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Realistic or Modern The Secret Life Of Teenagers...(OPEN)

GoldenCharizard4 said:
"fine fine..." she said, rubbing her swollen belly. she winced every so often.
Karie raised an eyebrow "You.. sure?..." she asked slowly, also rubbing Peach's stomach. @GoldenCharizard4
Ella just smiled as she had her hostipal ghoan on as she went into surgary putting into sleep as she sleep through most of it when she woke up she saw wanda" where sissy" she say having bandages on her right ear
He gets hit by the pillow 'I so sorry I'm not use to having people here I'm not a people person I just wanted to see if you were ok' Omg I totally so her naked no bad Dee-Dee just forgot what you saw she pregnant for crying out but her body was so nice STOP IT must forget he walks in the living room and sits there blushing in embarrassment

ROza just walked seeing him as she smiled hugging him as she was being cute" i'm hungry do you have ice cream i'm craving ice cream" she say cutesy
'Oh yeah sure what flavor do you want I have almost all kinds all must' he walks to the kitchen and opens of the freezer full of different flavors of ice cream 'I have a thing about Ice-cream I get overheated really easily' he clear his throat he don't want to talk about it

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GoldenCharizard4 said:
Peach Crawford

Peach sighed "i'm perfect-" she winces "perfectly fine." she says through gritted teeth
Karie shook her head "No your not.... what is it?..." she asked. @GoldenCharizard4
Ella woke up after a while as she sat up" wants see sissy" she say to wanda as she was trying to get off of the bed
GoldenCharizard4 said:
Peach Crawford

"don't worry about it my love..."peach says as she coughs again
Karie shook her head "I can't.. not until you tell me what's up." she said firmly, rubbing her own swollen belly. @GoldenCharizard4
Peach Crawford

"cat things alright?" she hissed "you may think it's twins but it-" she pops and her clothes fall, leaving the kitten again but the belly is even bigger on her this time. "oooooooh....." she moans as a cat. she layed on her back, paws up and she looked pitiful
GoldenCharizard4 said:
Peach Crawford

"cat things alright?" she hissed "you may think it's twins but it-" she pops and her clothes fall, leaving the kitten again but the belly is even bigger on her this time. "oooooooh....." she moans as a cat. she layed on her back, paws up and she looked pitiful
Karie nodded, sighing, she picked Peach, putting her on her lap before rubbing her stomach soothingly. @GoldenCharizard4
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Peach Crawford

Peach purrs and squirms a bit to get comfortable as tiny paws kick at times. her tail curls in delight as well "never stop..."she tells karie in her head
GoldenCharizard4 said:
Peach Crawford

Peach purrs and squirms a bit to get comfortable as tiny paws kick at times. her tail curls in delight as well "never stop..."she tells karie in her head
Karie giggled and continued to rub Peach's stomach "That feels good, huh?..." she asked smiling. @GoldenCharizard4
Kendell walk back to the room as she rested up she couldn't remove the bandages from her ear" sissy" she say weakly
Peach was too tired to move as she was thrown forcefully out of the room. she knew karie had seen it before she blacked out. she landed on her paws heavily and coughed. "you dick! I have kits on fucking board!" she spat as she sat by the door.
GoldenCharizard4 said:
Peach was too tired to move as she was thrown forcefully out of the room. she knew karie had seen it before she blacked out. she landed on her paws heavily and coughed. "you dick! I have kits on fucking board!" she spat as she sat by the door.
Karie lay still on the bed, the doctors re-attatched the breathing mask before exiting the room. @GoldenCharizard4
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Peach slipped in, her belly fur making a swish swish sound on the floor as her belly swung back and forth. she looked up and sighed "not getting up there without help" she mewed sadly
GoldenCharizard4 said:
Peach looked up and in karie's mind she yelled "WAKE THE HELL UP AND PET ME PLEASE!" in the real world she just meowed regularly
Karie's eyes slowly opened at Peach's voice, she tried to lift a hand but all it did was shake before falling off the bed and hanging on the side, low enough for Peach to reach. @GoldenCharizard4

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