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Fandom The Shadow Fox Pirates


One Thousand Club
Welcome to the Shadow Fox pirates (name can be changed) crew

Positions. I'll be making my character last so pick whatever you want and I'll fill in the remaining

Captain Maddick D. Elias. EccentricFantasy EccentricFantasy


navigator Meumyr ThAtGuY101 ThAtGuY101

Chef September Belle PlusUltra PlusUltra


doctor Leo'pard Misa Bluffly Bluffly


Musician Whiluf Xander Jagson Jagson


Character Name: last name first fallowed by first name if you want to be a D ask me before hand





Apperance either a picture or describe them

Devil fruit (optional): Name type brief description

Skills and abilities: While these guys are strong don't make them over powered. Think Fishman Island power wise. They can have Haki but not masters of any

Bounties (Between thirty and 3 hundred million berries)

Backstory: Brief history of your character including how they ended up on the ship

Your dream
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Name: muemyr
Position Navigator
Age: 27
Sex: Male
Race: Fishman(pufferfish)
Appearance : Muemyr has two forms. A regular and inflated form. Muemyr is a pale yellow Fishman with light brown zigzag stripes across his back and hips. His belly, thighs and underarms are pale white, and he is covered in spikes. With black pupils, a solid beaker for teeth. In his regular state, he is tall and lanky, standing at 8'4" ft/255 cm. He is tall and lanky and his spikes hang limp in this form. In his bloated form, he stands at 8'11" ft/272 cm. He's extremely buff and his spikes stand on end. (I'll edit this before I'm done)

Outfit: He wears brown loose patchy pants of red, green, brown patches that vary in shade. His pants have holes for where his spikes poke from. He wears a thick belt loosely around his waste. Dozens of tinier belt wrap around the thick belt and diagonally across his torso. Various small sacks dangle across the sides. Later on he will get a long trench coat that will get ripped to shreds. He wears a small half vest that covers his upper torso. Open exposing his chest. He wears purple sandals and a bright red bandana.

Personality: Normally Muemyr is a very calm and reserved fish man. He rarely shows emotion, as he usually internalizes it. In his beefy form, Muemyr is very vocal with his emotions.

Devil fruit (optional): N/A

Skills and abilities:
Fishman Karate - Muemyr is a gifted hand to hand fighter. A aggressive defensive fighter in nature. A great offense is a good defense, and he embodies this in his blocks. Using them like strikes.

Photographic memory- He remembers everything he sees. From sea to stream, stream, valley and fjord. Dock town to lake town to remote islands. Fishing spots, mineral deposits, underground caverns to sunken cities. His travels through the world and tales are epic, and his mind be one big map of it all.

Basic Bushoshoku Haki

Recourseful - A self proclaimed tech whiz he is. Though tech whiz he is not. He is however very resourceful and crafts all of his own tools. Oftentimes crude or simple, but the purpose of his tools are always obvious and mostly effective. Except in a few situations when he let's his imagination run wild.

Fish in water - A skilled fighter and traveler on land but far more so in his natural habitat. Stronger, faster, more agile and even more confident.

Bounties 205,000

Backstory: Muemyr grew up deep below in the waters below where one might expect to find a fish-man or a mermaid. At least Muemyr will tell you that. He was born there, but he did not spend most of his life there. He left at a very early age. Traveled a lot and went from place to place taking things. If he needed something, he took it. Simple.

There were consequences for this behavior, and because of that, he never stayed in one place too long. Because of this, he got good at stealing and avoiding the law. He also got into a few scraps. Though due to his size, he usually had usually came out on top. It helped that he knew a little Fishman karate.

One day he met his match, when he attempted to take some fruit from another some fishermen. He only saw two, and didn't notice the third. An older fish-man. Lionfish. The man easily handled the would be food thief. The man scolded Muemyr, and made the boy work as a sign of apology. Out of kindness and nagging, he decided to help him improve his martial arts skills. It wasn't a lot, but what he did teach was enough to lay the ground work. With that, Muemyr could go off on his own and improve his own skill with practice and creativity. Because of this, Muemyr had his own unique spin on the style.

