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Futuristic The Seven (Superhuman RP!)


Elle watched as Kylynn embraced a girl, apparently her sister, in an emotional, tear-filled reunion. Then, a man smoking a cigar followed, setting his eyes on Chris. "Chris! Holy shit!" He dropped the cigar, running as fast as his deteriorated lungs would let him.

Elle wanted to approach, but figured Chris would want a little time with him. He mentioned her though, so she waved slightly at the man. "I-I'm Elle." She moved forward, giving him a nervous smile. "He must be the ACE agent that you talked about?" She said, looking at Chris.


"It's so good to see you." Quina's eyes brimmed with tears, but she quickly wiped them away before they fell. "Who's this?" She smiled at Naomi, releasing Kylynn from her arms.

@Ayane @ALittleRed @arialc @Devious Dilbert
Naomi is shy when encountered, gasping slightly when noticing Naomi. "I-I'm Naomi... good to meet you." She says.

(Sorry for short post. My burn has made me lose focus.)
Clairvoyance said:


Elle watched as Kylynn embraced a girl, apparently her sister, in an emotional, tear-filled reunion. Then, a man smoking a cigar followed, setting his eyes on Chris. "Chris! Holy shit!" He dropped the cigar, running as fast as his deteriorated lungs would let him.

Elle wanted to approach, but figured Chris would want a little time with him. He mentioned her though, so she waved slightly at the man. "I-I'm Elle." She moved forward, giving him a nervous smile. "He must be the ACE agent that you talked about?" She said, looking at Chris.

@Ayane @ALittleRed @arialc @Devious Dilbert
Chris & Huewes

"Yep. This is the guy." Chris said. "Best fucking agent of Ace." He put his hand on Elle's shoulder. "And this is Elle. Best member of my squad."

So it's your squad? I highly doubt bunching together was your idea." Huewes joked, then looked down to the young lady. "How do you do? My name is James Huewes, but for some reason- everybody calls me Huewes." He extended his hand for a formal handshake.

"These your friends?" He asked Chris, looking to the rest of the pack.

"I wouldn't say friends. More like allies."
She escaped with us. She's been by my side since. Kylynn wiped away her tears. And it's not Chris' squad, he hates most of us. Mostly me.

She turned away from the rest and back to Naomi and Quina. I see you're queen, congratulations. Kylynn knew what that meant, they forfeited the crown to her, but it meant something happened to their parents. Where's mom and dad?

(I'm not home, so no coding for a while)

@Clairvoyance @Devious Dilbert @arialc @Ayane @Comet @AvidElmV2
ALittleRed said:
And it's not Chris' squad, he hates most of us. Mostly me.
Chris & Huewes

"Yeah, it's true. I hate Kylynn the most." Chris said, blatantly.

That's... harsh? You outta' be friendlier to your group, Chris. They've probably saved your ass a few times without you even knowing." He pointed his finger at the boy.

Whatever. Kylynn can only break things. Elle's really the only one that matters." @Clairvoyance

"Is she like your girlfriend or something?"

"What-no! Why do you always have to turn everything into that direction?" Chris said, looking to Elle than back at Huewes. He furrowed his brow.

"Haha- I'm just kidding! But that was a rather strong reaction. Though- now isn't the time for petty romance anyway." Huewes smirked.

"Quit making assumptions. I meant that she's important in terms of usefulness."

"Yeah- I believe you." The man said sarcastically.


Elle bumped his shoulder, smiling slightly. "Maybe they
would be your friends if you were a little nicer." She said it with a smile though, being only partly serious. "A pleasure to meet an ACE agent such as yourself. It's a good change of pace from the other lunatics that've been chasing us." She shook his hand, her grip light and her hands soft. She wasn't sure if she was supposed to be afraid of James, or if he was just..normal.

When Chris pronounced his hate for Kylynn, Elle decided to Elle-bow him (PUN). "Cut her a break. But..thank you, haha." She let out a small, nervous laugh. "Chris was a huge factor in keeping us safe though. He did a lot."

