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Fantasy The Secrets of the Thieves Guild CS


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Welcome everyone! Here's where you can put your CSes for my approval. Before posting make sure to familiarize yourself with the rules and check the CS info for anything you might need to know when creating a character in the world of Noven. Both links to their respective pages will be found below, now, let's get into it shall we?

(Face claim here (Optional))
Full Name Here
Skin/hair color: (Optional, If left blank, will be assumed to be the same as your face claim)
Written description: (Optional, though you must have either a face claim or a written description. This section can also be used for additional info not shown, or inaccurate in your face claim)

Personality: (Optional)
Allegiance: (Thief or Enforcer, you must be a member of one of these factions)
Likes: (Optional)
Dislikes: (Optional)

Proficiencies: (Things your character has recieved training in, ex: Proficiency with Longswords, Proficiency with Lockpicks, ect...)
Weaknesses: (Must add a weakness for every strength, all weaknesses must have some real mechanical drawback. For example: Weakness: "Arrogant" will not be accepted. Weakness: "Arrogant: Will never retreat in combat, no matter the odds." Will be happily accepted. )
Magic type: (This is the magic that your character specializes in, not the magic you have available to you. Your choices are Arcane, Divine, Soul or None)
Spells: (If you are an arcane mage, you may mark up to 2 of your spells as "Signature spells", these spells are the ones you can cast without the use of a spellbook.)

Divine Casters Only
Name of your divine:
Domain: (Their domain is the concept they embody. Remember simple concepts like "Life" or "Nature" will have more followers than more specific concepts like "Food and drink" or "Crafting". Also multiple gods can share a domain, but they don't always like to.)
Follower count: (Leave blank)
Tenets: (These are the strict beliefs that your deity expects you to follow to the letter, breaking these Tenets will result in divine punishment. Much like the weaknesses tab these tenets must have some real mechanical drawback, if not I will create tenets for you, and you will not like them.)

Rules: Secrets of the Thieves Guild Rules
World info: Secrets of the Thieves Guild Character Creation Info (WIP)
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Marie Catherine Ardent
Race: Half-Elf
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Height: 1.65m
Weight: 47kg
Skin/hair color: -
Written description: Along with the burn scarring on her face, her arms and torso also has burn scarring in some areas. She doesn't seem to mind them. Her ears are also slightly pointy due to her elf heritage.

Bubbly, cheerful, eccentric and a touch annoying. That's Marie in a nutshell, a cheerful sundae with plenty of nut topping. She sees her life as an adventure and lives each day with a kind of joy and optimism that's downright infectious at times. She finds great joy in tinkering with tools and gadgets, always striving to reach the same level as her beloved adoptive father, Professor Curio. She also has the same strong morale compass and sense of Justice as her late older brother and believe that everyone deserves a chance to change for the better.

Born the youngest child of a human adventurer, James Ardent and summer fae, Flora Solaire, Marie's early childhood was full of love and affection from her parents and siblings. To put it simply, they were a happy family. But about a month after Marie's 5th birthday, her father's rather murky past has caught up with him and forced him to leave for fear of his family's safety. Her mother didn't take this well and became emotionally dependent of her children. Luckily for her, she had a very dependable son who did all his could for his beloved mother and dearest younger sister. Adrian Philip Ardent was a brave and dependable sort of guy. The same kind with dreams of helping the city by joining the City Watch. Sadly, the city had other plans.

Marie was only 8 years old then when news came in that her brother gave his life in the line of duty. This shattered her poor Mother's psyche. The pain of losing her beloved son blinded her of the small child that still needed her. So she ended it all with a looped blanket around her neck. Naturally, young Marie didn't understand death. She wondered why her Mother wouldn't wake up or breath so she simply did what she could. To make her breath, she hooked up an air pump to her lungs. To make "her heart sing", she used a pair of jumper cables and a dynamo. Lastly, to warm up her deathly cold skin... She tried using a blanket. But when that didn't work, maybe she needed a touch more warmth...

Marie wasn't sure who saved her. She only remembered waking up in a comfy bed with a kindly lady from City Watch asking her some questions about a large roaring fire and if there was anyone else in the building. Alas, Marie was too shaken up to answer her questions and the arson case went cold. The next year of her life was spent in an orphanage. She was noted to be a distant and quiet child. A bit of a troublemaker, she would take tools from the building toolbox and use it to tinker with the shared toys. She even took apart the bird feeder and used the parts to make a small statue. Not to mention the time she disassembled the orphanage radio, much to the displeasure of the matron fae. In the end, her little inventions had drawn the attention of a very important visitor. A certain Professor Alvo Curio, a renowned genius and CEO of Curio Chemical & Steelworks. The man was impressed by Marie's hidden talent and adopted the girl.

