The Silent Conspirators





Quick Stats:

-Nickname is Rae, Smoke is a sort of incognito name

-Born on July 12 / currently is 17 years old.

-From New Mexico

-cis female, she/her pronouns


-Occupation: Student, works at a warehouse, dishwasher in a family owned pizza joint, odd jobs

-Best word to describe her would be quirky.

-Positive traits: brazen, ebullient, honest, protective, reliable, benevolent

-Neutral traits: loyal, rambunctious, stubborn, trustworthy, horrible liar, excitable

-Negative Traits: impulsive, spiteful, intrusive, insecure, cautious, aggressive


Raelynn is a rather tall girl, being 5 feet, 8.4 inches tall. Her build is rather lanky, not holding much fat or muscle on her as she has an ectomorph body type with a super fast metabolism to boot. Due to her thinness she’s quite aware that her chest is nothing compared to most girls her age although she can boast about her 22 inch waist, which she doesn’t seeing as she feels like she’s bony enough. Her collarbones, chest bones and shoulder blades are rather prominent which add to a few of her insecurities but she is often wearing baggy clothing or large jackets to hide those features. Raelynn is more legs than torsos and has uncharacteristically wide hips for those with a similar bone structure, and really her only saving grace in looking like she has indeed hit puberty is the fact that her rump is decently sized, proportionate to her body at least and not flat but round. Raelynn also has flat feet, something she feels makes her feet look strange but actually helps with an array of movement and keeping her injuries low.

Raelynn’s skin is quite pale, and fragile. She bruises easily and can’t tan, always turning red if she’s out in the sun without sunscreen. Luckily though it’s flawless in the sense that she rarely gets acne, only every now and then and nothing too extreme. Her hair is between thick and thin, rather straight but also quite malleable when wet or with heat. It was originally a soft brown but due to the years of dying it, and cheap dye, the original softness and color has faded and turned to be more coarse and dark. Yet it could be mended with proper shampoo and conditioner that is designed to treat such a thing. During this time her hair is a mixture of silvery-white, her dark roots showing about a quarter of an inch but nothing too drastic. With a diamond shaped face, Raelynn’s face is fairly angular, her cheekbones and jaw creating the sharp contours of her face. She has been blessed with full, soft pink lips, her bottom thicker but the top lip is still defined, a strong cupid’s bow giving impressive shape and definition. Her nose is straight, curved perfectly and not too long or short; really like any good nose it can’t be described. However what is really the most impressive thing on her face is her eyes: they’re upturned and doe-eyed, her iris a muted gray-blue, so light they could almost seem like ice at times. This usually has her eyes being very sensitive though, especially in bright sunlight. Her eyes lashes are rather long but not dark, being a lighter brown color that matched her initial hair color.

If you were to see Raelynn walking down the street, you would immediately assumed her to be a) a hobo or b) one of those alternative punk kids who could care less about what society thought of them. Raelynn isn’t the biggest on fashion, getting most of her clothes from thrift shops and preferring muted colors such as ocher, mustard yellows, army greens, olive green, blacks, grays, dull magenta and blues. Her attire is always plain and simple. Rarely will you ever see her in a dress or skirt, preferring the comfort of denim, or pants in general. Usually she covers up, due to the sensitivity of her skin, and when wearing shorts will often wearing black tights underneath. Her style is rather grunge, flannels are a must for her as well as ripped or frayed anything. For shoes she’s either wearing a pair of sneakers or her steel-toed work boots. Large jackets are some of her favorite things, especially since she gets cold quite easily and it helps to cover her up. Loose t-shirts tend to be her favorite although she does enjoy wearing tight, plain crop tops. She dislikes wear sweaters or long sleeved shirts so if it’s cold outside she’ll still wear a t-shirt with a jacket on top. Also she has a sock fetish, her socks will probably be the craziest things in the world. As for hair and make up, she either has her hair tied back in a ponytail or simply down, sometimes doing twin french braids but she’s never been good at styling her hair as she has with dying it. Raelynn also would never add much make up to her face, preferring the natural beauty of things through only foundation, tinted chapstick and every now and then mascara or eyeliner, but never anything excessive.