"Is she like your girlfriend or something?" James asked, seemingly amused with the question. At the same time Chris denied it, Elle shook her head and burst into an uncontrollable fit of nervous giggles. "I-I-...h-he and I, w-we just met." She facepalmed, biting her lip. "W-What I mean is t-that..what he said..." She didn't want to make herself seem like even more of a fool than she already did, so the blonde shut up.

"Quit making assumptions. I meant that she's important in terms of usefulness." Chris said finally, seeming like he was done talking about it. At those words, Elle's head lowered slightly. Despite what she'd shared about herself and her past, and how nice she'd been to him when he'd been tolerable to her and everyone else at best, he still only thought of her as an asset. It seemed like thoughts of having a friend were much farther from his mind than they were from hers.


Quina leaned in close, grinning slightly. "Well, Chris should be a little more grateful. I heard about the fire on Jackal street. Took out half the block, and gave all of you the chance to slip away from the ACE bastards no doubt."

She turned to Naomi, shaking the girl's hand gently. "A pleasure, Naomi. I'm Kylynn's older sister, Quina."

The next thing her little sister asked caught the elder off guard, even though she'd known it would come up eventually. "Where's mom and dad?" Quina's smile faded. "Well.." She looked around at everyone, pursing her lips. "Maybe we could talk about this later, Lynnie? You all must be tired and dirty, and you're safe with me for tonight." She gestured at the door, raising her voice. "Please, everyone, come inside. A meal has been prepared for us, and I'm sure that you are all hungry, thirsty, and tired." She rested a hand on Kylynn's shoulder for a second, a flash of pain darting across her eyes, but then turned and led the way inside.

@Comet @Ayane @ALittleRed @Devious Dilbert @arialc
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Kylynn frowned at Chris, then smiled at Huewes.

I don't care that he hates me, I hate myself too. But the only way to control the power of a pyrokinetic is to lose them.
She targeted a forced smiled at Chris, but turned to her sister so that she got the hint. Their grandfather taught both of them the trick, in case either of them got the pyrokinesis. And Kylynn got lucky. She hoped it went across.

Well..Maybe we could talk about this later, Lynnie? Her sister said and Kylynn's heart sunk. She should've guessed, but she didn't want to believe it.

Let's go Naomi. She said quietly, before following her sister down the hallway.

Were there any human casualties at Jackal? She asked her sister when she caught up.

@Clairvoyance @Devious Dilbert @Comet @arialc @Ayane @AvidElmV2

She was a hit surprised at how she suddenly shook Naomi's hand, but had gone with it. She shakes her hand back, letting go of it when appropriate. She follows Kylynn when she says so.
Clairvoyance said:


Elle bumped his shoulder, smiling slightly. "Maybe they
would be your friends if you were a little nicer." She said it with a smile though, being only partly serious. "A pleasure to meet an ACE agent such as yourself. It's a good change of pace from the other lunatics that've been chasing us." She shook his hand, her grip light and her hands soft. She wasn't sure if she was supposed to be afraid of James, or if he was just..normal.

When Chris pronounced his hate for Kylynn, Elle decided to Elle-bow him (PUN). "Cut her a break. But..thank you, haha." She let out a small, nervous laugh. "Chris was a huge factor in keeping us safe though. He did a lot."

"Is she like your girlfriend or something?" James asked, seemingly amused with the question. At the same time Chris denied it, Elle shook her head and burst into an uncontrollable fit of nervous giggles. "I-I-...h-he and I, w-we just met." She facepalmed, biting her lip. "W-What I mean is t-that..what he said..." She didn't want to make herself seem like even more of a fool than she already did, so the blonde shut up.

"Quit making assumptions. I meant that she's important in terms of usefulness." Chris said finally, seeming like he was done talking about it. At those words, Elle's head lowered slightly. Despite what she'd shared about herself and her past, and how nice she'd been to him when he'd been tolerable to her and everyone else at best, he still only thought of her as an asset. It seemed like thoughts of having a friend were much farther from his mind than they were from hers.


Quina leaned in close, grinning slightly. "Well, Chris should be a little more grateful. I heard about the fire on Jackal street. Took out half the block, and gave all of you the chance to slip away from the ACE bastards no doubt."

