The Shards (Roleplay)


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In the cold of the autumn forest, young blue eyes opened to the sound of a windy pitter-patter. But the pitter-patter came from above, in the sky. It sounded fast, almost like a thousand booms going off.

It wasn't until the young girl threw the covers off of her body and walked across the cold wooden floor to the frosted window, did she see a flying object in the sky. Yawning, she rubbed her eyes before running her fingernail against the frosty glass before continuing to draw a smiley face on the window.

Coming to the conclusion that the object was a helicopter; the girl proceeded towards her makeshift bed. It was nothing more than straw covered by a blanket, but it served its purpose. The girl could tell it was very early in the morning, for the birds outside were at their peak of singing and chirping. And the fog was heavy on the ground.

Grabbing a blanket, the girl wrapped it around her tightly and shivered before laying back in bed. She would start a fire in the fireplace, but she was tired and quite frankly, too lazy at the time.

But one thing struck her as odd... Helicopters hardly ever flew over the forest.


"I can detect a shard in the forest, but with all the trees in the way, it's nearly impossible to try to search for it in the air." The brunette man sitting in the back of the helicopter explained. "However it's fainter now..."

The man sighed and slumped in his seat. How did he get caught up with the Shardwalkers again? They were supposed to leave him be with the exception of giving away any information about the shards that he had learned. Now he was on a field mission! Shaking his head, he chuckled to himself and turned to his field partner, the one driving the helicopter, who was always silent.

"Yo, you can at least answer me." Benjamin, for that was his name, crossed his arms as if he was pouting. He turned his head to the back where a few shard bearers they had captured sat there, tied. "I'd try to talk to you girls as well, but it seems you couldn't even if you wanted to." He pointed to his mouth to further point out how they were gagged. However, it was hard to try to talk over the roaring of the wind and the helicopter blades.
A young girl from the bunch of captives glared. It was one thing she did not like, this. It had been a normal day so far she woke up got dressed and ready to leave. The second she got out the door and headed to her destination this had to happen. If anything her family was worried sick! She scowled at this brunette, it was insulting. She let a slight grunt of disapproval, loud enough to be heard over the helicopter's blades, escape her.

Why on Earth would someone be so taunting as to completely dis-respect her. Truthfully she had her ego in check but her family had sent her off on her usual way. She huffed and looked out the side of the chopper. She could only see so much of the area below, a forest. Even though the fog was settled below she could see slight green tints. It was genuinely wondrous to see something so pretty. Though it was slightly bitter-sweet. She'd rather be on the ground looking up.

She looked around some of the blood-red hair falling over her eyes. She wished she could puff it away with a quick breath. She shook it away from herself and exasperatedly slouched. Such a horrible day so far.
Kira sat by a pond near a forest. She was in a small clearing, resting from a long day of walking. She had heard a helicopter a while ago, and wondered if it was the same one that had almost captured her earlier. A group had been caught, and she was one that escaped. They were looking for the Shards, of course, so it was good that only mostly regular humans had been kidnapped. She knew one of the Shard holders was taken, and was remorseful that she was unable to save the girl. However if the chance arose, she would still do so. She could sense a girl closeby, and knew she was in possession of a shard as well. If Kira could find her, the could team up and save the ones that were captured. But she didn't know where to start looking in such a dense area. She sighed, swirling her feet in the water and lying back on the ground.
Mari's dark hair was matted against her head, drenched in the cool water of the locker room showers. She dried off silently, not bothering to chat with the other girls on her team. Mari passed by them, wrapped in the burgundy towels that hung around in the locker rooms. Her fingers found the combination lock that marked her precious locker. Although, that wasn't the only way to tell her locker. She twisted the dark blue knob, 14 to the right, left to pass 32 and then find it again, and rift again to 2. She reached a hand into the dark hole and pulled her metallic blue duffel bag. Her pale fingers fiddled with the zipper until she dug her clothes out. Her outfit was perfect for today. It didn't often get cold in the tiny town of Summerwind but today the temperature had fallen to a low of 57 degrees. The white blouse, navy cardigan, and blue skinny jeans seemed like they would protect her from the chill. She dressed in a hurry before slipping her light brown leather boots on, the tight material hugging her calves. She smiled at some of the other girls as she hurried to the counter where most of the girls did their hair. She picked up her black bag with her name embroidered on both sides in light blue thread. She brushed out her wet hair and started the French braid she had perfected. She spent just a few minutes on it and put her things away. She sighed and grabbed her blue shoulder bag, heading to breakfast in the cafeteria.
"Don't look at me like that." Benjamin groaned at the girl, Mirina, keep of the Earth Shard. "I don't want to be here any more than you do," he murmured to himself, facing in front of him and properly sitting in his seat. It almost seemed like eternity before the helicopter finally landed near an old barn, located near a small town locally known as Summerwind.

Breathing deep the cool air, Benjamin turned behind him once more to face the girls he and his partner had captured. Unbuckling, and standing up, the Demon pushed the chair forward, causing it to fold so that passengers in the back had access to exit. Reaching a hand out for the Earth wielder, Benjamin grabbed her by her bound wrists and forcefully pulled her out before the pilot did the same with the other girl.

The two lead the bearers towards the barn, entering the seemingly abandoned and deteriorating building, and walking to a set of stairs leading to a lower part of the area. Step after step they walked, until the rusty old stairwell became a bit more updated in appearance. The cobwebs were now gone, and all that remained was monochromatic steal walls.

Entering a set of doors, that closed tightly behind them, the two shoved the poor girls into a small holding room, obviously meant for prisoners.
Mirina stumbled inside keeping her feet firmly on the ground. She leaned on the wall and kept her stern glance. She tried to yell something, mostly muffled cursing, towards the two. She looked around the room slightly, oddly she noted the details. If she got herself un-bound for two seconds she might be able to get away with a cunning escape. She slowly sat down in the small area.

She looked at herself slightly. Odd, she expected a normal day still. Obviously she was in some of the deepest most horrible situation she could think of for the moment. She knew vaguely of her so called 'powers' if you could call them that. She knew she could make plants move and such, control rocks and stuff... She remembered slightly of messing around with metals at home in the quiet area in her room. If anything she could do some things in here but she doubted the finite ability to get out without injury.

After managing another stern look she raised an eyebrow at Benjamin. She figured him being the more vocal of the two captors he would talk more about the current situation. At least she hoped for that.

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