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Realistic or Modern The Selection

Redamancy said:
@Opalescence I edited Vivienne's part out. It was kind of a wreck between you posting before I saw, and being switched in assignment. It should be back up soon.
Ah, so sorry! We should've coordinated better haha c;
Opalescence said:
Ah, so sorry! We should've coordinated better haha c;
No worries ^^ Just as a heads up, it has cursing. I figured you'd be reading a lot of those posts, so I can add asterisks or limit it if you want.
Redamancy said:
No worries ^^ Just as a heads up, it has cursing. I figured you'd be reading a lot of those posts, so I can add asterisks or limit it if you want.
I can swear like a fucking sailor if I want in real life.

You be you, boo
labyrinthecho said:
Lolol if someone curses in our house it becomes gossip for days xDD
Oh, my parents are conservative Christian so when I go home to visit I can't curse in front of them without getting in trouble. I rent a room from my aunt and uncle who are also conservative Christians so I can't curse in front of them (plus they'll rat me out to my parents if I do). So I have to be selective about where I curse, haha!


loling so hard at Viv right now. NUMBAH ONE STUNNAH

Also, before I finish up my post for Kels, did she get officially accepted, or did I need to tweak her?
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Radiohead said:
GREAT I will accept no less than a perv
I'm on mobile, so post is.. short. I think I should edit it so Winnie can see

Opalescence said:
Oh, my parents are conservative Christian so when I go home to visit I can't curse in front of them without getting in trouble. I rent a room from my aunt and uncle who are also conservative Christians so I can't curse in front of them (plus they'll rat me out to my parents if I do). So I have to be selective about where I curse, haha!

loling so hard at Viv right now. NUMBAH ONE STUNNAH

Also, before I finish up my post for Kels, did she get officially accepted, or did I need to tweak her?
Ditto. Minus the rented apartment from aunt. And I choose not to curse. =v=

Hey anyone know where the assignments went? I lost who Alice was with
labyrinthecho said:
I'm on mobile, so post is.. short. I think I should edit it so Winnie can see
Ditto. Minus the rented apartment from aunt. And I choose not to curse. =v=

Hey anyone know where the assignments went? I lost who Alice was with
Writing my reply right now :)
I read the bottom of the post(mobiles make posts appear long and intimidating so I'll get to it in a bit) and when Todrick said that Winnie might be his future Queen I literally thought his future Queen. Like, his waifu. And I was like "Dang son already making a hot move?"
This is probably a really weird question but what is the Kings part in this, is it just to say he's the king and the princes father and he just randomly comes in and out of situations (Just asking so I get an idea for the first post)
labyrinthecho said:
I read the bottom of the post(mobiles make posts appear long and intimidating so I'll get to it in a bit) and when Todrick said that Winnie might be his future Queen I literally thought his future Queen. Like, his waifu. And I was like "Dang son already making a hot move?"
PERV. Actually I had the same thought in mind,that is why I wrote it like that.
Tsiwentiio said:
This is probably a really weird question but what is the Kings part in this, is it just to say he's the king and the princes father and he just randomly comes in and out of situations (Just asking so I get an idea for the first post)
The King's role is definitely more of a side character but he will meet with the girls after a bit and will do politics with his son and all that fun stuff and spend time with the queen
Tsiwentiio said:
This is probably a really weird question but what is the Kings part in this, is it just to say he's the king and the princes father and he just randomly comes in and out of situations (Just asking so I get an idea for the first post)
Hey, you're my dad. :)

I think you should come to Alex's room, we could totally have a cute family moment.
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labyrinthecho said:
I'm on mobile, so post is.. short. I think I should edit it so Winnie can see
Ditto. Minus the rented apartment from aunt. And I choose not to curse. =v=

Hey anyone know where the assignments went? I lost who Alice was with
I'm actually trying really hard not to curse. u.u

I never used to swear and then I got really bad when I was living in the dorms. And now I'm trying to clean up my mouth just a lil bit :>
labyrinthecho said:
Ohh, so he's actually flirting with her in his mind? Okay, that's chill.
How am I going to explain this...well,he isn't. Todrick is too professional for that,at least during the first meeting xD But me,the narrator,is certainly leaving a double meaning there MWAHAHA
Radiohead said:
How am I going to explain this...well,he isn't. Todrick is too professional for that,at least during the first meeting xD But me,the narrator,is certainly leaving a double meaning there MWAHAHA

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