Adapting to her new lifestyle was hard. Marie was rather distrustful of Professor Curio and would often shut herself in her room, only coming out when she lost to hunger or was curious of the constant noises coming from the lab in the basement. Professor Curio would try his best to make the girl warm up to him but after 11 months of futile attempts, came close to giving up. That was when he stumbled upon her hidden gadgets in her room. The work was shoddy and the gadgets don't work as intended but they showed potential. As he praised her handiwork, he finally saw it. The small bright smile that he was waiting for. Marie had finally accepted him as her new Father.

Fast forward 8 years and Marie had become rather famous in the scientific field. The young prodigy and future heir to Curio Chemical & Steelworks. But she didn't just dabble in science, she also focused on law and security. So it wasn't much of a surprise when she was one of the first people to sign up to be an Enforcers, a group dedicated to countering the infamous Thief Guild who are now running amok in New Albion. With her gadgets and her sense of Justice, she strives to make the city a better place. For all.

Allegiance: Enforcer, Heir to Curio Chemical & Steelworks

+ Tinkering
+ Automatons
+ Hugs
+ Warm blankets
- Cockroaches
- Fresh corpses (Bones are alright for her, oddly enough.)
- Neglectful/Abusive People
- Uncontrollable fires

- Proficiency in Gadgetry
- Proficiency in Marksmanship
- Proficiency in Alchemy

+ Determined: Nothing can drag Marie's morale down. Her adoptive Father taught her that life will gift those who try their hardest even in the face of multiple failures.

+ Strong Sense of Justice: Before, and even, after his death, Marie looked up to her brave brother who worked for the City Guard. He would often tell her that criminals are not always evil and that everyone deserved a chance.

+ Gadgetry Prodigy: Ever since a young age, Marie had an interest in gadgets and mechanisms. An interest her adoptive Father nurtured into a passion in hopes that she'll be a fine heir to his Company.

- Overconfidence: Her determination does make her cocky and overconfident in her abilities. If riled up enough, she'll stop thinking things through and might bring herself into harm's way.

- Naive Morals: The one thing her brother forgot to teach her before dying in the line of duty, to use her head when it comes to choices. Sometimes, the seemingly noble choice is the worst choice possible.

- Complexity Addict: Her gadgets, while interesting and work well when they do, tend to be over-complicated, prone to failures or downright failing with sometimes lethal drawbacks. This comes for her attempting to make it perfect in doing its job without giving much thought into secondary features such as failsafes.

Magic type: Soul
Trace - An observation spell, it allows the user to analyse objects and weapons and gain detailed information on it. Useful for repairing and troubleshooting.

Reinforcement - An odd and somewhat unique spell to Marie. She believes her prototypes are perfect and that belief both enhances and ensures the prototypes work perfectly in her hands. Only works 3 times.

- Basic Enforcer gear
- New Gadgets made by her as the RP goes on
- A new launcher pistol
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  • Devon Bradley

    Race: Human
    Gender: Male
    Age: 52
    Height: 6’2 | 188 cm
    Weight: 152lbs | 69 kg
    Allegiance: Proud Enforcer
    Alignment: Lawful neutral

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David Omaly
"Doctor Omaly"

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 41

Height: 5'11

Weight: 183 lbs

Skin/hair color: White skin, Dark brown hair

Written description:

Personality: Omaly is rather aloof and indifferent to... pretty much everything. Many would consider him to be cold but he is far from cruel. While it is very rare that the Doc goes out of his way to do an act of kindness, it does happen. Just....
Not often is all. The man is incredibly intellectual and will sometimes show wisdom beyond his 4 decades of life.

Besides this, nothing much can be said. David is practically a blank slate and he likes it that way.

Bio: David was something of an enigma at birth. Anyone could tell that the child was rather..... strange. Even before he could formulate words. He never cried or fussed or did anything that a normal baby would do. He was very well-behaved and never caused problems. Which was more than a shock to his parents and friends of the family. Even past infancy, childhood, and his teenage years, David's strange "behaviour" continued and only seemed to get worse. He was very silent and withdrawn from the world. David would not mingle with classmates, friends, and even family he maintained distance.

As strange as he was, David was unbearably intelligent. He would often correct his professors in their lessons which would get him kicked out often and labeled him as a problem student. Not that it bothered him any But because of this, he garnered a negative image in the eyes of... pretty much everyone.

