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Realistic or Modern The Secret Life Of Teenagers...(OPEN)


(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧crying over fictional lesbians (╥︣﹏᷅╥)

Winter break had just started at Missions High School. {Main female character} and her boyfriend, {Main male character} had planned to spend the time from straight after school, until curfew together at his house. Which they did. From 4PM until 9PM they sat watching movies and joking around, eating junk food and having fun.

They felt invincible, like nothing could pull them apart.

9 o'clock came and {Main female character} had to leave so she could make it back home by her 10 o'clock curfew with plenty of time. {Main male character} insisted on driving her home, but she adamantly refused. His own curfew was only 9:30, and his parents would be angry if he were to leave and come back late. So, she walked home.

She never expected to be picked up and pulled into a van, undressed and forced to do horrid things while everyone around her laughed.

She was dumped off on a street corner about ten blocks from her house. The street lamps flickered, her body cold and trembling despite the torn bits of her clothing they'd put back on her. She trudges back home, making it almost an hour late, but everyone in her house was already asleep, so.. No one knew.

Slowly she started distancing herself from her boyfriend. Calls and texts started to get ignored, she had her parents tell him she was sick when he'd come over, and she even completely ignored him when Christmas came around. She was devastated...

Four weeks passed and winter break ended. Though technically they were still together, {Main female character} and {Main male character} hadn't spoken in that time.

They start back to school and everything seems just a bit different... He tries to reconnect with her, but she still distances herself. She'd begun feeling sick lately and much to her own dismay decides to go get a pregnancy test after school. She takes it, and it turns out positive. One, two, three more she buys and takes, and the result is the same each time.

Little did she know there was a couple kids from school at the same drug store where she was, and they'd witnessed her rapid purchases of pregnancy tests. However, instead of harassing her, {Friend(s)} sort of bonded with her; helped her come to her senses. They helped her to figure out how to finally open up to {Main male character} and tell him what really happened.

Winter break had just started at Missions High School. {Main female character} and her boyfriend, {Main male character} had planned to spend the time from straight after school, until curfew together at his house. Which they did. From 4PM until 9PM they sat watching movies and joking around, eating junk food and having fun.

They felt invincible, like nothing could pull them apart.

9 o'clock came and {Main female character} had to leave so she could make it back home by her 10 o'clock curfew with plenty of time. {Main male character} insisted on driving her home, but she adamantly refused. His own curfew was only 9:30, and his parents would be angry if he were to leave and come back late. So, she walked home.

She never expected to be picked up and pulled into a van, undressed and forced to do horrid things while everyone around her laughed.

She was dumped off on a street corner about ten blocks from her house. The street lamps flickered, her body cold and trembling despite the torn bits of her clothing they'd put back on her. She trudges back home, making it almost an hour late, but everyone in her house was already asleep, so.. No one knew.

Slowly she started distancing herself from her boyfriend. Calls and texts started to get ignored, she had her parents tell him she was sick when he'd come over, and she even completely ignored him when Christmas came around. She was devastated...

Four weeks passed and winter break ended. Though technically they were still together, {Main female character} and {Main male character} hadn't spoken in that time.

They start back to school and everything seems just a bit different... He tries to reconnect with her, but she still distances herself. She'd begun feeling sick lately and much to her own dismay decides to go get a pregnancy test after school. She takes it, and it turns out positive. One, two, three more she buys and takes, and the result is the same each time.

Little did she know there was a couple kids from school at the same drug store where she was, and they'd witnessed her rapid purchases of pregnancy tests.

Story credit to: @Firetail606
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Anna woke up on a normal day, still alone in her double bed. 'Today is the day that i find a lover' Anna thought to herself. She got online to a teen dating site and made a profile.
Karie sat on the Pharmacy floor pathetically, her male school uniform an short, blonde hair sticking out like a sore thumb in the small, moderately busy shop. Surrounding her were about five packets of pregnancy tests "wh-what the?....this...this can't be!" she muttered under her breath as her eyes widened at the multiple positive signs. @Anyone
Kendell was at the store as she was looking to buy some bandages for her wrists she hurt herself her ssiter don't know just she hasn't really told anyone she saw her sister and ducked hoping she didn't see her" where that bandages" she thought out loud hoping her sis won't know she's here @TheHappyPikachu
Zeldafangirl said:
Kendell was at the store as she was looking to buy some bandages for her wrists she hurt herself her ssiter don't know just she hasn't really told anyone she saw her sister and ducked hoping she didn't see her" where that bandages" she thought out loud hoping her sis won't know she's here @TheHappyPikachu
Karie thought she heard something briefly but was too distracted by her imminent surroundings to react "but-... I haven't!" she mumbled.
Kendell pulled down her sleeves she always wears a hoodie as she walked up to her sister" yo" she say as she smiled trying to hide the bandages in her hands as she smiled
'Oh Wait, gotta test myself every month' Anna said walking into her crappy apartment bathroom and taking a pregnancy test. She waited to see that little minus sign, but instead say a little positive sign. "How can this be, i haven't even done it with anybody!" Anna said loudly
KristineluvsCookies said:
'Oh Wait, gotta test myself every month' Anna said walking into her crappy apartment bathroom and taking a pregnancy test. She waited to see that little minus sign, but instead say a little positive sign. "How can this be, i haven't even done it with anybody!" Anna said loudly
(Test urself every month... That's what periods are for! Jkjk)
Spotine said:
(Test urself every month... That's what periods are for! Jkjk)
( xD so true!!!!!)