During Muemyr's travels he encountered many threats and many sights of scenery. Some good, some bad, but most in between. He found a love of adventuring and discovery he never knew he longed for. So he made maps and drew pictures. Very crude maps that were nigh impossible for most to read for his handwriting was truly horrendous. If this adventuring didn't pan out well, he could always find work as a doctor. He put his crafty skills to work in the form of spyglass he had made out of random pieces of metal. This even included a secret compartment where he could hide his maps and would be waterproof. Provided he did regular maintenance to it.

Your dream: To map out the entire world. And collect rare treasures from around the world. He enjoys collecting pearls and fish scales the most.
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Character Name
: September "Morning" Belle
Position: Chef
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Race: Human
Appearance: An Etherial beauty with incredibly pale skin and white hair, her most striking feature is her unnatural gaze, twin sapphire orbs staring out from a dark abyss. A tall woman standing around 6' 4" she conceals her athletic hourglass frame beneath baggy layers of fabric resembling an inverted marine uniform except with an ankle-length skirt.
Skills and Abilities:
  • Voice of All Things: In its original form, this rare ability allows the user to hear the voice and messages conveyed by inanimate objects and creatures though to September, it is more a keen understanding and sense of the heart. She has managed to take this ability further and refined it to develop numerous techniques from not only her ability to hear it but also to speak with it. However in her own words, she does not hear the voice, she listens just like she does not speak, but is heard and does not see but observes.
    • Sound of Silence: In her own words, her ability to listen and speak to all things, naturally infers the ability to be silent and unheard. In practice, this technique manifests in the ability to nearly entirely erase her presence from those in the world around her or focus it on one particular target. Closely resembling observation killing, it can make September incredibly difficult to detect or observe, define her intentions or even notice she is still in the area as she moves without a sound or disturbance.
    • True Speak: The mirror to her Sound of Silence. Allowing herself to be heard across great distances or stand out unable to be ignored. Furthermore, she can project her voice into targets to convey short messages or even overwhelming emotions.
    • Immersion: Developed from the ability to observe and listen. It is through this ability that she honed her voice to the level she has, primarily through her own cooking. The understanding, respect and care she can give each ingredient from gathering through preparation and finally consumption allowed her to bring out the true potential in each. The ingredients absorbed by the body are thankful themselves for being eaten and they pour all the nutrients they have into one's body almost limitlessly, and is the source of September's unnatural level of physical ability. Translated into combat and interactions, this immersion has given her a supernatural ability to read individuals, to the point she can react to the thought rather than the action.
    • Ingenuity: The ability to Listen and Observe to give a deeper understanding has allowed September to take the tools she has been given and use them in ways beyond their original intent, analyzing them from multiple and unconventional angles. Breaking even techniques down to their core components to develop variations in ways that were not intended, or using their understanding of additional techniques to transfer over to aid in learning/developing new ones.
    • Conversation: Through her understanding and respect for the world around her via her use of the voice, September is able to not only use her own spiritual energy for superhuman feats but also borrow it from what willing gives it.
  • Rokushiki:A Superhuman martial arts style allowing for several unique feats which September employs as needed. September has managed to weaponize these techniques beyond there intended purpose for alternate effects.
    • Geppo: Allows for the user to push off the air itself.
    • Tekkai: Allows the user to tense and harden their muscles at the cost of the ability to move the area affected.
    • Shigan: Focusing their Tekkai into a single point, a piercing attack can be created with otherwise fragile body parts.
    • Rankyaku: By placing extreme force into their attacks they can create a projectile of focused wind.
    • Soru: Allows for high-speed movement by kicking the ground multiple times in a instant.
    • Kami-e: The mirror of Tekkai, allowing the user to relax their body and move and float with the wind giving extreme flexibility.
  • Gentle Way: September's original fighting style she states was developed as kindness. The core concept is the use of minimal force to overcome an opponent, often leveraging an opponent's strength and momentum against them. Its ultimate goal is primarily to subdue rather than defeat incorporating throws, joint locks and redirection of force to subdue while causing minimal harm. Its mirror is her crashing way, though such is reserved for when both needed and deserved.
  • Busoshoku Haki: Allows the user to use their aura as armour to defend against attacks, as well as make their own attacks more potent.
Bounties: 120,000,000
Deep within the edges of the grand line rests the reportedly idyllic island settlement of Kikutaru, a brimming production hub for the world government without a care in the world as they live content lives to produce important compounds for the vital peacekeeping missions of the noble marines. From the colorful characters to vibrant and shining spires this idealized city is believed to be the example of the ideal life the world government seeks to bring about, receiving glowing reviews from its natives to the point so many seek to join the community and nay a person wishes to leave resulting in the location boasting the highest population density per square meter of any island under the control of the world government. Another more important draw to the island is said to be the healthcare provided to its citizens with a 100% satisfaction rating, the cornerstone of such is the mandatory medicinal supplement "Bliss", from the outside and to the majority of those within the existence can be described as little other than perfect, and those who disagree? well, they are simple downers that need to get cheered up at one of the many centers for such.

