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Futuristic The Seven (Superhuman RP!)


Elle nodded, watching as a wall of thick, dark ice rose to shield the van. Eli soon collapsed though, and Elle was ready to catch her. She half dragged half carried her to the van, laying her on a seat before going back out. "Come on, Kylynn! Leave him!" She wanted to run over and back her, but knew that she and Lunatic had a history.


Quina let out a breath, sagging in the chair. "Thank you." The call ended, and she tossed the earpiece away. "I win, bastard." She said, grinning triumphantly.

@ALittleRed @Ayane @Comet @arialc @AvidElmV2 @Devious Dilbert
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Fuck! She yelled while bring her hand up to her head. You did always get me with that. She noticed that he was looking around, probably looking for his remote.

You are going to stay and fight. She leaped on his back and wrapped her hands around his neck. Her head was throbbing and she was getting dizzy, but she wasn't letting go. She wanted to put him to sleep, again.

She noticed the screams from E Squared. And looks back, everyone was climbing into the van. Well, I guess I have to leave again sweetheart. I'll see you next time. She pushes him away after placing a kiss on his head. When he is far away from her she runs back to her teammates.

Let's go.
She takes a glance back at Jay and smiles, as the van pulls away.

@Themoosemaster @arialc @Devious Dilbert @Clairvoyance @Comet @AvidElmV2 @Ayane

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Lunatic stood up and clenched his fists. He swung around and went back to the Helicopter rope. He cloaked his Helicopter and put it on silent mode. He knew where they were going at this point. To hell with the mission, he's gonna kill them one way or another.
Naomi had broke her own stone as soon as the bad guy left, taking her blanket. She goes back to her lighter, fleshy form. "H-Hey, wait!" She yells out to the van, running to it.
ALittleRed said:

Fuck! She yelled while bring her hand up to her head. You did always get me with that. She noticed that he was looking around, probably looking for his remote.

You are going to stay and fight. She leaped on his back and wrapped her hands around his neck. Her head was throbbing and she was getting dizzy, but she wasn't letting go. She wanted to put him to sleep, again.

She noticed the screams from E Squared. And looks back, everyone was climbing into the van. Well, I guess I have to leave again sweetheart. I'll see you next time. She pushes him away after placing a kiss on his head. When he is far away from her she runs back to her teammates.

Let's go.
She takes a glance back at Jay and smiles, as the van pulls away.

@Themoosemaster @arialc @Devious Dilbert @Clairvoyance @Comet @AvidElmV2 @Ayane

"Quit macking on your boyfriend and let's go!" Chris shouted out to Kylynn.

"You too, Naomi!" @arialc

Chris wasn't sure exactly where this mysterious van had come from, but they were helping them get away from the agents and that's all he cared about. He decided to just go with it since Eli seemed alright with it. @Ayane

(Kinda just jumpin' in, don't really know what happend, just wingin' it man)
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Kylynn just laughed at Chris' words. Jay never had the courage to ask me out. She joked, blankly looking out the window. She looked down to her hand, she managed to steal Jay's communication device that connected him to Ace, and probably even Mr. Boss. They had a way to figure out how they were tracking them.

Kylynn looked to the driver and recognized him. When she noticed who he was and the fact they were getting closer to the Outsides, she smiled like she was Lunatic. She knew were they were going.

Home, sweet home. She said to herself. All the teens in the van were from the new New York, while she lived on the Outsides, or old New York. The city wasn't controlled by complete technology and it was more like the early 21st century. There were stories where the Outsides were dangerous, it kind of was, but it was her home. And she missed it.

@Clairvoyance @Devious Dilbert @arialc @AvidElmV2 @Comet @Ayane

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ALittleRed said:

Kylynn just laughed at Chris' words. Jay never had the courage to ask me out. She joked, blankly looking out the window. She looked down to her hand, she managed to steal Jay's communication device that connected him to Ace, and probably even Mr. Boss. They had a way to figure out how they were tracking them.

Kylynn looked to the driver and recognized him. When she noticed who he was and the fact they were getting closer to the Outsides, she smiled like she was Lunatic. She knew were they were going.