KristineluvsCookies said:
(this is for @KristineluvsCookies @Zeldafangirl and @TheHappyPikachu
Dear girls,

We have recently made a club of girls who are 16 and pregnant, and we would like you to join.




(grwbgi377bt84bo78 ????????????????.... I'm 13 and I have a strange obsession with it. but in real life I have a legitiment phobia.)


Zeldafangirl said:
Kendell pulled down her sleeves she always wears a hoodie as she walked up to her sister" yo" she say as she smiled trying to hide the bandages in her hands as she smiled
Karie glanced up quickly "S-sis!? hi!!! what.... what are you... doing here?!?" she stuttered, extremely unusual for her as she frantically tried to hide the pregnancy tests. @Zeldafangirl
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Kendell looked at her" nothing just getting stuff mom" she lied she was a horrible lier as she faked smiled to her" and little sis wanted candy" she lied
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Zeldafangirl said:
Kendell looked at her" nothing just getting stuff mom" she lied she was a horrible lier as she faked smiled to her" and little sis wanted candy" she lied
Karie nodded, too distracted by her own situation to notice the lies "y-yeah! potatoes? that's nice!" she said blushing a deep red and starting to sweat a bit despite turning pale. @Zeldafangirl
Kendell bent down" whats wrong" she say as she smiled looking at her" did something happened" she asked
Zeldafangirl said:
Kendell bent down" whats wrong" she say as she smiled looking at her" did something happened" she asked
Karie shook her head "n-no! nothing!!!?" she said frantically waving her hands around in a dismissive way and not taking notice of the pregnancy test in her hand clearly marked positive. @Zeldafangirl
Kendell saw the pregency test" your pregnant" she say' mom is going to kill her' she thought as she saw some of the bullies as she hide behind her sister
Spotine said:
(Test urself every month... That's what periods are for! Jkjk)
(please...please no... lets not start this again!! xD Kotaru's 'lesson' xD .... *sigh*)


Zeldafangirl said:
Kendell saw the pregency test" your pregnant" she say' mom is going to kill her' she thought as she saw some of the bullies as she hide behind her sister
Karie froze "I-..." she started before also noticing the bullies "heh, what's a tough guy like you doing in a pharmacy store?..." the bullies asked before noticing both the tests and her sister "oh... I see.... you got your sister pregnant so you guys came to check." they smirked, No one really knew that Karie wasn't a boy.... "y-you man idiots! course I didn't!?" Karie yelled back before taking a step forward with her fist raised, scaring them off.... for the time being at least before flopping back down with tears rolling down her cheeks "just kill me now...ether that or mum'll do it..." she mumbled. @Zeldafangirl @Anyone
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Kendell sighed" i keep the secret i have a secret to" she say as she covered her mouth' me and my big mouth" she say to her hugging her sister
Zeldafangirl said:
Kendell sighed" i keep the secret i have a secret to" she say as she covered her mouth' me and my big mouth" she say to her hugging her sister
Karie got up and started wiping her eyes "what am I going to do!? I can't keep pretending I'm a boy if I get all pregnant looking..." she muttered "b-but... I don't wanna... kill it." she almost whispered. @Zeldafangirl
Kendell looked at her sister as she smiled" come on lets get ice cream i way to cheer up you won't have to kill it" she say smiling to her
Zeldafangirl said:
Kendell looked at her sister as she smiled" come on lets get ice cream i way to cheer up you won't have to kill it" she say smiling to her
Karie nodded "but..the only time I could have-...was when..." her eyes widened as she covered her mouth. @Zeldafangirl
Kendell saw her mum she forgot she left her sister alone she face palm herself she gets her ear pulled" hi mum" she say trying to smile to her
Zeldafangirl said:
Kendell saw her mum she forgot she left her sister alone she face palm herself she gets her ear pulled" hi mum" she say trying to smile to her
Karie quickly comes out of the shop and spots her mum, gulping "H-hi mum! I just-" she started before getting her ear pulled as well "I'm sorry! i had to go check!-" she suddenly covered her mouth and turned increasingly pale. @Zeldafangirl
Kendell dropped the bandages" ow ow ow ow that hurts" she say as she was getting dragged away from the store she hated getting her ear pulled her mum pulls hard

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