Peel back the pretty facade however and the true nature and state of the island are revealed to be the polar opposite, factory atop factory intent on cramming as much as possible into with living spaces a vague afterthought, the higher management would receive accommodations at the upper levels of the city with the workers down below and those unable to work or escaped trapped below the bowels to suffer the seeping emissions, collapses and all manner of other atrocities in the crime-filled underbelly as the Scraps. The outer rims of the city were devoted to supplying pipes with any previous vegetation or wildlife either drastically mutated from the chemical runoffs if not killed altogether by the contaminated wasteland. this meant leaving the city was not an option outside the arranged transports reserved for bringing in new citizens or escorting the "upper management" out when required.

In any other settlement, the conditions would have already started an uprising or some other manner of mass riot conflicting with the authority, yet this was avoided with the implementation of the mandatory Bliss. Regular intake of the medication resulted in drastically altered perceptions and compliance of the population along with a smile on every face, seeing the idyllic life of sunshine and rainbows the island was reported to be to the rest of the world, while the "downers" who refused to take such would quickly be revealed as they discovered the truth and taken away for "harsh" and unconventional treatment. That is to say, simply refusing to take such was more difficult than it seemed with the highly addictive nature as well as the infusion of such into the water supply. The source and key component in the Bliss was a plant that had once grown wild on the island though now incubated artificially, The "Grinning Garland" a powerful hallucinogenic with several other properties for which it was also exported for other purposes after the dangerous task of cultivating and farming it on mass was conducted by the locals. All this and more was made possible by the most prominent controller of the island Samara Darlington known to her people as "Darling Auntie" but to the rest of the world as simply "The Wall".

This woman was primarily the Head of the Division Black of Marine Biological Research. A cruel and methodical logical woman responsible for the cataloging and transport of numerous rare compounds for use by the various other Branches, this also included administering and securing of test sites such as Kikitaru Island. She holds little value in the concepts of past loyalties or bounds being a realist through and through seeking efficiency and results regardless, in her pursuit of "Ordered Justice" she has displayed an unrelenting and aggressive drive. A frightening intelligence she has shined primarily in the organizational and logistical management of the book projects but also in political science. Strangely has been noted to appear in multiple locations seemingly simultaneously, which had aided her in keeping tight control over her purview.

It is this island that September would be born into the same "idyllic" life of its many other occupants, those born upon the island far more confined and controlled by its nature is the only world they had ever known making rejection far more difficult. So in relative terms, September group up "Happily" spending her time in the communal nurseries, seeing her parents for a whole hour every week and learning all about the island for the important and fun position they would soon take. It was however during this part that the first crack in the programming would be made, her mother introducing them to a song they had long since forgotten its origin but never its importance along with a myriad of other comments within the cracks of control, a tune that must never be forgotten but also danger so must be kept close. The concept of "Danger" was new to September and from this, the first of many questions would begin to form, though fortunately, she would not be one to speak them openly, she didn't want to be a downer after all.

When September was old enough to walk she was quickly brought to the Kindergarten to start her part in helping the happy city, clearing out the pipes and moving through the small places as only a child could but it wasn't long before her true talents began to be noticed. The culmination of this being her quick thinking in fixing a stuck limb of one of her the other workers playmates within the pipes, making sure they didn't only get to ride away with the waters but also didn't get a cool peg leg but all was good so it was easy to forgive her, especially when Auntie moved her to an even more important role. This would be the start of her path, something she took to in earnest, and in her entire being able to help and keep the smiles around wasn't something she could turn down could she?. Still, the cracks and questions would continue to grow, urged on by an innocent yet simple comment by another playmate she had overheard "What is beyond the City Wall? What is beyond that?" she never did see the owner of the voice again, but the question was something she never could quite forget.