Home, sweet home. She said to herself. All the teens in the van were from the new New York, while she lived on the Outsides, or old New York. The city wasn't controlled by complete technology and it was more like the early 21st century. There were stories where the Outsides were dangerous, it kind of was, but it was her home. And she missed it.

@Clairvoyance @Devious Dilbert @arialc @AvidElmV2 @Comet @Ayane

Well, that hurt. Bad idea. She mostly woke up since they were in motion. For a second, she thought she was in Ace. After blinking her eyes, she say that they were in a van. "Thanks for the help, but who the hell are you and where are you taking us?" She muttered this, mostly since her head was throbbing. Eli looked out the window at the older city. She never say anything like this---cars that ran on gas were everywhere. No cars in the sky or anything of the sort. She spotted a guy with a skateboard. No hoverboards either. Eli looked at the group to see if they were surprised also. She noticed that Kylynn was the most comfortable being here. "You lived here?" Eli asked, a bit surprised. "You never mentioned it before."
Ayane said:
Well, that hurt. Bad idea. She mostly woke up since they were in motion. For a second, she thought she was in Ace. After blinking her eyes, she say that they were in a van. "Thanks for the help, but who the hell are you and where are you taking us?" She muttered this, mostly since her head was throbbing. Eli looked out the window at the older city. She never say anything like this---cars that ran on gas were everywhere. No cars in the sky or anything of the sort. She spotted a guy with a skateboard. No hoverboards either. Eli looked at the group to see if they were surprised also. She noticed that Kylynn was the most comfortable being here. "You lived here?" Eli asked, a bit surprised. "You never mentioned it before."
Chris was just as astonished at the sight of the 'Outsides' as Eli, but he chose not to vocalize it.

Instead he just stared out of the window, with a little bit of confusion.

These parts of NY looked terrible to him. There were no flashing lights, no cool aesthetics.

It was plain and boring.

He overheard Eli's question to Kylynn. He didn't care about Kylynn's backstory itself, he just found it weird how anybody could even live in this area.

Then a sudden realization hit him.

We're in the outsides... Didn't James say something about meeting him here...? I can't remember-

(Foreshadow hahshahdhsjdsd)
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Yeah, I did. I lived in the tallest building. The Empire State Building, it was called.

She looked out as they drove through Times Square. She loved the screens that remained everywhere on buildings flashing news and advertisements, people walking with smiles on their faces yet alert in their eyes. I never mentioned it, because all the citizens of new New York saw us as trash, as if the citizens here didn't matter. I didn't care, this was my home.

The car began to slow down as they got closer to the building. She noticed the sun was about rising, and the city didn't look how she usually remembered it. It's way prettier at night, my sister and I used to sneak out when she would visit from the University. I'm glad to be back.

@Clairvoyance @Ayane @Devious Dilbert @Comet @arialc @AvidElmV2


Random Driver Guy

"Air conditioner on this thing is fucked, but y'all should be fine." The man had a strong southern drawl, and he was rather young in his early thirties. He glanced back at them in the rearview mirror. "Y'all are under the protection of Quina, Queen of the Outsides. She stopped them crazy assholes from tearing y'all to pieces. Hell, she's probably the only thing standin' between you and the big Boss at ACE himself."

As they drove, the van hit pothole after pothole, rattling everyone in the truck. "Road's a little bumpy." He said, laughing slightly. "Don't get too much more dead back there kids." Then, he finally pulled over at the large, ancient building. "We're here!"

@Ayane @Comet @Devious Dilbert @arialc @AvidElmV2 @ALittleRed
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Clairvoyance said:

Random Driver Guy

"Air conditioner on this thing is fucked, but y'all should be fine." The man had a strong southern drawl, and he was rather young in his early thirties. He glanced back at them in the rearview mirror. "Y'all are under the protection of Quina, Queen of the Outsides. She stopped them crazy assholes from tearing y'all to pieces. Hell, she's probably the only thing standin' between you and the Boss himself."

As they drove, the van hit pothole after pothole, rattling everyone in the truck. "Road's a little bumpy." He said, laughing slightly. "Don't get too much more dead back there kids."