She turned to Naomi, shaking the girl's hand gently. "A pleasure, Naomi. I'm Kylynn's older sister, Quina."

The next thing her little sister asked caught the elder off guard, even though she'd known it would come up eventually. "Where's mom and dad?" Quina's smile faded. "Well.." She looked around at everyone, pursing her lips. "Maybe we could talk about this later, Lynnie? You all must be tired and dirty, and you're safe with me for tonight." She gestured at the door, raising her voice. "Please, everyone, come inside. A meal has been prepared for us, and I'm sure that you are all hungry, thirsty, and tired." She rested a hand on Kylynn's shoulder for a second, a flash of pain darting across her eyes, but then turned and led the way inside.

@Comet @Ayane @ALittleRed @Devious Dilbert @arialc
Chris & Huewes


Chris was tolerant of Elle's nudges, but he didn't really respond to them, or at least tried not to.

"Yeah, Chris. Be nicer to your buddies. And be grateful to them. You probably wouldn't be here without them, and I'd end up finding your corpse somewhere out there along with the rest of the people you got involved." Huewes spoke, now turning serious. "And be nicer to your girlfriend." he said, in a lighter tone, noticing how the girl sank into herself. "Chris is really just a little bitch. He doesn't know how to talk to the ladies." he tried to reassure her.

While Chris was the stone-cold and insensitive teenage boy, Huewes was the opposite. It's truly a mystery how the two became friends.

Are you gonna quit?" Chris asked, not even angry at his friend's comment about him, just annoyed.

Yeah, Yeah- Boss says it's time to head in anyway." Huewes waved his hand dismissively and began following Quina. @Clairvoyance

But he suddenly stopped and looked back to Elle.

Ladies first." He smiled back at her, gesturing for her to go ahead. "See? This is how you do it. It's not hard to be nice to people."

You're pissing me off." Chris said, while walking beside the others heading in.


"Chris is really just a little bitch. He doesn't know how to talk to the ladies." Elle choked back a laugh, clearing her throat in an attempt to cover it up. "I-I see." She bit down on her lip to keep from grinning, not looking at the boy beside her.

"Ladies first." Huewes said, gesturing for her to go ahead. Chris was obviously irked, walking past and grumbling. Elle followed, sending a nod and a smile at Huewes, rejoining Chris inside.


Quina stopped outside a set of large, oak doors that led into the dining room. A large, long wooden table piled high with all types of food waited for everyone to devour it, still steaming hot and wafting the succulent smells out into hall.

"No, no casualties at all, actually." Quina said, smiling at her but becoming serious again. She lowered her voice so that Naomi couldn't hear, leaning in close. "You used the pendant?" She asked.

(@Ayane, @ALittleRed, and @Devious Dilbert have permission to control Quina and Elle if I don't reply fast enough sometimes. ;-; I may be feeling uninspired, so..yeah. xD I'm trying to pump out replies.)

(@Comet, here's the short version: I think your last post was hugging Jace, @AvidElmV2, in the van. Basically we just got to the town hall of the Outsides where Quina rules, and everyone is going to eat. Quina is Kylynn's older sister, and James Huewes is a former ACE agent who is Chris' friend, and has ((I think)) left ACE to help the kids.)


Thank God. Kylynn smiled. She had never killed anyone with her power, she has come close many times, but never.

Why don't you go eat Naomi? She spoke down to the girl so she wouldn't hear Kylynn and Quina's conversation.

Yeah, I had to. Ace was using my heat to track us and I thought we were going to travel hundreds of miles to get away with them, so I did it. She looked back to the pendant on Elle's neck. And her heart sunk. We can lock it up and my body can get used to be human again.

She showed Quina the cut on her arm, it wasn't gone all the way yet since she didn't take the second dose of tissue regeneration. See it's already working. I've lost my healing, I'm still cold, but I'm sure that I'll become warm again. Kylynn wasn't sure of the cautions of using the pendant. Quina knew more since she was older and had more time with their grandpa. I'll become a regular human and I can stay with you.