Your dream: To Truly Understand the Song of the Sea.
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Character Name:
Maddick D. Elias
A.K.A "Elias the Storm Walker"

Captain of the Shadow Fox Pirates




Thunderbird Form:

Devil Fruit:
Tori-Tori no Mi, Model: Thunderbird.
Type: Mythical Zoan
Abilities: Much like all zoan types, the user has three different stages. in each form, the user can create and control their own lightning. This devil fruit is significantly faster than its phoenix counterpart, but it does not regenerate its user. This boasts one of the strongest offenses of any devil fruit.

Skills and abilities:
- Observation Haki
- Armament Haki
- Conquers Haki
- Electrical Vision: He is blind, so he uses his abilities to sense the bioelectricity around him. This is how he can see.
- Well versed street fighter
- Can use Rankyaku in its basic form, but is still working on how to make it his own
- Basic knowledge of several different martial arts that he uses in his own way
- When Elias gets into a fight, sometimes he can get very focused. This intense state hones his senses and physical abilities to their maximum. However, during this time he will be completely uninterested in anything other than his current fight. This means he will not communicate, understand reason or even recognize that his body is wearing down. His sole focus is a fight, so anyone in his way will most likely end up hurt. This can be a blessing or a curse, depending on the situation.


Born in the Eigis Kingdom, childhood was hard for Elias. Unfortunately, being born blind does not have its advantages. A fair amount of setbacks actually. He grew up knowing that he was different, but wanted more than anything to change his fate. Refusing to believe that he was doomed to this complacent life, he tried his best to learn as many skills as he could. Though, he knew they wouldn't be anything exciting, he was determined to prove that he was not wasted on this world. He was determined to show that he could accomplish something nobody thought he could. For a long while it was enough. He knew not to expand his dreams too much, scared that he will get his hopes too high. He was complacent in the idea that he would be stuck in his kingdom forever, but this was not the case.

One day, while washing clothes in a river he felt something touch his hand. Unbeknownst to him, he had actually stumbled upon a devil fruit. He didn't know what it was, but being a hungry after a full day's work, he decided to eat the fruit. This would open the world to him. It gave him the ability to see through the bioelectric currents in everything. Lightning was his sight.

Just as revolution and rise were beginning to arrive in his kingdom, he was leaving. Filled with a new determination to see everything. To gaze upon the new world that he was now a part of. For a long while he simply traveled by himself, going from Island to Island and picking up new skills and fighting. Grabbing a few eternal poses as well so they could lead him to where he needed to be. He began to master his devil fruit and a few techniques to help him on his journey. During this time he had noticed the hatred and fear that the Marines spread across the world. It was a dictatorship. One organization controlling everything, but that organization was so corrupt that Justice could no longer be seen. Freedom no longer existed and it was the government that was doing it. He spent a lot of his journeys taking down corrupted military bases across the seas. He became synonymous with destruction. Granted, he had never run into an admiral, vice admiral or anyone of particular note, but he was still becoming a major thorn in the world governments side.

After a while though, something shifted. He remembered the story of the pirate king and the one piece. It was only natural that he should fight for this title. He wanted to give the world the same freedom he had been given. To spread choice rather than fear. This was where his true journey began.

To see everything and to give the world the kind of freedom that he was blessed with. To do this, he believes he must destroy both the red line and the grand line to open the world up so everyone can have this freedom.

Theme Song:


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Here's mine

Name Whiluf Xander

Age 24

Race human
Role Musician


Height 5'9

Weight 190

hair color a crimson red except for a little white near his left eye

eye color: Cyan

Skin color: generally white but has a bit of a tan

General description: Xander has a lean athletic body like that of a dancer He has a scar from the top of his left eye going up to his hair line. His nose is nearly flat because of how many times it has been broken causing his voice to be naively.