@Ayane @Comet @Devious Dilbert @arialc @AvidElmV2 @ALittleRed
"This is so strange, wow." She smiled at Kylynn and looked, "Wow, it looks so old. The building." Obviously the city did, but the building especially. Eli then asked the man, "How come he's afraid of her?" She was confused. Ace didn't touch this area for some reason. That is incredible. They were...safe. For now at least. "Are we almost there?" She disliked the feeling of the roads. It was unfamiliar. "And will we all get proper lodging if the 'Queen' doesn't mind." She didn't really understand the whole queen nametag.

ALittleRed said:


Yeah, I did. I lived in the tallest building. The Empire State Building, it was called.

She looked out as they drove through Times Square. She loved the screens that remained everywhere on buildings flashing news and advertisements, people walking with smiles on their faces yet alert in their eyes. I never mentioned it, because all the citizens of new New York saw us as trash, as if the citizens here didn't matter. I didn't care, this was my home.

The car began to slow down as they got closer to the building. She noticed the sun was about rising, and the city didn't look how she usually remembered it. It's way prettier at night, my sister and I used to sneak out when she would visit from the University. I'm glad to be back.

@Clairvoyance @Ayane @Devious Dilbert @Comet @arialc @AvidElmV2

Naomi had gotten closer to Kylynn as she rode, the blanket folded and in her arms. She liked this blanket, she didnt know why. it was just... Soft and big and thin. Just what she wanted. "Oof..." She'd make this sound whenever the ground decided to have a pothole. She looks out of the front window, looking upon the building. "I-Is she rude or something...?" Naomi asks the driver as they park.
Clairvoyance said:

Random Driver Guy

"Air conditioner on this thing is fucked, but y'all should be fine." The man had a strong southern drawl, and he was rather young in his early thirties. He glanced back at them in the rearview mirror. "Y'all are under the protection of Quina, Queen of the Outsides. She stopped them crazy assholes from tearing y'all to pieces. Hell, she's probably the only thing standin' between you and the big Boss at ACE himself."

As they drove, the van hit pothole after pothole, rattling everyone in the truck. "Road's a little bumpy." He said, laughing slightly. "Don't get too much more dead back there kids." Then, he finally pulled over at the large, ancient building. "We're here!"

@Ayane @Comet @Devious Dilbert @arialc @AvidElmV2 @ALittleRed

KylynnText here

She laughed at the driver's remarks, a little upset he didn't recognize her.

When will we meet this Queen? She asked, focusing on the building they approached.

She smiled at the bumpy road, they still didn't change it. It's been four years since she was taken to Ace, and the place basically looked the same.

Of course it's old, it's from the 1900s.

She turned to Naomi, smiling at her actions. The queen should be a sweetheart. Her predecessors were. The car stops and she's beyond ready to get out and into the building.

@Clairvoyance @Ayane @Devious Dilbert @Comet @AvidElmV2 @arialc

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Naomi nods. "Okay, thats good... If she acts like her predecessors." She says. "Why is there a queen anyway? Like... Is there a whole monarchy or is it just "queen?"" Naomi asks, going back to her spot with Kylynn.


Well there was a civil war in the Outsides and the Rebels won. They appointed the first rulers and I'm guessing their daughter is ruling now. Do they not teach this over there? I've known this since I was in elementary. It only happened less than 60 years ago.

Kylynn stepped out of the van and stared at the doors, anxious to step inside.

@Clairvoyance @Ayane @arialc @Devious Dilbert @Comet @AvidElmV2

(Sorry for the short post.)​
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ALittleRed said:


Well there was a civil war in the Outsides and the Rebels won. They appointed the first rulers and I'm guessing their daughter is ruling now. Do they not teach this over there? I've known this since I was in elementary. It only happened less than 60 years ago.

Kylynn stepped out of the van and stared at the doors, anxious to step inside.

