-Montaigne War.
Good question, a bit further on in the time line early 1672 the war still goes on but things have not been going well fo Montaigne since Montegue was pulled out and sent to Ussura and feel victim, to the Ussuran winter. He and the remnants of his troops are presumed dead after being taken prisoner in Esien.

A fair note of warning to those who do own the books I often can a do change events in the history, so if you assume based on the books--you may be wrong. I stick to then for most thing but there are some fairly major tweaks here and there. You
can assume that by and major the events that your characters would be privy to up to 1672 are unchanged. For secret matters and events after 1672--well that is another story.
Well, I am pretty much ready to go. Just need to buy my starting equipment, and I'll be all set. Do we warn to start and let PirateLexi join in once the character is done?
No apologies needed. I just wanted you to have time to build the character the way you wanted it, then join us when you are ready. No rush. It took me over a week to go from first idea to finished character, for my first time.
Have any of you characters encountered each other during their travels? I am going to start then game in a small town in the north of Castille just outside the zone occupied by Montaigne, the village sits nit far from El Rio de Delta and just inland from the River, which cuts across the content from east to west. With its location shrouded in the La Selva de Fendes and with the war so close by it has become a haven for smugglers and other such types, bringing black market goods in and ferrying refugees out--at a hefty price. The location is almost due north and slightly west of Vaticine city on the coast of the River above where the "L" in La Selva de Fendes on the maps is.

In any case I'll need each person to give a reason of a list of reason why their character might be in this town (I could give you options but I'd rather you give me a reason for your characters and not force it)

I'm still fleshing out details, I'm leaning towards not necessarily being a runaway, but rather one who was sent to live with a distant cousin (Aunt and Uncle) near whatever place we start and starting off my history with them dead for one reason or another and my witch stranded on her own.
Yeah whatever works. The easiest thing to get everyone together is if everyone has something they are running from or toward--which seems to be happening so far.
Well, it's quite easy to put Celeste anywhere. She simply is running from the Montaigne or the Inquisition, or both. Not to mention that her path could have easily crossed with either El Zorro "the Fox". Or the El Vago revolutionary. A little problem with her current shipmates getting arrested for smuggling could have put her there very easily.
With it being so close to the war zone, Antonia would be there to check if anyone she knows is a refugee and to get information.
Cool I will get an opening post up soon, I expect opeing to just be getting the character together and laying some ground work so that should give @PirateLexi plenty of time so no rush. Just FYI as a GM I am all for player inter action, I tend to run a very open "sandbox" game rather than reading players by the nose, so never fear that if you get a wild hair and run off to explore Eisen of some random whim that such a thing Is going to "ruin my plans". I'm all for it. That is unless you guys want to be lead by the nose--but in my experience a lot of players don't.
Then why...

"It's up to the woman you actually kissed." Antonia motioned her head to the other woman. "I am only the champion of honor."
I thought you were implying that Celeste was kissed an needed her honor restored.
Interrupt and Hold actions are so handy.

...I think the Hold action will be my favorite.
Oh, I just read Riposte and I could have done that instead and kept the same Parry roll. :(
You are just delaying the drama. Just trying to show off, I'm sure. Partly why I wanted to see the duel, to know how this works in case the guys in the bar try to jump us.
I am bad boy. Declaring intentions!

Phase 3: try for tagging again. He'll defend with passive Footwork.

One P5 comes along he'll break off the attack and focus on the newcomers. Then depending on how many brutes there are, in P8 he'll go for a Whirl-enhanced attack against Brutes.

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