Description of attire: primarily wears a green t shirt a red jacket and jeans with a completely black hooded cloak he wears to keep hidden when needed. Around his neck is a silver medallion

He carries a walking cane with a fox head for it's handle wherever he goes. On his left arm is a vambrace connected to a small makeshift bow

Devil fruit Musa Musa Nomi paramecia, when using a musical instrument is able to effect people's emotions giving them inspiration, great fear, even make them fall asleep

Skills and abilities

Disappear: Able to blend into surroundings.

Shadow heart sword style not that good at

Basic observation haki



Master of the Ocarina

Bounty 100,000,000


Born on Krysben in the South Blue. Xander is the bastard son of a noble woman and a naval captain. Because of their night of passion and his farther leaving the next day never to come back to Krysben atleast not during Xander's formative years. His mother was excommunicated from her family and forced to try and survive with the dirt of society. She hated Xander because of this and told him as much never nurturing him or showing any love. She became abusive to Xander at a young age when he couldn't do anything about it breaking his nose to the point it could never be reset. Scared he ran away from her only to be dragged back. Cause no one would help a small unwanted child.

When he was seven and hungry all he wanted was a freshly baked sweet roll. He would spend hours looking at the stand until one day a man by the name of Whiluf D. Grey stopped by the stand and chated up the owner. Unaware to the owner Grey stole one of the sweet rolls and threw it towards Xander. Xander shocked completley missed the sweet roll. Grey let out a small chuckle before putting an arm around the poor boy saying that everything will be alright. He brought Xander to the Grey Goose tavern. There a bunch of kids and a woman playing an ocarina greeted him with open arms.

Grey and the woman Mary adopted him as one of their many wayward children. Over time they would become his true family.

Over the next fifteen years Xander learned from Grey the art of theivery becoming one of the best thieves that Krysben had ever known. At the same time Mary taught him how to play the ocarina

Grey taught Xander his code of honor. Never steal from the poor. nor raise your weapon to them. Protect those under you. And respect those who fight by your side. Only kill when you have to.

At times he would look out to the sea as if he was being called. Grey noticed it and told Xander his own story about when he was a pirate on board the ship Shadow heart. The story excited Xander he knew his life would be out there and not here. Grey than gave Xander his lucky medallion. Something Xander would always treasure.

Afterwards Grey started teaching Xander sword combat. Specifically that of the Shadow Heart Style. While he got the basics he wasn't that good.

Tragedy however would strike as his birth mother found out where he had been all these years. She would try blackmailing them only for Xander to tell her to leave. She would then send the marines at them collecting a combined two hundred and fifty million berry bounty. The marine attack was brutal. Most of Xanders true brothers and sisters and Mary were arrested. Xander and Grey got away but not for long as a red haired cyan eyed Navy captain would shoot Grey.

The man who saved Xander. Brought life back to a young boy's dying corpse would die in his arms with a smile on his face. Cradling his dad in his arms Xander would cry for the last time.

He escaped the red haired Captain hiding in one of Grey's safe houses.

When the coast was clear he returned to the Grey goose and took Mary's ocarina, Grey's cane sword and what money they had in their real safe. Staring at his home one last time he vowed he wouldn't let this happen to any other family before walking away.

He booked a ride on a ship heading for the grandline before eventually finding the crew

Dream: My dream? I want to be able to allow families to live happily. And if I happen to steal some priceless artifacts along the way well who can blame me.
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Character Name: Leo'Pard Misa

Position: Doctor

Age: 20

Sex: Female

Race: Human

Appearance: Misa is a fairly attractive young woman that stands at 4'9 with honey brown skin, long black hair, and emerald eyes. Her muscles and athletic form is usually displayed by mesh pieces or strings, matched with a pastel goth aesthetic.
View media item 47663

Devil fruit (optional): Name type brief description
Geru Geru no Mi (Gel Gel Fruit) - A Paramecia type devil fruit that allows the user to produce and manipulate gel. The gelatin's viscosity, density, and adhesion are able to change however heat can liquify and cold solidify. Alcoholic based substances can break the gel down and make it useless. Misa is able to change the properties of her gel by injecting it with certain combinations of chemicals or if she wants the affect to within the gel she produces then she injects it directly into herself.