@Clairvoyance @Ayane @arialc @Devious Dilbert @Comet @AvidElmV2

(Sorry for the short post.)​
"They don't teach anything outside the city. The Outsides are omitted in the new city. Not mentioned often." Eli replied for Naomi as she jump out of the van. "Wooden doors. They are meant to be opened, huh?" She joked as she waited with the group. Of all things, she too was a bit anxious to get inside.

short post too, playing Overwatch yikes )


Elle kept Eli from falling to the floor until she woke, holding tightly to the edge of the seat. She wasn't used to the immeasurably bumpy roads the van drove on, throwing everyone this way and that. Despite living in the area for so long, she'd never even seen this part of town. The state it was in was shameful, but you could tell that the people truly tried to take care of their homes.

When they arrived, Elle gaped at the size of the building before them. "Wow, this place is huge!" She grinned, looking at the gorgeous architecture. "I can't believe we're safe."


The front doors of the building burst open to reveal a long-haired brunette, Quina, striding towards the group. She had a suppressed smile on her face, and she was staring right at Kylynn.

"Lynnie!" She exclaimed, smiling openly and walking up to hug her tightly. "I've missed you so much." Quina was a good bit taller than Kylynn, even more so with the heels, and had matured from the pimple-faced braces-wearing teen she'd been.

@Ayane @Comet @arialc @ALittleRed @Devious Dilbert

She quickly turned around to the sound of her name. At the sight of her older sister she smiled. She immediately hugged her and tears brimmed her eyes as she hung on tight.

Oh my god Double Q, I thought I'd never seen you again.
She said into Quina's shirt. She was hysterically crying now. She looked so different than before, but she had the same smile and the same twinkle in her eyes.

I missed you too, seeing a face that truly loved her was the best thing ever. She never wanted to leave her again, she thought as she clutched onto her sister's clothing.

@Clairvoyance @Devious Dilbert @Comet @arialc @Ayane @AvidElmV2

ALittleRed said:

She quickly turned around to the sound of her name. At the sight of her older sister she smiled. She immediately hugged her and tears brimmed her eyes as she hung on tight.

Oh my god Double Q, I thought I'd never seen you again.
She said into Quina's shirt. She was hysterically crying now. She looked so different than before, but she had the same smile and the same twinkle in her eyes.

I missed you too, seeing a face that truly loved her was the best thing ever. She never wanted to leave her again, she thought as she clutched onto her sister's clothing.

@Clairvoyance @Devious Dilbert @Comet @arialc @Ayane @AvidElmV2

That was unexpected, in a good way ))
Following the woman, a man nearing his thirties with messily-kept hair, dressed in an Ace suit strolled out of the doors.

Upon his first step, he eyed Chris and reacted immediately.

"Chris! Holy shit!" He exclaimed. He spit out his cigar and ran up to the teen.

"Huewes? What the fuck?" Chris was confused, but he ran up to the man too.

The ex-agent took a deep breath and continued breathing heavily, it seemed he was exhausted just from that. He put his hand on the boy's shoulder, and another on his chest. "Oh god- Don't ever smoke, I'm gonna tell you right now-"

"Why are you here?"

But the man ignored him, instead looking behind him to see other kids.

"What the hell, Chris? I told you to go solo if this ever happened."

Chris turned around to look back at the others for a quick second, then turned back around to face his speaker.

"That doesn't matter. Why are you here? You gonna answer me?" Chris questioned him.

"What- Are you not happy to see me?"

"No- I fucking hate you." But it was obvious that Chris was just joking.

"I escaped Ace too. And I tried to find you, but there was just too much going on. So- I used the commotion to my advantage. I figured you'd end up at the Outsides, and that intuition of mine was right. I found this lovely lady here- @Clairvoyance and at first she gave me a hard time, but I used my people skills to convince her that I'm on her side. Sounds crazy, yeah?"

"I don't believe it." Chris laughed, glad that his friend was standing right before him.

"Neither would I, but that's my story." Huewes said.

(Sorry, it was really long. I had to make his introduction worth it)
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@Clairvoyance (speaking of pm planning...)

Naomi walks into the building, close to Kai. As usual. She had walked a little nervously, as she always did with new places. She then notices the Queen, who practically dives into Kylynns arms! Naomi was surprised... but felt better that this had happened.

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