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| The Shrine Girl | Romance 1x1 (Greenie & Alyssa)

Alyssa Chamberlain

Junior Member
Issac exited his house and breathed in the crisp, fall air. He smiled and Walked down the stairs to his house. Despite the rough news about his sick grandfather, Issac decides not to worry so much about it. His grandfather has been sick before and he has always come out on top. Even better than before he got sick. Issac kept this optimistic thought as he walked along the swidewalk, listening to the soft wind and the crunch of leaves. He thought of going to get a coffee when he walked by a structure that looked similar to a shrine. He was oddly enticed and curious, so he kneeled down beside it, he was shocked to see a beautiful girl inside. He softly knocked on the glass and spoke. "Hello?"


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