Skills and abilities: While these guys are strong don't make them over powered. Think Fishman Island power wise. They can have Haki but not masters of any
Medical Expertise - Misa's medical knowledge spans pharmaceuticals, biology, biochemistry, surgery, psychology. She specializes in pharmaceuticals and biology and is able to create her own drugs with the right ingredients and make them more affective when mixed with her gelatin. Misa is no slouch when it comes to surgery however her psychology studies are not advanced at all. She mainly learned psychology to help pick up on small things.
Twilight Bloom Arts - A martial arts style created by Misa, based on her ancestral martial arts, Moonflower Art & Solar Fist. By combine the two she had created a fighting style marked with throws that can leave the defender crippled and quick strikes that open the opponent up for a strong finish. With her knowledge of anatomy and pressure points, Misa could end a fight early however she usually uses this information to inflict as much pain and suffering as possible.
Haki - Misa is proficient in both Observation and Armament Haki.
* Observation Haki - By using Observation Haki Misa is able to examine people on a deeper level. She can see the impurities in other people's body so she can further assist them as their doctor. When in combat she can predict her oponnents movement by noticing the subtle movement of the muscles.
* Armament Haki - Misa is able to use Armament haki with ease. She is commonly seen using it on her gel to harden while keeping it's fluidity.

Bounties (Between thirty thousand to two hundred million)

In the South Blue, on the beautiful island of Heishi a blood feud began between two families that has lasted for centuries. No one knows what sparked this fierce war betwen the descendants of Leo'Pards and Vabats, however the tons of blood and bodies that have been dropped has left both sides with apathy for the cause. That was until Malva and Itsume crossed paths off the battlefield. They had a whirlwind love affair of three days before reality reared its ugly head by revealing their true identities as familial enemies. Like their fathers before them they clashed. Like their mothers before them they seeked blood. However, unlike their kin their wills falter when they finally looked into each other's eyes but their loyalties to their families prevented them from stop fighting.

Abandoning their familial ties. Malva and Itsumi set out to the sea so their love could flourish. Malva and Itsumi travelled the world and with each island their love for each other grew and their disdain for the government grew in equal amounts. Two years after their departure, Malva fell pregnant, and they both decided to inform their families. They each met with their respective side to attempt to extend an olive branch, while the Leo'Pards congratulated them but refused to interact with the couple as they did not trust Itsumi, however on the other hand, the Vabats were more than eager to meet. Both labeled as pirates, the Vabats got their bounties expunged while Malva and Itsumi sailed into a Marine Base.

While their dinner was idyllic and blissful the conversations were anything but. After a few months, Malva started to slowly deteriorate. The young woman barely made it through Misa's birth although her strong will allowed her to push through. Whatever effected Malva also affected Misa and she was born weak. Both mother and child were bed ridden and most of Misa's early memories were from bed on a ship as her father searched for a cure for his wife and daughter. Eventually they settled in the medical kingdom of Torino where they were able halt the mysterious illness but Misa fell into a coma. Growing up, Misa was always at attention when the doctors came in to examine the young girl and her mother, and the doctors were generous and kind to her and would explain anything they could to her. One day she mentioned a specific formula that they could try on her, how ever they rejected it as it hadn't been tested and could be dangerous. Ignoring them, Misa tricked her father into getting the ingredients she needed to create her medicine.

The medicine worked however the effects were not potent enough to completely cure her. Over a course of a couple of months, Misa doctored herself and refused any and all services from the Torino doctors. After eight months they finally took noticed of her improved condition and questioned her. Misa with the support of her father informed them of what she had been doing and the theories she had, first informing them that herself and Malva were not just sick but potentially poisoned, and while she was able to greatly suppress it she was not able to cure it from her body. The Torino physicist supplied the girl with any information they had available and nurtured her natural medical talent. With their combined efforts, they were able to completely expel the poison from Misa's body however with their technology level they wouldn't be able to do anything.

Itsumi once again reached out to the Vabats and the Leo'Pards but received the different response than last time. The Leo'Pards although weary of him, invited him to the country of Tumi, a country previously conquered by the Revolutionary army.

Your dream: To understand the secrets behind Devil Fruits

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