Lastly, Rae has a few piercings and scars, along with other miscellaneous things. Her naval, ears, septum, tongue and left eyebrow are pierced, her ears together holding roughly 9 piercings, giving her a total of 13 piercings.Raelynn doesn’t wear any other jewelry except for her piercings, hating the feel of rings or long necklaces, and she never had a bracelet to wear. Seeing as she scars rather easily, there are plenty of small scars on her knees and on the side of her forearm. However on both of her wrists there are pale lilac rings from an unfortunate event when her wrists were zip-tied together. Finally, Raelynn never puts on nail polish. She’s just too lazy to take the time and do it and touch it up, so if there is nail polish on her nails then it’s most likely chipped.


Raelynn has a rather ebullient and rambunctious disposition around her friends but with strangers she becomes rather timid and awkward. Her quirky nature is part of who she is yet that is the side of her she’s least likely to show someone intentionally, but it usually slips out anyways. Around strangers she tends to have a nervous tick where she either is completely silent or she can’t stop talking. And trust me, she loves to talk. Not so much to listen to the sound of her voice, no she knows she’s spouting nonsense, but it’s a way for her to discover things, think aloud in a sense. Her imagination is quite impressive with her mind that is going a thousand miles a minute, never stopping, even when she’s asleep. Her dreams could be made into fantastic fantasy novels, one would think that only with the use of drugs could you imagine such psychedelic wonders.

Raelynn has never been the brightest in school, she’s a kinetic learner and so anything that wasn’t hands on and required a large amount of focus through listening or writing has been a struggle. When working with her hands she’s very bright, easily taking something apart and then putting it back together, understanding the mechanics of it quickly. Yet reading caused her mind to drift and doing equations couldn’t hold her attention either. She’s a bad student to say the least: skipping or sleeping during class, detentions for being unable to hold her tongue or disrupting the class, and never doing homework is practically her student trademark.

Yet this doesn’t mean that Raelynn is a bad kid. She has strong morals and no one could ever change her. It’s more than her just being stubborn, it’s just that she is quite inward in the sense that she really knows who she is and what she wants, despite the natural existentialism moments any teenager has. When offered a cigarette by her friends she freaked out, unable to even touch it. When it was suggested that she play a rather mean prank on a teacher, she declined. Her moral compass is rather strong with her beliefs, and quite frankly she’s rather a goodie-two-shoes despite the facade she puts out. Raelynn is quick to feel guilt, her conscience rather strong. Because of this, if she’s doing something bad its most likely because she doesn’t view it as such or because she feels like it isn't hurting one but herself.

Being friends with Raelynn means that she is your friend for life, her loyalty is her harmartia. Despite it seemingly to be a good thing, those who are poisonous to her are still those she will care and protect, even if it means tainting herself. She's unable to let people go, even if she should have done so months ago. It's also an issue when two friends are fighting and expect her to pick sides, because quite frankly that's like asking her to cut off her hand. But on the positive side, Raelynn is definitely that friend who would give you the shirt off her back without any questions asked. She's the friend who would say 'I'll kick his ass for you' if a friend was crying over a break up. She's the girl you'd rather have on your side than against you, being physically aggressive when her friends are dealing with the negativity of others.

Quite the adrenaline junkie, Raelynn would have no issues punching you in front of the principal if you were insulting her friend, and she also has no issue in fighting dirty. It's not that she has to win, it's just that her intuitive side goes to pure instinct when it comes to her flight or fight response. Rarely does she think in a situation, being impulsive and quick, her actions like a blur without a direction. That's how she tends to go through life, never contemplating much in a time that can cause physical danger to her or her loved ones. It's only at the end of the day when she's alone and in bed that she self-reflects and learns how she should have done this or that better.