That's all Kylynn wanted, was to stay with her sister. She wasn't sure that her sister would pull them out of the fight, but she was now grateful. She didn't have to run for her life with that pendant staying around Elle's neck. We could start a school for the Super Humans here in the Outsides and find out who turned me in. The teenager would've been able to live forever in the Outsides, but someone reported her in after an incident with her brothers when she was 12.

Wouldn't that be great? Everything can be normal again. Or almost. She added when she remembered her parents' predicament.

@Clairvoyance @arialc

"O-Oh... okay, bye Kylynn, and, um.... Queen." Shesays, nuzzling her blanket and going off into the canteen and taking a seat, waiting for food. She was shy alone, but she tried to be more confident.

(Again, sorry for tiny posts. I don't have much to work on. I guess with tiny posts, I cant get something to work on, huh? Bleh... This burn is really losing my focus.)
(Everyone is going to eat??)

Ria looked around, excited to see everything around her. "God.. It's beautiful.." She breathed, touching the window, sending tiny sparks through it before she moved her hand away to look out the other side with awe.
Jarrace ran into the dining hall. His hair was messy and his coat and suit seemed torn, and he somehow seemed slimmer.

"Finally I'm here! Queen sorry for the intrusion bu-" He stopped walking at the sight of the teens. He had a surprised look on his face.

(Yay, Jarrace is back!)
Clairvoyance said:
(@Ayane, @ALittleRed, and @Devious Dilbert have permission to control Quina and Elle if I don't reply fast enough sometimes. ;-; I may be feeling uninspired, so..yeah. xD I'm trying to pump out replies.)
( ): )


"Oh shit!" Chris couldn't contain his excitement. Actually, he hadn't eaten anything at all yet. All he really got was a glass of water back at the house where the group ran into Jace.

"I'm starving!" He said, only now realizing it.


Elle grinned, laughing at Chris' bluntness. "I second that. Meals didn't come often at ACE, and they were usually total crap." She followed Naomi into the dining hall, stopping and staring in awe. A huge table sat in the middle of the candlelit room, piled high with everything. Salads, meats, fruits and veggies, and everything in-between.

It was a food-lover's paradise.


As Kylynn spoke, Quina waved goodbye to Naomi and forced a smile, then followed her younger sister's gaze to Elle. "You didn't even keep it with you?" She hissed, her eyes wide. She took a deep breath, calming down. "Lynnie, I know you think these kids are trustworthy, but I'm willing to bet that they'll do anything to stay alive. If that means selling you out, I'm sure that girl would do it." Her voice was firm, condescending even, but she dropped the matter with those final words.

"I'll become a regular human. I can stay with you. We could start a school for the Super Humans here in the Outsides and find out who turned me in. Wouldn't that be great? Everything can be normal again. Or almost. Quina shook her head, a somber expression emerging. "I have 24 hours to bring all of you to a drop-off point where the warden of your ACE facility will be waiting." The older girl said, shifting her weight from foot to foot and crossing her arms. "I'm not going to, of course. I just needed to give you all some time to recharge your powers, freshen up and regain some strength. And Lyn..." Quina put her hands on her shoulders. "I can't come with you."

"Finally I'm here! Queen, sorry for the intrusion, bu-" He stopped, the look of shock apparent on his face. Quina released Kylynn, striding over to Jarrace and being joined by two giant, burly men. "Jarrace, wonderful to see you." She made a small motion with her hand, telling the bodyguards to get on either side of him. "I apologize for this rather impolite treatment, but as you can see, things a bit delicate here. The ACE corporation has enlisted the help of police, after all."

(@Comet you can if you want, but your character can explore if you'd rather do that. xD It's an RP, it's up to you.)

@Ayane @ALittleRed @Devious Dilbert @Themoosemaster @arialc
Naomi had been amazed with all the food at the table... She didn't have a lot of an appetite though, she lost it with all the anxiousness. She grabs a plate, taking the proper silverware to serve herself some food. Salad, with some Italian dressing drizzled over it, some mashed potatoes and gravy, some broccoli, and a fair amount of ham. Once she got the food, she put a fork in it and then folded her blanket on the seat. She returns to Kylynn and the Queen, looking up at Kylynn. "Hey, do you wanna sit with me?" Naomi asks.