So, the young genius decided to try and prove that meant well even if he couldn't show it. He journeyed into medicine to try and help others but he ran into an obstacle he could not overcome.


Empathy was simply not something the man was capable of. He may be more intelligent than any doctor in the world but if he could not empathize, then he couldnt join the field.

So, Doc Omaly took the next best step. He helped people like any doctor would.... just without a license. He quickly became renown as one of, if not the best, underground doctor that criminals go to. He wad eventually recruited by the thieves to patch up their men and bring some income to the guild whenever the scoundrels of the world needed to ger fixed up.

And so, the legacy of The Heartless Doctor began.

Allegiance: Thief

Likes: Smoking, hard liquor, medicine, the unknown, magical theory

Dislikes: Zealots, overly pushy nice people, pain, emotional patients

Proficiencies: Medicine
Magical Theory


Highly Intelligent- Self explanatory

Wise- David is wise well beyond his years and often imparts that vast wisdom and knowledge to others.

Precision- David is meticulously precise and accurate in every movement he makes. Coincidentally, that precision tranfers over to his aim with a rifle. He shoots with literal surgical precision.


Indifference- As much as it is a boon, it is also a weakness. David will never go out of his way to help someone in trouble. You have to be someone near and dear for him to even think about it.

Doctor, not fighter- David doesn't know how to fight.... He can throw a punch like anyone else but otherwise is incapable of any well-defined method of combat.

Over analysis- A byproduct of his high intelligence is the fact that David is not one to act quickly. He often takes a long time analyzing his choices, regardless of the situation. He has been in more than a few sticky situations where it was the time for action and not thought but he still managed to overthink things.

Magic type: None

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Name: Anya of the Dust Faeries
Race: Dust Faerie
Gender: Female
Age: 10
Height: 3’0”
Weight: 38 lbs.
Skin/hair color: Anya’s hair is as white as her skin and reaches far past her shoulders and almost to the floor. Like most faeries, she refuses to cut it and so it has grown rampantly like a vine over the years. She never puts it in braids or ponytails and lets it draped over her back and shoulders like a shawl. She combs it frequently and the vain side of her ends up decorating it with flowers and anything else that catches her eye. Her skin is smooth and is a milky white from the lack of sunlight. She gets sunburnt easily which is why she usually carries around giant leaves to act as an umbrella.
Written description: Like most of her kin she stands at the maximum height they can reach which is three feet. Her body is slender but does have underlying muscle formed from fighting. Her fingers are quite long and her nails are sharp but not enough to be considered claws. Scars are all over her body from fights and squabbles among her kin that have faded to nothing more than white tendrils. Her teeth are razor sharp which is a common sight among Dust faeries and can easily bite a hand off. Her wings resemble dry leaves and are a dark green color. Clothing isn’t a common thing among her kind and it’s nothing more than pure decency that she wears any sort of bottoms. She’ll tie any sort of material around her waist but that’s it and all she’s willing to do since she finds clothing to be unnecessary and uncomfortable.

Personality: Anya is an oddity and her personality despite her race is proof of that. She acts quite mellow and is actually quite intelligent behind that lidless gaze she eyes everyone with. She doesn’t have strong opinions about much unless the topic is food or clothing, but if she finds something to argue about you best prepare yourself. She’s not a logical thinker when approaching a disagreement and instead goes for the “If I yell it loud enough and snarl enough, my answer will be considered correct” approach. Her temper flares like a wildfire and she can become physical immediately, even if the other person hasn’t made any threats or advancements. She does feel guilty about this after she’s calmed down but can’t help it since it’s what helped her survive back home.

She enjoys learning new things which is what led her to the city in the first place and chooses certain people to accompany for long periods of time as they work. She’s a common sight in libraries where she’ll perch on the backs of chairs or on the table and read over shoulders. She picks up things pretty quickly thanks to this analyzing trait. She also watches people’s behaviors intently and often judges people before even getting to know their name.

