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Realistic or Modern The Seven Deadly Sins: It's WW3

@Geek with Me Hello there! I'm so intrigued in this plot and RP, it's so different! That being said, can I reserve Charity?
Will we be starting this roleplay anytime soon? I'm excited for it!

@Geek with Me
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@Geek with Me I'm afraid I'm going to be dropping out from this rp, as I can't seem to find any motivation to post, and my interest has dwindled.
Hello everyone! Actually, I do have a question, what is everyone's counterparts? Since some of us can have more than one counterparts.
"Meat is life! Meat is life!" I couldn't agree more.

@crucialstar I believe everyone only has one counterpart, at least for this RP. And they are the following:








But the vices and virtues themselves are closely connected anyway so *shrug*
@Mehitsuji AHH, thanks for telling me the counterparts! They really are closely related! <3. So, thank you for telling me.

But, omg, that made me really hungry
I was thinking about joining the rp and being Greed. Though I have just joined so I am not sure if I will be able to post links yet.

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