"Uh yes, I regret I am no longer a member of the NYPD." He said, looking at the Large men beside him and back to her. "The details are currently unimportant, basic sum-up, I broke into ace, uh Unsuccessfully I might add. But I learned what they were doing Yada Yada, I couldn't really go back to HQ so I came here to propose for you to find them. And they are already here..." He stuck his hand in his pocket and sighed. He had a rough time, it was easy to tell by his appearance.

I can't keep it with me. I don't trust them at all if they don't trust me, it's just that girl has a better chance of actually escaping than me. She said back, uncomfortable with her sister's tone. They don't even know that I lost my powers, they're clueless about it, and so is Ace.

Kylynn noticed that her sister no longer wanted to continue the argument. So she gave in, sort of. I will retrieve it if you want me to, but I'm not opening it.

She was going to say something again, but her sister continued talking. What do you mean 24 hours. We're not safe here? They have no jurisdiction in any parts of the Outsides, no matter what state. You should be able to move freely in all your territory,even with me.

Naomi walks back up to Kylynn with a plate of food in her hands, asking Kylynn to join. I'll be there in a--- Kylynn is interrupted by the cop bursting towards the door. She recognized him from the alley and she immediately placed her body behind Quina's, and she pushed Naomi behind her. What the hell are you doing here?

She didn't trust the officer, not one bit.

@Clairvoyance @arialc @Themoosemaster

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( sorry for late reply )

Eli thanked the Queen, and overheard their conversation. Things didn't sound well. Instead of interrupting, she went to the dining hall and smiled at the food. "Real food, it feels like forever." She placed some chicken and such on her plate, and took a bite into it. Tastes like heaven. Eli then looked over at the NYPD officer in alarm. "What the hell..." She stood up, looking away from her precious food. "Kick him out of here. I don't trust him one bit."

@Comet @ALittleRed @Clairvoyance @Loki Odinson @Themoosemaster @Devious Dilbert @arialc @AvidElmV2 @anyoneelseimissed
Ria sat down in a chair and looked around at everything with curiosity. "This place is beautiful." She breathed quietly, a smile on her face. After they were done eating, she'll go explore. Of course, she'll most likely explore on her own, the whole seemed group have split up in their own smaller groups, but she was fine with that!
Themoosemaster said:
"Uh yes, I regret I am no longer a member of the NYPD." He said, looking at the Large men beside him and back to her. "The details are currently unimportant, basic sum-up, I broke into ace, uh Unsuccessfully I might add. But I learned what they were doing Yada Yada, I couldn't really go back to HQ so I came here to propose for you to find them. And they are already here..." He stuck his hand in his pocket and sighed. He had a rough time, it was easy to tell by his appearance.

Huewes spotted the queen conversing with some man who had just stepped into her lair uninvited.

"You go eat, Chris." Huewes spoke, ushering him into the dining room.

Chris obeyed with no objections.

He walked over to the queen's side.

"That's about the same story I used, buddy. And there can only be one of me." Huewes spoke. (I was so tempted to have him be like 'And there can only be one of me in this plot sequence.')

He didn't trust the officer's words. Although the man looked to be believable, it was foolish to judge based on appearances alone.

He had just finally found Chris, and he wasn't going to let him get taken again. He knew the NYPD were also after the superhumans.

"We can't
just kick him out. He'll go back to his little friends and lead them here." He said, looking over to the girl already eating." @Ayane
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[QUOTE="Devious Dilbert](I was so tempted to have him be like 'And there can only be one of me in this plot sequence.')

( xD I was actually planning this for a bit, its just a coincidence you beat me to it.)
Naomi notice the policeman walk into the area... She jumped. She didn't want to provoke him, rather, she quickly skedaddles out of the scene, to go back to the dining table at her seat. She began to quietly eat, taking her time to enjoy the food. It was amazing, infact... She didnt want to leave. It was the best place she's been to for a while, that's what the others must've thought aswell.
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