Raelynn prefers to deal with problems right away, ready to confront than to beat around the bush. People take this as her being abrasive or intrusive, and quite frankly she is. Yet this doesn't mean that when asked that she won't back off, usually she doesn't know that she's being so pushy until someone points it out, her personality rather strong when compared to others.

A unique trait Raelynn has is when she is upset: she would rather die than to cry in front of someone. Her sense of weakness and strength is twisted, making her rather spiteful and bitter. She can't stand the idea of someone giving her pity or seeing her as helpless, although often she does need help seeing as she ends up in the strangest situations. Nonetheless she wants to portray herself as always being in control, and would give harsh words to someone's sympathy. Also, when arguing, she never insults someone if they're important to her. While having quite the vulgar mouth, to argue with a friend would cause her to refrain from using derogatory language towards them. When unable to deal with things or unable to fix them she tends to hide inside herself, and scarf down Chinese food while watching trash reality tv, the only remedy for her depressed mood.

While not brusque, the more Raelynn likes you the more her sarcasm comes out. And if she has a crush on you then be prepared to possibly be insulted again and again, as she tends to show her love for you in the most unlikely and immature way. Quite frankly if she loves you then to show it she would hit you with a shovel. Okay, not literally but her words can be quite scathing even though deep inside she really wants to compliment whatever she is complaining about. This has caused her to have a pretty unsuccessful romance thus far, not to mention that she's ten times more awkward around the guys she likes than girls. It's something she needs to work on, especially since she can give mix signals by being as cold as an ice cube one minute to as cuddly as a kitten the next.


Raelynn was born into a cult her mother was apart of. The cult was full with women and their daughters, often teaching them to beware the evilness of men. When the cult was disbanded, Raelynn was placed into fostercare. Since she was 12 she had been severely bullied until she was 14. Her personality may seem normal but before the bullying she was a quiet yet sweet girl with a few close friends. When it became known that she was part of the strange cult that loitered around trying to sell strange water, the kids turned against her her last year of elementary school. In middle school it wasn't better, it got worse because instead of verbal insults they began to get physical. Raelynn would play the role of the bigger person, ignoring the bullies or replying back to them rudely, which caused their anger to be worse. There was actually an incident the last day of her middle school year were Raelynn believed she was going to die. Yet, everything turned out to be alright and that summer while hiding in her room, she learned that she should fight back. And when she did, everyone backed off and instead a new group of misfits accepted her. These became her friends who she would easily lay her life down for, no questions asked, she owes them everything.(eh her backstory is really so long that I'll add it in later or something, aha.)


  • She's more of a cat person than dog person but really she loves all animals. She's the girl who would ask someone to pet their dog and kneel down and let the dog jump all over them, laughing the entire time.
  • She loves spicy food, being from New Mexico, hot sauce and chiles are pretty big. She literally would marry 'Christmas' styled burritos.
  • She's quite the cook and cooking helps her relieve stress. But anything she makes is always decent at it's worse.
  • Her favorite fruit are apricots and her favorite vegetable are sweet potatoes.
  • Her favorite type of candy is the spicy-tamarind candy from Mexico, spicy candy is the way to her heart.
  • If a song that she knows come on she will not be able to sit still, usually she has lots of favorite songs at once and if they come on then be prepared for her to dance and sing.
  • She's a horrible runner, she'll trip over everything or run too slow, even with adrenaline.
  • She's a big scaredy cat, horror movies, no matter how bad the effects, will make her scared. She'll probably be unable to sleep with her hyperactive imagination.
  • It's hard for to sit still, she's usually fiddling with something or looking around all over the place. Possibly this means she has ADD or something.
  • Despite her being a ball of playful energy, when extremely happy she just smiles and is quiet. She has never shouted or screamed with joy before.
  • She's not a morning person at all.
  • She gets flustered very, very easy if sexual innuendos are made or sex is brought up and will usually babble about something else or will right out say 'ew dude that's nasty'.
  • She basically calls everyone 'dude'.
  • Her favorite season is winter just because she feels like it's unappreciated.
  • She hates the color yellow and would never wear such a color.
  • She's lactose intolerant and allergic to eggs unless they're prepared in a specific way and she doesn't eat beef due to all the slaughter houses for cows in New Mexico. As a child she was raised on a high-water content vegan diet which is why she is probably so thin still and has anemia.
  • She talks with her hands so much, ohmygod every time she talks her arms are literally waving around.
  • She's actually pretty good with cars, considering she's a girl and she doesn't have one of her own but still, that's something she understands pretty well.
  • She's not afraid of snakes, spiders, clowns or heights. But she is afraid of never being loved or being good enough.
  • She hates peanut butter. Something about the texture of it makes her shudder.
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Quick Stats:

-Nickname is Bree

-Born on January 23 / currently is 18 years old.

-From (depends on the RP)

-cis female, she/her pronouns


-Occupation: Student, part time job at a boutique

-Best word to describe her would be insouciant.

-Positive traits: sagacious, calm, humble, hard worker

-Neutral traits: inexorable, protean, resourceful, fast learner, realistic

-Negative Traits: calculating, cautious, somber, severe


Too lazy too write out this description as there is so much but basically she has that 'girl from nextdoor' look as she has long golden-brown hair, blue eyes, decently fair skin that's always tanned and lots of freckles. She's also 5'5 and has a slender build that could be quite muscular, having a mesomorph body type.


Breanne is the type of person who stays quiet because of the fact that she feels like she doesn't have much to say. She considers words carefully, lovingly almost and when she speaks it's usually about something she is completely compassionate about or she's answering a question. She has an inquisitive nature that many overlook due to the monotonous look she carries on her face. She's constantly giving off a vibe of indifference to many things or people, feeling that there really is no need to speak when it's a waste of time.

She has a gimlet gaze and is always picking out the smallest details, storing facts away to save for another day. Being a thinker more than a doer, she tends to seem innocent, not fully understanding the concepts of some things, such as stealing alcohol or breaking in: she literally would have no clue how to start. Her cynical mindset doesn't help her much either, she's very cautious and calculating of people, so lying to her would never be smart although she'll let it go.

While her outward persona is abrasive, Breanne is quite the sweetheart. She loves tutoring with people and sharing (food, stories, et cetera) and is more than happy when someone does well on something. She's the type that'll give you tough love if you're complaining about something that needs to be done but will help you with it every step of the way, always giving advice. Despite not having going through much in her life, her advice is usually rock solid. She takes a logical, realistic approach to everything and can discern outcomes from any choice someone makes. She'd make an amazing lawyer actually.

When Breanne is upset or something bad has happened she'll tell no one. She is the person who is a total mystery, you'll never know how something is actually affecting her as she'll bury it deep inside and forget about it. It's amazing she hasn't exploded yet, considering with all the emotions she has bundled up the only things she tends to feel are wariness, mild happiness, anger and self loathing. Yet you'd never know such a thing, it's not like she'd tell you and she plays everything off so well. In this way she's rather allocentric, taking care of your feelings over hers and not wanting to bother you by telling her issues.


Breanne is the second oldest child of three: the middle child. She's actually a twin, three minutes older than her identical twin Randa, and yet she became the black sheep of the family. She didn't have the athleticism of her older brother who was a football star, nor did she have the charisma of her sister. Although she excelled the most in school out of her siblings, she felt that she couldn't compare to them at all. Instead of breaking out of her shell it actually had the opposite effect as she focused more and more time on school and books. She knew her parents loved her, she grew up in a very loving family, but she couldn't help but see how much of a big deal her siblings seemed to be.

It should be noted here that Breanne felt slight envy of her siblings but for whatever they accomplished she was ultimately proud of them and their biggest cheerleader. When her brother went off to college it was just Breanne and Randa entering high school, and that was when the twins went their separate ways. Breanne had few friends and could be found in the library while Randa became a cheerleader and had a mass of people around her at all times. The sisters were still close though, having an unbreakable bond, even when Breanne would lie or cover for Randa when she went out at night to party.