She is manipulative and childish and has no problem using her charms to get what she wants. Once you give her an inch she will take it a mile and even then some. She likes finding people’s weak spots and building on them until she cracks them. She’s not necessarily evil, she just goes into a dissociative state and commits atrocities.
Bio: Anya and her twin were born in the last few days of summer and the larger sibling wasted no time killing and eating her sibling after a few days passed. Her parents didn't even have a spark of emotion when they came back to one gurgling baby with blood smeared on its mouth.
The girl didn't have a father growing up since family relations weren't a thing and he soon left after the children were born. Her mother fed her but that was about it and Anya stayed in the smaller cave that served as their home away from the fully grown faeries who would eat her with no hesitation. It was the most fundamental rule: kill or be killed. Anya was just as fierce as her kin but something always seemed to be tugging at her, making her feel like an outsider when she finally got big enough to leave her cave. She sat off to the sides and watched the other dust faeries go about their business. The underground caves were never quiet thanks to random fights always breaking out. She enjoyed slipping off outside but only at night thanks to a painful awakening from the sun's harsh rays who nearly burnt the faerie's vitamin d lacking skin. The only time the dust faeries went outside was during the night and only to hunt deer and other animals that they enjoyed the taste of far more than their soft-fleshed kin. The comfort of the night out in the open was far more appealing than that of the cave. The other faeries could tell she was an odd one but couldn't care enough to say anything since if they did she'd be more than happy to rip their throats. Anya's mother had already birthed three other children who didn't regard each other and it was a sign that Anya was officially on her own.

It took little motivation to set out and she took nothing with her. She had no idea about the real world and did whatever she liked. If she came across a farmer's home, she would shred one of his pigs to the bone and then set out on her way. She often went into people's homes and raided their pantries and had no idea what she was doing was considered a crime or even bad. People didn't take too well to what seemed to be a winged, naked child trying to eat their beloved family pet dog. She slowly found out the rules of the strange world outside her cave which took a lot of breakdowns and even a weird night in prison (that ended up with her getting bored by the cell and literally sliding through the cell bars and heading on her way).

Her magic came to her one night when she was followed by a few angry townspeople who had gotten sick of the small faerie who had been lingering in the town for a week and had already scared people from taverns and eaten all the flowers on a woman's stall and had tried to pay with a barstool from the tavern in her weak attempt at trade. They caught her off guard with pitchforks, torches, and even a sword or two. It happened rather unexpectedly and Anya was entirely unaccustomed to the fire and was cornered like a wild animal. The mob hesitated at the faerie who still looked like a frightened child despite her weird looks which gave her enough time to escape. Someone still fired a pistol and it found its mark as she flew off over the buildings. She made it to the town limit before landing far from gracefully, clutching her chest. Blood pooled from her chest and she laid there, a cold numbing sensation. She was scared of death and sad that she hadn't gotten very far like she wanted and had barely seen what laid beyond the cave she grew up in. She reached out in desperation, pleading for anything to help her. Her eyes were starting too close until everything seemed to freeze. There was a flapping sound and Anya’s focused on a rather large raven perching in front of her, it’s three beady eyes eying her.
‘You reach out towards forces and you don’t even know their full capabilities, child. You’re lucky I came instead of the others.” The bird didn’t open it’s beak as the voice that sounded like honey was dripping off of it seemed to be coming from the bird. Anya remained silent from unsureness and the bird continued.
“I can easily save you, but you will be indebted to me for the rest of your life and must obey my...reasonable requests here and there. Failure leads to rather extreme punishments but if you follow me faithfully you will live in paradise for all eternity after this mortal body dies.”

Anya has no hesitation, no fear at what this contract would bring. She felt warmth spread through her body and a new raw strength came to her as well. The bird vanished, leaving Anya with a new purpose.

Nyx was actually a reasonable goddess to follow and Anya didn’t mind dropping everything to go travel a week to a small town and kill someone for her or whatever the goddess wanted. She knew Nyx wasn’t an evil goddess, but people who worshipped darkness often were thought of as evil. Nyx liked describing her domain as a comfort, since not every animal thrived in the daylight. Still, there were always hidden horrors in the dark.

Anya soon arrived in New Albion and soon ran into the thieves guild after hearing some men and woman boasting about their loot outside a tavern. She followed them for a bit and soon was in their base. She quite literally followed them and demanded she be a part of the group. They saw she’d be of use to them and soon Anya found herself as an official member. It was just as fun as she thought despite the risks, but they were worth it in the end. She has no idea what she’ll do a couple years from now or where she’ll be, but for now she’s found a home.
Allegiance: Thief
-Trying new foods

-Small spaces

Proficiency in Stealth: Due to her lack of color she blends in backgrounds easily and can creep up on anyone. Her night-vision also helps and she prefers sneaking about in the dark because of this.
Proficiency in Lockpicking: Her heightened sense of hearing allows her to crack safes and she is used to opening locks without a hassle.
Proficiency in Agility: Her speed and grace in the air and on the ground makes her a very difficult target to hit. She think fast on her feet as well and has lightning fast reflexes.