It was on one of these arrangements that Randa was killed in a drunk driving accident. As a bitter Bree would put it 'the sun had literally been swept away into eternal sleep'. The family dynamic that the Mccullens once had was destroyed. Her older brother did poorly in college and was on academic probation, her mother was a zombie, her father not much better. And yet, the fact that Breanne had never really cared about much put her in a sense of power. She could forget about things quite quickly, or ignore things. It was Breanne who put the pieces back together at the age of 16.

Once that year had passed, things seemed to have gone back to normal. Her brother went back to school out of state, her parents stopped being half dead and took back the reins. Not for the best though as they got extremely protective over Breanne, never giving her space.

Sure she had her own room now but her door had to be open at all times unless she was changing. Sure if she said she didn't want to talk about something they wouldn't push the subject further, instead they'd take her to a therapist. Hiding her own depression about her sister's death caused her to hide within herself even more, the sadness and grief is still there seeing as how she hasn't dealt with any of those emotions that have arrived after the death of her sister.

She does do quite a bit of artwork and reads things on the darker side of things, a small way to unleash some of the hatred she has for herself, and many of her pictures are rather gruesome. She'll say it's for shock value but instead of just shocking people, she's giving them nightmares for life.


  • She's quite the reader, most likely she has read it. She's read all of Shakespeares and Whitman's works to every Stephen King book there is, even going as far as reading Travis Thrasher to Nicholas Sparks and even Elisabeth Naughton.
  • She's a gore whore, to say the least. Gory bloodbath movies happen to be a favorite of hers.
  • Despite popular belief, she is not a fan of Game of Thrones.
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Charity Esther Greenwood

Quick Stats:

-Nickname is Kirby, goes by Kirby to all her friends

-Born on August 3 / currently is 18 years old.

-Originally from New Zealand, moved over to USA when she was 5

-cis female, she/her pronouns

-Heteroflexible if anything

-Occupation: Student, part time job at a movie theater

-Best word to describe her would be spontaneous.

-Positive traits: lax, versatile, kind, humble, independent, passionate

-Neutral traits: devious. mischevious, virtuoso, athletic, intuitive

-Negative Traits: hedonistic, self-effacing, precarious, passive aggressive, absent-minded, dauntless


Because I am super duper lazy and will fill in nicer later on...

The Basics: dull blue eyes, fair skin, originally had blonde hair but dyed it a brown/chestnut hair color, hairstyle is short and rather flat, no layers and not very thick.. Ectomorph body type: 5'8 tall, 115 lbs at most. Strong leg muscles, decent arm strength, mole on her cheek.


tomboy, sci-fi nerd...


While her life has not been horrible compared to some thus far, and Kirby is grateful for such a thing, it has been strange. Unlike many, Kirby grew up a in a family very strongly influenced by the catholic religion to the point that is was a bit misogynist. While her older brothers paved the way to have their family become less strict, Kirby still had many boundaries that she either had to break or follow. Kirby was born in Auckland, New Zealand but ate the age of five, her and her family moved over to the USA. Perhaps it was because being in a new country or the fact that they were no longer in the same premise as the despotic church. Either way, her parents were not progressive although they toned down as they placed their five children into catholic private schools.

While holding talents that were showed her athleticism and artistic talents, she was encouraged to participate in choir at school and church. This was pleasing to her parents, but wasn't very pleasing to them was the fact that she was a maniac on the field when doing PE. Whatever game they had to play, Kirby was noted to be aggressive and determined on the field. For the longest time her parents tried to hold her back on such a thing by making any extracurricular activity relate to the arts: choir, playing piano, ceramics and even ballet were all things she participated for at least five years, some longer than others such as the ballet until she went to middle school and many sports teams wanted her. Her parents only relented because they had Kirby do track and basketball, sports they thought that didn't seem masculine or because one coach was quite adamant on getting Kirby on the team.