-Quick reaction time
-Jumps into fights, etc without hesitation simply because she doesn’t fear death and has no fears.
-She’s an expert blackmailer because she can find out people’s secrets easily and doesn’t mind exposing them.

-She is prone to tantrums like a child but does a lot more damage than a toddler can.
-She often acts impulsively and some decisions have bad results from a bad call by herself.
-She often “claims” certain people at random moments for short periods of time and gets extremely jealous when the person even converses with others even though most of the time they’re not aware of Anya staking her claim on them. Anya gets stubborn and unwilling to listen if this happens which can affect her whole team. This too is caused by her young age and will probably only weaken but never fade.
Magic type: Divine
Shade: Anya puts an area in complete darkness that seems to swallow light itself. Her eyesight allows her to navigate around during the spell.
Inky Touch: She usually clamps her hands on your temples for this and after that, you go out like a light and it varies if you’ll wake up. The victim’s eyes go pure black and she can puppet you. If you have magic it will be hard for her to get you to use it but she can push you physically and doesn’t care if it is more than you can handle. Obviously those with stronger willpower against this kind of dominating magic will cause her to put more willpower into trying to control you which she hates and will leave you alone if it doesn’t work out the first time.
Shadow Leap: She can travel short distances through shadows. It’s a risk because she doesn’t know what lies beforehand before traveling somewhere.
Morph: The goddess Nyx loves all creatures of the night, and Anya can change her form into some of these animals. She can turn into a raven, cat, fox, or a moth. Each animal she turns into will always be black.

Name of your divine: Nyx
Domain: Darkness
Follower count: (Leave blank)
~Nyx often chooses targets that her followers must kill no matter what. She doesn’t say why but simply gives you a name and a location. There is no excuse to not obey her and even one decision to not carry out her will causes her to strip you of your powers.
~Nyx doesn’t have her followers openly recruit others to join her but she orders them to take control of priests and have them barricade themselves along with churchgoers and set the building on fire. Wherever the priest burns there is Nyx’s symbol left behind as a reminder that the light always destroys and her power rises from the ashes. Nyx only requires this every once in a while but failure to do so not only strips you of your power but immediately sends you to her Realm where you are forced to live with every bad thought and emotion and wander in rugged terrain with no end.
-Killing anyone unless the goddesses' specific targets are forbidden. She can injure others but not fatally wound.

Weapons/Armor: Anya arms herself with two porcupine quills that usually are a decoration in her hair until she gets angry and wastes no time embedding them in someone. They’re often overlooked but it’s the perfect weapon for a dust faerie. The only other weapon she has are her teeth which she’s surprisingly shy about showing to people unless she really wants to dismember you.
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Marida Alder
Race: Half-Elf
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Height: 1.72m
Weight: 64kg
Skin/hair color: Formerly raven haired, the strain of using high level Arcane magic too early in her life had bleached it blond.
Written description: -

Personality: (Optional)
Allegiance: Enforcer
Likes: (Optional)
Dislikes: (Optional)

-Proficient in Marksmanship
-Proficient in Longswords
-Proficient in Arcane Magic
-Trained in basic First Aid

Weaknesses: (Must add a weakness for every strength, all weaknesses must have some real mechanical drawback. For example: Weakness: "Arrogant" will not be accepted. Weakness: "Arrogant: Will never retreat in combat, no matter the odds." Will be happily accepted. )
Magic type: Arcane
-Sword Summon:
-Ethereal Sword Storm:
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the captain.jpg
Admiral Sebastian Morgan

  • Race: (former)Human-Undead
    Gender: Male
    Age: 145
    Height: 1.81 m
    Weight: 80kg
    Skin/hair color: see face claim
    Written description: see face claim

Master Grungir Thrain Bronzebeard the Third.
Race: Dwarf
Gender: Male
Age: 34
Height: 3'8"
Weight: 168 lb

Personality: (Optional)
Allegiance: Theif
Likes: (Optional)
Dislikes: (Optional)

Proficiencies: (Things your character has recieved training in, ex: Proficiency with Longswords, Proficiency with Lockpicks, ect...)
Weaknesses: (Must add a weakness for every strength, all weaknesses must have some real mechanical drawback. For example: Weakness: "Arrogant" will not be accepted. Weakness: "Arrogant: Will never retreat in combat, no matter the odds." Will be happily accepted. )
Magic type: (This is the magic that your character specializes in, not the magic you have available to you. Your choices are Arcane, Divine, Soul or None)
Spells: (If you are an arcane mage, you may mark up to 2 of your spells as "Signature spells", these spells are the ones you can cast without the use of a spellbook.)

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