In middle school she followed the rules give or take decided from her parents, but in high school she entered a silent rebellion. At the age of 16 she had figured her parents out and knew all the tricks they had as she had seen them use them on her older brothers. Not to mention that she was a bit more meticulous when it came to her plans. Now Kirby was not doing anything bad, to many parents she still would have been an angel, seeing as how she was merely going to parties every now and then. Sure she had to lie to her parents about her location, but she was never the type to do drugs or really drink alcohol. To her, it was just having fun and being with friends seeing as how she wasn't allowed to drive, go to PG-13 movies, wear shorts or tight jeans or wear clothes that showed off her shoulders

It was at one of these parties she had snuck out to that she met Rory, her first boyfriend and love. It technically wasn't the first time they had met, being serious in sports at their small private school they knew one another's name, had an idea of their face, but never really spoke to each other. For Kirby, the moment she saw him, she swore it was love at first sight. And like any girl who had an obsessive crush she began trying to be where here was without seeming like a stalker. Mainly she began sneaking out more, may have drank a little more and might've started wearing more revealing clothing (bye bye jeans, hello mini skirt).

Long story short, after a few months of this, Kirby got into her first relationship with the varsity pitcher. They were considered quite a power couple, but it was something Kirby had to also hide from her parents. And the sneaking out became more prominent and worse. The tension from her double life began to affect her relationship she had with Rory, yet they managed to hold on until graduation. That was when Kirby basically left home to be with Rory, both of them leaving the town they had practically grew up in to go somewhere they've never been. Needless to say, living together is a lot different than dating, and while the summer was sweet, the fall brought heartache as oblivious to the strain, Kirby couldn't see Rory breaking up with until the words were out of his mouth. They tried being friendly roommates but realized that wasn't working so Kirby moved out. Although they say they're friends it's obvious to see the one sidedness of their relationship as she is still hung up on him. It's been months, but to her it was just last week that they were together.


  • Loves zombies. Zombie movies, books, tv shows, games et cetera and she is in love with it.
  • Favorite animal are polar bears.
  • Very into skateboarding, if she's not walking then she's skateboarding there.
  • Her favorite sports to watch are ice hockey and football.



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Drogan John Athena

Quick Stats:

-Name is pronounced as dro-GAN

-Born on July 31 / between the ages of 18 to 22

-Depending on RP he'll most likely be from a wealthy family

-cis male, he/im pronouns


-Occupation: Depending on the rp, student or a well-known business man prodigy

-Best word to describe him would be preeminent

-Positive traits: ambitious, studious, sophisticated, intelligent, talented, protective

-Neutral traits: confident, hard working, appreciative, very faithful, sensual

-Negative Traits: aggressive, treacherous, apathetic, workaholic, not at all artistic, slight narcissism. 

Drogan stands at a proud 6'4" and with his muscular frame it's no wonder why he gets multiple look-backs every day. His olive skin tone always holds a faint bronze to it as if the sun has merely kissed his skin in a subtle tan. His brown hair, although on the darker side, usually has a few streaks of golden-brown highlighting the top and giving his hair the appearance of being lighter than it usually is.




  • Drogan can sometimes drink a little too much, and while he can definitely hold his liquor, there are times when he goes past his limit and becomes a bit unstable.
  • He's stress prone which is why he has severe sleep-maintenance insomnia and high-functioning anxiety which is why it seems like he's always doing something, usually working out or working on projects.
  • He prefers classical or rock music.
  • He cannot dance unless it's ballroom dancing.
  • He can play the french horn.
  • He graduated high school a year early and was accepted to every college he applied to, even the ones out of the country.
  • While he loves his work, when he was younger he wanted to be a English professor and he had actually had his commentary on Orwell's 1984 published in multiple literary magazines.
  • He likes big dogs over small dogs. Not much of a cat person as he is allergic to them.

Edited May 24 by

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